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Sacred Heart-Guadalupe Parish Sagrado Corazón-Guadalupe Our Lady of Guadalupe Shrine 2544 Madison, K.C. MO. 64108 816-599-7242 816-842-6146 Santuario Guadalupano 901 Avenida Cesar Chavez, K.C. MO. 64108 Mass SCHEDULE Sacred Heart-Guadalupe Church English Mass- Sundays 9:00 a.m. Misa en Español - Domingos 11:00 am, Miércoles 7:00 pm y Jueves 8:00 pm Our Lady of Guadalupe Shrine English Mass - Thursdays 9:00 am and Saturdays 4:00 pm with Confessions before Hora Santa y Confesiones Miércoles 6: 00pm en Sagrado Corazon PALM SUNDAY DOMINGO DE RAMOS 816-599-7242 816-842-6146 2544 Madison Ave. Ramona Ext 21 Araceli Ext 22 Fr Darvin Ext 23 K.C. MO. 64108 South Entrance of The Church FAX 816-394-9702 PARISH STAFF 816-842-6146 Fr. Darvin Salazar, *Pastor Araceli Bernardino, *Administrative Assistant Ramona Arroyo, *DRE *Sacrament Coordinator, *Our Lady of Guadalupe Shrine Association Junifer Valenti DIOCESAN Ombudsman 816-812-2500 Mary Bultman, MA,PLPC Victim Advocate Travel with Fr. Darvin to Holy Land & Greece Trip Where: Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Galilee, Thessaloniki, Kalambaka, Phillippi, Kavala Delphi, Corinth, Athens, Piraeus, Mykonos, Kusadasi (Turkey), Ephesus (Turkey), Patmos, Santorini Trip Dates: Jun 13-27, 2016 Cost: $4,999.00 Aifare and All-Included. To register, please contact (855) 842-8001 or (508)340-9370 You can also register online: Mass Intentions-Intenciones Para Las Misas March 19th 2016 to March 27th 2016 March 19th Saturday 4:00 pm † Joe Fierro Health of Karen Jenkins March 20th Sunday 9:00 am † Albert R. Tinoco Jr † Ruben Orozco Sr. † Angelina Tinoco 11:00 am † Jose Luis Aguilera † David Zavala March 21st Monday 7:00 pm Holy mass at Sacred Heart/Santa Misa Sagrado Corazón March 22nd Tuesday 7:00 pm Holy mass at Sacred Heart/Santa Misa Sagrado Corazón 23rd Wednesday 7:00 pm † Jesús Aguilera † Camila & † Nazario March 24th Holy Thursday 5:00 pm Holy mass at The Shrine 8:00 pm Santa misa en Sagrado Corazón March 25th Holy Friday /Viernes Santo 7:00 pm Adoration of The Holy Cross at Sacred Heart Adoración de La Santa Cruz en Sagrado Corazón. March 26th Holy Saturday / Sábado Santo 7:00 pm Sacred Heart Church/ Sagrado Corazón March 27th Easter Sunday/ Domingo de Resurección 9:00 am † Michael Martinez, † Rafael Zamora 11:00 am † Martina Sanchez Your Gift to God & The Parish Su Regalo para Dios y La Parroquia Wednesday March 9th to Sunday March 13th 3/9/2016 7:00pm $167.00 3/12/2016 4:00 pm $233.00 3/13/2016 9:00 am $ 840.00 3/13/2016 11:00 am $ 1,603 Shrine : $785 Easter Flowers $25 Utilities $ 81.00 Catholic Relief Services $5 Outstanding Parish Debt from the past $ 158,855.27 NOTE FOR CONTRIBUTIONS: to The Shrine: Please make your checks payable to: Our Lady of Guadalupe Shrine. For Sacred Heart make your checks payable to: “Sacred Heartt-Guadalupe Church” THANK YOU ALL FOR FOR YOUR GENEROSITY Sacred Heart-Guadalupe Church SPRING DANCE April 9th 2016 Sacred Heart Hall 814 W 26th KC MO 64108 From7:00 pm -descanso 11:00 pm Dales Señor el eterno Admission $20 For Adults Youth $ 10 Children under 12 FREE Steele Road Band Beer NO OUTSIDE Soda and food will be sold COOLERS If you would like to register Registration forms are available. We are one Parish, Forms are in the back tables of both Churches Regístrese en nuestra Parroquia Tenemos Formas de Registro en la mesa a la entrada. Ambas Iglesias, Sagrado Corazón y el Santuario de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe somos: Una sola Parroquia. BAPTISM CLASSES Every 3rd Wedensday in The SH Church Hall at 6:00 PM, please call to The office in advance to get registered in the class. PLATICAS PREBAUTISMALES Cada 3er Miércoles en el Salón Parroquial a las 6:00 PM, por favor llame a la oficina con anticipación y registrarse para la clase. Esquina Del Pastor Pastor’s Corner JESUS SE OLVIDO DE SI MISMO DOMINGO DE RAMOS ‘ PALM SUNDAY PROCESSION “Why are you doing this?” “The Master needs it!” All of Jesus’emptying out enabled him to become a human being so that human beings might become like God. Tested in the garden of Gethsemane and on the cross, Jesus lives the truth with God-filled determination—he set his face like flint. Do we act with conviction, too? “¿Por qué lo desean? El Señor lo necesita”. Todo lo que hizo Jesús, lo hizo para hacerse humano y para que nosotros también pudiéramos ser como Dios. En Getsemaní y en la Cruz recibió la prueba. Y Jesús vive la verdad con la determinación que Dios le dio. Tú, ¿conduces tus actos con esa misma fe y determinación? Text, Bryan Cones © 2007 OCP. All rights reserved. Texto: Philip J. Sandstrom, STD © 1998, OCP. Derechos reservados. PALM SUNDAY Mission Statement MARCH 20/2016 Sacred Heart-Guadalupe Parish is a prayerful, welcoming faith community on the West Side that responds to the call of the Gospel by preaching the Word, teaching one another, and serving those in need. DOMINGO DE RAMOS Declaración de Propósitos L a Parroquia Sagrado Corazón - Guadalupe es una comunidad de fé, devota y acogedora en el Westside que responde al llamado del Evangelio, predicando la Palabra, enseñando el uno al otro, y sirviendo a aquellos en necesidad. Holy Week Schedule Horario de Semana Santa March 21st Lunes-Monday 7:00 pm Santa Misa Sagrado Corazón, Holy mass at Sacred Heart March 22nd Martes- Tuesday 7:00 pm Santa Misa Sagrado Corazón, Holy mass at Sacred Heart March 23rd Miercoles/Wed 7:00 pm Santa Misa Sagrado Corazón, Holy mass at Sacred Heart March 24th Holy Thursday 5:00 english mass at OLP Shrine, 24th Jueves Santo, 8:00 pm Santa misa en Sagrado Corazón March 25th Holy Friday /Viernes Santo 7:00 pm Adoration of The Holy Cross at Sacred Heart Adoración de La Santa Cruz en Sagrado Corazón. March 26th Holy Saturday / Sábado Santo 7:00 pm Sacred Heart Church/ Sagrado Corazón March 27th Easter Sunday/ Domingo de Resurección 9:00 am English mass 11:00 am & 1 pm Spanish masses .. Año Santo Jubilar de la Misericordia Jubilee Year of Mercy Del 8 de Diciembre al 20 de Noviembre de 2016 December 8th to November 20th of 2016 Sagrado Corazón-Guadalupe ha sido elegida para ser uno de los 6 sitios de peregrinación en nuestra diócesis durante el Año Santo Jubilar. Peregrinos vendrán durante todo el año para atravesar la puerta Santa, Participar en la Santa Misa y Orar por las intenciones del Santo Padre. Es un año de gracia para ganar indulgencias. Sacred Heart-Guadalupe Church has been chosen to be one of the 6 Pilgrim Sites in The Diocese. Pilgrims will come throughout the year to pass into the Holy Door, participate in the Holy celebration of mass, and to pray for the intentions of The Holy Father. It is a year of grace to obtain indulgences. Manufacturers of corn and flour tortillas. Wholesale and Retail. Family owned and operated 2811 Southwest Blvd Kansas City, MO 64108 816-753-6611 P913.492.3275 C816.809.4424 F913.492.4994 Chez Elle Coffehouse 1713 Summit Kansas City MO 816-471-2616 Serving the KC area for 20 years! PRICE FOR RENT $ 700 Includes a: $150.00 refundable deposit Decoration is not included Cindy Notary Public Títulos/Escrituras para compra, venta de autos y casas Cartas Poder Llenados de Formularios Matrimonios Servicios de Intérprete Traducciones Envío de dinero Recarga de celulares Servicio de Fax Internacional 816.241.8989 Abarrotes Mexico 806 Southwest Blvd KC MO Abierto diariamente de 8 am a 7 pm Call the Parish Office for information Our Lady of Guadalupe Shrine Association Incorporated 813 Cesar Chavez Avenue Kansas City, MO 64108 In Loving Memory Of Teresa Murillo 816-221-1399 Sun-Thur 10am-10pm, Fri-Sat 10am-3am Patio and Private Dining Area Our Specialty : El Molcajete a la Mexicana! 910 Southwest Blvd-Kansas City, MO 64108 Sacred Heart Parish Hall Salón Parroquial 814 w 26th st KC MO 64108 ESCRITORIO PUBLICO Dentro de Abarrotes México Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. 11740 W 86th Terrace Lenexa Ks 66214 DHDISTILLERY.COM Our Lady of Guadalupe School 2310 Madison Ave. KC MO 64108 Our Lady Of Guadalupe School K-6 816-221-2539 Thank you for supporting our school! Escuela Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe desde Kinder hasta 6to grado GRACIAS POR SU APOYO! Gracias por apoyar nuestra escuela! THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING OUR CHURCH This Space is Reserved For You If you want to hold an event in the Parish HALL, first contact the Hall Coordinator at 816-582-3712 and talk to Carmina, she will help you to reserve the event’s date. Thank you Reservaciones para el Salón Parroquial, Por favor llame al 816-582-3712 y hable con Carmina, ella le ayudará a programar su evento. Gracias.