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RED IBEROMERICANA DE OFICINAS DE CAMBIO CLIMÁTICO TALLER EN EL ÁMBITO DE LA RIOCC SOBRE “EVALUACIÓN DE PROYECTOS DE IMPACTOS, VUNERABILIDAD Y MEDIDAS DE ADAPTACIÓN AL CAMBIO CLIMÁTICO” I. DATOS GENERALES PAÍS/PAÍSES: Uruguay TïTULO PROYECTO: Implementation of Adaptive Measures to Climate Change and Variability in the Agricultural Sector of Uruguay ÁMBITO DE APLICACIÓN : Nacional Área geográfica: Uruguay SECTORES RECURSOS HÍDRICOS. SECTOR AGRÍCOLA. SALUD. ZONAS COSTERAS. FINANZAS. SUELOS. BOSQUES. PESCA Y ECOSIST. MARINOS ENERGÍA. ZONAS DE MONTAÑA. BIODIVERSIDAD. TRANSPORTE. TURISMO. URBANISMO Y CONSTRUCCIÓN. OTROS SECTORES. Subsectores: Subsectores: Subsectores: Subsectores: Subsectores: Subsectores: Subsectores: Subsectores: Subsectores: Subsectores: Subsectores: Subsectores: Subsectores: Subsectores: Descripción: Subsectores: . ESTRUCTURA DE COORDINACIÓN Institución Responsable principal: Instituciones y Agentes participantes: Ministry of Housing, Territorial Regulation and Environment of Uruguay Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries of Uruguay National Institute for Agricultural Research of Uruguay International Research Institute for Climate and Society RESUMEN DEL PROYECTO: Agricultural production is a key economic activity for the MERCOSUR region, which regroups Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay and Paraguay. Agriculture contributes to these countries' GDP directly and indirectly by providing inputs to their major agro-industrial production chains. The agricultural sector is also a major provider of employment as well as a leading export sector for the economies of the four country members. The current proposal focuses on Uruguay, but preparation of similar proposals for the remaining MERCOSUR countries is underway. The projects will be conducted and coordinated regionally. Southeast South America is one of the regions of the world with largest interannual climate variability. The agricultural sector is directly dependent on climatic conditions and can be extremely vulnerable to climate change and variability. There are increasing scientific evidences of changes in the global climate, the climate variability and the frequency and intensity of extreme climate events. The observed changes in the climate of the MERCOSUR during the last century mentioned above, suggest that the region is expected to confront even greater challenges for establishing and maintaining sustainable agricultural production systems. The agricultural public and private sectors currently react to unfavourable climatic events by implementing activities to manage the crisis that result from such events. These crisis management strategies result in huge costs for the National Governments, do not cover a large proportion of the damaged population and are often unable to prioritize aid using objective criteria. Crisis management measures usually do not help the damaged sectors to reduce their vulnerability FICHA PROYECTOS PÁGINA 1 RED IBEROMERICANA DE OFICINAS DE CAMBIO CLIMÁTICO TALLER EN EL ÁMBITO DE LA RIOCC SOBRE “EVALUACIÓN DE PROYECTOS DE IMPACTOS, VUNERABILIDAD Y MEDIDAS DE ADAPTACIÓN AL CAMBIO CLIMÁTICO” and to be better prepared for future similar crises. Consequently, this approach does not contribute to develop longer-term planning or adaptive measures. An alternative approach to improve longer term planning and adaptation to climate change including variability is the formulation and implementation of policies commonly referred to as "risk management" strategies. The identification and evaluation of such policies in turn require robust information and decision support systems (IDSS) that can assist government agencies to: (a) assess the long-term risks involved in different production systems, using different technologies and under different climate conditions, and (b) perform ex-ante evaluations of possible interventions, i.e., evaluate the expected impacts of establishing different policies and financial tools (insurance/credit programs), or promoting new technologies, for different climatic scenarios The project goal is to test and implement a set of measures and policies oriented to effectively manage climate-related risks measured in seasonal to multidecadal time scales, in order to incorporate the adaptation to climate change including variability into the National agricultural development plans. II. DATOS DEL PROYECTO FECHA DE INICIO (dd/mm/aaaa): DURACIÓN: PRESUPUESTO: FUENTES DE FINANCIACIÓN: Global Environmental Facility Ministry of Housing, Territorial Regulation and Environment of Uruguay Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries of Uruguay National Institute for Agricultural Research of Uruguay International Research Institute for Climate and Society OBJETIVO GENERAL: The project goal is to test and implement a set of measures and policies oriented to effectively manage climate-related risks measured in seasonal to multidecadal time scales, in order to incorporate the adaptation to climate change including variability into the National agricultural development plans. OBJETIVOS ESPECÍFICOS Objetivo nº 1: Development of Information and Decision Support System (IDSS) METODOLOGÍA: RESULTADOS ESPERADOS / OBTENIDOS: An established Information and Decision Support System (IDSS) with the capability to: (a) identify and monitor climate related risks in key agricultural production activities, (b) assess the expected risks for agricultural production under possible future climate scenarios, and (c) perform ex-ante assessments of the impacts of introducing policies and technologies specifically oriented to reduce climate risks and improve adaptation to climate change including variability Objetivo nº 2: Capacity building METODOLOGÍA: RESULTADOS ESPERADOS / OBTENIDOS: Stakeholder organizations acting in the agricultural public and private sectors of Uruguay with established capacity to incorporate climate risk management strategies and introduce adaptive measures in their policies, planning and production activities Objetivo nº 3: Pilot projects-demonstrations METODOLOGÍA: RESULTADOS ESPERADOS / OBTENIDOS: A set of pilot demonstrations in selected regions and agricultural sub-sectors of Uruguay where the climate risk management strategies and the specific adaptive measures will be fully tested FICHA PROYECTOS PÁGINA 2 RED IBEROMERICANA DE OFICINAS DE CAMBIO CLIMÁTICO TALLER EN EL ÁMBITO DE LA RIOCC SOBRE “EVALUACIÓN DE PROYECTOS DE IMPACTOS, VUNERABILIDAD Y MEDIDAS DE ADAPTACIÓN AL CAMBIO CLIMÁTICO” Objetivo nº 4: METODOLOGÍA: RESULTADOS ESPERADOS / OBTENIDOS: Objetivo nº 5: METODOLOGÍA: RESULTADOS ESPERADOS / OBTENIDOS: Objetivo nº 6: METODOLOGÍA: RESULTADOS ESPERADOS / OBTENIDOS: Objetivo nº 7: METODOLOGÍA: RESULTADOS ESPERADOS / OBTENIDOS: Objetivo nº 8: METODOLOGÍA: RESULTADOS ESPERADOS / OBTENIDOS: Objetivo nº 9: METODOLOGÍA: RESULTADOS ESPERADOS / OBTENIDOS: ART.6 CONVENCIÓN: EDUCACIÓN, FORMACIÓN Y SENSIBILIZACIÓN DEL PÚBLICO. METODOLOGÍA: RESULTADOS ESPERADOS / OBTENIDOS: VALORACIÓN DE LAS MEDIDAS DE ADAPTACIÓN PROPUESTAS III. OTROS DATOS REFERENCIAS: e=2&userID=2 CONTACTO: At International Research Institute for Climate and SOciety: Walter, Lisa COMENTARIOS ADICIONALES: FICHA PROYECTOS PÁGINA 3