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S T R O S E O F L I M A C A T H O L I C P A R I S H - C H U L A V I S T A bulletin issue: July 4, 2010 Independence day Mass Times Saturday: 5:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. (Español) Sunday: 7:00 a.m., 8:30 a.m. 10:00 am. (sign language interpreted), 11:30 a.m. 1:15 p.m. (Español) 5:00 p.m. daily: 6:15 a.m. & 8:00 a.m. thursday: 6:30 p.m. (Español) saturday: 7:30 am. Fr. John P. Dolan, Pastor Fr. Jacob Bertrand, Associate Pastor Deacons: Charlie Frice; Greg Smyth; Gerardo Marquez Sisters: Joan King, OSB; Patricia Weldon, OSF Sister Dolores Social Outreach Trudy Balestreri (619) 427-7637 School Principal Maria Tollefson (619) 422-1121 Baptisms, Weddings, Funerals Parish Office (619) 427-0230 what’s inside Religious Education Elementary Level Jr. High / High School Confirmation Sister Patricia Weldon OSF (619) 426-6717 Hispanic / Deaf Ministry Deacon Gerardo Márquez (619) 427-0230 pastor’s message..................................................2 catholic cousins in u.s. history............3 SCHOOL NEWS.....................................................4 Stewardship & IT Joseph Advento (619) 427-0230 Capital Campaign (619) 427-0230 Parish Administration Patti Favela (619) 427-0230 Office Hours: Monday: 1:30 pm - 6:00 pm Tuesday to Friday: 8:30 am - 6:00 pm (closed for lunch: 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm) Misa Guadalupana dia 12 de cada mes - 6:30 pm (excepto sab. & dom.) Eucharistic Adoration Fridays in pastoral center chapel: 8:30 A.M. - 6:00 P.M. reconciliation saturday: 8:00 a.m. (or by appointment) @ visit our website WWW.STROSECV.COM 293 H Street, Chula Vista, CA 91910 phone: (619) 427-0230 fax: (619) 427-5786 Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 4, 2010 1st Reading: Isaiah 66:10-14c 2nd Reading: Galatians 6:14-18 Gospel: Luke 10:1-12, 17-20 PASTOR’S MESSAGE Dear Friends, Happy 4th of July! On this Day of Independence, we give thanks to God for our freedom. Freedom comes in many forms, but the greatest of all freedoms is found in God. As we honor the men and women who fought for our rights, let us remember who gave us these rights in the first place. The Mobile Health Clinic is an outreach of the San Diego Health & Faith Alliance and St. Vincent de Paul Village Family Health Center, a clinic located within Father Joe’s Villages. It is an extension of the Alliance’s mission to provide health care services free of charge to those who have no other access to care by taking these services into communities where they are most needed. Services are provided by healthcare professional trainees from San Diego educational institutions, under the supervision of their faculty members. God Bless America! Tomorrow, the office will be closed and we will only have one mass at 9:00 am. Enjoy your week! Father John RACHEL’S HOPE After Abortion Healing Retreat July 16 & July 30 After Abortion Healing Retreat for Catholic Women (or Catholic Friendly) given by Rachel’s Hope on July 9-11, 2010. The retreat is professionally led, and it is held at The Diocesan Pastoral Center, 3888 Paducah Drive, San Diego. Closing Mass is included. Group Size is limited. The cost for the retreat is $45; however, scholarships are available. Confidentiality is always maintained. Limited housing available. For more information/registration call Rosemary Benefield 858-581-3022, Visit us on our updated website: Appointments are recommended and should be made witht he clinic at: (619) 971-3800 Sponsored by the Diocese of San Diego Check out our video: The Village Mobile Health Clinic will be here this month on: about the front cover FOLLOW US ON Twitter & Facebook Go to: 2 This 1890 painting, by Arthur Trumbull is found in the Capitol Rotunda in Washington, DC. Contrary to popular opinion, idoes not depict the signing of the Declaration of Independence, but rather the drafting of the declaration. Charles Carroll (facing 10 o’clock), the only Catholic to sign the Declaration was also the last surviving signer. More on Charles Carroll can be found on the next page. St. Rose of Lima Church catholic cousins who helped shape america Among the many who played key roles in the creation of the United States of America, few were Catholics. Due to the overwhelming Catholic bigotry in America at the time, only a few Catholics are still given recognition as “Founding Fathers.” Chief among them are Charles Carroll, the only Catholic signer of the Declaration of Independence and his cousin John Carroll, who became America’s first Catholic bishop. ONE NATION “UNDER GOD” Charles Carroll (1737-1832) was among the wealthiest colonists whose property - 10,000 acre Carrollton estate - is mentioned in the Declaration of Independence. At the time he signed the Declaration, it was against the law for a Catholic to hold public office or to vote. Catholics could no longer hold office, exercise the franchise, educate their children in their faith, or worship in public. With the Declaration of Independence, a great deal of these restrictions were removed. Carroll later bevame a senator in both Maryland and the United States. Carroll was greatly acclaimed in later life, and he outlived all the other signers of the Declaration. In 1776, Charles accompanied Benjamin Franklin, Samuel Chase, and his cousin Fr. John Carroll (January 8, 1735 – December 3, 1815) on a mission to Canada which was unsuccessful in winning Canada over to the American side in the Revolution. Father Carroll journeyed back to Philadelphia, caring for an ailing Benjamin Franklin who remembered his kindness and recommended the priest to the Vatican for bishop. John Carroll, became the first Roman Catholic bishop and archbishop in the United States — serving as the ordinary of the Archdiocese of Baltimore. He is also the founder of Georgetown University, the oldest Catholic university in the United States. Charles Carroll (1737-1832) John Carroll (1737-1815) Only Catholic to Sign the Declaration of Independence First Bishop and Archbishop in the United States of America St. Rose of Lima Church The Pledge of Allegiance of the United States is an oath of loyalty to the national flag and the republic of the United States of America, originally composed by Francis Bellamy, a Baptist minister, in 1892. The pledge has been edited four times. The current version reads: I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. The words, “Under God,” were inserted by Louis A. Bowman of the Sons of the American Revolution back in 1948. Later, the Knights of Columbus inserted the same words and made it their official pledge before their meetings. The Knights, among others, were instrumental in persuading the U.S. Congress to officially include “under God,” and, after some time, a law was passed in Congress and signed by President Eisenhower on June 14, 1954 to include the contested words . Attempts have been made to remove “Under God,” by those who have appealed to an interpretation of “Separation of Church and State.” However, on March 11th, 2010, the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit upheld the words “under God” in the Pledge of Allegiance in the case of Newdow vs Rio Linda Union School District. The appellate court ruled that the words were of a “ceremonial and patriotic nature” and did not constitute an establishment of religion. 3 Steubenville San Diego 2010 “The Word Became Flesh” A Catholic Conference for High School Youth San Diego Diego State University July 23-25, 2010 Stuebenville San Diego is an amazing gathering of Catholic teens at SDSU. Join over 4,000 teens and youth leaders for a weekend of fun, friendship and faith. There is great music, incredible speakers, time for prayer, and good food. Best of all you will really celebrate Mass and have an amazing time. Don’t miss one of the best weekends in your life! When: July 23 - 25, 2010 Where: San Diego State U. Who: All High School Teens, graduating 8th grade through seniors Cost: $185 Cost includes food, room and tickets to the program. For more information, call Julie Gabbard 482-7776 4 SCHOOL NEWS Become a special patron of the new DeFlores Educational Complex by helping with the soft costs of the new building. You can help equip the classrooms by covering the cost of an item listed below. A special fund has been created to cover these soft costs. All donors will be recognized by name plates mounted on the item or on a plaque to be displayed in the new building. Below is a list and cost of items still needed for the new rooms... - bulletin boards (3 per classroom) $80 each - teacher desk (9) $200 each - teacher desk chair (9) $70 each - wooden bookcase (9) $150 each - pre-school table (8) $130 each - resting mats (40) $30 each - storage trolley for mats (2) $120 each - play center (2) $175 each - painting easels (4) $50 each As always, your continued generous support of our education programs is greatly appreciated. School will re-open for the 2010-2011 school year on Tuesday, September 7. The school office now located in the De Flores Center. School office hours in the summer are from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. The new address for the school is 278B Alvarado Street, Chula Vista, CA 91910. The school phone and fax numbers will remain the same (phone 619-422-1121 and fax 619-422-8007). The “Daniel’s Den” Pre-School is still accepting applications for the 2010-2011 school year. Children applying for preschool must be three or four years old by September 1, 2010. The SRL Pre-School will be on a traditional schedule (September to June) with two sessions, half-day mornings (8:30 - 11:30 a.m.) or a full-day session (8:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.) Monday through Friday. An earlier arrival time (6:30 - 8:30 a.m.) and after school extended care (3:00 - 6:00 p.m.) will be available for an additional fee. For more information, please call the school office at 422-1121. The St. Rose of Lima School has openings in the following grades for the next school year. Grade 2 (2), Grade 4 (4), Grade 5 (2), Grade 6 (4) and Grade 8 (3) If interested,please call the school office. Those wishing to register are asked to visit the school office at the De Flores Center. St. Rose of Lima Church OTHER NEWS Adult Ed with a Rabbi Continues Santa Sophia Catholic Church hosts a new class: "The Judaism Jesus Believed and Practiced" taught by Rabbi Michael Mayersohn. Learn about Jesus' observance of Passover, his ritual life and the faith he inherited from his family as Rabbi Michael helps Christians understand the 1^st century Jewish perspective. Thu, Jul 15, 22, and 29 from 7:00 to 9:00 pm in the DeMoor Room. Cost is $35.00 which is due at the first class. 9800 San Juan St, Spring Valley CA. Prayer Quilt Workshop Because of the July 4th holiday, the Prayers and Squares workshop will not meet on July 5. Our next workshop will be on July 19. We meet in the Conference room of the Church office from 1:30 to 4:00 on the first and third Monday of each month. You are welcome to join the group to work on the prayer quilts - please join us! For more information please call Margaret Peters at (619)4201986. To request a quilt for someone who has asked for prayers please contact Sr. Joan King at (619)427-0230. MAMA DEE GALA “Hearts of Gold” 8th Annual Sr. Dolores Benefit Gala Mark your calendars and save the date! Everyone is invited to the 8th Annual Sister Dolores Benefit Gala which will be held on Saturday December 4th at the Loews Coronado Bay Resort. The “Hearts of Gold” gala will be held in honor of Mr. John Johnson, Mrs. Joyce Kelley and Father Chuck Fuld for their outstanding dedication and service to our St. Rose of Lima community. Invitations will follow in September. Seating is limited and reservations are required. For more information contact Trudy Balestreri in the Social Outreach Office at 427-7637. St. Rose of Lima Church LEGION OF MARY Become a member Come join your fellow parishioners in spreading the good news of our Catholic faith. We are trying to organize the Legion of Mary in our parish and would like to invite those who are willing to become a member. Please call Christine at 619-422-4643 or Lerma at 619397-4279 if you are interested. We will announce the date, time & place of our organizational meeting at a later date. Mozart, Minuets & Mass Starting this Fall, parishioners Omar Firestone and Jorge Soto (Maestros of the Orquesta de Baja California) will offer beginning classes in Violin, Viola and Cello, two days a week after school. This new 24-month program for Kindergarteners & 1st/2ndgraders will teach the discipline of a practice regimen leading to basic mastery of a string instrument and participation in the St. Rose Youth Chamber Orchestra. Participants will also learn the rudiments of music theory and have the opportunity to participate in Sunday Mass, and perform for special Church events and in the community. Parents of highly-motivated students should contact the school’s office or the religious education office for a brochure and to arrange an interview appointment. 5 grand opening of the de flores center FEAST OF ST. ROSE OF LIMA SATURDAY, AUGUST 28 BISHOP ROBERT H. BROM WILL PRESIDE AT A MASS IN HONOR OF ST. ROSE OF LIMA AT 5PM FOLLOWED BY A BLESSING AND LIGHT RECEPTION AT THE DE FLORES CENTER ROSE BANQUET SUNDAY, AUGUST 29, 6PM DE FLORES CENTER HONORING FOUNDERS IN OUR COMMUNITY COST: $60 PER PERSON ONLY 300 TICKETS WILL BE SOLD (reserve on-line at or fill out the form below and return it to our parish office) Reservation Ticket Form Name: __________________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________ Phone: _______________________________________ E-mail address: ________________________ Are you reserving a table? (Table of 8) Yes No If not, how many? _______ Please choose your dish: (Put how many dish based on the number in your party) _____ Beef / ____ Chicken (i.e. for table of 8 you can put 4 beef /4 chicken) 6 St. Rose of Lima Church August 10th August 11th August 12th August 13th August 14th August 15th August 16th August 17th August 18th August 19th August 20th August 21st August 22nd August 23rd August 24th St. Rose of Lima Young Adults 18-35 yrs WORLD YOUTH DAY Depart LAX Arrive Paris, and visit Notre Dame Pray at the shrine of the Miraculous Medal, and St. Catherine Laboure, catacombs,and Eiffel Tower Trip to Lourdes and the Grotto of Our Lady Bathe in the sacred waters of Lourdes, and walk in the footsteps of St. Bernadette Begin the journey to Madrid, stopping Zaragoza to spend some time in prayer at the Basilica del Pilar World Youth Day begins this afternoon with Mass Catechesis and WYD venues Catechesis and Papal Welcome Catechesis and Stations of the Cross Pilgrimage Walk and Vigil with Holy Father Papal Mass and announcement of the next WYD Transfer to Barcelona, and the Cathedral de la Santa Creu Visit the gothic quarter including the Sagrada Familia Church, free time to explore Return to LAX WYD Pilgrimage with simple lodging…………….……….…………........ $1899 France Pilgrimage with budget lodging (based on 25-40 pax)…………..... $ 945 Barcelona Pilgrimage with budget lodging (based on 15-24 pax)..……...... $ 485 Airline taxes and fees (estimated)…………………………………………. $ 300 WYD registration fees (estimated at this time)…….……………………… $ 300 Estimated Total $3,929 Payment Schedule (Est. Per Person) Cancellation fees Jun 15, 2010 $400 $400 after June 15, 2010 Sep 15, 2010 $1100 $600 after September 15, 2010 Dec 15, 2010 $1100 $600 + 100% of airfare after December 15, 2010 Apr 15, 2011 $1329* No Refunds available after April 15, 2011 Total Package Includes: Youth in Europe WYD pilgrimage guide, Round trip airfare from LAX, airport taxes and fees, simple lodging during WYD, budget lodging on pre/post WYD pilgrimages, WYD transportation in Madrid, private and public transportation on pre/post WYD pilgrimages, entrance fees, price for France pilgrimage based on combining with another group, airport transfers, WYD registration fees, a Magnificat prayer book for each pilgrim, prices based on official exchange rates published on May 6, 2010 (1 euro = $1.26 USD). Interested pilgrims or questions, contact Jennifer Andrade 619-947-3449 St. Rose of Lima Church 7 Decimocuarto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Mensaje del PÁrroco Queridos Amigos: 4 de julio de 2010 1era Lectura: Isaías 66:10-14c 2nda Lectura: Gálatas 6:14-18 Evangelio: Lucas 10:1-12, 17-20 GRUPO DE ORACIÓN Nuestra Misión: Interceder y orar por nuestra comunidad, nuestros sacerdotes, diáconos, grupos, ministerios y por nuestras familias. Nuestro objetivo principal, bajo el poder del espíritu santo, es de evangelizar y ayudar a cualquier persona, según sea su voluntad, a tener un encuentro personal con Dios. Tenemos actividades todos los jueves, pláticas y retiros espirituales. Las actividades del mes de julio son las siguientes: Julio 1: Rosario - Santa Misa - Hora Santa - Oraciones de Sanación con el Diácono Gerardo Márquez. Julio 8: Rosario - Santa Misa - Hora Santa - Oraciones de Sanación con el Diácono Gerardo Márquez. Julio 15: Rosario - Santa Misa - Hora Santa - Oraciones de Sanación con el PADRE ANDRÉS ARANGO DE PHOENIX AZ. Julio 22: Rosario - Santa Misa - Hora Santa Oraciones de Sanación con el Diácono Gerardo Márquez. Julio 29: Rosario - Santa Misa - Hora Santa - Oraciones de Sanación - Renovación Católica de San Diego. Info: Rodolfo Álvarez 619-213-3559 8 ¡Felíz 4 de julio! En este Día de la Independencia, demos gracias a Dios por nuestra libertad. La libertad viene en muchas formas, pero la libertad más grande de todas las libertades es encontrar a Dios. Así como honramos a los hombres y mujeres que pelearon por nuestros derechos, recordemos al que nos dio estos derechos desde un principio. ¡Tengan una buena semana! Padre Juan Ayuda a Birthline Birthline es un centro de ayuda para el embarazo que ayuda a las madres, mujeres embarazadas y a sus bebés. Nuestro Comité del Evangelio de la Vida tendrá una caja en la parte posterior de la iglesia para que puedan depositar sus donaciones de ropa de bebé, ropa de maternidad, botellas de bebé, fórmula de bebé y pañales. Si pueden donar algo de su tiempo entre semana durante las mañanas, favor de llamar al (619) 425-5012. ¡Gracias por ayudar a los necesitados! REFLEXIONES BÍBLICAS En esta vida para poder tener éxito y prosperar, tanto moralmente y económicamente, debemos educarnos y prepararnos. ¿Qué tal para poder tener éxito espiritualmente? ¿! Te gustaría acompañarnos para reflexionar y prepararte a entender mejor “LA PALABRA DEL SENOR!? Acompáñanos todos los martes a las 7 PM en el salón de música. ¡El Señor te espera! Información: José/Josefina Mancilla 619-426-2186 St. Rose of Lima Church ¿Qué dice la Iglesia Católica sobre la Inmigración? ¿Es ilegal para la Iglesia Católica apoyar la inmigración? Los Obispos católicos no condonan la entrada ilegal o el rompimiento de las leyes de inmigración de nuestra nación. Los Obispos creen que se necesitan reformas para que el sistema de inmigración de nuestra nación responda a las realidades de familias separadas y a las demandas de trabajo que obligan a muchas personas a emigrar a los Estados Unidos, ya sea de una manera autorizada o no. La economía de nuestra nación demanda la mano de obra extranjera; sin embargo, no hay visas suficientes para satisfacer esa demanda. Familiares cercanos de ciudadanos de los Estados Unidos y de residentes permanentes legales enfrentan separaciones irrazonablemente largas, algunas veces veinte años o más, debido a atrasos de visas disponibles. Las leyes y políticas de inmigración de los Estados Unidos necesitan ser puestas al día para reflejar esas realidades. BENDICIÓN DEL DE FLORES CENTER SÁBADO 28 DE AGOSTO OBISPO ROBERT H. BROM CELEBRANTE DE LA SANTA MISA EN HONOR A SANTA ROSA DE LIMA A LAS 5PM BENDICIÓN Y RECEPCIÓN DESPUÉS EN EL NUEVO DE FLORES CENTER ¿Apoya la Iglesia Católica la “amnistía”? La “amnistía”, como se entiende comunmente, implica un perdón y una recompensa para aquéllos que no obedecieron las leyes de inmigración, creando injusticias para quienes esperan una entrada legal. Los Obispos católicos apoyan una legalización ganada para aquéllos que están en este país en un estatus no autorizado, que satisfacen requisitos razonables y son admisibles por lo demás. Por varios años, los Obispos han apoyado la discusión de AgJOBS, legislación federal que ayudaría a los trabajadores agrícolas a trabajar en la industria de la agricultura. Permitiéndole ganar la legalización a trabajadores con experiencia en los campos --que permanecerán en la agricultura de tres a cinco años más-- ayudará a los agricultures a cosechar los productos destinados para nuestros hogares. ¿Por qué se interesa la Iglesia en las normas de inmigración? Históricamente, la Iglesia Católica ha mantenido un gran interés en la inmigración y en cómo la política pública afecta a los inmigrantes que buscan una nueva vida en los Estados Unidos. Basada en las enseñanzas de las Escritura y en las enseñanzas sociales católicas, así como en su propia experiencia como una Iglesia inmigrante en los Estados Unidos, la Iglesia Católica está obligada a levantar su voz en nombre de aquéllos que están marginados y cuyos derechos dados por Dios no son respetados. St. Rose of Lima Church ¡CELEBRA CON NOSOTROS! BANQUETE DE LA ROSA: $60 POR PERSONA (SOLO HAY 300 BOLETOS) PARA RESERVAR LUGAR: VISITA WWW.STROSECV.COM HAZ CLICK EN “PARISH CALENDAR” 9