Download Fourteenth Sunday In Ordinary Time - St. Mary

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Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
November 6, 2016
Sick List: We wish to send a Special Blessing for those people who are sick to know that by our ministry,
our friendship and our help, God’s love may be made real to them, let us pray to the Lord for the following;
Fr. Joseph Irwin, Msgr. Howard Calkins, Joe Pastore, James Collins, Teresa Perez, Mary Salandy,
Carmen Quiñones, Michael Feddeck, Sue Contento, Ester Escobar, Susan Rice, Denise Cubita, Gene Shaw,
Patricia Scanlon, Patricio Baca, Mia McCaffery, Diana Oliveras, Analleli DeGante, Sr. Rose Daly,
Lucile Reyes, Anne Marie Dileo, O’Donnell Joshua, Faye Bartley, Rose Veteri, Tom Vetter, Luis Orozco,
Katherine & William R. Curran, Lorna Stewart,Linda Calcaterra, Mary Barletti and Margaret Cardineli.
Deceased List; We wish to send our Sympathy for those who have lost a loved one, that our common faith
and love may be a strong support for them, let us pray to the Lord for the deceased members in our
community and our families and friends. Let us pray for the following; Anthony Servidio,
Ralph Fatigate Sr., Mary Masi, Julia Verdina, Janey Vasquez, Joanne Iengo, Donald Robert Gravell,
Philip Fox,
Captain Michael Fahey, Susan Belezaire, Felicia Calcaterra, Sebastian & Irene Piscitelli,
Dorothy Aurisy, Paulina Amalia Alvarez Esquicha, Barbara Calderone and Lucy Chianese.
Bible Study: This year’s Bible reflection will include a section of the Old Testament called the “Wisdom
Writings”: Proverbs, (Ecclesiastes), Sirach (Ecclesiastes), Wisdom, Job, Song of Songs, Psalms.
“Wisdom” has to do with the examination of our life experience, our culture and the world around us to
discern God’s will leading to rights living. We will focus specifically on the Book of Proverbs as an
occasion to “do wisdom in our own lives”. We will meet on the First and Third Tuesday of each month
in the Rectory at 7:30 p.m. come and join Fr. James Villa, it is continuing on, November 15, 2016, March
7 & 21, 2017, April 4, & 18, 2017 and May 2 & 16, 2017.
It is appropriate and encouraged to have your loved ones and friends remembered in all the masses in
November. Please fill out the All Souls day envelopes in the vestibule of the Church and return them in the
collection basket or at the Rectory. Names can be added throughout the month of November.
There will be a very important meeting for all those in charge of the different ministries here at St. Mary’sOur Lady of Mount Carmel Church, on Thursday, November 10, 2016 at 7:30 pm in the Parish Hall. It is
important that all those in charge attend or send someone to represent you. Also, this meeting is open to
anyone in the Parish. We hope that this meeting will develop into a Parish Council or Assembly in which
we can talk about issues affecting the parish and planning for the year to come. Please make an effort to
Food Pantry Baskets will be out every Sunday for your generous donations for Thanksgiving.
We received a beautiful letter from Deacon Larry thanking everyone for celebrating his 25th Anniversary to
the Deaconate last Sunday. Deacon Larry and his wife Mary were honored by your presence and grateful
for your prayers. Deacon Larry said “Saint Mary-Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church and its wonderful
people will always be close to our hearts.”
For 47 years, The Catholic Campaign for Human Development has provided funding to community groups
that fight poverty and defend the dignity of the poor in the United States. This year the collection will be
on the weekend of November 19th & 20th.
Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
November 6, 2016
Needed: Winter coats for men and women are needed by the New York Covenant Church in New
Rochelle. This Church has an extensive outreach program for the homeless and poor. I have witnessed the
work of this Church and I have seen the great need that is being addressed. You can bring the coat to the
Rectory or if you wish you can make a financial donation. This donation will be used to purchase a winter
coat (for about $50.00) and receive a second winter coat free. Money will not be sent to the Church, but
rather we will buy the coat and send it to them. Thank you.
I would like to congratulate those young people who were awarded a scholarship through the
Msgr. Meehan Scholarship Fund. This scholarship fund is supported by the proceeds from “Men who
Cook” fundraiser and private donations. The following are the names of the young people who are
receiving scholarship funds this year. Theresa Hunt, Maritza Ochoa, Erika Ochoa, Adrian Gallgher,
Emma Del Principe, Annemarie Feddeck, Philyzaire Jeanty, Brooke Castagna, Bryanna Chung and
Christian Cardozo.
The Trustees of the New Parish of St. Mary-Our Lady of Mount Carmel are Mr. Lester Dixon and
Señor Ramiro Martinez. The New Finance Committee for our new parish are: Mr. Louis Alteri,
Ms. Rita Bonano, Mr. Greg Koster, Señor Ramiro Martinez, Mr. Peter Ricca, Ms. Roxanne Williams,
Mr. Merlin St. Hilaire and Ms. Olive Morgan. Deacon Joe Patrona, ex-officio & Mrs. Mary Fuschetto,
ex-officio. I thank them for their service to our Parish.
Remember to vote on November 8, 2016. Your Vote is your Voice.
Saturday, November 5, 2016 Fr. Frank celebrated his 33rd Anniversary of Ordination to the
Priesthood. We wish him many more years and we thank God for the gift of Fr. Frank’s priesthood.
November 12th & November 13th 2016
Marybeth Courtney
Christina Sollecito
Patricia Spana
Richard Spana
8:30 AM
Joseph Barletti
Lester Dixon
Mary Barletti
Sherri Keith
11:30 AM
Beth Markowitz
Stephanie Opper
Johanna Vennochi
Hazel Joshua
Patrick Mahoney
Sylvia Mahoney
5:00 PM
Greeters:// Arlene Love & Rosemarie Reul
November 7th to November 12th 2016
7:30 PM
Grupo de Oración
Central- Parish Hall
8:00 PM
4:00 PM
7:30 PM
4:00 PM
7:30 PM
2:30 P.M.
Charismatic Prayer
PSR Grades 1-6
Ministry Meeting
Food Pantry
Grupo de Oración
PSR Grades 1-6
Stephen & Laura
Wedding Service
Tithing: God’s Plan for Giving
Tithing: Weekend – October 30, 2016 - $5,907.00
Weekend – November 1, 2015 - $7,731.00
XXXII Domingo Ordinario
6 de noviembre del 2016
Es apropiado a tener a sus seres queridos y amigos recordados en todas las misas en noviembre. Por favor,
llene los sobres del día de todas las almas en el atrio de la iglesia y devolverlas en la canasta de colección o
en la Rectoría. Los nombres se pueden agregar a lo largo del mes de noviembre.
Habrá una reunión muy importante para todos los responsables de los diferentes ministerios aquí en
la Iglesia Santa María-Nuestra Señora del Monte Carmelo, el jueves 10 de noviembre del 2016 a las 7:30
pm en el Salón Parroquial. Es importante que todos los responsables asistan o envíen a alguien para que lo
represente. Además, esta reunión está abierta a cualquier persona en la Parroquia. Esperamos que esta
reunión se desarrollará en un Consejo Parroquial o Asamblea en la que se pueda hablar de cuestiones que
afectan a la parroquia y planear para el año que viene. Por favor, haga un esfuerzo para asistir.
La Canasta de despensa de alimentos estará cada domingo en la Iglesia para su donación del
Acción de Gracias.
Día de
Recibimos una hermosa carta del Diácono Larry agradeciendo a todos por celebrar su 25 aniversario al
Diaconado el domingo pasado. El Diácono Larry y su esposa Mary fueron honrados por su presencia y
agradecidos por sus oraciones. El Diácono Larry dijo que "la Iglesia de Santa María-Nuestra Señora del
Monte Carmelo y su gente maravillosa siempre estará cerca de nuestros corazones".
Durante 47 años, la Campaña Católica por el Desarrollo Humano ha proporcionado fondos a grupos
comunitarios que luchan contra la pobreza y defienden la dignidad de los pobres en los Estados Unidos.
Este año la colección será el fin de semana del 19 y 20 de noviembre.
Necesario: Abrigos de invierno para hombres y mujeres son necesitados por la Iglesia del Pacto de Nueva
York en New Rochelle. Esta Iglesia tiene un extenso programa de alcance para los desamparados y los
pobres. He presenciado el trabajo de esta Iglesia y he visto la gran necesidad que se está tratando. Usted
puede llevar el abrigo a la Rectoría o si lo desea puede hacer una donación financiera. Esta donación se
utilizará para comprar un abrigo de invierno (por alrededor de $50.00) y recibirán un segundo abrigo de
invierno gratis. No se enviará dinero a la Iglesia, sino que compraremos el abrigo y se lo enviaremos.
Quisiera felicitar a los jóvenes a los que se les otorgó una beca a través del Mons. Meehan Fondo de Becas.
Este fondo de la beca es apoyado por los ingresos de la recaudación de fondos de los “Hombres que
Cocinan” y las donaciones privadas. Los siguientes son los nombres de los jóvenes que recibieron fondos
de becas este año.
Los Síndicos de la Nueva Parroquia de Santa María-Nuestra Señora del Monte Carmelo son el
Sr. Lester Dixon y el Señor Ramiro Martínez. El nuevo Comité de Finanzas para nuestra nueva
parroquia son: Louis Alteri, Rita Bonano, Grey Koster, Ramiro Martínez, Peter Ricca, Roxanne
Williams, Merlin St. Hilaire y Olive Morgan. El Diácono Joe Patrona, ex-officio y la Sra. Mary
Fuschetto, ex-officio. Les agradezco su servicio a nuestra parroquia.
Recuerde votar el 8 de noviembre de 2016. Su Voto es su Voz.
XXXII Domingo Ordinario
6 de noviembre del 2016
Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
November 6, 2016
9:00 A.M.
12:00 Noon
Stephen Bauert (Living) (31st Birthday Blessing)
Healing Mass-Dorothy Aurisy (Deceased)
5:00 P.M.
Donald Thron (Deceased) (Anniversary in Heaven)
7:00 P.M.
David Dorigan Montano (Vivo) (Presentación)
8:30 A.M.
Craig McCleaver (Deceased) (Birthday in Heaven)
9:45 A.M.
Ivas Felettigh (Difunto) y Lina Sucino (Difunta)
Ero Rodríguez (Difunto) (Hijo de Erodis Rodriguez)
Teófilo Díaz y María Leónidas Díaz (Vivos) (47 Años de Aniversario)
Freddie Manjarres (Vivo)
(Por Su Salud y Protección de Trabajo Militar)
y Christina Manjarres (Viva) (Por su Salud)
11:30 A.M.
9:00 A.M.
9:00 A.M.
Margaret Riccio (Deceased) (Birthday in Heaven)
Rocco De Angelis & Dennis Moroney (Both Deceased)
Parmenio Tocasuche (Deceased)
9:00 A.M.
Fr. Sean Connolly & Family (Living) (Special Intentions)
9:00 A.M.
Raymond Burke Sr. (Living)
9:00 A.M.
Matthew McGrath (Deceased) (11th Anniversary)
9:00 A.M.
Joseph Barletti Sr. (Deceased) (29th Anniversary)
2:30 P.M.
Stephen Bauert & Laura Luis (Wedding Mass)
5:00 P.M.
Anthony Falco (Deceased) (8th Anniversary)
7:00 P.M.
Luis De Peña Jr. (Difunto)
8:30 A.M.
9:45 A.M.
11:30 A.M.
Elisa & Emilio Magnotta (Deceased)
No Hay Intenciones Para la Misa en Español
Diana Koster (Living) (Birthday Blessings)