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A Catholic Tradition of Academic Excellence Since 1853
Volume 6, Issue 9
May 2015
May Gospel
Value: Unity
In the Creed we say “I believe in one... Church”. In other
words we profess that the
Church is one, and this Church
by her nature is one. However if
we look at the Catholic Church
in the world, we discover that it
includes almost 3,000 dioceses
scattered over all the continents: so many languages, so
many cultures. The Church is
spread throughout the world!
And yet the thousands of Catholic communities form a unit.
Unity in faith, hope and charity, unity in the sacraments, in
the ministry: these are like the
pillars that hold up and keep
together the one great edifice of
the Church. Wherever we go,
even to the smallest parish in
the most remote corner of this
earth, there is the one Church.
We are at home, we are in the
family, we are among brothers
and sisters. And this is a great
gift of God! The Church is one
for us all.
Unfortunately, we see that in
the process of history, and now
too, we do not always live in
unity. At times misunderstanding arises, as well as conflict,
tension and division which
injure her and so the Church
does not have the face we
should like her to have; she
does not express love, the love
that God desires. It is we who
create wounds! And if we look
at the divisions that still exist
among Christians, Catholics,
Taken from:
Orthodox, Protestants... we are
aware of the effort required to
make this unity fully visible.
God gives us unity, but we
often have a lot of trouble putting it into practice. It is necessary to seek to build communion, to teach communion, to get
the better of misunderstandings
and divisions, starting with the
family, with ecclesial reality, in
ecumenical dialogue too. Our
world needs unity, this is an
age in which we all need unity,
we need reconciliation and
communion and the Church is
the home of communion.
Humility, meekness, magnanimity, and love to preserve
unity! These, these are the
roads, the true roads of the
Church. Let us listen to this
again. Humility against vanity,
against arrogance — humility,
meekness, magnanimity, love
to preserve unity.
Who is the driving force of
the Church’s unity? It is the
Holy Spirit, whom we have all
received at Baptism and also in
the Sacrament of Confirmation.
It is the Holy Spirit. Our unity
comes from the One who creates unity in diversity, because
the Holy Spirit is harmony and
always creates harmony in the
Church--harmonious unity in
the many different cultures,
languages, and ways of thinking. The Holy Spirit is the mover. This is why prayer is important. It is the soul of our
commitment as men and women of communion, of unity. Pray
to the Holy Spirit that He may
come and create unity in the
Valor Evangélico de
Mayo: Unidad
En el «Credo» nosotros decimos «Creo en la Iglesia, una», o
sea, profesamos que la Iglesia es
única y esta Iglesia es en sí misma unidad. Pero si miramos a la
Iglesia católica en el mundo
descubrimos que comprende casi
3.000 diócesis diseminadas en
todos los continentes: tantas
lenguas, tantas culturas. La Iglesia está difundida en todo el
mundo. Con todo, las miles de
comunidades católicas forman
una unidad.
Unidad en la fe, en la esperanza, en la caridad, unidad en los
sacramentos, en el ministerio:
son como los pilares que sostienen y mantienen junto el único
gran edificio de la Iglesia. Allí
donde vamos, hasta en la más
pequeña parroquia, en el ángulo
más perdido de esta tierra, está la
única Iglesia; nosotros estamos
en casa, estamos en familia,
estamos entre hermanos y hermanas. Y esto es un gran don de
Dios. La Iglesia es una sola para
Lamentablemente vemos que
en el camino de la historia, también ahora, no siempre vivimos la
unidad. A veces surgen incomprensiones, conflictos, tensiones,
divisiones, que la hieren, y entonces la Iglesia no tiene el rostro
que desearíamos, no manifiesta
la caridad, lo que quiere Dios.
Somos nosotros quienes creamos
laceraciones. Y si miramos las
divisiones que aún existen entre
los cristianos, católicos, ortodoxos, protestantes... sentimos la
fatiga de hacer plenamente visible esta unidad. Dios nos dona la
Tomado de:
unidad, pero a nosotros frecuentemente nos cuesta vivirla. Es necesario buscar, construir la comunión, educar a la comunión, para
superar incomprensiones y divisiones, empezando por la familia,
por las realidades eclesiales, en el
diálogo ecuménico también.
Nuestro mundo necesita unidad,
es una época en la que todos
necesitamos unidad, tenemos
necesidad de reconciliación, de
comunión; y la Iglesia es Casa de
Humildad, dulzura, magnanimidad, amor para conservar la
unidad. Estos, estos son los caminos, los verdaderos caminos de la
Iglesia. Oigámoslos una vez más.
Humildad contra la vanidad, contra la soberbia; humildad, dulzura,
magnanimidad, amor para conservar la unidad.
¿Quién es el motor de esta
unidad de la Iglesia? Es el Espíritu Santo que todos nosotros
hemos recibido en el Bautismo y
también en el sacramento de la
Confirmación. Es el Espíritu Santo. Nuestra unidad no es primariamente fruto de nuestro consenso,
o de la democracia dentro de la
Iglesia, o de nuestro esfuerzo de
estar de acuerdo, sino que viene
de Él que hace la unidad en la
diversidad, porque el Espíritu
Santo es armonía, siempre hace
la armonía en la Iglesia. Es una
unidad armónica en mucha diversidad de culturas, de lenguas y de
pensamiento. Es el Espíritu Santo
el motor. Por esto es importante la
oración, que es el alma de nuestro compromiso de hombres y
mujeres de comunión, de unidad.
La oración al Espíritu Santo, para
que venga y construya la unidad
en la Iglesia.
Praised be the Incarnate Word. Now and forevermore, Amen.
Stations of the Cross
IWA students prayed
the Stations of the
Cross as part of the
Lenten practices leading to Holy Week. It
was a solemn moment
of reflection for all.
Theater Play
IWA students, faculty and parents participated in the Diocesan Walk-A-Thon held
on Friday, April 24th.
Thank you for promoting Catholic education
and for supporting this
IWA’s newly formed
Theater Club will perform the play
“Apostrophe” for students and parents.
Performances will be Thursday, May
14th, at 5 p.m. and Friday, May 15th at
1:30 p.m. in the school gym. Come
support our students!
Beach Clean Up
Open House
On Saturday, April 18th, several IWA
students, parents and staff participated in the Texas Coast-wide Clean Up
at South Padre Island. This was a
school-wide service project.
IWA will host an Open House on
Tuesday, May 12th, from 8 a.m.—3
pm. Bishop Emeritus Raymundo J.
Peña will celebrate Mass at 8 a.m.
Prospective families of 3K – 8th
grade students will have an opportunity to observe classes in progress
and tour the school grounds. Invite
your friends!
IWA hosted Trashionista: “Recycling
Around the World in
Style”. Students modeled outfits made of
recycled materials,
such as plastic bags,
newspaper, aluminum
cans, bottle caps etc.
Congratulations to all participants for
their great creativity!
May 2015
1 Living Rosary
8 IWA Talent
12 Mass/Open
8th Grade
9:30 a.m.—3 p.m.
14 Principals’
15 Last day for
8:30 a.m.
Track Meet
Theater Play
5 p.m.
8th Grade Exams
21 8th Grade
8 a.m. St.
Mary’s Church
6 p.m. IWA Gym
Sports Awards
2 p.m.
7 p.m.
8th graders
Theater Play
1:30– 2:30 p.m.
May 11—15
Last day for PK
and Kinder
1:30 p.m.
PK Promotion
9 a.m.
5th Grade
8:30 a.m. Mass