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Whiting/Robertsdale Faith Community Page 2 March 29, 2015 WORSHIP AND SPIRITUALITY PALM SUNDAY THE JOURNEY BEGINS The hard truth about journeys is that they demand that we embrace the unknown. We may embark with high hopes – accepting a marriage proposal or new job – or with dread – the diagnosis is an inoperable and metastasized cancer – but we actually know very little about what will be demanded of us along the way, let alone what the outcome will be. The difficult thing for us about Holy Week is that we think we do know all about the journey that Jesus and his disciples make from Palm Sunday to Easter. We believe we know how that journey ends, at least we’ve heard the story many times. So why go through yet another round of Holy Week liturgies? To experience a meaningful Holy Week requires a great leap, not only of faith, but of imagination. We are asked to suspend our belief in the scientific method, which replicates experiments in order to replicate results. Our goal is different, we go through the familiar readings and rituals, but we’re hoping that something new will emerge from those ancient stories. We are seeking something more, but in order to find it we must begin by seeking something less, the humble but thorough joy of children. On Palm Sunday we stand with the glad crowds who welcomed Jesus into Jerusalem, marveling that our ordinary day has turned extraordinary, with a homegrown parade and singing and dancing in the streets. Even if we can barely recall the joyful faith of our youth, we might recall the wonder of what the author of “Amazing Grace calls, “the hour I first believed.” We will need all the certainty of that faith, for our Palm Sunday readings quickly bring us to the heart of suffering. The Gospel takes us into Gethsemane, where Jesus is betrayed and arrested to his condemnation and death. Palm Sunday reminds us that our world can turn on a dime. This is the journey of Holy Week, this is the journey of our lives. As we begin our Holy Week journey with Jesus, may we better understand his sacrificial love for us, and more willingly embrace all the sacrifices that his love calls us to bear. Taken from Kathleen Norris’s reflections on Palm Sunday in “God For Us” PASTORAL STAFF AND MINISTRIES Rev. William O’Donnell, C.PP.S., Pastor Rev. Kevin Scalf, C.PP.S., Associate Rev. Jerome Stack, C.PP.S. Deacon Joseph Manchak ADULT FAITH ENRICHMENT .......... Margaret Saliga (219) 659-4138 BAPTISMAL PREPARATION ............... Diane Puplava (219) 473-7557 BULLETIN ...........................................Carol Bender (219) 659-0023 FAITH FORMATION/RCIA ................. Diane Puplava (219) 473-7557 HISPANIC MINISTRY .............................. Nora Perez (219) 659-0023 MARRIAGE PREPARATION ..................................... (219) 659-0023 ST. JOHN SCHOOL..... David Wilson, Acting Principal (219) 659-3042 ST. VINCENT DE PAUL............................................. (219) 659-1073 YOUTH MINISTRY ............................ Jamie Sandona (219) 659-0023 Monday, March 30, Monday of Holy Week Is 42:1-7; Jn 12:1-11 7:00 am †Geraldine Sciacero (SJB) Tuesday, March 31, Tuesday of Holy Week Is 49”1-6; Jn 13:21-33, 36-38 7:00 am †Ann Peters (SJB) Wednesday, April 1, Wednesday of Holy Week Is 50:4-9a; Mt 26:14-25 7:00 am †Augustine M. Brenkus (SJB) Thursday, April 2, Holy Thursday Ex 12:1-8, 11-14; Cor 11:23-26; Jn 13:1-15 7:00 am 7:00 pm 8:00 pm Triduum Morning Prayer (SJB & SH-Spanish) Holy Thursday Liturgy (SH-Spanish) Holy Thursday Liturgy (SJB) Friday, April 3, Good Friday Jer 20:10-13; Jn 10:31-42 7:00 am 1:30 pm 7:00 pm Triduum Morning Prayer (SJB & SH-Spanish) Good Friday Liturgy (SJB) Good Friday Liturgy (SH-Spanish) Saturday, April 4, Holy Saturday Gn 1:1-2:2; Gn 22:1-18; Ex 14:15-15:1; Is 54:5-14; Is 55:1-11; Bar 3:915, 32-4:4; Ex 36:16-17a, 18-28; Rom 6:3-11; Mk 16:1-7 7:00 am 8:00 pm 8:30 pm Triduum Morning Prayer (SJB & SH-Spanish) Easter Vigil Mass (SH-Spanish) Whiting/Robertsdale Catholic Community Easter Vigil Mass (SJB) Whiting/Robertsdale Catholic Community Sunday, April 5, Easter Sunday Acts10:34a, 37-43; Col 3:1-4; Jn 20:1-9 8:00 am 10:30 am 10:30 am Whiting/Robertsdale Catholic Community (SJB) Whiting/Robertsdale Catholic Community (SH-Spanish) Whiting/Robertsdale Catholic Community (SJB) DIVINE MERCY “Father, forgive them for they do not know what they are doing.” (Luke 23:34) Jesus died on the cross not only praying for his executioners but for each of us as well. Similarly St. Stephen at his death prayed, “Father do not hold this sin against them.” St. Peter (Acts 3:17) says to the people, “Yet I know, my brothers, that you acted out of ignorance.” St. Paul, who had been transformed by Jesus, urged the early Christians, “Be kind to one another, compassionate and mutually forgiving, just as God has forgiven you in Christ.” Eph. 4:32) This is the good news of Divine Mercy. When we find it hard to reach out in loving forgiveness to others, who have harmed us; when we cannot seem to forgive them from the depths of our being, perhaps we should revisist Calvary, and listen to the blasphemy, insults, and hatred hurled at Jesus, while he hangs helpless on the deathbed of a cross. Above the gloating and terrible taunts, hear his voice, loud and clear, “Father forgive them; they do not know what they are doing.” There is no sin too great for his divine mercy. Let us remember and be grateful that he dies for you and for me, showing us the merciful way. Whiting/Robertsdale Faith Community Page 3 Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion SACRIFICIAL GIVING PRAYER REQUSTS Immaculate Conception……………………………………...………$594.00 Sacred Heart………………………………………………………….......$1,386.54 St. Adalbert……………………………………………..………………..$1,106.00 St. John the Baptist Weekly…………………………………………………………………….......$8,027.47 High School………………………………………………………………….……$11.00 Grade School……………………………………………………………….…..$28.50 Total……………………………………………………………………….….….$8,066,97 Please remember in your prayers all the homebound, all those who are in hospitals, adult foster care homes, those who are ill and those with ongoing health issues. Please remember those we have been asked to pray for: Elaine Badnarik, Virginia Banas, Mary Bayus, Bernice Bercik, Richard Bobos, Mary Boyle, Melissa Bradley, Isabel Briones, Ray Buell, Jerry Burke, Thomas Castillo, Betty Chidalek, Magdalena Chirinos, Dorothy Chovan, Doris Cinotto, Abigail Coates, Rebecca Coates, Nancy Coleman, Marie Dado, Jason Delgado, Gloria Demeter, Joan Druskis, John Durkovich, Irene Dvorscak, Alice Escamilla, Jeanine Faulkner, Art Fortener, Joseph Fortunak, Jr., Charles Gawlik, Andrea Gaynor, Julie Geffert, Joseph Gerba, George Grenchik, Florence Gresko, Michael and Aidan Harkenrider, Tom Hashu, Nicole Hipp, Laura Holman, Len Hoyda, Marianne Hruskocy, Peggy Hyde, Tom Janiga, Bernice Johnson, Edy Johnson, Mark Jurek, Ann Marie Kaminsky, Gloria A. Kaminsky, Rosemary & Richard Kaminsky, Gerry Kasarda, Ann Klochan, Cathy Kobe, Randal Koch, Janet Kompier, Barbara Jean Korba, Margaret Korba, Ann Kovach, Steve Kovacik, Ann Kovar, Ann Kraly, Nathan Kras, Laura Kresich, Abigail Krieger, Tom Kusbel, Sarah Lampa, Lenore Lazur, Leslie LeClaire, Aaron Mercer, Edward Machniewicz, Catherine Marnan, Jane Mika, Janet Moran, Judy Muryzn, Bryce Nowakowski, Jennifer O’Donnell, Collette Ormes, Charles Pantoga, Sarah Penrose, Joan Peters, Shirley Pierce, Nancy Pieters-Mayfield, Judith Pitlik, Joyce Pardinek, Caitlan Pawlowski, Tom Puplava, Kathleen Radloff, Frank Ratkay, Al Renda, Aloma Robinson, Mary Rost, Ed Roszkowski, Marian Rovito, Joyce Rybicki, Andrea Salazar, Millie Saliga, Dave Sikes, Grace Simko, Catherine Smutniak, Nick Speziale, Jack Strisko, Nancy Teles, James Toth, Richard Tumidalsky, Katelyn Valencia, Adina Vargas, Marge Vrlik, Marianne Zemen. March 22, 2015 CATHOLIC RELIEF SERVICES CLUSTER COLLECTION $2,867.00 PRESENCE, LOVE AND LIFE It happens, only one week out of the entire year. It is the Holiest Week of the Year. Jesus made these days holy by His suffering, death and resurrection and by giving us three unique and personal gifts; His Presence, His love and His Life. On Holy Thursday Jesus gave us His PRESENCE. He made good on His frequent promise that He would always be with us. He would never leave us orphans, His presence is personal and intimate: “Whatever you do to one another you do to me.” We serve Him present in others as He serves us. Along with identifying with us, Jesus gave another gift, one beyond human comprehension: the EUCHARIST! “Take and eat for this is my Body, take and drink for this is my Blood.” Who could have imagined such a spectacular gift! Jesus’ presence in the form of bread and wine! And He assured us of His continued presence in the Eucharist by ordaining priests with the divine power to consecrate the bread and wine at every Mass—a gift that keeps on giving. On Good Friday, Jesus shared His gift of infinite LOVE. He loved us so much He gave himself up to be crucified. In that very act of dying He stretched out his arms on the altar of the cross and embraced the entire world with His undying love. Jesus rose from the dead early Sunday morning to present us with a third gift, LIFE. By His death and resurrection He shares the greatest of gifts. His divine life! The celebration begins reflectively in the darkness of Holy Saturday night’s Vigil and with an explosion of light and Alleluias which leads us into the joy of Easter Sunday. He is risen! Praise and thanksgiving to our gift-giving Savior! It is the holiest week of the year. With grateful hearts we thank Jesus for His PRESENCE, His LOVE, and His LIFE. SAVE THE DATE Lake County Right To Life will be holding their annual banquet on Friday, April 10th, from 7-9:00 pm at Avalon Manor, 3550 US Hwy 30, in Merrillville, IN. The guest speaker will be The Radiance Foundation’s Ryan Bomberger. Call 219-838-1138 for questions or reservations. REST IN PEACE Mary Ann Segvich Dolores Jakov IF YOU KNOW OF ANYONE WHOSE NAME SHOULD BE REMOVED FROM EITHER OF OUR PRAYER LISTS, PLEASE NOTIFY THE RECTORY. Please continue to pray for all the service men and women who are currently serving in the military, especially: Matt Barbetta, Sean Bowman, Cristina Campos, Christina Campra, Sean Coleman, Larry Gazafy, Matthew Geffert, John Gervais, Gerardo Gonzalez, James Grunhard Jr., Alex Gonzalo Hernandez, Elliot Hlavaty, Matthew Hlavaty, Justin Jansky, Thomas M. Kaminsky, Keith Kennedy, Jeff Klobucar, Jason Koscielski, Jeffery Koval, Mark Koval, Joe Lush, Walter Malenki, Benjamin Mann, Randall McAllister, Mike McCay, Hugh A. McNinch, Philip Mlynarski, Derek Monks, David Novotney, Zack O’Drobinak, Nicholas Okamura, Justus Oliver, Mark Opachan, Nicholas Orbik, Michael Ortiz, Kenneth Petkunas, Thomas Puplava Jr., Robert Rodriguez, Eric Schaufele, Elliott Schultz, Natalie Serna, John Starzyk Jr, Alex Supergan, Jason Sutton, Stephen Taylor, Jeffrey Thormeyer, Christopher Trojnar, Samuel Valdyke, Ryan Walker, Ray Walsh. Whiting/Robertsdale Faith Community Page 4 FOREVER BLUE AND GOLD NAMES During the St. John All School Mass last Friday several St. John people were awarded Monetary Learning Grants from St. John’s Alumni Association: FOREVER BLUE AND GOLD. The awards will enhance student development at St. John School. Third Grade teacher, Jennifer Toth, received a grant to purchase a large dry erase board, baskets and a book shelf that will be used in her guided reading program. Eighth Grade teacher, Rachel Markase, earned a grant to engage Tommyhawk from the Chicago Black Hawks to present “Teamwork” or “Leadership” to the entire student body. Principal, Dr. David Wilson, obtained a grant to establish the BRING UP GRADES (BUG) Program Kit from Kiwanis International. The program is intended to motivate students to bring up at least one grade at the quarter mark without allowing any other grades to drop. These educators are to be complemented on their efforts to enhance student development at St. John School! It is always great to hear about a successful St. John graduate! Philip Potempa from the Times, featured a story about Bob Chapek, a 1973 graduate form St. John School who was recently named chairman of WALT DISNEY Parks and Resorts. Congratulations Bob! The greatest name of all will be remembered this HOLY WEEK. May JESUS’ Passion, Death and Resurrection bring you closer to the ultimate Love of OUR LORD! PHYRE MINISTRY March 29, 2015 EASTER FOOD DRIVE Just a reminder that our Easter food drive for those in need from our cluster parishes is today, Palm Sunday. Food items can be dropped off at St. John Church. We have 30 families in need. Please be generous! ANNUAL GOOD FRIDAY INTERDENOMINATIONAL PRAYER SERVICE You are invited to join with the many religious denominations of our W/R faith community for an hour of prayer from 12:00 - 1:00 p.m. on Friday, April 3rd. This year’s service will be hosted by St. Adalbert Church, 2124 Indianapolis Blvd. Prayerful song, Sacred Scripture, and an inspiring message of God’s abundant love, poured out for us through Jesus’ death and resurrection, will bless our noontime gathering. The Community Choir under the direction of Mr. Brian Marciniak will offer pre-service music at 11:45 a.m. Those wishing to sing with the choir should arrive at the church at 11:00 a.m. for a brief rehearsal. Everyone is most welcome. Questions: call 659-4138. PRESCHOOL REGISTRATION Registrations are being taken for Preschool classes at St. John School. Children must be three years old by August 1st to attend the PreK3 class, or four years old by August 1st to attend the PreK-4 class. For information, please call the school office, 659-3042, or come in to fill out the registration form. Classes are filled on a first-come-first-served basis. To register please bring: the child’s original birth certificate, Baptismal certificate (if applicable), and immunization record. There is a $50.00 non-refundable registration fee. Children will have fun learning in a safe, friendly and enriching environment. LIVING STATIONS OF THE CROSS PHYRE Ministry will once again lead the Living Stations of the Cross prayer service for our parish community on Good Friday, April 3rd at 7:00 pm at St. John Church. All are welcome. Attention!!! If your children would like to participate in the Living Stations of the Cross prayer service, please come join us. Practice schedule is below. Help is also needed from Virtus compliant adults to assist with chaperoning, set up, lights and costume. We will be meeting for practice in the Youth Room in the basement of the Church (Benedict Hall) at the times listed below. STATIONS PRACTICE: Wednesdays March 18, 25 and April 1 from 3-4:30 pm Sunday, March 29 from 12:30–4:00 pm Good Friday, April 3, from 3-9:00 pm (Prayer service begins at 7:00 and should end by 9; we then clean up and go home). If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Jamie Sandona at 219-616-5341. EXPERIENCE MEDJUGORJE JUNE 8-17 Experience a heart-changing pilgrimage to Medjugorje this summer. For more than 30 years visionaries have seen Our Lady daily in Medjugorje, where she is giving messages to pray, fast and return to God to obtain world peace. Climb Mt. Krizevac (Cross Mountain) and Apparition Hill where Our Lady first appeared. Experience peace through Adoration, daily mass, and the rosary. In addition, priests and visionaries often give inspiring talks on the sacred church grounds. $2,550 includes airfare, two daily meals and accommodations. Call Joan Krilich for more information at 773375-9694. WHO AM I? Born in the forest of Lebanon back in 62 B.C., I thrived and grew to manhood. I witnessed much history in that period, but in my aging years, something new evolved. The population wore a new look because of a Christ—a promised Messiah. A memorable day was when he sat next to me and whispered worried thoughts about Jerusalem. I bent in agreement. Many times he and his men passed my way, and again rested at my feet after a long day’s journey from the mountain. One day he told Peter off for doubting and questioning. At my feet he raised Lazarus from death and cured a leper. The joy of those two families! All this in my presence. Who was the Man? I learned later, through hear-say that he was the Christ - a promised Redeemer, whom the world awaited. He so often spoke in parables about trees, about good and bad ones, and how the bad are destroyed by fire. That one hit home, since I was born in Lebanon, the land of cedar. Then one day he passed me riding a donkey. Flocks of admirers accompanied him waving palms and shouting “Hosanna.” That week, on Friday, again I saw Him hanged in ignominy upon a cross. Some crowds jeered and His men were nowhere seen. Clouds filled and swelled and sent rains never before seen or felt. Thunder roared and lightening flashed at my limbs. But now, neither could harm me, for my limbs held the body of the Christ. You see, I was selected as the noble tree to be the rood for the Christ. Whiting/Robertsdale Faith Community Page 5 Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion HOLY WEEK LITURGY SCHEDULE AT SACRED HEART (SPANISH): Triduum Morning Prayer in Spanish: April 2, Holy Thursday - 7 AM April 3, Good Friday - 7 AM April 4, Holy Saturday - 7 AM COMMUNITY CALENDAR Sunday, March 29 9:00 am Faith Formation—Middle School (SH) 10:30 am Children’s Liturgy of the Word (SJB) 10:30 am Children’s Liturgy of the Word (SH) 1:00 pm Stations of the Cross (SA) Good Friday—Living Way of the Cross—6 PM Monday, March 30 7:00 pm Spanish Bible Study (SH Sacristy) 7:00 pm Communal Penance Service (SJB) Good Friday Liturgy - 7 PM Tuesday, March 31 Holy Saturday Easter Vigil Mass - 8 PM Wednesday, April 1 6-7:30 pm Faith Formation Gr. 1-6 (SH) 7:00 pm Series on Catholicism (Spanish) (SH Church) Holy Thursday Liturgy - 7 PM Easter Sunday Mass - 10:30 AM HOLY WEEK SCHEDULE AT ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST: Morning Mass at 7 AM: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday (March 30, 31 & April 1) (Confessions to follow) Triduum Morning Prayer: April 2, Holy Thursday - 7 AM April 3, Good Friday - 7 AM April 4, Holy Saturday - 7 AM Holy Thursday Liturgy - 8 PM; Adoration after Liturgy from 9:1510:15 PM Good Friday Liturgy - 1:30 PM Good Friday - Stations of the Cross by Youth Ministry - 7 PM Holy Saturday Easter Vigil Mass - 8:30 PM Easter Sunday Masses - 8 AM & 10:30 AM Good Friday Inter-denominational Prayer Service - 12 Noon at St. Adalbert (Pre-service music begins at 11:45 AM) Blessing of Easter Baskets at St. John -- Holy Saturday - 1 PM Thursday, April 2 7:00 am Morning Prayer (SJB & SH-Spanish) 9:00 am NO RCIA (SJB) 10:00 am Chrism Mass (Holy Angels Cathedral-Gary) 8:00 pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper (SJB) 9:15-10:15 pm Adoration (SJB) Friday, April 3 7:00 am 12:00 pm 1:30 pm 6:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm Morning Prayer (SJB & SH-Spanish) Interdenominational Prayer Service (SA) Good Friday Liturgy – Celebration of the Lord’s Passion (SJB) Living Stations of the Cross (SH-Spanish) Good Friday Liturgy (SH-Spanish) Living Stations of the Cross (SJB) Saturday, April 4 7:00 am Morning Prayer (SJB & SH-Spanish) 1:00 pm Easter Basket Blessing (SJB & SA) 8:00 pm Holy Saturday Easter Vigil (SH-Spanish) 8:30 pm Holy Saturday Easter Vigil (SJB) Sunday, April 5 9:00 am NO Faith Formation—Middle School (SH) 10:30 am Children’s Liturgy of the Word (SJB) 10:30 am Children’s Liturgy of the Word (SH) Blessing of Easter Baskets at St. Adalbert—Holy Saturday—1 PM MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER Are you looking to put Christ in your marriage? Deepen your communication, rekindle your romance and renew your sacrament by attending the next Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekend on April 17-19, 2015 or June 12-14, 2015 or August 7-9, 2015, all at Elk Grove Village, IL. Early registration is highly recommended. For reservations/information, call Jim & Kris at 630-577-0778. BISHOP NOLL CLASS OF 1965 REUNION Bishop Noll Institute, Class of 1965, is planning their 50th Reunion the weekend of May 29-31, 2015. All members of this class are encouraged to attend. There are about 40 classmates who are still missing, and the committee would love to find them. BECOME A PROVIDENCE ASSOCIATE Could you benefit from spiritual renewal, a sense of mission, an intentional community, mentorship and more? Would you like to help carry out the legacy of Saint Mother Theodore Guerin? The Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary of the Woods, Indiana, would like to invite you to consider becoming a Providence Associate. Applications for the coming year are being accepted until June 30. You can learn more at or contact Debbie Dillow at 317-250-3294 or to request an application. If you are a member of the Class of ‘65, please contact Elaine Engle Bielefeld at 219-696-1805 or email to SPONSOR OF THE WEEK MATTHEW D. CONSTRUCTION 1017 119th Street 219-805-3752 ST. JOHN CATERING & BANQUET FACILITIES ~ Call Carol Vargo at (219)-659-3041 ~ For information on our wonderful menu & banquet facilities. Comunidad Catolica De Whiting-Robertsdale Page 6 29 de Marzo, 2015 ANUNCIOS DOMINICALES ¡Anuncios Para El Boletín! Si usted desea clasificar un anuncio en el boletín (en español) pueden enviarlo vía e-mail a Ó también puede llamar al teléfono 659-0023 o al TEL. 219 – 484-6917. Estos anuncios deben de entregarse los Lunes NO más tarde de las 9:00 am. Por favor especifique las fechas en que le gustaría que su anuncio sea publicado. SEMANA SANTA 2015 SERVICIO DE CONFESIONES (Inglés y Español): Lunes, 30 de Marzo 7:00 p.m. Iglesia San. Juan B. TRIDUO PASCUAL JUEVES SANTO: 2 de Abril ~ Oración de la Mañana: Iglesia del Sagrado Corazón 7:00 a.m. Misa de la Cena del Señor: Sagrado Corazón 7:00 p.m. (Español) Inmediatamente después de la Liturgia, Adoración al Santísimo hasta las 9:30 pm. VIERNES SANTO: 3 de Abril ~ Oración de la Mañana: Sagrado Corazón 7:00 am. (Español) Viacrucis (Español) viviente: Sagrado Corazón: 6:00 p.m. Celebración de la Pasión del Señor: Sagrado Corazón 7:00 p.m. (Español) SÁBADO SANTO 4 de Abril ~ Oración de la Mañana: Sagrado Corazón 7:00 a.m.(Español) No habrá recitación del Santo Rosario. Vigilia Pascual: Sagrado Corazón: 8:00 p.m. DOMINGO DE RESURECCION: Horario Regular de Misa (10:30 a.m.) SERVICIO DE ORACIÓN INTERDENOMINACIONAL El Viernes Santo (3 de Abril) será el servicio de oración a las 12:00 del mediodía en la Iglesia de San Adalberto, ubicada en 2124 Indianapolis Blvd. Hermanos y Hermanas en Cristo de la comunidad Católica de Whiting-Robertsdale los invitamos a unirnos en oración y meditar en el sufrimiento y muerte de Jesús. INSCRIPCIONES DE PRE-KÍNDER La escuela Católica de San Juan B. tiene inscripciones abiertas para Pre-Kínder. Los niños/as deben de tener 3 años cumplidos para el 1ro de Agosto para empezar las clases de Pre-K-3 y 4 años cumplidos para el 1ro de Agosto para las clases de Pre-K-4. Los niños deben de estar ya entrenados para ir al baño sin necesidad de ayuda. Para más información, por favor comuníquese a la oficina de la escuela al TEL. 659-3042 ó también puede ir a la escuela para llenar la solicitud. El costo es de $50.00 por inscripción y se requiere el certificado de nacimiento (original), certificado de bautizo, (si la tiene), y la cartilla de vacunación. Los niños/ as se divertirán aprendiendo en un ambiente seguro y amigable. DIVINA MISERICORDIA El Papa Juan Pablo II, tanto en su vida personal como en sus enseñanzas, se esforzó a vivir el mensaje de la Divina Misericordia. En sus escritos y homilías, Nuestro Santo Papa Juan Pablo II describió la Divina Misericordia como la respuesta a los problemas del mundo y al tercer milenio. El Papa Juan Pablo II, canonizó a Santa Faustina el 30 de Abril en el año 2000. Entonces él declaró que el Domingo después de Resurrección es la Fiesta de la Divina Misericordia. La Iglesia de San Juan Bautista celebrará el Domingo de la con una hora de adoración al Santísimo el Domingo 12 de Abril a las 3:00 pm. Se le invita a rezar la Novena de la Divina Misericordia en su casa la cual dará inicio el Viernes Santo. Experiencia en MEDJUGORJE: 8-17 Junio Es hora de experimentar un cambio de corazón peregrino a Medjugorje en este verano. Por más de 30 años visionarios han tenido la oportunidad de ver a Nuestra Madre María en donde ella ha dado mensajes de rezar, ayunar y regresar a Dios para obtener la paz del mundo. En la montaña Krizevac en donde Nuestra Señora se apareció por primera vez. Se podrá experimentar un momento de paz a través de Adoración, Misa diaria, y el santo Rosario. Además, habrá sacerdotes y visionarios dando platicas inspiradoras en el primer piso de la Iglesia. El costo del Viaje es de $2,550.00 incluyendo el viaje, 2 comidas al día, y hospedaje. Para mas información favor de comunicarse con Joan Krilich al TEL: 773-375-9694. Domingo de Ramos Hambre De Una Cosecha Sana Seguimos a Jesús esta semana en nuestro camino cuaresmal al entrar a Jerusalén, una comunidad que conocía bien, Plato de Arroz de CRS nos pide, también, entra en oración en nuestras comunidades, para encontrar a los que tienen hambre y sed, que necesitan nuestra ayuda. ¿Como nos motiva nuestra jornada de Cuaresma a servir a los que encontramos en nuestra vida diaria? Comunión/Visita al Hospital Si usted conoce alguna persona enferma ó que tiene un impedimento para asistir a Misa y le gustaría que se le lleve la Santa Comunión a su casa o usted tiene algún familiar en el hospital y le gustaría que el Padre vaya a visitarlo, por favor llame a las oficinas de las parroquias de nuestra comunidad de Whiting-Robertsdale al 219-659-0023, 219659-0733, en español comuníquese con Nora Perez al TEL. 219-484-6917. Como pertenecer a la Iglesia del Sagrado Corazón Si usted no está registrado en nuestra Parroquia y le gustaría ser miembro del la Iglesia del Sagrado Corazón, puede llamar al TEL. 219-659-0023 o 219–484-6917. Si usted está registrado pero NO está recibiendo los sobres, por favor comuníquese con Nora Pérez al teléfono ya mencionado. Si en su familia viven jóvenes que ya cumplieron sus 18 años de edad, es esencial que ellos llenen una forma como miembro de la Iglesia por separado. Confesiones son escuchadas en español de 9:45 a 10:15 am. Todos los Domingos antes de la Misa de 10:30 am.