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Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time June 14, 2015 June: The Month of the Sacred Heart The Sacred Heart reminds us that Christ is not God simply appearing as man; He is truly man, just as He is truly God. As Pope Benedict put it, “From the boundless horizon of His love, God entered the limitations of history and of the human condition. He took a body and a heart so that we can contemplate and encounter the infinite in the finite, the invisible and ineffable Mystery in the human Heart of Jesus of Nazareth.” This Week!!! Sacred Heart Catholic Church Vacation Bible School The dates are: June 15 thru 19, 2015, 9:00 AM to 12:30 PM each day In that encounter, we feel the presence of Christ's heart within our own. The Sacred Heart represents Christ's love for all mankind, and our devotion to it is an expression of our faith in His mercy. Didn’t register? No problem, just come Monday morning. Bring them Back Next Week Change for Babies Mount Angel Abbey Pregnancy Hope Center (PHC) is dedicated to helping women with unexpected or unwanted pregnancies with free pregnancy tests, peer counseling, resources, and information in support of birth options instead of abortion. Your support helps the PHC extend the love of Jesus and empower women to love their babies and make choices for life. Are you called to be a Monk? Serve the Lord in Prayer and Work Monastic Vocation Retreat at Mount Angel Abbey July 17 to 10, 2015 Open to men 18‐45 yrs old; Free of charge Contact Fr. Odo Recker, OSB at 503084503123 or visit our website; Holy Father’s Prayer Intentions for June 2015 Universal: That immigrants and refugees may find welcome and respect in the countries to which they come. Evangelization: That the personal encounter with Jesus may arouse in many young people the desire to offer their own lives in priesthood or consecrated life. Save the Date! The Knights of Columbus are hosting the 2nd Annual Southern Deanery Youth Group BBQ July 19, 2015 Pregnancy Hope Center’s annual Baby Bottle Campaign continues until Father’s Day. Pick up a bottle after the Mass; fill it with change, bills or checks. Bring it back to the church when it’s full or any time before Father Day. If you fill it up early, feel free to pick up a second bottle to fill! 14 de junio, 2015 XI Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Junio: El Mes del ¡esta semana! Sagrado Corazón Iglesia Católica del Sagrado Corazón El Sagrado Corazón nos recuerda que Cristo no es Dios simplemente apareciendo como hombre; Él es verdaderamente hombre, así como él es verdaderamente Dios. Como el Papa Benedicto dijo, "Desde el horizonte infinito de su amor, Dios entró en las limitaciones de la historia y de la condición humana. Él tomó un cuerpo y un corazón para que podamos contemplar y encontrar el infinito en él, el Misterio invisible e inefable en el Corazón finita humana de Jesús de Nazaret”. Escuela Bíblica de Vacaciones este verano! Las fechas son: 15 de junio – 19 de junio, 2015, 9:00 AM to 12:30 PM cada día Intenciones de Oración del Santo padre Para junio 2015 En ese encuentro, sentimos la presencia del corazón de Cristo dentro de nosotros mismos. El Sagrado Corazón representa el amor de Cristo por toda la humanidad, y nuestra devoción es una expresión de nuestra fe en Su misericordia. Universal Migrantes y refugiados. Para que los migrantes y los refugiados encuentren acogida y respeto en los países donde llegan. Por la Evangelización Vocaciones. Para que el encuentro personal con Jesús suscite en muchos jóvenes el deseo de ofrecerle la propia vida en el sacerdocio o la vida consagrada. La próxima semana, devuelva las botellas Un Monedas Para Los bebes Centro de Esperanza para el Embarazo / Pregnancy Hope Center (PHC) se dedica a ayudar a las mujeres con embarazos inesperados o no deseados proveyendo pruebas de embarazo gratis, consejería para parejas, recursos e información de apoyo para las opciones de parto en lugar del aborto. Su apoyo ayuda al PHC a extender el amor de Jesús y la autonomía de las mujeres para amar a sus hijos y tomar decisiones para la vida. Por eso, la campana anual del Centro de Esperanza para el Embarazo continuara hasta el Día del padre. Tome una botella después de la Misa, llénalas con dinero y tráigala o en cualquier día antes o en el Día del Padre. Si le gusten por favor tome, una más botella para ayudar más generosamente. MISSION STATEMENT OF SACRED HEART CHURCH: “WE ARE A PEOPLE OF GOD, GUIDED BY SACRED SCRIPTURE, TRADITIONS AND THE TEACHINGS OF SHARE THE GOSPEL MESSAGE OF CHRIST.” THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH TO LIVE AND Extra-Ordinary Minister of Holy Communion Lector Server Sun. June 14: 9:30AM Acolyte Kirk Crawford Monica King Ralph Shaima MaryAnn Crawford Bonita Fillmore Sevilla Avila Andrew Yagla Ralph Shaima Sunday, 9:30 AM (English) Larry Jespersen Don Metzler Ann Novak John Novak Gigi Zaborac Mike Smith Volunteer Needed Esmeralda Murillo Estrella Murillo Don Metzler Sunday, 12:30 PM (Spanish) Laura Barajas Juan Manuel Mendez Maria Rosario Ortega Sergio Romero Jonathan Flores Emy Hernandez Juan Manuel Mendez Saturday, 5:30 PM (English) Around The Parish June 20‐21: Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time 12:30PM 2:00PM Mon. June 15: 9AM‐12:30PM 6:00PM First Reading EZ 17:22‐24 Primera Lectura: Gospel Reading MK/MR 4:26‐34 Lectura Del Evangelio: Parish Potluck @ Parish Hall Vacation Bible School 9AM‐12:30PM Vacation Bible School Thur. June 18: 8:00AM Mass (Noah Millet) Una Sola Fe‐Un Solo Señor 9AM‐12:30PM Vacation Bible School Fri. June 19: 8:00AM Mass (Mya & Corey Johnson) 9AM‐12:30PM Vacation Bible School Sat. June 20: 3PM‐4PM Confession 5:30PM Sun. June 21: 9:30AM 12:30PM Second Reading 2 COR/CO 5:6‐10 Segunda Lectura: Misa Current Altar Server Meeting Tue. June 16: 9AM‐12:30PM Vacation Bible School 6:00PM Mass (Murillo Family) Wed. June 17: 8:00AM Mass (Silva Family) th Knights of Columbus 4 Degree 7:30PM Meeting @ KofC Hall 7:00PM Readings / Lectura: Mass (Neil Hurley+) Mass (Dr. Robert Bohnen+) Mass (Jeff Mahan+) Misa SAVE THE DATE: Thank You for Your Continued Support of our parish. Parish Assessment 2015 Needed: $51,024 2015 Offering To Date: $19,854 Balance Remaining $31,170 Offertory Giving June Budget: $31,000 Last Week’s offering: $6,890 June offering Total: $6,890 Balance Remaining $24,110 The following have asked for our prayers : LaRee Waid Tofell, Ida Lamb, Sandy Pinto, Amy Spannaus, Rex Delayer, Charl0tte McCarthy, Marie Shaima, Kyle Lamson, Nick Valdez, Gloria Mulvhill, Richard Rosco, Joe Cox, Maryetta Shere, Frank Foster, Rose Maupin, George Maupin, Julia and Bennie Rodriguez, Maria N. Valdez, Ed Andersch, Rita Sue Dolinsky, John Rosco, Ed Jarecki For the repose of the soul of: Neil Hurley To add a name to the Prayer Corner, please call Shendy at 882‐8065. Sat. June 13: Parish Potluck 6:30PM @ Parish Hall Sun. June 14: Parish Potluck 2:00PM @ Parish Hall Sun. June 14: Knights of Columbus Tootsie Roll Drive 10a‐3p @ Thunderbird & Wal‐Mart Mon. June 15: Current Altar Server Meeting 6PM @ Church Mon‐Fri, June 15‐19: Vacation Bible School Altar Server Meeting On Monday, June 15th at 6PM starting in the Church we will gather for a guild meeting and training. All active altar servers are to attend. New Altar Server Orientation and Training On Monday, June 22 at 3PM we will hold a New Altar Server Orientation and Training in the Church for those interested in becoming new Altar Servers. To become an Altar Server you must have received your First Communion and be under the age of 18. You can help raise funds for the Sacred Heart Youth Group using the new BottleDrop location located at 2702 Eberlein Ave. Simply take home a green BottleDrop bag from the Parish Office and, once filled drop it off! They are now open! 5 June 2015 05 de junio 2015 Estimados Feligreses, Dear Parishioners, Almost every week we learn of another terrible atrocity committed against Christians in the Middle East. Followers of the Crucified One labor under unjust persecution in Africa, in china, and in many other countries as well. Even here in the homeland of religious liberty enemies of the Church seek to foreclose the freedom we enjoy putting our faith in practice and living it conscientiously. Throughout the world the treatment of Christians worsens by the year. Since 2012 the American Bishops have promoted a “Fortnight for Freedom” from June 21st to the 4th of July. During these days educational programs and prayer services around the country call attention to the alarming decline of religious liberty and the danger it poses for the future. I propose that we in the Diocese of Baker participate in this year’s “Fortnight” by praying to God together at Mass to protect and grant courage to our persecuted brothers and sisters throughout the world. I have asked our priests to insert the Prayer to St. Michael for this intention after the announcements and before the final blessing at every Sunday Mass and weekday mass throughout the Diocese. This practice will begin on June 21st, but it will not end on July 4th. Rather, we will continue to seek St. Michael’s powerful intercession as long as the danger to Christians continues to mount. Our Lord commands us to pray for our persecutors. Surely the time has also come to pray intently for those whom they persecute. In Christ Victorious, Bishop Liam Cary Take Action! Text the word FREEDOM (or LIBERTAD) to 377377 for updates Casi todas las semanas nos enteramos de otra terrible atrocidad cometida contra los Cristianos en el Medio Oriente. Seguidores del Crucificado trabajan bajo la persecución injusta en África, en China, y en muchos otros países también. Incluso aquí en la patria de la libertad religiosa enemigos de la Iglesia buscan quitar la libertad que disfrutamos de poner nuestra fe en práctica y vivir conscientemente. En todo el mundo el trato a los cristianos se agrava cada ano. Desde 2012 los obispos estadounidenses han promovido una “Quincena por la Libertad” del 21 junio al 4 de julio. Durante estos días los programas educativos y servicios de oración en todo el país llaman la atención a la alarmante disminución de libertad religiosa y el peligro que supone para el futuro. Propongo que en la Diócesis de Baker, participamos en la “Quincena” de este ano, orando a dios juntos en la misa para proteger y otorgar valor a nuestros hermanos y hermanas perseguidos en todo el mundo. He pedido a nuestros sacerdotes que inserten la Oración a San Miguel por esta intención después de los anuncios y antes de la bendición final en cada misa dominical y Misa diaria por toda la Diócesis. Esta práctica se iniciara el 21 de junio, pero no terminara el 4 de julio. Sino que, vamos a seguir buscando la poderosa intercesión de San Miguel, mientras que el peligro para los Cristianos sigue aumentando. Nuestro Señor nos manda rogar por nuestros perseguidores. Seguramente también ha llegado el momento de orar intensamente por los perseguidos. En Cristo Victorioso, Obispo Liam Cary ¡Tomar acción! Para mantenerse al día text la palabra LIBERTAD (o FREEDOM) de 377377