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April 19, 2015
St. Mary’s Church
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Saturday, April 18th, Easter Weekday
Sunday, April 26th, Fourth Sunday of Easter
St. Mary’s Parishioners
St. Mary’s Parishioners
5:30 PM
6:45 PM
St. Mary’s Parishioners
† Hilda Lozada Almeida,
† Juan Francisco Obeso Alvarado
St. Mary’s Parishioners
† Paco Guanatagsi
† Ana Angelica Aleman, † Magdalena Najera
† Jose Enrique Vilone
Parroquianos de la Iglesia Santa María
† Fanny Arboleda Santa Maria,
† Alfonso Acosta, † Jose David Tubon Paucar
† Cesar Augusto Gomez,
† Olivia Alfaro De Mayta
Sunday, April 19th, Third Sunday of Easter
St. Mary’s Parishioners
Martha Yolanda Viteri Luna
† Lucy H. Lyons
En acción de gracia al Divino Niño
† Hoomer Yunda,
† Julio Walter Samayoa, † Graciela Martinez,
† Salvador Rivera Sanchez
Parroquianos de la Iglesia Santa María
Monday, April 20th, Easter Weekday, Saint Martin 1
St. Mary’s Parishioners
† Alba Andino
Tuesday, April 21st, Easter Weekday
St. Mary’s Parishioners
Parroquianos de la Iglesia Santa Maria
Wednesday, April 22th, Easter Weekday
St. Mary’s Parishioners
† Carlos Cobos
First Reading: Acts 3:13-15, 17-19
Peter reminds the people that they allowed Jesus to
be killed, and preferred to allow a murderer to be
released. But God raised him from the dead as had
been prophesied. Therefore, all people should believe and turn to God, that their sins might be forgiven.
Second Reading: I John 2:1-5a
Jesus was offered up for the sins of the world. The
only way to prove true faith in him, is to honor his
commandments. Anyone who claims to believe, yet
does not keep his word, does not truly believe.
Gospel: Luke 24:35-48
Jesus appeared to two disciples, though at first they
feared he was a ghost. Jesus ate with them to prove
he was not a ghost. He explained that he had fulfilled the prophets words about him. He also explained that in his name they must preach doing
penance for the forgiveness of sins.
Thursday, April 23rd, Easter Weekday
St. Mary’s Parishioners
7:00 PM
† Almas Del Purgatorio, † Antonio Cabrera
Friday, April 24th, Easter Weekday
† Barry Von Horn
† Elogia Salazar
Saturday, April 25th, Easter Weekday
St. Mary’s Parishioners
5:30 PM
6:45 PM
St. Mary’s Parishioners
En honor a la Virgen del Cisne
Accion de Gracias a la Virgen De Guadalupe
† Jorge Supe, † Romeo Perez
† Manuel Laguna
Acts 3:13-15, 17-19; 1 Jn 2:1-5a; Lk 24:35-48
Acts 6:8-15; Jn 6:22-29
Acts 7:51—8:1a; Jn 6:30-35
Acts 8:1b-8; Jn 6:35-40
Acts 8:26-40; Jn 6:44-51
Acts 9:1-20; Jn 6:52-59
1 Pt 5:5b-14; Mk 16:15-20
April 19, 2015
St. Mary’s Church
Today our parish will start a Paschal Mission on
Sundays in the streets of the neighborhood. All are
invited to come and to invite anyone (even nonCatholic) to have an hour of festival of faith with
music, witness and preaching. Come hear the good
news of salvation, a word that can change your life.
Seize the great gift that Jesus gives us by His resurrection.
The mission will begin at 3:30PM on the corner of
East Front street and Church Street.
Christ is Risen!
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We remind you that attire for first
communion is:
- Girls: white dress. Some First
Communion dresses have been donated: if your child needs one, please contact Fr.
Marco Pacciana.
- Boys: from the waist down all black with black
shoes; from the waist up all white with white tie also. Please consider that if a child is wearing a jacket
of any other color than white , we will ask him to
remove it. Thank you.
All 1st Communion candidates from the English classes, MUST attend the first communion retreat along
with at least one of the parents, on May 9th from
9:00 AM to 1 PM in the Auditorium.
Please help us to sell raffle
tickets for a Mercedes Benz
250 CLA. Each ticket will cost
$10.00. The collected funds
are to help with the cost of
projects for the
Church. Your help will be greatly appreciated.
We will be offering a family life
course in English for couples who
are preparing for marriage or who
are seeking help in their married
life. Date and time will be provided
in the near future.
St. Mary’s Sunday Dinner Program is in need of people willing to work the fifth Sundays of the year.
These occur this year during March, May, August
and November. An understanding of English is important to be able to communicate with many of our
guests. The volunteers work from 2 PM until 4:30
PM. If you are interested, please call Dolores Martin
(908) 755-5755.
April 19, 2015
St. Mary’s Church
Hoy Nuestra iglesia las misiones populares de Pascua en las calles del barrio. La misiones empezarán a
las 3:30 PM de la tarde en la esquina de Front Street
con Park Avenue y al lado del supermarket Supremo. Pueden invitar a cualquier persona incluso no
católica a este festival de la fe con música, testimonios y cantos, llevando la alegría de la resurrección a
los demás. Ven y escucha la buena nueva de la salvación, una palabra que puede cambiar tu vida. Aprovechemos el gran regalo que nos da Jesucristo con Su
¡Cristo Ha Resucitado!
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Todos los candidatos de 1ra comunión de las clases
en español TIENEN QUE asistir al retiro de primera
comunión con uno de sus padres por lo menos, el 16
de mayo de las 9 AM hasta la 1 PM.
La vestimenta para la primera comunión es:
- Niñas: vestido blanco. Algunos vestidos de primera Comunión han sido donados para alguna niña
que lo necesite: por favor, comunicarse con el P.
Marco Pacciana.
- Niños: de la cintura para abajo todo negro con zapatos negros; de la cintura para arriba todo blanco
con corbata también blanca. Por favor consideren
que si algún niño lleva chaqueta negra o de otro color que no sea blanco, le tendremos que pedir que se
la quite. Gracias.
El programa de la Iglesia Santa María que brinda
alimentación al necesitado, estará necesitando
personas para trabajar el quinto domingo de cada
mes durante este año. Entendimiento de Ingles será
necesario para comunicarse con varias personas.
Esto ocurre este año durante los meses de Marzo,
Mayo, Agosto y Noviembre. Las personas
voluntarias trabajarán de 2 PM a 4:30 PM. Si están
interesados, por favor llamar a: Dolores Martin (908)
Favor ayudarnos a vender los
boletos de la rifa de un Mercedes Benz modelo CLA 250.
Cada boleto tendrá un
costo de $10.00 dólares. Los fondos recaudados son
para ayudar en las diferentes obras de la Iglesia.
Gracias por su colaboración.
Te hace la invitación a su 3er Aniversario
Lugar: Escuela de la Iglesia “Santa Maria”
Fecha: Sábado 25 de Abril, 2015
Hora: 8:30 am a 4:00 pm
Edades: 12 años a 17 años
Información: Fabricio (908) 361-5465
April 19, 2015
St. Mary’s Church
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Dear Brothers and sisters, I would like to reflect briefly on
portant which applies to the Church in all times and also
the passage from the Acts of the Apostles that is read in
to us. When a person truly knows Jesus Christ and be-
the Liturgy of this Third Sunday of Easter. I ask myself:
lieves in him that person experiences his presence in life as
where did the first disciples find the strength to bear this
well as the power of his Resurrection and cannot but com-
witness? And that is not all: what was the source of their
municate this experience. And if this person meets with
joy and of their courage to preach despite the obstacles
misunderstanding or adversity, he behaves like Jesus in
and violence? Let us not forget that the Apostles were sim-
his Passion: he answers with love and with the power of
ple people; they were neither scribes nor doctors of the
the truth. In praying the Regina Coeli together, let us ask
law, nor did they belong to the class of priests. With their
for the help of Mary Most Holy so that the Church
limitations and with the authorities against them how did
throughout the world may proclaim the Resurrection of
they manage to fill Jerusalem with their teaching (cf. Acts
the Lord with candor and courage and give credible wit-
5:28)? It is clear that only the presence with them of the
ness to it with signs of brotherly love. Brotherly love is the
Risen Lord and the action of the Holy Spirit can explain
closest testimony we can give that Jesus is alive with us,
this fact. The Lord who was with them and the Spirit who
that Jesus is risen. Let us pray in a special way for Chris-
was impelling them to preach explain this extraordinary
tians who are suffering persecution; in our day there are
fact. Their faith was based on such a strong personal expe-
so many Christians who are suffering persecution — so, so
rience of the dead and Risen Christ that they feared noth-
many, in a great many countries: let us pray for them,
ing and no one, and even saw persecution as a cause of
with love, from our heart. May they feel the living and
honor that enabled them to follow in Jesus’ footsteps and
comforting presence of the Risen Lord.
to be like him, witnessing with their life. This history of
the first Christian community tells us something very im-
(From the Regina Coeli of Pope Francis on April 14 2013)
Queridos hermanos y hermanas, quisiera detenerme
na nos dice algo muy importante, válida para la Iglesia de
brevemente en la página de los Hechos de los Apóstoles que
todos los tiempos, también para nosotros: cuando una per-
se lee en la Liturgia de este tercer Domingo de Pascua. Me
sona conoce verdaderamente a Jesucristo y cree en Él, ex-
pregunto: ¿dónde encontraban los primeros discípulos la
perimenta su presencia en la vida y la fuerza de su Resur-
fuerza para dar este testimonio? No sólo: ¿de dónde les
rección, y no puede dejar de comunicar esta experiencia. Y
venía la alegría y la valentía del anuncio, a pesar de los
si esta persona encuentra incomprensiones o adver-
obstáculos y las violencias? No olvidemos que los
sidades, se comporta como Jesús en su Pasión: responde
Apóstoles eran personas sencillas, no eran escribas, doc-
con el amor y la fuerza de la verdad. Rezando juntos
tores de la Ley, ni pertenecían a la clase sacerdotal. ¿Cómo
el Regina Caeli, pidamos la ayuda de María santísima a fin
pudieron, con sus limitaciones y combatidos por las au-
de que la Iglesia en todo el mundo anuncie con franqueza
toridades, llenar Jerusalén con su enseñanza? (cf. Hch 5,
y valentía la Resurrección del Señor y dé de ella un testi-
28). Está claro que sólo pueden explicar este hecho la pres-
monio válido con gestos de amor fraterno. El amor frater-
encia del Señor Resucitado con ellos y la acción del Es-
no es el testimonio más cercano que podemos dar de que
píritu Santo. El Señor que estaba con ellos y el Espíritu que
Jesús vive entre nosotros, que Jesús ha resucitado. Oremos
les impulsaba a la predicación explica este hecho extraor-
de modo particular por los cristianos que sufren perse-
dinario. Su fe se basaba en una experiencia tan fuerte y
cución; en este tiempo son muchos los cristianos que su-
personal de Cristo muerto y resucitado, que no tenían
fren persecución, muchos, muchos, en tantos países:
miedo de nada ni de nadie, e incluso veían las perse-
recemos por ellos, con amor, desde nuestro corazón. Que
cuciones como un motivo de honor que les permitía seguir
sientan la presencia viva y confortante del Señor Resucita-
las huellas de Jesús y asemejarse a Él, dando testimonio
con la vida. Esta historia de la primera comunidad cristia-
(Del Regina Coeli de Papa Francisco del 14 de Abril 2013)