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St. Paul Catholic
Church and
Iglesia Católica
San Pablo y
4178 Highway 441 South, Douglas, Georgia 31535
Parish Office
Office phone: 912-384-3560, fax 912-385-8515
Church email:
Parish Website:
St. William Catholic Church, P.O. Box 861,
807 S. Merrimac Dr., Fitzgerald,
Holy Family Catholic Church, Atkinson County, Off Hwy 135
June 2 – June 8
Monday: No Mass
Administration ¤ Administración
Pastor: Rev. Nicholas Mansell, V.F.
Pastoral Assistant: Bertha Capetillo
Church Secretary: Janet Benton
Tuesday: Mass-6:00pm
Adoration: 5:00pm
Wednesday: Mass-12:00pm
Think of the church, always and at all times, as sacred space
Adoration: 11:00-noon
and a sacred place. The church is, first and foremost, a place
Fitzgerald- Mass-6:00pm
of worship. It is not an auditorium, convention center, or
Adoration: 5:30pm
meeting hall. We are not filling in time before the
Thursday: No Mass
entertainment starts. The church is the primary place we
and Community.
Friday: God
Adoration: 11:00
come to spend time with and be intimate with God. Listen to
Saturday Masses:
5:00pm English, St. William
7:00pm Spanish, St. William
Sunday Masses:
8:00am English, Holy Family
the choir and let it move you into prayer.
ETIQUETA DE MISAS Piense en la iglesia, siempre y en
todo momento, ya que el espacio sagrado y un lugar sagrado.
La Iglesia es, ante todo, un lugar de culto. No se trata de un
salón de actos, centro de convenciones, o sala de reuniones.
9:30am English, St. Paul 
No estamos llenando en el tiempo antes de que comience el
11:15am Confessions, 1st & 3rd Sundays
espectáculo. La iglesia es el lugar principal llegamos a pasar
11:45am Spanish Misa, St. Paul
el tiempo con y tener intimidad con Dios. Escucha el coro y
deja que te mueve a la oración.
We are Christian communities in the Roman
Catholic Tradition, and we commit ourselves to
become more Christ-like through the service to
God and neighbor.
Our Mission
de Misión
Nosotros somos las comunidades Cristianas
en la Tradición Católica Romana, y nos
comprometemos a hacer modelos de Cristo
al servicio de Dios y de projimo.
Church of Gethsemane (Jerusalem)
Monday, May 26, 2014
“He came out and went… to the Mount of
Olives; and the disciples followed him”
(Lk 22:39). At the hour which God had
appointed to save humanity from its enslavement
to sin, Jesus came here, to Gethsemane, to the
foot of the Mount of Olives. We now find
ourselves in this holy place, a place sanctified by
the prayer of Jesus, by his agony, by his sweating
of blood, and above all by his “yes” to the loving
will of the Father. We dread in some sense to
approach what Jesus went through at that hour;
we tread softly as we enter that inner space where
the destiny of the world was decided.
In that hour, Jesus felt the need to pray and to
have with him his disciples, his friends, those
who had followed him and shared most closely in
his mission. But here, at Gethsemane, following
him became difficult and uncertain; they were
overcome by doubt, weariness and fright. As the
events of Jesus’ passion rapidly unfolded, the
disciples would adopt different attitudes.
Here, in this place, each of us might do well to
ask: Who am I, before the sufferings of my Lord?
Am I among those who, when Jesus asks them to
keep watch with him, fall asleep instead, and
rather than praying, seek to escape, refusing to
face reality? Or do I see myself in those who fled
out of fear, who abandoned the Master at the
most tragic hour in his earthly life?
Jesus’ friendship with us, his faithfulness and his
mercy, are a priceless gift which encourages us to
follow him trustingly, notwithstanding our
failures, our mistakes, also our betrayals.
But the Lord’s goodness does not dispense us
from the need for vigilance before the Tempter,
before sin. We are all exposed to sin, to evil, to
betrayal. Yet the Lord in his great goodness and
his infinite mercy always takes us by the hand.
He is ever at our side, he never abandons us.
Let us imitate the Virgin Mary and St. John, and
stand by all those crosses where Jesus continues
to be crucified. This is how the Lord calls us to
follow him: this is the path, there is no other!
“Whoever serves me must follow me, and where
I am, there will my servant be also” (Jn 12:26).
As I’ve mentioned, I will be leaving St. Paul and
Missions for Columbus, Georgia and Our Lady
of Lourdes parish. Fr. Paul O’Connell, formerly
of St. Joseph Church in Waycross and for the
past year, Our Lady, Star of the Sea in St. Mary,
will be your new pastor.
Fr. Paul O’Connell will be here June 24. A
native of Northern Ireland, Fr. O’Connell was
ordained a priest for our diocese in 2003. In his
forties, he spent some time as a Christian Brother
missionary teaching in Africa. I know you will
enjoy his wit, his knowledge about Christ and the
Church, and his great faith.
What is the Pope?
Catholics believe that Jesus commissioned
St. Peter as the first leader of the Church.
Matthew’s Gospel has the most direct biblical
indication of the papacy: “And I tell you, you are
Peter [meaning literally “Rock”], and on this rock
I will build my church….I will give you the keys
of the kingdom of heaven” (Mt 16:18-19). Based
on this statement of Jesus himself, Peter is clearly
portrayed in the New Testament as the leader of
the disciples.
A pope can make infallible, binding
pronouncements under certain conditions.
Infallibility does not mean that absolutely
everything a pope says is free from error. All
Christians believe that God protected Holy
Scripture from error by means of inspiration,
even though sinful, fallible men wrote it.
We Catholics also believe that God the Holy
Spirit protects His Church and its head from error
(Jn 14:16) by means of infallibility, even though
sinful, imperfect men are involved in it.
WISE WORDS: “The Church wishes to serve this
single end: that each person may be able to find
Christ, in order that Christ may walk with each
person. The Church has endured for 2000 years.
Like the mustard seed in the Gospel, she has
grown and become a great tree, able to cover the
whole of humanity with her branches.”
--St. John Paul II
Iglesia de Getsemaní, Jerusalén
Lunes 26 de mayo de 2014
“Salió… al monte de los Olivos, y lo siguieron
los discípulos” (Lc 22,39).
Cuando llegó la hora señalada por Dios para
salvar a la humanidad de la esclavitud del
pecado, Jesús se retiró aquí, a Getsemaní, a los
pies del monte de los Olivos. Nos encontramos
en este lugar santo, santificado por la oración de
Jesús, por su angustia, por su sudor de sangre;
santificado sobre todo por su “sí” a la voluntad
de amor del Padre. Sentimos casi temor de
acercarnos a los sentimientos que Jesús
experimentó en aquella hora; entramos de
puntillas en aquel espacio interior donde se
decidió el drama del mundo.
En aquella hora, Jesús sintió la necesidad de rezar
y de tener junto a sí a sus discípulos, a sus
amigos, que lo habían seguido y habían
compartido más de cerca su misión. Pero aquí, en
Getsemaní, el seguimiento se hace difícil e
incierto; se hace sentir la duda, el cansancio y el
terror. En el frenético desarrollo de la pasión de
Jesús, los discípulos tomarán diversas actitudes
en relación a su Maestro: actitudes de
acercamiento, de alejamiento, de incertidumbre.
La amistad de Jesús con nosotros, su fidelidad y
su misericordia son el don inestimable que nos
anima a continuar con confianza en el
seguimiento a pesar de nuestras caídas, nuestros
errores, incluso nuestras traiciones.
Pero esta bondad del Señor no nos exime de la
vigilancia frente al tentador, al pecado. Todos
estamos expuestos al pecado, al mal, a la traición.
Advertimos la desproporción entre la grandeza de
la llamada de Jesús y nuestra pequeñez, entre la
sublimidad de la misión y nuestra fragilidad
humana. Pero el Señor, en su gran bondad y en
su infinita misericordia, nos toma siempre de la
mano, para que no perezcamos en el mar de la
aflicción. Él está siempre a nuestro lado, no nos
deja nunca solos. Por tanto, no nos dejemos
vencer por el miedo y la desesperanza, sino que
con entusiasmo y confianza vayamos adelante en
nuestro camino y en nuestra misión.
Ustedes, queridos hermanos y hermanas, están
llamados a seguir al Señor con alegría en esta
Tierra bendita. Es un don y también es una
responsabilidad. Su presencia aquí es muy
importante; toda la Iglesia se lo agradece y los
apoya con la oración. Desde este lugar santo,
deseo dirigir un afectuoso saludo a todos los
cristianos de Jerusalén: quisiera asegurarles que
los recuerdo con afecto y que rezo por ellos,
conociendo bien la dificultad de su vida en la
ciudad. Los animo a ser testigos valientes de la
pasión del Señor, pero también de su
Resurrección, con alegría y esperanza.
Imitemos a la Virgen María y a san Juan, y
permanezcamos junto a las muchas cruces en las
que Jesús está todavía crucificado. Éste es el
camino en el que el Redentor nos llama a
seguirlo. ¡No hay otro, es éste!
“El que quiera servirme, que me siga, y donde
esté yo, allí estará mi servidor” (Jn 12,26).
Como mencioné hace dos fines de semana, me
iré St. Paul y Misiones de Columbus, Georgia, y
Nuestra Señora de Lourdes de la Parroquia.
Padre Paul O'Connell, ex miembro de la Iglesia
de San José en Waycross y durante el último año,
la Virgen, Estrella del Mar en Santa María, será
su nuevo pastor.
Padre Paul O'Connell estará aquí 24 de junio.
Originario de Irlanda del Norte, el Padre
O'Connell fue ordenado sacerdote para la
diócesis en 2003. En sus cuarenta años, pasó
algún tiempo como un hermano cristiano enviado
en misión para enseñar en África. Sé que va a
disfrutar de su ingenio, su conocimiento acerca
de Cristo y la Iglesia, y su gran fe.
Las Pláticas de Bautismo serán el Primer
Domingo de cada mes a las 9:30am, comenzando
con el mes de Abril.
Para más información, favor de comunicarse can
María García, despear de Misa o llamar a la
oficina parroquial al 912-384-3560. Gracias.
St. Paul’s coffee & donuts sponsors for June:
Lewis, Kight, & Dennis Families
St. Paul’s ushers for June:
Walda & Jeff Kight, James Dennis, Danny Ross
Please come and see our assortment of articles in
our gift shop related to the newly canonized
St. John XXIII and St. John Paul II.
If you or a family member are in the hospital or
confined to home, please call the church office to
let us know if you would like a visit.
St. Paul
Week of 5-25-14
Annual Budgeted
Received to date
Building Fund: $20.00
Offertory: Holy Family
Sunday (5-25-14): Total: $184.00
Offertory: St. William
Saturday (5-24-14): $406.00
Visite la página Web de la diócesis para leer el código: (912) 201-4073/4074.
Visit diocesan
Or call (912) 201-4073/4074.
Captain Christopher Benson (North Carolina),
Sgt. Adam Carson (Japan), SPC Blake Downs
(North Carolina), S.Sgt. Emmanuel Gamboa
(Arizona), Vincente Guerrero, TSgt. William
Hamilton (Qatar), SPC Adam Lee (Khoft,
Afghanistan), Nathan Lee, Kristopher Lentz,
WO1 Jeb S. McKinnon (Alabama),
Cpl. Trent McKinnon (Jacksonville, N.C.),
Martin Rios, Sgt. Britt Stankowitz (Ft. Campbell,
Kentucky), Juan Vargas (Afghanistan), Erick
Vilches, Leo Rodriguez (South Carolina),
Rolando Chavez (San Diego).
Pray for us that we may be healed
Orar Por Nuestros Enfermos
Marie Barnes, Colby Batten, Marcia Beasley,
Ashley Bowen, Meriam Day, Lamberto &
Delfino Capetillo, Mercedes del Castillo,
Angelica Castorina, Guadalupe Najera Cervantes,
Jennifer Cooper, Mary Ann Deese, Scarlet
Dubberly, Nancy Espinoza, Christian Fletcher,
Lynn Fletcher, Mary Gafnea, John & Paulette
Gearhart, Sarah Gibeau, Tony Grantham, Louise
Hanna, Barbara Harper, Cathy Harper, Silvia
Hernandez, Larry Hinson, Mary Browder
Howell, Linda Hudson, Mary Hudson, Ashton
Hutto, Trish Irving, Neal Jordan, Norma
Kitchens, Tim Kloer, Eileen Krause, Sharon
Lizon, Slade Lott, Anna Lucas, Phil Mathias, Pat
McClish, Gail McDonald, Karl McDonald, E. G.
McKinnon, Debra Meeks, Gerald Merritt, Nina
Metts, Ruth Miller, Carol Ann Moody, Carlene
Murray, Tommy Newbern, Ken Newman, Marie
Nipper, Laura Noboa, Cory Nutt, Nancy
Overstreet, John Probert, Janet Reed, Bari Sims,
Jake Spencer, Elrea Soles, Patti Spieker, Eric
Stehlin, Samantha Tolley, Ken Trapnell, Robert
Uhas, Kane Waldron, Rudolph Walker, Staci
Warren, Jeffrey Williams, Nick Williams, Tony
Williams, Geneva Youngblood