Download Fr. Charlie is being moved Padre Charlie va a cambiar parroquias

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Cycle B
San José Church, Austin, Texas
SAT. Jan. 146:00pm....... † Esther Acosta - In Memory of Her 10th Anniversary
SUN. Jan. 157:30am....... Franco Nieto y Bernarda Jaimes
The 2nd Sunday
En Accion de Gracias por Sus Cumpleaños
in Ordinary Time9:30am....... Eddie Castillo - Birthday Blessings
11:30am..... † Mauro Fernandez & † Margarita H. Fernandez
1:15pm....... † Emanuel Sanchez Maldonado
Mon. Jan. 16
5:45pm....... † Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Tues. Jan. 17
5:45pm....... Familia Trujillo - Por Su Viaje Para Mexico
Wed. Jan. 18
5:45pm....... † Stella Trejo
Thu. Jan. 19
7:00pm....... † Trinidad y † Arnulfo Rivas
Fri. Jan. 20
5:45pm....... † Ernesto Ontiveros
SAT. Jan. 218:00am....... † Gonzalo Gaitan - In Loving Memory
6:00pm....... † Jaime Hernandez - In Memory of His Anniversary
SUN. Jan. 227:30am....... † Alvino Hernandez, Sr. - En Memoria de Su 110o Cumpleaños
The 3rd Sunday9:30am....... Antonia Flores - Blessings
in Ordinary Time11:30am..... † Mary Margaret Rodriguez - In Loving Memory
1:15pm....... † Genero y † Jose Gutierrez
* designates a change in Mass times
† designates a deceased person(s)
Weekday Masses held in Sacred Heart Chapel
Fr. Charlie is being
I have been asked by Bishop Joe Vasquez
to move to Santa Cruz Parish in Buda. The
current associate pastor in Buda is being
reassigned by his Bishop in Nicaragua and so
Santa Cruz is in need of another priest. The
Diocese of Austin is currently short on priests
so there will be no priest replacing me at this
time. Fr. Tom, Fr. Kevin and Fr. Melesio will
still be available to serve the community of San
José. My last day at San José will be Sunday,
Jan. 22nd. I have learned so much from all of
you and I will miss the loving support of this
May God Bless you,
Fr. Charlie
The CHURCH office will be
CLOSED Monday, Jan. 16th in
observance of Martin Luther King
Holiday and reopen on
Tuesday, Jan. 17th.
Padre Charlie va a
cambiar parroquias
El Señor Obispo Joe Vasquez me ha pedido
que me cambie a la Parroquia de Santa Cruz
en Buda. El pastor asociado de esa parroquia
se ha regresado a Nicaragua a petición de su
Obispo, de tal manera que
necesitan otro sacerdote. La Diócesis de Austin
carece de sacerdotes y no hay otro sacerdote
que me pueda remplazar en este momento.
Padre Tom, Padre Kevin y Padre Melesio
continuarán serviendo a la comunidad de
San José. Mi ultimo día en San José será el
domingo 22 de enero. He aprendido mucho
de todos en esta comunidad y voy a extrañar
el apoyo cariñoso de esta comunidad.
Que Dios Los Bendiga,
Padre Charlie
La oficina de la IGLESIA estara
CERRADA el 16 de Enero en
observancia del dia de Martin
Luther King y va reabrir el Martes,
17 de Enero.
Breakfast and Lunch Sales Schedule for January 2012
Lista de Desayunos y Almuerzos para Enero, 2012
Breakfast Group/
Lunch Group
Fecha............ Grupo del Desayuno....................................... /Grupo de Almuerzos
Jan. 15......... Guadalupanos.............................................Nicaraguan Ministries
Jan. 22.......... Columna de Fuego........................................Columna de Fuego
Jan. 29.......... Movimiento Familiar Cristiano....................Movimiento Familiar Cristiano
Come enjoy a delicious breakfast or lunch, visit
with fellow parishioners and visitors and support your parish. Lunches are served after the
11:30am and 1:15pm Masses.
Venga a disfrutar de un desayuno o almuerzo delicioso, visite con feligreses y visitantes y soporte
su parroquia. Las comidas son servidas despues de
las misas de 11:30am y 1:15pm.
Office Hours:
Monday - Friday - 9:00 am - 6:00 pm
Closed Saturday and Sunday
Horario de oficina:
Lunes-Viernes de 9:00 am - 6:00 pm
Cerrado los Sabádos y Domingos
Sacrament of Reconciliation
(Confession) English/Spanish
Saturday, 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm, Main Church
Wed., 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm, Main Church
Sacramento de Reconciliación
(Confesión) Inglés y Español
Sábados de 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm,
Iglesia Principal
Miercoles de 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm pm,
Iglesia Principal
Grupo de Oración - Español
Salón Parroquial
Cada Martes - 7:00 pm
(located next to the Grotto)
(a un lado de la Gruta)
Sat............................. 10:30 am - 7:30 pm
Sun.............................. 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Wed., Thu. & Fri.......12:00 noon - 7:00 pm
Lupe Velasquez - Director
Office - 444-4664
Mon.-Thu...................... 10:00 am-6:00 pm
Closed Friday, Saturday & Sunday’s
Baptismal preparation classes and Baptisms
for children up to 4 yrs. of age are available in
English or Spanish. Contact the office for applications and information.
Se ofrecen clases para la preparación del
Bautismo en Inglés y en Español para niños
que tengan hasta 4 años cumplidos. Favor de
comunicarse a la oficina para obtener las formas
de solicitud y más información.
Please contact the Church Office (444-7587) 9
months prior to the celebration. The parents
must be registered in the parish and
the youth participating in the appropriate level of religious education.
Favor de ponerse en contacto con la Oficinia
de la Iglesia (444-7587) nueve (9) meses antes de la celebración. Los Padres de los
jovenes deben estar registrados en la
parroquia y los jovenes participando
en el nivel apropiado de educación
Our secretaries Mary Morris and Rosario Tristan
can provide this service for you. Please call
before coming by the office to get something
2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Every week, we ask that you pray for one of the Austin Diocese’s Seminarians.
This week we will be praying for Alex Caudillo, St. Francis, Waco. Keep him
in your prayers as he strives to answer God’s call. Keep praying for vocations
to the priesthood and the religious life.
Cada semana, les pedimos que ustedes rueguen por uno de los seminaristas de la diócesis de
Austin. Esta semana, oremos por Alex Caudillo, St. Francis, Waco. Manténgalo en sus rezos
como el se esfuerza con contestar a la llamada de Dios. Sigan orando para las vocaciones a la
sacerdocio y vida religiosa.
PRAY FOR our known hospital and homebound patient(s)/OFRECE ORACION PARA
nuestros paciente(s) internados en el hospital y confinados en casa: Jesse (Chino) Gonzales,
Reilly Hill, Anita Carrizales, Frances Samilpa, Elia Flores, Ramona Silvestre, Jennifer Martinez,
Susan Melendez, Melissa Limon, Alice Vasquez, Roberto Vizcalla, Helen Camarillo, Juan
Camarillo, Frances Cano Gonzalez, Maximiliano Lucian Reyes, Walter Litton, Alfred Perez,
Arminda Gutierrez, David Guzman, Jr., Salvador Lara, Lorenzo Huerta, Maria Salas Noriega,
Luis Rodriguez, Rachel G. Sanchez, Elena Sanchez, Fr. Ray Dowling, Alexis Lopez, Little
Jude Heath, Esther Garza, Juanita (Janie) Baldoza, Mike Baldoza, Antonio Ayala, Dora Cena,
Guadalupe Diaz, Timothy Gutierrez, Tina Vielma Morales, Valentin Orozco, Becky Reyna,
Tom Longoria, Jesse Pompa, Matias “Sonny” Limon, Teresa Teran Rodriguez, Rosie Garcia,
and/y Nat Limon
Please pray for those who have recently passed away /
Por favor ore por los que fallecieron recientamente:
Kelsey Rodriguez, Mary Juarez Samaniego, and/y Brandon Dominguez
We would like to extend our deepest sympathy to their families.
Deseamos Ofrecer nuestra simpatía más profunda a sus familias.
Catholic Social Teaching Corner:
Thoughts on Faithful Citizenship
Week 1: Introduction
Over the next seven weeks we will be
reviewing the principals of Catholic Social
Teaching. We are in an election year and the
Bishops have asked us, once again, to form
our consciences as we prepare to vote in the
primaries and later in the general elections
for 2012. Forming our consciences is always
about listening to God through the teachings
of Scripture and the Church. We hope that
these short reflections on Church teaching
and the public policy issues they touch will
help everyone to do the hard, but important;
work of being faithful citizens and voting
according to the dictates of a well-formed
Pray for our loved ones in the military,/
Ore por nuestros seres queridos en el ejército,
Sgt. Blakely Griffin, Afghanistan, son of Mrs. Griffin
“May the hand of the Almighty protect and bring each one safely home.”
“Que la mano del Todopoderoso, proteja y regresa con toda seguridad a casa a cada uno de ellos.”
January 15, 2012
The following intentions have
been presented to the Blessed
Sacrament/las siguientes
peticiones fueron presentadas
al Santísimo Sacramento: Gracias Jesús por
tanto que nos ama: My Father: Se ofrece al
Santísimo dando gracias y pidiendo que todo
salga bien del caso que tiene:
The person/s presenting these petitions
are/las persona/s que presenta
estas peticiones son:
Metodia Rodriguez: Unknown: Su Mama:
If shopping at Randall’s, take your
Remarkable Card to Customer Service ask credits to go to San Jose Church – 226479
– and San Jose will receive a donation based
on your purchases. Thanks!
Dedications of ALTAR FLOWERS for our
Lords Altar are now being accepted for 2012.
Your dedication is a special way to honor
a loved one on their special day or in their
memory; give thanksgiving for blessings
received; or in recognition of a special event,
a ministry or an organization. Donations can
be made at the Church Office.
Wedding Anniversaries
for 2011
We failed to note two special
Anniversaries in last week’s
bulletin. Apologies to:
Ramon and Joyce Samilpa – 60 years
Matias (Sonny) and Lupe Limon – 60 years
Attention Parishioners:
After the breakfast group meeting
recently, there was discussion over
the fact that the cost of groceries has increased,
therefore to compensate for this rise in prices,
the cost of some breakfast items has increased.
However, the price of coffee and sweet bread
will remain the same
Atención Feligreses:
Después de la junta del grupo de desayuno
recientemente, hubo una discusión sobre el
aumento del costo del mandado, debido a
esto, para compensar, los precios de algunos
artículos del desayuno van a aumentar. Sin
embargo, el precio del café y del pan dulce
no cambiara. ¡Gracias por su apoyo continuo!
Cycle B
San José Church, Austin, Texas
Abraham was prepared to sacrifice his only son, Isaac. St. Paul reminds Abraham estaba preparado para sacrificar a su único hijo, Isaac. San Pablo
us that God Himself “did not spare His own Son.” Are my gifts to the nos recuerda que el Mismo Dios ni siquiera perdono a Su propio Hijo. ¿Son
mis regalos al Señor de mis recursos, de mi tiempo, de mí mismo también
Lord – of my resources, of my time, of myself – also sacrificial?
notes from fr. tom
Thanks to the 535 parishioners utilizing the
contribution envelopes. We thank everyone
for your support and commitment to San José
Please use your personalized envelopes to
receive a record of your donations to San
José Parish.
THANK YOU for your donations of $3,153.00
for the Vocation to the Priesthood Collection.
Collections of January 7th & 8th
Gracias a los 535 feligreses que utilizaron sus
sobres. ¡Damos gracias a todos por su apoyo y
compromiso con San José!
Favor de usar sus sobres para poder anotar su
donativo a la Parroquia de San José.
GRACIAS por su donaciones de $3,153.00
para la Colecta de los jóvenes estudiando para
ser sacerdotes o religiosos.
Many thanks to the Angel Funeral Home
- Sam and Brian Deleon for providing our
lovely calendars this year. We are most
January, 2012 Special Collections
Fr. Tom will be on retreat at San Juan,
Texas Jan. 25-31.
Mail Ins..........................................2,872.00
Jan. 15 .........................Parish Development
Las Colectas del día 7 y 8 de Enero
We have received notice from our Bishop
that after Jan. 1, we will not be needed
to say Sunday Masses at San Saba and
Goldthwaite. Thanks for your patience as
one of your priests was absent each Sunday
for the past 6 months.
Many, many thanks to all who remembered
us at Christmas time – the well-wishes,
prayers and homemade goodies were most
appreciated, and even more your interest,
support and love throughout the year. Many
New Year Blessings to each.
Please come to the Pro-Life Mass on
Saturday, Jan. 28th at 10:30am. San Jose
will host this Diocesan Mass for Life. Bishop
Vasquez will be the main celebrant. A living
Rosary will start at 10am and a light lunch
will be offered by our DCCW ladies in the
hall after. All welcome.
Fr. Bruce Nieli will be our guest for a short
Lenten Preparation beginning Saturday,
Feb. 18th and concluding on Ash Wednesday,
Feb. 22nd.
Prayer for More Rain
Whatever we ask in Your Name, Lord God, You have promised to grant. We come now
with You in our hearts, to pray for rain. We are firmly convinced that you, according
to the measure of Your wisdom, goodness and love, have the omnipotent power to
send us the rain we need. We ask this in humility, knowing Your great goodness. We
beg your assistance, remembering Your words, “Ask and you shall receive.” Amen.
Oración por Mas Lluvia
Lo que pedimos en tu nombre, Señor Dios, Tu has prometido conceder. Vamos
ahora con usted en nuestros corazones, para orar por la lluvia. Estamos firmemente
convencidos de que según la medida de su sabiduría, bondad y amor, tiene el poder
omnipotente que nos envié la lluvia que necesitamos. Te lo pedimos con humildad,
sabiendo de su gran bondad. Amen.
Donation Statements for 2011 have been
sent out last week. If you did not receive
one, please call the office for a copy. And
many thanks for your support throughout the
-Fr. Tom
January 15, 2012
2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Religious Education Corner / Esquina De Educación Religiosa
“Do This in Memory of Me”
Luke 22:19
Haced esto en conmemoración mía
San Lucas 22:19
Office Closures
The CHURCH office will be CLOSED Monday, Jan. 16th
In observance of Martin Luther King Holiday and reopen
on Tuesday, Jan. 17th.
Religious Education Parents:
Baptismal Workshop
For parents with children in grades K-12th who need the Sacrament
of Baptism.
Saturday, Jan. 28,2012 from 1pm – 4pm
English in the Chapel
Spanish in the School Building Rm. 1A
Parent & Child(ren) must attend.
Attention 1st Communion Parents
Reconciliation Rehearsals/Ensayos de Reconciliación
Spanish is Jan. 19 • Español es 19 de Enero
English is Jan. 26 • Ingles es 26 de Enero
Rehearsals are at 7pm • Ensayos son a las 7pm
In the main church • En la Iglesia Principal
San Juan Diego
Catholic High School
and the
8th Grade Academy
Taller de Bautismo para a los padres que tienen hijos de grados
K-12 que necesitan el Sacramento de Bautismo.
Sabádo, 28 de Enero de las 1pm - 4pm
Español en el Edificio de la Escuela, Salon 1A
Ingles en la Capilla del Sagrado Corazon
Padres y Niño(s) deben asistir.
Reconciliation Ceremonies/Ceremonias de Reconciliación
Spanish is Jan. 24 • Español es el 24 de Enero
English is Jan. 31 • Ingles es el 31 de Enero
Ceremonies are at 7pm • Ceremonias son a las 7pm
In the main church • en la Iglesia Principal
La Preparatoria Católica de San Juan Diego
(SJDCHS) y la Academia de Grado Octavo están
aceptando solicitudes para los nuevos estudiantes
para el otoño del año escolar 2012-2013. La fecha
límite para solicitudes es el 20 de enero 2012.
Potential students and their families are also
invited to learn more about our unique school
community by scheduling a campus visit and
tour. Please call the school office for more information. (512) 804-1935
Les damos la más cordial bienvenida a todos los
nuevos feligreses. Todos los feligreses y cualquiera
persona que sea mayor de 18 años, debe registrarse
en las oficinas de la Iglesia. Así también, les rogamos
nos hagan saber cualquier cambio en sus datos que
afecte su registro.
Padres de Educación Religiosa:
Preparatoria Católica de San
Juan Diego y la Academia de
Grado Octavo
San Juan Diego Catholic High School
(SJDCHS) and the 8th Grade Academy are
now accepting applications for new students
for the Fall 2012-2013 school year. The
deadline for applications is Jan. 20, 2012.
We give a warm welcome to all new parishioners.
New parishioners and anyone over 18 years of age
should register at the Parish Office. Also, please notify
us of address changes and or personal changes that
affect your registration.
Horario de Oficina
La oficina de la IGLESIA estara CERRADA el 16 de Enero
en observancia del dia de Martin Luther King y va reabrir
el Martes, 17 de Enero.
Los estudiantes potenciales y sus familias están
invitados a aprender más acerca de nuestra
comunidad escolar única mediante la programación
de una visita al campus. Por favor, llame a la oficina
de la escuela para obtener más información. (512) 804-1935
Couples are asked to call Sr. Nancy at least
9 months before setting a wedding date.
They should be registered and participating in
the parish.
Alcohol and Drug Assistance Ministry
Please call the ADAM Team at 1-866-203-4087.
Leave your first name and a phone number and
time where you can be reached. All calls are
Para casarse por la iglesia aqui o en otro país
(especialmente si desea casarse en México) necesita
llamar a la Hna. Nancy de 9 meses antes de
fijar la fecha de la boda porque la iglesia
tiene ciertos trámites que cumplir.
Por favor llame al Equipo MAAD, al 1-866-2034087. Deje su primer nombre, un número telefonico
y horario a donde le podamos llamar. Todas las
llamadas son confidenciales.
Iglesia San José, Austin, Texas
Intercessions for Life
For victims of prejudice due to their race,
national origin or religious belief:
that they be respected and valued for their
equal and inherent dignity;
We pray to the Lord;
Cycle B
Intercesiones por la Vida
Para las victimas de prejuicios a causa de
su raza, origen o creencia religiosa:
para que sean respetados y valorados por
su dignidad igual e inherent;
Roguemos al Señor:
The Texas Catholic Pro-Life Day will be Jan. 28. This day will include a morning
Prayer Vigil at an abortion facility, Mass with Bishop Joe Vasquez here at San Jose and the Texas
Rally for Life and party for life. For more information, contact the diocesan Office of Pro-Life
Activities and Chaste Living at (512) 949-2486 or
Cordialmente los invitamos al curso bíblico
Introducción a la Biblia, dictado en español
por Joaquín y Lupita Carmona. Se llevara
a cabo del Lunes 9 al Viernes, 13 de Enero de
7 a 10pm y el Sábado 14 de 9am a 3pm, en el
Salón Parroquial. Se expedirá certificado. Por
favor traiga su Biblia. Informes con Martha
Calderón al (512) 704-2635.
Galindo Elementary
Neighborhood Association
Casita Esperanza News
Do Well and Be Well with Diabetes
Classes on how to manage and stay healthy with Diabetes, classes will be presented by several
nurses from the United Methodist Church wellness unit. Classes will be in English this time,
they will be offered in Spanish at a later date. There is no cost – FREE. Jan. 7th thru Feb. 4th (5
weeks) from 10:00am-12:00pm at the Casita Esperanza Bldg. If you are interested in attending
these classes, please contact Delia Anguiano at 447-7306. Thank you.
ESL Classes
ESL Classes will begin on Jan. 14th. Saturday mornings from 10:00am-12:00pm. If you or
someone you know is interested, please call Delia Anguiano at 447-7306. You must be able to
read in Spanish to attend this class. You must pre-register for this class, space is limited. Cost
is $20.00. Thank you.
Nuevas de Casita Esperanza
Clases de ESL
Se ofreceran clases de Ingles ESL, el dia 14 de Enero. Los Sabados por la manana, de 10:00am
hasta 12:00pm, en el edificio de la Casita Esperanza. El costo sera $20.00. Es necesario saber
leer en Español para tomar este curso. Por favor de pre-registrarse antes de este dia, llame a
Delia Anguiano al 447-7306, el espacio es limitado. Gracias.
Available at the Parish Office C.E.F. Cards
A friend or relative of yours dies - you want to do something to show that you care. Maybe you take
food to the family; you try to say some comforting words. Flowers and plants are expensive and
they die too soon. What about being a part of a perpetual Clerical Endowment Fund Card for the
deceased. Give $5 and your name will be included in the memorial to the family of the deceased.
That person will be remembered perpetually in the Masses of our Bishop and in the prayers of our
Seminarians. That same $5 will be used to help educate our Seminarians - future priests who will
serve us in this Diocese. Contact Tina Esquivel at the Parish Office for more information.
GENA is forming a neighborhood watch
program. GENA’s boundaries are Oltorf on
the north, Ben White on the south, Union
Pacific Railway on the west and South First
Street on the east. If you live or have a business
within GENA’s boundaries and are interested
in participating in our neighborhood watch,
please come to the Jan. 23 GENA meeting
from 6:45-8:00 PM in the San Jose Parish Hall.
Taller de Oración
y Vida
Taller de Oración y Vida, fundador Padre
Ignacio Larrañaga
Los invitamos a vivir este maravilloso taller
comenzando el día 19 de Enero del 2012 de
7-9pm en el edificio de la Escuela San Juan
Diego salón #1A & B. Para mas información
favor de comunicarse con Diana Zaldivar
al (512)470-1777. Comience bien su año
aprendiendo a vivir en el amor y no en el temor.
January 15, 2012
2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Sun.......1 Sm 3:3b-10,19, Sal 40:2,4,7-10, 1 Cor 6:13c-15a,17-20, Jn 1:35-42
Mon......1 Sm 15:16-23, Sal 50:8-9,16bc-17,21,23, Mc 2:18-22
Tue. ......1 Sm 16:1-13, Sal 89:20-22,27-28, Mc 2:23-28
Wed......1 Sm 17:32-33,37,40-51, Sal 144:1b,2,9-10, Mc 3:1-6
Thu.......1 Sm 18:6-9;19:1-7, Sal 56:2-3,9-13, Mc 3:7-12
Fri.........1 Sm 24:3-21, Sal 57:2-4,6,11, Mc 3:13-19
Sat........2 Sm 1:1-4,11-12,19,23-27, Sal 80:2-3,5-7, Mc 3:20-21
Sun.......Jn 3:1-5,10, Sal 25:4-9, 1 Cor 7:29-31, Mc 1:14-20
The Quarterly Meeting of the Austin Council of Catholic Women will meet on Jan. 21, at St.
Louis King of France Catholic Church, 7601 Burnet Road, Austin, Texas, 512-454-0384.
Mass will be at 9:00 A.M. in the Chapel. The Celebrant will be our Moderator, Fr. Don Lofton.
The speaker will be Barbara Buddie, Director of the Social Concerns Office for the Diocese of
Austin. Her topic will be the “Problems of Human Trafficking” and will be followed by a Business
Meeting and Lunch hosted by the Women’s Club of St. Louis. Please call Eunice at 512-258-5243
for questions.