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Return Service Requested NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. Postage PAID Austin, Texas Permit 133 WHAT IS THE ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT? San José Catholic Church 2435 Oak Crest Ave., Austin, TX 78704 Phone: 444-7587 Fax: 443-1212 E-mail: “Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest” Matt. 11:28 Masses (Main Church/Iglesia Principal) Saturday (Vigil) 6 p.m. (English) Sunday 7:30 am. (Spanish) 9:30 am (English) 11:30 am (English) 1:15 pm (Spanish) Masses (Sacred Heart Chapel) Saturday 8:00 a.m. (English) Mon-Fri. 5:45 p.m. (English) Thurs. 7:00 p.m. (Spanish) Reconciliation/Confession Saturday/Sabado 4:00 p.m—5:30 p.m. Wednesday/Miercoles 7:00p.m. Grupo de Oración Español Los Martes de 7- 9 pm IMPORTANT DATES November 27 — Thanksgiving Day November 29 — 1st. Sunday of Advent — Fr. Will Straten Our guess for the 7:30 and 9:30 Masses November 30 — Masses Book opens for 2010 December 8 — Feast of the Immaculate Conception December 12 — Feast of La Virgen de Guadalupe December 25 — Christmas Day January 1st. — New Year’s Day January 6 — WATOTO Concert in Main Church January 10 — Vocation Week January 16 — Meeting of Ministries January 23 — Pro-Life Mass February 13 — Lenten Mission with Fr. Bruce Nieli February 17 — Ash Wednesday Winter 2009 Invierno 2009 What is the Blessed Sacrament? The Blessed Sacrament is Jesus in our midst. FECHAS IMPORTANTES Noviembre 27 — Día de Dar Gracias Noviembre 29 — 1er. Domingo de Adviento — Padre Will Straten, será nuestro invitado en las Misas de las 7:30 y 9:30 am Noviembre 30 — Se habré el libro de Misas para el año 2010 Diciembre 8 — Fiesta de la Inmaculada Concepción Diciembre 12 — Día de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe Diciembre 25 — Día de Navidad Enero 1ro. — Año Nuevo Enero 6 — Concierto WATOTO en la Iglesia Principal Enero 10 — Semana de Vocaciones Enero 16 — Junta de Ministerios Enero 23 — Misa Pro-Vida Febrero 13 — Misión de Cuaresma con el Padre Bruce Febrero 17 — Miércoles de Ceniza St. Margaret Mary was in prayer when Jesus appeared to her and said: “Behold this Heart which loves so much and yet, is so little loved in return.” He explained that the thorns around His Heart are symbolic of the pain that He suffers because of the ingratitude and indifference of His priest and people toward His love in the Blessed Sacrament. Jesus continued to say that He suffers more now because of this ingratitude and indifference than he did during His entire passion. If we only knew how much Jesus loves us in the Blessed Sacrament, we would want to spend time in His presence. Grace and peace await all who visit Jesus in the Blesses Sacrament. Every moment that we spend before our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament give us the courage and strength to carry our cross on earth, teaches us the great value of suffering, purifies our souls, disposes our will to be obedient to God, and makes us compassionate after the Hearth of Jesus. Here we offer Jesus our sufferings, and thank and praise Him for His blessings. When we come to Him in the Blessed Sacrament, we come to Bethlehem, for the Eucharist is the continuation of His presence here on earth. We come to Calvary, for the Eucharist is the gift of our Lord’s Passion. We come to the Resurrection, for the Eucharist is our Risen Lord with all of the power of His Resurrection. Perpetual Adoration is door always open. It’s the sing of the open arms of Christ in the Blessed Sacrament always inviting, welcoming, and embracing each one who comes to Him. Perpetual Adoration is praise for all Jesus has done for our salvation and is lifted up in love. From adoration of Jesus in the Monstrance, we draw down upon the parish, and the world, the graces and merits of the Cross. We proclaim Him King by giving him the honor He truly deserves. A single hour of prayer touches hearts through God’s grace. This is because of the appreciation god has for those who love His Son in the Blesses Sacrament. In total trust, surrender all your fears and anxieties to His Heart in exchange for peace. The only sound Jesus wants to hear in our hearts is the sound of His enduring Love. This enduring Love is why we should be excited about having a Chapel of Perpetual Adoration here in San José. Jesus is inviting us: “Won’t you come and spend and hour with Me? I love you!” The Blessed Sacrament Chapel is located, (facing the Church) to the right northwest corner of the church building. It is open 24 hours a day and you can schedule an hour by calling the office and the office in turn will call the scheduler. May you answer Jesus’ invitation! Marriage- Yes, it’s still a Sacrament! So you’re getting married, where do you start? Which hotel is going to be the most impressive? Which designer dress will you get? How many tiers and what flavors will your wedding cake have? And more importantly, where will you go on your honeymoon? Those are important questions for you your wedding day. But what are you going to do after that? If you and your fiancé stay married for 50 years, that means you haven’t planned for the other 18,249 days, give or take. Deadline for Publication Articles or announcements for publication in the Spring edition of El Sembrador must be received by Jan 15, 2010. Material may be submitted to the Church office attention: El Sembrador; Fax 443-1212 or, by email: Personas/ministerios que desean someter artículos o anuncios para publicación en la edición de Primavera del El Sembrador deben hacerlo antes del 15 de Ene, 2010 . Favor de entregar el material en persona, atención: El Sembrador, a la oficina de San José, por Fax al: 443-1212, o por correo electronico a Editor: Fr. Tom Frank, José Mendez That’s where the sacrament of Marriage comes in. “The Catholic concept of Christian marriage involves much more than holding the wedding in church. What makes a marriage Christian isn’t a church blessing added to a legal contract. Christian marriage is a personal relationship of life giving love in which two people make the love of Christ present to each other and become a sing of the love of Christ to those around them. How do you and your fiancé become a sing of love to those around you? Start out by going to Mass together, receiving communion as often as possible, going to reconciliation often, praying together. Be respectful of end each other. Never let your relatives run your marriage. It really is “you & me against the world”. Once you discover what love really means and being faithful to it, learning to accept, to be tolerant and to forgive, you will be living that life giving love. Remember-your most important job as a husband/wife is to get your spouse to heaven. So it’s okay to have the big wedding and all the fancy trimmings but don’t forget the most important guest. If you bring him in early, he’ll always be there when you need him. To inquire about the San José Marriage Preparation Program, please call and leave a message for Nelli Wolverton at the church office (512) 444-7587 ¿QUE ES ADORAR EL SANTISIMO SACRAMENTO? “Vengan a Mi lo que van cansados, llevando pesadas cargas, y Yo los aliviare.” Mat. 11:28 ¿Qué es el Santísimo Sacramento? El Santísimo Sacramento es Jesus en medio de nosotros. Santa Margarita María estaba en oración cuando Jesus se le apareció y le dijo: “Contempla este Corazón que tanto ama y que es tan poco amado en retorno.” El le explico que las espinas que rodean Su Corazón son le símbolo de la pena que El sufre por la ingratitud e indiferencia de Sus sacerdotes y de los demás hacia Su Amor en el Santísimo Sacramento . Jesus continuo diciendo que El sufre mas ahora por esta ingratitud e indiferencia, que lo que sufrió durante Su pasión entera. Sin tan solo supiéramos cuanto no s ama Jesus en el Santísimo Sacramento, querríamos pasar el tiempo en Su presencia. La gracia y la paz esperan a todo aquel que visita a Jesus en el Santísimo Sacramento. Cada momento que pasamos ante Nuestro Señor en el Santísimo Sacramento, nos da el valor y la fuerza para cargar nuestra cruz en le Tierra, nos enseña el gran valor del sufrimiento, purifica nuestra alma, dispone nuestra voluntad a ser obedientes con Dios y nos hace compasivos, como lo es el Corazón de Jesus. Ahí le ofrecemos a Jesus nuestros sufrimientos y le agradecemos y alabamos por todas Sus bendiciones. Cuando vamos a verlo en el Santísimo Sacramento, vamos a Belén, porque la Eucaristía es la continuación de Su presencia aquí en la Tierra. Vamos al Calvario, porque la Eucaristía es el regalo de la Pasión de Nuestro Señor. Vamos a la Resurrección, porque la Eucaristía es el Señor Resucitado con todo el poder de Su Resurrección. La Adoración perpetua es una puerta siempre abierta. Es el signo de los brazos abiertos de Cristo en el Santísimo Sacramento, siempre invitando, acogiendo y abrazando a quienes van a visitarlo. La Adoración perpetua es alabanza para Jesus, por todo que El ha hecho por nuestra salvación cuando fue levantado en la Cruz por amor. Cuando adoramos a Jesus en la Custodia, atraemos hacia la parroquia y hacia el mundo las gracias y los meritos de la Cruz. Lo proclamamos Rey cuando le damos el honor que el realmente merece. En una sola hora de oración los corazones son cambiados por medio de la gracia de Dios. Esto es así por el aprecio que Dios tiene por todos aquellos que aman a Su Hijo en el Santísimo Sacramento. Con una confianza absoluta, entreguemos todos nuestros temores y ansiedades a Su Corazón y el nos dará a cambio la paz. Nuestros corazones estarán entonces en quietud, atentos a Su Voz. El único sonido que Jesus desea oír en ellos es el de Su constante amor por nosotros. Este Amor perdurable es la razón por la cual deberíamos estar siempre alegres, porque lo tenemos aquí presente en San José, en nuestra Capilla de Adoración Perpetua. Jesus nos esta invitando: “¿Podrás tu venir y pasar una hora Conmigo? Yo te amo.“ La Capilla del Santísimo Sacramento esta localizada en la esquina noroeste del edificio de la Iglesia Principal, (estando en frente a la iglesia, la capilla esta situada en la esquina derecha, al fondo). Esta abierta las 24 horas del día y usted puede arreglar en la oficina si desea visitarla a una hora especifica. Ellos a su vez llamaran a la persona encargada de los horarios. Que todos podamos responder afirmativamente a la invitación de Jesus! A mother was selling raffle tickets for her daughter who is studying for First Communion. Another mother purchased one of those tickets while having lunch at a local restaurant. She put her son’s name on the ticket. Her won, David Salgado (3) won the 2010 Kia Soul and the daughter of the other mother received $100. for selling the winning ticket. Aren’t moms just really great! When the results of the Jamaica were published, several people were surprised that we made any money for the Church-rain almost all day and many expenses had already been made. I was a bit disappointed with the amount until I spoke to my mom about it. She said, ‘son, you made $37 thousand for the church in one difficult rainy day. You should be thankful’. She was right. And I am thankful. Aren’t moms just really great! Fr.Tom. Thanksgiving Day Mass 9:00am Bilingual Mass in the Main Church. NO 5:45pm. or 7:00 pm. Masses that day. MONTHLY BINGO FOR SCHOLARSHIPS All proceeds are for scholarships for our graduating high school seniors. Dinner served at 6p.m. and games begin at 7p.m. Entire family welcome. Always on Fridays in our Parish Hall: December 11, January, 15, February 12. We hope to see you there! FOR THE FEAST OF OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE Saturday, December 12th. 5am.— Mañanitas 6am.— Misa Cantada 7:30am.— Tamales en el Salon Parroquial The Solemnity of Mary Mother of God The Solemnity of Mary Mother of God commemorates the divine motherhood of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the God-Bearer, Mother of our Lord and God Jesus Christ. It is celebrated on January 1st, one week after Christmas. The origins of a feast celebrating Mary's divine maternity are obscure, but there is some evidence of ancient feasts commemorating Mary's role as theotokos (Greek title of Mary, the mother of Jesus). Around 500 AD the Eastern Church celebrated a "Day of the Theotokos" either before or after Christmas. This celebration eventually evolved into a Marian feast on December 26th in the Byzantine calendar and January 16th in the Coptic calendar. In the West, Christmas has generally been celebrated with an octave, an eight day extension of the feast. The Gregorian and Roman calendars of the 7th century mark the Christmas octave day with a strong Marian emphasis. However, eventually in the West, the eighth day of the octave of Christmas was celebrated as the Feast of the Circumcision of Jesus. The push for an official feast day celebrating Mary's divine maternity started in Portugal, and in 1751 Pope Benedict XIV allowed Portugal's churches to celebrate Mary's divine maternity on the first Sunday in May. The feast was eventually extended to other countries, and by 1914 was being celebrated on October 11. The feast of Mary's divine maternity became a universal feast in 1931. Pope Paul VI decided to change the feast of Jesus' Circumcision to the Solemnity of Mary Mother of God to reclaim the ancient Western Marian emphasis at the end of the Octave of Christmas. Celebrating Mary's divine maternity during the Christmas octave makes complete sense in that the celebration is connected closely to Christ's birth. There are many Marian feasts in the Church Calendar. These include The Assumption of Mary, The Immaculate Conception, Our Lady of Sorrows, Our Lady of Guadalupe, Our Lady of Consolation, among many others. However, Mary Mother of God focuses on Mary's divine maternity. Below is the Catholic Collect for the Solemnity of Mary Mother of God (prayer): Let us pray [that Mary the mother of the Lord, will help us by her prayers] God our Father may we always profit by the prayers of the Virgin Mother Mary, for you bring us life and salvation through Jesus Christ her Son who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, One God, forever and ever. Amen. Usted y su familia están invitados a que vengan a celebrar en la Capilla del Sagrado Corazón el 12/31/2009 la: Solemnidad de María la Madre de Dios Rosario y tiempo para meditar frente al Santísimo Sacramento inicia a las 9:00pm. ¿Que no estoy yo aqui, que soy to Madre? Misa a las 11:30pm. La Solemnidad de María día de obligación. You and your family are cordially invited to come and celebrate in the Sacred Heart Chapel on 12/31/2009 the: Solemnity of Mary Mother of God Rosary and quiet time before the Blessed Sacrament starts at 9:00pm. Mass begins at 11:30pm. Solemnity of Mary Mother of God day of obligation. MARY, SPOUSE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT—Gentle, Merciful and Persevering Fifth Annual “Celebrating Life as Catholic Women” Conference Let us come together to pray, reflect, share and strengthen our faith in preparation for this Lenten Season. Guest speakers are Sally Robb, Pastoral Associate at St. John Neumann and co-host of Mary’s Touch Radio program and Sr. Carlota LeBeouf, MSC, Religious Education Director at San Juan Diego Mission. Pre-Registration cost, $25.00 through February 15 (lunch included). Late registration $30 (lunch & materials not guaranteed). This conference is being hosted by the San José Council of Catholic Women on Saturday, February 20, 2010 (8:00am-3:00pm) at the San José Church Parish Hall – 2435 Oak Crest Ave. in Austin. To register contact Rosie Castillo at (512) 444-7587 or or Lydia Ruiz at (512) 523-8327 or (English). Hope to see you there! The San José Council of Catholic Women as members of the National Council of Catholic Women (NCCW) have proudly put together this conference in response to their national mission statement with special focus on Spirituality. The National Council of Catholic Women acts through its membership to support, empower and educate all Catholic Women in spirituality, leadership and service. NCCW programs respond with gospel values to the needs of the church and society in the modern world. MARRIAGE RECOGNITION PROGRAM Are you celebrating 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, or 50 and up years of marriage by the Catholic Church? Would you like to receive a marriage certificate from the Diocese of Austin honoring this special event? If yes, then contact the San Jose Church Office on or before December 1, 2009. The Marriage Recognition Program has been proudly sponsored by the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women since 1975. Upon request from the parishes the DCCW provides these special certificates that will be presented to you in the presence of your church community so that they too may be part of honoring your love and commitment to each other in the Sacrament of Matrimony. Congratulations!! PROGRAMA de RECONOCIMIENTO de CASAMIENTO ¿Celebra usted 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, o 50 años o más de casamiento por la Iglesia Católica? ¿Les gustaría recibir un acta de matrimonio de la Diócesis de Austin honrando este acontecimiento tan especial? Si sí, entonces contacta a la Oficina de la Iglesia de San José en o antes del 1 de diciembre de 2009. El Programa del Reconocimiento del Casamiento es patrocinado orgullosamente por el Concilio Diocesano de Mujeres Católicas desde 1975. A petición de las parroquias estos certificados especiales que son presentados a usted en la presencia de su comunidad de la Iglesia para formar parte de también honrar su amor y el compromiso del uno al otro en el Sacramento del Matrimonio. ¡Felicidades!! SPIRITUAL BOUQUETS -THE GIFT OF PRAYER Spiritual Bouquets are special gifts for Christmas and the New Year for family and friends. When you give a Spiritual Bouquet Card to someone, they and you, receive one year of daily prayers by the seminarians and the nuns at the Monastery of St. Clare in Brenham, Texas. In addition a monthly mass is offered by the director of the fund and one by the current Bishop or Administrator of the Diocese of Austin. Spiritual Bouquet Cards cost as little as $2 per individual and can be purchased at the church office. The proceeds from the purchase of these Spiritual Bouquets help fund the Clerical Endowment Fund (CEF). The CEF was created in 1948 and is sponsored by the Council of Catholic Women. This fund helps pay for the education of our seminarians who will become the future and much needed priest of our parishes here in the Austin Diocese. Giving a Spiritual Bouquet is great gift and opportunity to become part of the formation of our future parish priest. RAMILLETES ESPIRITUALES-EL REGALO DE ORACION Los Ramilletes Espirituales son regalos especiales para el tiempo de Navidad y Año Nuevo para familiares y o amigos. Cuándo usted da una Tarjeta de Ramillete Espiritual Tarjeta a alguien, ellos y usted, reciben un año de oraciones diarias por los seminaristas y las monjas en el Monasterio de Santa Clare en Brenham, Texas. Además una misa mensual es ofrecida por el director del fondo y una por el Obispo o Administrador actuales de la Diócesis de Austin. Las Tarjetas Ramilletes Espirituales cuestan $2 por persona y pueden ser compradas en la oficina de la iglesia. Los fondos recaudados por las Tarjetas de Ramilletes Espirituales ayudan al Fondo Oficinesco de Donación (CEF). El CEF fue creado en 1948 y es patrocinado por el Concilio de Mujeres Católicas. Este fondo ayuda a pagar por la educación de nuestros seminaristas que llegarán a ser el futuro y el sacerdote mucho más necesitado en nuestras parroquias aquí en la Diócesis de Austin. Dar un Ramillete Espiritual es un gran regalo y la oportunidad de llegar a ser parte de la formación de nuestros futuros párrocos. Vocation Week January 9 & 10 (Saturday and Sunday Masses) we will have Deacon Wade Russell and Seminarian Jim Garcia speak about vocations to the priesthood and religious life. A second Collection will be taken for seminarians and religious. FATHER BRUCE NIELI, A Paulist Priest, will give a parish mission (English and Spanish) on the week before the beginning of Lent and on Ash Wednesday-February 13-17, 2010. WHAT IS ADVENT? Advent, which comes from the Latin word for "arrival" or "coming," is a period of preparation for the birth of our Lord. Advent begins four Sundays before Christmas and is the start of the Christmas season, which lasts through the Baptism of Our Lord. The first Sunday of Advent also marks the beginning of the liturgical year, the Church's "New Year's Day," at which time we change the cycle of readings we are using at Mass. Advent is a time of joyous anticipation, but also of penance and preparation for the great Christmas feast. The liturgical color of the season is purple, a sign of penance, which is also used during Lent. The Church discourages excessive ornamentation, boisterous music and even weddings during Advent, in order to foster a sense of quiet hope. WHAT IS AN ADVENT WREATH? The Advent wreath is one of our most popular Advent traditions. Its origin is in pre-Christian Germany and Scandinavia where the people gathered to celebrate the return of the sun after the winter solstice. The circular wreath made of evergreens with four candles interspersed represented the circle of the year and the life that endures through the winter. As the days grew longer, people lit candles to offer thanks to the "sun god" for the light. For us, the lighting of the Advent candles represents the promise of the coming of Jesus, the light of the world. WHY IS THE ROSE-COLORED CANDLE LIT ON THE THIRD SUNDAY OF ADVENT? The third Sunday of Advent is known as Gaudete Sunday because in Latin, the first words of the opening antiphon for that day’s Mass are "Gaudete in Domino semper" ("Rejoice in the Lord always"). On this Sunday rose-colored vestments are permitted and the rose-colored candle is lit as a reminder that we are called to rejoice. WHY IS ADVENT SUCH AN IMPORTANT SEASON IN THE LIFE OF THE CHURCH? While the rest of secular society is already caught up in the frantic rush of shopping, decorations, parties, and other distractions, the church takes pause during Advent to contemplate the wonder of God's underserved mercy and love in Jesus Christ. Christians approach the Advent season much as expectant parents approach the months before a child is born. There are feelings of exhilaration, uneasiness, longing, and awe as the day of arrival approaches. Just as parents do everything they can to get ready and put things into good order, God's people prepare themselves at home and at church for the coming of the Lord by exercising the disciplines of Advent: confession and repentance, fervent prayer, immersion in Scripture, fasting, and reception of the Eucharist more often. For more information go to *************************************************************************************************************************************** ¿QUE ES ADVIENTO? El adviento, que viene de la palabra latina para la “llegada” o “venir,” es un período de la preparación para el nacimiento de nuestro Señor. El adviento comienza cuatro domingos antes de la Navidad y es el comienzo de la estación de Navidad, que dura con el bautismo de nuestro señor. El primer domingo del adviento también marca el principio del año litúrgico, el día del Año Nuevo de la iglesia “,” en cuyo caso nosotros cambia el ciclo de lecturas que estamos utilizando en la Misa. El adviento es una época de la anticipación feliz, pero también de penitencia y de la preparación para el gran banquete de Navidad. El color litúrgico de la estación es morado, una muestra de penitencia, que también se utiliza durante la cuaresma. La iglesia desalienta la ornamentación excesiva, la música bulliciosa e incluso bodas durante adviento, para fomentar un sentido de la esperanza reservada. ¿QUE ES UNA CORONA DE ADVENIMIENTO? La guirnalda del advenimiento es una de nuestras tradiciones más populares. Su origen está en la Alemania y Escandinavia pre-cristiana donde la gente recolectó para celebrar la vuelta del sol después del solsticio del invierno. La guirnalda circular hecha de árboles de hoja perenne con cuatro velas entremezcladas representó el círculo del año y de la vida que aguanta con el invierno. Mientras que los días crecieron más de largo, la gente encendió velas para ofrecer gracias al “dios del sol” por la luz. Para nosotros, la iluminación de las velas del advenimiento representa la promesa de venir de Jesús, la luz del mundo. ¿POR QUÉ LA VELA DE COLOR ROSA SE ENCIENDE EL TERCER DOMINGO DE ADVIENTO? El tercer domingo de adviento se conoce como Gaudete domingo porque en latín, las primeras palabras del antiphon de la abertura para la misa de ese día son “Gaudete en semper del dominó " (“Gozaos en el señor siempre”). En este domingo se permiten las vestiduras color rosa y la vela color rosa se enciende como recordatorio que nos llaman para gozaos. ¿POR QUÉ ES EL ADVIENTO UNA ESTACIÓN TAN IMPORTANTE EN LA VIDA DE LA IGLESIA? Mientras que el resto de la sociedad secular se encuentran de compras, decorando, de fiesta, y otras distracciones, las cosas de la iglesia se detienen brevemente durante el adviento contemplando la maravilla de Dios misericordioso y en el amor de Jesús Cristo. Los cristianos esperan el adviento mucho ansia así como los padres esperan la llegada de su hijo meses antes nacer. Hay sensaciones del regocijo, de intranquilidad, de deseo, y de temor pues el día de la llegada se acerca. Así como los padres hacen todo para poder estar listos y poner cosas en orden, la gente del Dios se prepara en el hogar y en la Iglesia para la venida del Señor procediendo a las disciplinas del advenimiento: confesión y arrepentimiento, oración ferviente, inmersión en la Escritura, ayuno y recibir la Eucaristía con frecuencia. Para mas información de Adviento vayan a la pagina del internet The Way to San Jose by Jose Mendez – Deacon Candidate, Austin Diocese Mi Camino a San José por Jose Méndez Candidato al Diaconado por la Diócesis de Austin. My road to San Jose began when I was born and raised in San Antonio, Texas. My parents were Jose and Faustina Mendez. We would attend mass on Sundays at a parish that was very similar to San Jose Parish. At this parish, I began to learn the traditions and the teachings of the Catholic faith. Mi camino a San José comenzó hace mucho tiempo, nací y crecí en San Antonio, Tx. Mis padres fueron Jose & Faustina Méndez. Ellos fueron a misa todos los domingos a una Iglesia muy parecida a San José. En esa Iglesia aprendí las tradiciones y enseñanzas de la fe Católica. I found out early in life that there are many callings in a lifetime. During my last semester in high school, I met the person who I would share the rest of my life. Her name was Lucy Diaz and she was the best looking girl in high school. All it took was her smile and her dimples and I was ready to walk down the aisle. Shortly after graduating from high school, I was called to the sacrament of marriage. We were prepared to share in the mystery of the unity and fruitful love that exist between Christ and his Church. Shortly after our marriage I was called to serve our country. I enlisted in the Air Force and was sent to Mississippi for training. The fruit of our marriage came quickly and we were blessed with our first son (Jose III). In this situation our new marriage was challenged. We were in a town with no family, a newborn and living on a very limited budget. The Lord was at our side because we were able to weather the storm. Somehow we had just enough of everything and our apartment was always the place where couples and single servicemen who were from Texas would gather for fellowship. After training was over, I was stationed in San Antonio and Austin, Texas. When I separated from the service, our search for a home parish began in Austin. During this period we were blessed with our second son (Christopher) and I was also blessed with a job with a major corporation. We attend mass at many parishes in the Austin area and could not find a home parish until we attended San Jose Parish. When we were asked to stand as “first time visitors” and receive a warm San Jose welcome we knew we had found our home parish. The great blessing of membership in a parish is the opportunity to serve. When you give loving service, you are serving God and furthering His salvation on earth. We were ready to give of our time, talents and treasures. Our first calling at San Jose was to help at the annual Jamaica. From this first step we moved on to a variety of other callings within the parish. As my ordination to the Diaconate approaches, I reflect on how every person in my life has had a hand in my formation. I am fortunate to have my ordination scheduled during the “Year for Priests”. The priests that I have met on the Road to San Jose and after arriving at San Jose have all had a major influence on my formation. They are the men who bring the presence of the Lord on the altar, bring Christ in the Eucharist, and give forgiveness at reconciliation. They continue to be role models on how to live the Gospel and the laity should do their part in praying for them. I am also fortunate to have family members which include my daughter-in Law (Yuki), my grandson (Jose Ichiro) and the members of the Class of 2010 who have supported me during my journey. The community of San Jose Parish follows the teachings of St Paul in Act 6:3 which states “Brother, select from among you seven reputable men, filled with the Spirit and wisdom, who we shall appoint to this task”. This faithful community has appointed me to seek the calling and for this reason I continue my journey towards the diaconate. FR. TOM’S CHRISTMAS RAFFLE FOR SCHOLARSHIPS 10 fine prizes including a bicycle, Jamaica T-Shirts and Religious Statues. $1 per chance and 3 tickets for $2. Get chances after Mass. Drawing will be on Friday, De. 11 at the Bingo Aprendí a muy temprana edad que hay muchos llamados en la vida. Durante mi ultimo semestre de educación media superior, conocí a la persona con la que iba a compartir el resto de mi vida, su nombre era Lucy Díaz y ella era la chica mas bella de la escuela. Solo tuvo que sonreír para que yo estuviera listo para caminar hacia el altar. Poco después de graduar, recibí el llamado al sacramento del matrimonio. Nos preparamos para compartir en el misterio de la unidad y el amor fructífero que existe entre Cristo y su Iglesia. Después de nuestro matrimonio fui llamado a servir a la patria. Fui enlistado en la Fuerza Aérea y me mandaron a Missisipi para el entrenamiento. El fruto de nuestro matrimonio llego pronto y nos vimos bendecidos con nuestro primer hijo (Jose III). En esta situación nuestro matrimonio se vio en dificultades. Vivíamos en una ciudad sin familiares con hijo recién nacido y con muy poco dinero. Mas el Señor siempre estuvo de nuestro lado ya que pudimos superar todas las tormentas. De alguna manera siempre tuvimos lo suficiente y en nuestro apartamento siempre hubo lugar para las parejas o personas solas de Texas que quisieran unirse a nosotros y compartir en la fe. Después de que se termino mi entrenamiento, me enviaron a San Antonio y Austin, Texas. Cuando termine mi tiempo en el ejercito, la búsqueda por nuestra propia Iglesia se inicio aquí en Austin. Durante ese tiempo fuimos bendecidos con nuestro segundo hijo (Christopher) y también con un buen trabajo en una compañía grande. Fuimos a muchas Iglesias aquí en Austin y en los cercanos poblados, mas no encontrábamos un lugar al cual pudiéramos llamar nuestra Iglesia hasta que venimos por primera vez a San José. Cuando pidieron que los visitantes por primera vez se pusieran de pie para recibir una calurosa bienvenida supimos que habíamos encontrado nuestra Iglesia. La gran bendición de ser miembros de una iglesia es poder servir. Cuando sirves con amor, estas sirviendo a Dios y estas ayudando en el plan de salvación en la tierra. Desde el principio estábamos listos para dar nuestro tiempo, dinero y talento. El primer ministerio al que servimos fue en el comité de la Jamaica. Después de eso nos hemos movido en diferentes ministerios aquí en la parroquia. Ahora que mi ordenación como Diacono se acerca, me pongo a reflejar de cómo las personas han influido en mi formación. Soy muy afortunado de ser ordenado en el año del Sacerdote. Los Sacerdotes que he conocido en el camino de San José han ayudado a mi formación. Son hombres que traen la presencia de Dios al Altar, traen a Cristo en la Eucaristía, y perdonan en la reconciliación. Ellos siguen siendo modelos a seguir de cómo vivir el Evangelio y nosotros los laicos debemos hacer mucha oración por ellos. También soy muy afortunado de tener a mi nuera (Yuki), y mi nieto (Jose Ichiro), y a los miembros de la clase 2010 que me han apoyado en este camino. La comunidad de San José sigue las enseñanzas de San Pablo en el libro de los Hechos 6:3 que dice: Por tanto, hermanos, buscad de entro vosotros a siete hombres, de buena fama, llenos de Espíritu y sabiduría, y los pondremos al frente de este cargo. Esta ferviente comunidad me ha ayudado a encontrar mi llamado y es por eso es que sigo en el camino del Diaconado. CHRISTMAS MASS SCHEDULE December 24, 2009 4pm. Spanish/Español 7pm. English/Ingles 10pm. Bi-Lingual/Bilingue December 25, 2009 9am. Bi-Lingual/Bilingue MISAS DE NAVIDAD ASH WEDNESDAY SCHEDULE OF SERVICES Mass and distribution of Ashes 6:30a.m. and 12 noon. Distribution of Ashes only 8:30a.m 10:00a.m. 2:00p.m. 4:00p.m. 5:30p.m. 7:00p.m. 8:30p.m. “Polvo eres y en polvo te convertiras”