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The Catholic Community of Saint Paul LA IGLESIA CATOLICA DE SAN PABLO 1010 West Fourth Street Wilmington, DE 19805 302-655-6596 Website: Visit Us on Facebook: Church Office Hours: Monday - Friday / Lunes - Viernes 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 Noon and 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. MISAS / MASSES PASTOR: Rev. Todd Carpenter, O.F.M. DEACONS: Deacon Angel Rivera Deacon Br. Robert Perez, OFMCap PARISH SECRETARY: Mrs. Sandra Toala LAY PASTORAL ASSOCIATE Miguel Gutierrez Telephone: 576-4126 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Carmen Silva, Coordinator Diocesan Hispanic Ministry Office Rev. Christopher Posch, O.F.M. Telephone: 655-0518 Parish Counselor & Spiritual Director Consejera Parroquial y Directora Espiritual Telephone: 576-4121 Sister Theresa Mary Elitz, O.S.F. Mrs. Mariella Roberts Sábado por la tarde / Saturday evening: 5:00 p.m. English (Chapel) / Inglés (Capilla) 6:30 p.m. Spanish (Chapel) / Español (Capilla) Domingo / Sunday: 9:00 a.m. English (Church) / Inglés (Iglesia) 10:30 a.m. Spanish (Church) / Español (Iglesia) 7:00 p.m. Spanish (Church) / Español (Iglesia) Miércoles / Wednesday: 6:30 p.m. Spanish (Chapel) / Español (Capilla) Misa de Sanación / Healing Mass Ultimo martes del mes a las 7:00 p.m. en la capilla RECONCILIATION/CONFESIONES Saturday/Sábado: 4:00 - 4:45p.m. Chapel (Capilla) Or by appointment at rectory (o por cita en la rectoría) CÍRCULO DE ORACIÓN Martes: 7:00 p.m. (Centro Roberto Clemente) HORA SANTA Tercer jueves 7:00 p.m. (Capilla) BAPTISM OF CHILDREN Parents are asked to call the rectory at least four months in advance to make arrangements. BAUTISMO DE NIÑOS Los padres tienen que llamar a la rectoría al menos con MARRIAGE Call the rectory one year in advance to begin process. cuatro meses de anticipación par a hacer los ar r eglos. Please contact the church before setting a wedding date MATRIMONIO with a reception hall. Favor de llamar a la rectoría un año en avance para empezar el proceso. Hay que contactar la iglesia antes de reserSWEET 15 & 16 BLESSINGS var un hall para la recepción. Please call the rectory one year in advance to make arrangements. Please contact the church before setting a QUINCEAÑERAS date with a reception hall. Favor de llamar a la rectoría un año en avance para hacer los arreglos. Hay que contactar la iglesia antes de reservar MINISTRY TO THE SICK Please call the rectory to alert us when a member of our un hall para la recepción. parish is hospitalized or confined at home.. MINISTERIO AL CUIDADO DE LOS ENFERMOS Por favor de avisarnos cuando un miembro de la parroquia esté en el hospital o enfermo en casa. Page Two View this bulletin online at 14TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME JULY 6, 2014 DOMINGO 14 DEL TIEMPO ORDINARIO 6 DE JULIO DEL 2014 CATHOLICS GATHER IN SUPPORT OF MIGRANTS LOS CATÓLICOS SE UNEN EN APOYO DE LOS INMIGRANTES An estimated 800 participants whose mission is to serve and advocate for immigrants, migrants, refugees, and the victims of trafficking will gather in Washington, DC, from July 710, at the National Migration Conference. The gathering is hosted by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Migration and Refugee Services, the Catholic Legal Immigration Network, and Catholic Charities USA. The conference is open to anyone seeking to better understand and engage in the Church’s mission to serve this population. The National Migration Conference’s goal is to build the capacity of the Catholic Church and society to advance the life and dignity of the human person by sharing and applying Catholic Social Teaching on migration. The conference will share information on domestic and international issues affecting immigrants, refugees, unaccompanied migrant children, and other vulnerable people on the move; prepare and organize participants to carry the message on these migration issues both in Congress and to constituencies and political leaders in their own communities; deepen the capacity of diocesan and parish leaders to serve, minister to, and advocate by providing skill-building workshops, and by sharing strategies, best practices, materials, and activities that are useful at the local level; and gather to teach, pray, and celebrate the work and accomplishments of their networks. The conference will feature renowned speakers addressing a wide range of migration-related topics including a discussion of services to and the pastoral care of immigrants, opportunities for networking, and special liturgies. Among the speakers is Cardinal Donald Wuerl, Archbishop of Washington, known for his teaching ministry and work in education, health care, and social service organizations. The Archbishop of Tegucigalpa and President of the Episcopal Conference of Honduras, Cardinal Oscar Andres Rodriguez Maradiaga, will deliver the keynote address. Cardinal Rodriguez is an advocate for the world’s growing migrant population and has publicly called for the Church to help restore respect for immigrant’s dignity. Workshops topics include the Kino Border Initiative: Lessons and Opportunities regarding Immigration and the U.S. Mexico Border, A call to Establish Right Relationships: Border Communities and National Migration Policies; and Immigrant Integration and Well-Being: the Ultimate Goal of Reform, among others. Conference participants will also have the opportunity to visit Capitol Hill to advocate on behalf of migrants and urge members of Congress to support a fair and compassionate immigration reform that respects the human rights and dignity of those who come to this country seeking protection, employment, and a better life for their families. In January, during National Migration Week, the U.S. Bishops stated, “It is our call as the Church to bring the light of Christ to these margins of society to its center. Doing so will provide vulnerable migrants with a protected space in which they can flourish as human beings.” For more information on the National Migration Conference visit: By Elisabeth Roman Nuestra Parroquia Unos 800 participantes con la misión de servir y defender a los inmigrantes, migrantes, refugiados y victimas de trafico humano se reunirán en Washington, D.C., del 7 al 10 de julio, en la Conferencia Nacional de Migraciones. La conferencia ha sido convocada por el Comité de Migraciones y Refugiados de la Conferencia de Obispos Católicos de Estados Unidos, la Red Legal de Inmigración y Caridades Católicas USA. El evento está abierto a toda persona interesada en entender mejor y comprometerse con la misión de la Iglesia de servir a esta población. El objetivo de la Conferencia Nacional de Migración es construir la capacidad de la Iglesia católica y de la sociedad para promover la vida y la dignidad de la persona humana compartiendo y aplicando la Doctrina Social católica a la migración. La conferencia compartirá información sobre temas domésticos e internacionales que afectan a inmigrantes, refugiados, niños migrantes sin acompañamiento y otros pueblos vulnerables en marcha; preparar y organizar a los participantes para llevar el mensaje de estos temas al congreso y a sus constituyentes y lideres políticos de sus propias comunidades; profundizar la capacidad de los líderes parroquiales y diocesanos para servir y defender proporcionando talleres de construcción de destrezas, y compartir estrategias, mejores prácticas, materiales y actividades útiles a nivel local; y unirse para enseñar, orar y celebrar la tarea y los logros de sus redes. La conferencia gozará de la presencia de oradores de renombre que tratarán una amplia gama de temas relacionados con la migración, incluyendo una discusión de servicios y el cuidado pastoral de inmigrantes, oportunidades de colaboración y liturgias especiales. Entre los oradores está el Cardenal Donald Wuerl, Arzobispo de Washington, conocido por su ministerio y trabajo en educación, salud y organizaciones de servicio social. El Arzobispo de Tegucigalpa y Presidente de la Conferencia Episcopal de Honduras, Cardenal Óscar Andrés Rodríguez Maradiaga presentará la conferencia principal. El Cardinal Maradiaga es un gran defensor de la creciente población migrante del mundo y ha llamado públicamente a la Iglesia a ayudar a restaurar el respeto por la dignidad de los inmigrantes. Los temas de talleres incluyen la Iniciativa Kino de Frontera: Lecciones y Oportunidades referentes a la Inmigración y la Frontera entre México y Estados Unidos; Una llamada a establecer relaciones rectas; comunidades fronterizas y políticas migratorias; Integración inmigrante y bienestar: el objetivo ultimo de la reforma...entre otros temas. Los participantes en la conferencia tendrán también la oportunidad de visitar el Capitolio para abogar por los migrantes y urgir a los congresistas a apoyar una reforma migratoria compasiva que respete los derechos humanos y la dignidad de quienes llegan a este país buscando protección, empleo y una vida mejor para sus familias. En enero, durante la Semana Nacional de Migraciones, los obispos de estados Unidos dijeron: “Como Iglesia, tenemos a llamada a llevar la luz de Cristo a estas poblaciones, a vencer las tinieblas y a ayudar a sacarlos de los márgenes de la sociedad y traerlos a su centro. Hacer esto proveerá a los migrantes más vulnerables un espacio protegido donde puedan florecer como seres humanos”. Para más información sobre la Conferencia Nacional de Migraciones, visite: Por Elisabeth Román Nuestra Parroquia Vea este boletín en el internet: 2014 Annual Catholic Appeal Goal for St. Paul's: Amount Pledged: Amount Collected to date: Number of families participating: Average Gift: $14,000 $21,795 $ 6,457 125 $ 150 Thank you for your generosity to the Annual Catholic Appeal. Please remember to make your monthly payments so we can achieve our goal. CAMPAÑA ANUAL CATÓLICA 2014 Meta de San Pablo Dinero Prometido Dinero recogido hasta hoy Numero de familia participando Regalo Promedio $14,000 $21,795 $ 6,457 125 $ 150 Page Three FOR THE SAKE OF GOD’S CHILDREN What does the Diocese do for survivors of abuse? In accord with Article 1 of the Charter for the Protection Children and Young People the Diocese reaches out to survivors and their families demonstrating a sincere commitment to their spiritual and emotional well-being. Our first obligation to survivors of clergy sexual abuse is healing and reconciliation. Our Diocese has appointed a Survivor Assistance Coordinator, a licensed therapist/counselor with many years of experience in handling sexual abuse, to coordinate assistance for survivors of clergy sexual abuse. The Survivor Assistance Coordinator speaks with the survivor (and/or family) apologizing for the offense, listening to the survivor’s experience, and offering counseling, spiritual help, and providing for therapy either through counselors at Catholic Charities or agreeing to pay for expenses incurred by the survivor if he/she chooses other counseling opportunities. We are committed to survivor outreach and their spiritual and emotional wellbeing. The services offered by the Diocese are in place for each survivor for as long as necessary. Contact the Survivor Assistance Coordinator at 302 -656-0651. Gracias por su generosidad en la Campaña Anual Católica. Por favor recuerden de dar su pago mensualmente para alcanzar nuestra meta. RETIRO VOCACIONAL FRANCISCANO Si eres un joven mayor de 18 años; ¿Te gustaría explorar la vida de los frailes? ¿Has pensado en una vida al servicio a Dios y los demás como lo hizo San Francisco de Asís? Viernes, 5 a domingo 7 de septiembre. Para más información llamar a Erick López, OFM. 301-434-8400, celular 301-5024931 o email: Inscripción hasta el 1 de agosto. SCHEDULE OF BAPTISM CLASSES. HORARIOS DE CLASES BAUTISMALES Please call the rectory to make arrangements before you go to the class. (Por favor llamar a la rectoría para registrarse antes de ir a la clase) Thank you (gracias) Tuesday, July 8 (Martes, 8 de julio) (by appointment only—cita solamente) 7:00 p.m. (English-Ingles) Saturday, July 12 (Sábado, 12 de julio) 10:00 a.m. (Spanish-Español) Page Four ST. PAUL’S OUTREACH PROGRAM St. Paul’s Outreach Program offers food for needy families in our community. If you know someone in need for food please invite them to visit our Outreach Office on Monday and Wednesdays from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. ANUNCIO DEL OUTREACH Se comunica a nuestra comunidad que la Iglesia de San Pablo cuenta con un servicio de ayuda con comida para los más necesitados de nuestra comunidad. Si ustedes conocen de personas que necesitan esta ayuda, ellos pueden acercarse a la oficina del Outreach. Los lunes y miércoles de 9:00 a.m. a 12:00 del mediodía. REDISCOVER THE LOVE IN YOUR MARRIAGE! The Retrouvaille Marriage Program offers help for struggling marriages. Tens of thousands of couples have successfully saved their marriages by attending a Retrouvaille weekend and the six post sessions that follow it Retrouvaille is not just a social gathering or series of seminars, but rather a way to rediscover and rekindle the loving relationship in your marriage. The next program begins on the weekend of August 8-10 at the Family Life Center in Malvern, PA. For more information, or to register for our upcoming weekend, visit our web site at: or call 1-800-470-2230. All inquiries are kept strictly confidential. For more information, please visit: NEWLY CHILDREN BAPTIZED IN JUNE NIÑOS BAUTIZADOS EN JUNIO Caroline Shiley Maldonado Jemily Maldonado Oquendo Jayden Sebastian Retama Luben Gish Rodriguez Myles Dylan Rodriguez Noah Mackenzie Rodriguez Natasha Santiago Camacho Nicole Santiago Camacho Jesus Santiago Segura Ramirez Rocio Segura Ramirez Daniel Gonzalez Gonzalez Mauricio Longoria Daniel Lopez Estupinan Leslie Martinez Nava Daysi Camila Rojas Nava Nancy Rojas Nava Alondra Rojas Gordillo Genaro Rojas Gordillo Erick Fabian Zuniga Brito Jose Luis Rodriguez SAINT ELIZABETH’S ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 3 YEAR OLD PROGRAM Saint Elizabeth's Elementary School is excited to announce the opening of a full day three year old program this September 2014. Please contact the school office at 655-8208 if you would like information. St. Paul’s Parish Council & Trustees El Consejo Parroquial y Síndicos de San Pablo Parish Council — Consejo Parroquial ESL (INGLES COMO SEGUNDO IDIOMA) Las clases de Ingles, son los lunes y jueves. Las clases empezarán el lunes 8 de septiembre a las 7:00 p.m. en los bajos de la Iglesia San Pablo. Les estaremos dando más información. Las clases son Gratis. Fr. Todd Carpenter, ofm Miguel Gutierrez Demetrio Ortega Damaris Hernandez Jose Feliciano Deacon Angel Rivera Carmen Silva Ana Schmitt Yolanda Malmgren Hector Molina Parish Trustees — Síndicos de la Parroquia Peter Schmitt & Ana Schmitt Por mas información visita: COLLECTION FOR THE CHURCH IN CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPE Next week we will take up the Collection for the Church in Central and Eastern Europe. This Collection supports Catholic organizations that provide affordable shelter and training for seminarians in a region that still struggles with the effects of Soviet rule. By providing pastoral care, catechesis, and funding for building renovations, your donations help to restore the Church and build the future in the region. Please give generously to the Collection next week. Visit (search “Church in Central and Eastern Europe”) to learn more. Colecta para la Iglesia en Europa Central y Oriental La próxima semana realizaremos la Colecta para la Iglesia en Europa Central y Oriental. Esta Colecta otorga donaciones a organizaciones católicas que proporcionan viviendas asequibles y formación a seminaristas en una región que todavía lucha con las secuelas del régimen soviético. Al brindar cuidado pastoral, catequesis y fondos para la renovación de edificios, sus donativos ayudan a restaurar la Iglesia y a construir el futuro en la región. Por favor, contribuyan generosamente a la Colecta de la próxima semana. Visiten (busquen “Church in Central and Eastern Europe”) para más información. OFFERTORY FOR JUNE 21/22 st Amount Needed in 1 Collection $3,500.00 Actual Collection __$2,596.00 Amount under $904.00 Confirmation Franciscan Appeal Poor Box Postage Help $559.00 $34.00 $23.00 $10.00 Aug. 2-9: St. Anne de Beaupre Pilgrimage, sponsored by St. John the Beloved Parish. Visit six shrines and churches in the United States and Canada. $1,200 per person, double occupancy. Spiritual leader will be Father William Cocco. For more information and reservations, call Joahannah Wojcik, (302) 998-3057. Page Five EXPOSITION OF THE HOLY SHROUD OF TURIN Please join us for a rare opportunity to view the burial cloth of Christ on April 21 to 30, 2015. Miraculous cures have been attributed to the Holy Shroud which has been verified many times by world renowned scientists over the centuries. Price $3569 per person/double room from New York JFK or Newark EWR airports. The Catholic Tour will assist you in securing airfare from your home city. Please call the toll free number 1-877-627-4268 or email for more information, itinerary and reservation forms. Medjugorje Youth Festival Join youth and young at heart from our Diocese on Pilgrimage to Medjugorje July 30 through August 7, 2014. Experience our One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church in a powerful way in this heavenly place along with thousands of other youth from around the world. Contact or (302) 540-9037 for Pilgrimage details. Sept. 15-23: Marian pilgrimage to Fatima, Spain and Lourdes. Spiritual director: Fr. Anthony Giamello. $3,499 includes roundtrip airfare from Phila., tour escort from 206 Tours, breakfast and dinner daily, and daily Mass. Please contact Phil or Vicki Santoro for more information: or for detailed information. November 1-13: Splendors of Italy, 13 days, $3,199. Includes hotels, all breakfasts and dinners, tours and round-trip air to Milan and departing Rome out of JFK. Visit Milan, Venice, Padua, Veronica, Bologna, Florence, Siena, Assisi, Rome, and Papal audience. For a brochure e-mail: or call 302-652-5523. April 20-30, 2015: Pilgrimage to the Holy Land. Join Fr. John Hynes as he celebrates his 50th year as a priest. Ten-day trip includes airfare, 4 star hotel lodging, most meals and some admissions to sites. For information and cost, go to: lsb. Register by July 1, 2014. To talk to Fr Hynes about the trip, call 302-633-4915 or email him at The Columbiettes are a growing and vibrant service organization of Catholic women who are willing to make a difference in today’s society. We choose to take a strong stand on issues that are devastating to human life such as Abortion, Human Trafficking, Pornography and Euthanasia. Joining the Columbiettes is an opportunity to serve God, enrich your own spirituality and as a means to touch the lives of others. You must be 17 years or older and a practicing Catholic. Call 302-8973022 or email Page Six For more information, please visit: 5:00p Saturday (7/5) Special Intention 6:30p Feligreses de San Pablo 9:00a Sunday (7/6) Special Intention 10:30a + Rafael Collazo + Alba Nelly Pulido + Hernando Franco + María Antonieta Flores 7:00p Feligreses de San Pablo 6:30p Wednesday (7/9) Feligreses de San Pablo 5:00p Saturday (7/12) Special Intention 6:30p + Juan Arroyo 9:00a Sunday (7/13) St. Paul’s Parishioners 10:30a Bendicion de 3 años Angie & Solangie Morales Parra + Carmen Leticia Cintron Martinez + Carlos Octavio Gomez Franco 7:00p Intención Especial PLEASE MAKE YOUR DONATION COUNT Please become a registered parishioner. Being a registered parishioner will help St. Paul’s and help you in many ways. For example, many people ask for parish letters for immigration or taxes. In order for us to write such a letter you need to be a registered parishioner. This information is private and share with others only if you request it. There is a short parishioner registration form at the end. Please fill one out. TU DONACIÓN CUENTA Por favor sea un feligrés registrado. Al ser un feligrés registrado ayuda a la Iglesia y se ayuda usted mismo. Si necesita alguna carta para inmigración, documentos legales, prueba de dirección, para entrar en escuela católica y recibir la cuota baja, o para propósitos de impuestos. Esta información es privada y la compartimos solo si usted nos da la autorización. Encontrarán un formulario pequeño al final de esta nota. Llena el formulario y sea parte de la familia de la Iglesia de San Pablo. ************************************** Saint Paul Parishioner’s Registration Short Form Formulario pequeño para ser miembro de San Pablo ANNUAL ST. JOSEPH PARISH CARNIVAL-MIDDLETOWN First & Last Name: _____________________________ (Nombre y Apellido) Tuesday, July 15 thru Saturday, July 19. Exciting rides, games and nightly entertainment under the big top! Special children’s game are. Nightly raffles. Delicious meals in our air-conditioned Parish Hall beginning at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday-Friday. Outdoor dinning begins at 6:30 p.m. nightly. Free admission and parking. More information-call Parish Office 302-378-5800 or www.stjosephmiddletown. Address: _____________________________________ (Dirección) ______________________________________ Phone #: _____________________________________ (Número de teléfono) Sandra will call for more information (Sandra los llamará por más información)