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St. Paul Catholic Church and Missions Iglesia Católica San Pablo y Misiones 4178 Highway 441 South, Douglas, Georgia 31535 Parish Office Office phone: 912-384-3560, fax 912-385-8515 Church email: Emergency Number: If someone is dying or for a funeral, please call 478-957-5226. Parish Website: St. William Catholic Church, P.O. Box 861, 807 S. Merrimac Dr., Fitzgerald, MASS SCHEDULE AND INTENTIONS Holy Family Catholic Church, Atkinson County, Off Hwy 135 March 25-March 31 Monday: No Mass at St. Paul St. Paul - Confession: 6:00-7:30pm Tuesday - Chrism Mass at 7:00pm Cathedral of St. John the Baptist (No Mass at St. Paul) Wednesday - No Masses Holy Thursday St. Paul at 7:00pm (bilingual) Adoration following Mass until 10:00pm St. William at 7:00pm (bilingual) Adoration following Mass until 10:00pm Good Friday St. Paul God - noon of the Cross (bilingual) and- Stations Community. St. Paul -7:00pm (bilingual) - Service of the Lord's Passion and Veneration of the Cross St. Paul - Confession- 8:00-9:00pm St. William – 3:00pm - Stations of the Cross St. William – 7:00pm (bilingual) - Service of the Lord's Passion and Veneration of the Cross Holy Saturday 11:00am – Practice for those to be baptized, those to be confirmed St. Paul - 8pm - Easter Vigil (bilingual) Easter Sunday Holy Family - 8:15am (English) St. Paul - 9:30am (English) St. William - 11:30am (English) St. William - 1:00pm (Spanish) We are Christian communities in the Catholic Tradition, and we commit ourselves to become more Christ-like through the service to God and Community. Administration ¤ Administración Pastor: Rev. Nicholas Mansell, V.F. Pastoral Assistant: Bertha Capetillo (Email: Church Secretary: Janet Benton Sacrament of Marriage Couples wishing to celebrate the Sacrament of Marriage should contact the priest 6 months before the wedding. The bride or groom or the parents of the bride or groom should be registered members of the parish. Los hispanos deben contactar Bertha Capitillo 6 meses antes de la boda. Knights of Columbus Meeting on the 2nd Tuesday of each month, 6:30pm. Invitatiόn al Grupo de Oraciόn Todos los viernes de 6-9pm. “Bread” Ministry Each Saturday, 12noon-1pm - whatever food we get, we give away. If you or someone you know is in need, invite them. Bulletin Announcements All submissions must be in by 11am on Wednesday to be included in the weekend bulletin. Our Mission Statement Declaración de Misión Nosotros somos las comunidades Cristianas en la Tradición Católica, y nos comprometemos a hacer modelos de Cristo al servicio de Dios y de la comunidad. EXEMPLARY POPE FOR THE CHURCH By Father Pablo Migone, Augusta, GA Five-hundred years after the first evangelization of South America (with a considerable part done by those of the Jesuit Order), the College of Cardinals has elected the first Latin American pope who is also a Jesuit. With more than 500 million Catholics from Latin American, the election of Pope Francis will have a great impact on the Latino Church. The initial response of Latin Americans to election of Francis is enormous, leaving no one indifferent. Since the resignation of Pope Benedict, I joked that Benedict was elected a few months before the World Youth Day in Germany, so we could expect the new Pope to be Brazilian, or at least Latin American. My joke has become a reality. I could not contain my joy when I realized the Archbishop of Buenos Aires had been elected the 265th successor to St. Peter. He is Latin American like me! He is of Italian background like me! Argentina can now say that it has provided to the world today one of the best soccer players, the future queen of the Netherlands, and the Pope. As if being the first Latin America and the first Jesuit to become a Pope was not enough, Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio chose the name Francis, making him the first Pope to bear that name. A few days after his election he took away the doubt whether he took the name of Francis after the great Jesuit missionary St. Francis Xavier or the saint of Assisi, St. Francis: "I would like a Church which is poor and for the poor," he told 6,000 reporters at his first major audience. Francis Pope, inspired by St. Francis who lived true poverty and sought peace, is bringing simplicity and humility to the Papacy with the desire to rebuild the Church of Christ. If the words of his first homily are an indication of his attitude towards his vocation as the spiritual father of the faithful, we are in good hands: "We can walk as much as we want, we can build many things, but if we do not profess Jesus Christ, nothing will avail. We will become a pitiful non-governmental organization, but not the Church, the Bride of Christ. When one does not profess Jesus Christ, one professes the worldliness of the devil.” The Pope continued, “When we walk without the Cross, when we build without the Cross, and when we profess Christ without the Cross, we are not disciples of the Lord.” The world continues with its eyes fixed on the Vatican with great expectation, gratitude, and joy. The Holy Spirit always provides, and He has now provided an exemplary Pope for His Church. Please remember with generosity the Special Collection at Easter Vigil & Easter Sunday Masses for Priests’ Retirement. BAA 2013 “Help Shepherd the Flock” Today is Appeal Sunday. We will be giving those who have not yet made their pledge to the Bishop’s Annual Appeal an opportunity to do so today. If you are not able to make a pledge, please consider a one-time gift. Each of us is Christ to all we meet. Our pledge totals (as of 3-15-13) are: St. Paul-Goal: $19,555 Pledged: $8,270 Percent Goal: 42% % Pledged: 14% Holy Family-Goal: $2,411 Pledged: $1,310 Percent Goal: 46% % Pledged: 14.5% St. William-Goal: $5,080 Pledged: $2,355 Percent Goal: 54% % Pledged: 28% Please help us to exceed our BAA goals! A SPIRITUAL JOURNEY TO FRANCE, SPAIN & PORTUGAL You are invited to join us on a once-in-a-lifetime journey to France, Spain & Portugal, 14-days, November 4-17, 2013. Includes visits to Paris, Lourdes, Loyola, Burgos, Santiago, Fatima, Nazare, Lisbon & more! Cost: $2,999 from Atlanta (ATL), plus airport taxes and tips. Under the Spiritual Direction of Fr. Nicholas Mansell. To download the free color brochure and registration form, visit, or for more information, please contact Deacon Jim Roberge at 478-953-8032 or send an email to Space is limited; register soon! COMING UP AT ST. PAUL Our Holy Week Schedule for St. Paul & Missions is on the front of the bulletin. St. Paul’s Parish Advisory Council will meet Tues., April 2 at 6:30pm in the church office following the 6:00pm Mass in the Blessed John Paul II Chapel. First Holy Communion will be Saturday, May 18 at 5:00pm. (There will be no 7:00pm Mass that day.) Confirmation - Bishop Hartmayer will be here June 16; Confirmation will be at 1:30pm. PAPA EJEMPLAR PARA LA IGLESIA Al Padre Pablo Migone, Augusta, GA Quinientos años después de la primera evangelización de América del Sur (y una parte considerable de lo hecho por los miembros de la Compañía de Jesús), el Colegio Cardenalicio ha elegido el primer latinoamericano Papa que es también un jesuita. Con más de 500 millones de católicos provenientes de América Latina, la elección del Papa Francis tendrá un tremendo impacto en la Iglesia latina. La respuesta inicial de los latinoamericanos a la elección de Francisco es enorme, sin dejar a nadie indiferente. profesa la mundanidad del diablo. "El Papa continuó:" Cuando caminamos sin la cruz, cuando construimos sin la cruz, y nos profesan a Cristo sin la cruz, no somos discípulos del Señor ". Desde la renuncia del Papa Benedicto, yo bromeaba que Benedicto fue elegido unos meses antes del Día Mundial de la Juventud en Alemania, así que podríamos esperar que el nuevo Papa sea brasileño, o por lo menos en América Latina. Mi broma se ha convertido en una realidad. No pude contener mi alegría cuando me di cuenta del Arzobispo de Buenos Aires había sido elegido como el sucesor de San Pedro 265a. Él es latinoamericano como yo! Él es de un fondo italiano como yo! Argentina ahora puede decir que ha proporcionado para el mundo hoy en día uno de los mejores jugadores de fútbol, la futura reina de los Países Bajos, y el Papa. SEMANA SANTA Como si ser el primero en América Latina y el jesuita primero en convertirse en Papa no fue suficiente, el cardenal Jorge Bergoglio eligió el nombre de Francis convirtiéndose en el primer Papa que llevan ese nombre. Pocos días después de su elección le quitó la duda si él tomó el nombre de Francisco en honor al gran misionero jesuita San Francisco Javier o el santo de Asís, San Francisco. "Me gustaría una Iglesia pobre y para los pobres", dijo a los 6.000 periodistas se reúne en la primera audiencia principal del Papa en el Vaticano. Él ha elegido Francis porque el santo vivió la verdadera pobreza que buscan la paz y la creación de respetar. Papa Francis, inspirado en San Francisco, está aportando sencillez y humildad al Papado junto con el deseo de reconstruir la Iglesia de Cristo en el siglo 21. Si las palabras de su primera homilía son una indicación de su actitud hacia su vocación como el padre espiritual de los fieles, estamos en buenas manos: "Podemos caminar tanto como queramos, podemos construir muchas cosas, pero si lo hacemos no profesan a Jesucristo, nada va a servir. Nos convertiremos en una lamentable organización no gubernamental, pero no la Iglesia, Esposa de Cristo. Cuando uno no profesan a Jesucristo, que se El mundo sigue con sus ojos fijos en el Vaticano con gran expectación, gratitud y alegría. El Espíritu Santo siempre provee y Él ha proporcionado un Papa ejemplar para su Iglesia. Lunes – No Misa at St. Paul St. Paul - Confesión: 6:00-7:30pm Martes - No Misa at St. Paul, Chrism Mass at 7:00pm Cathedral of St. John the Baptist, Savannah Wednesday - No Misas Jueves Santo St. Paul a las 7:00 pm (bilingüe) Hora Santa después de la Misa hasta las 10:00 pm St. William a las 7:00 pm (bilingüe) Hora Santa después de la Misa hasta las 10:00 pm Viernes Santo St. Paul – 12:00 mediodía (bilingüe) - Vía Crucis St. Paul -7:00 pm (bilingüe) - Servicio de la Pasión del Señor y Adoración de la Cruz Confesión: 8:00-9:00pm St. William- 3:00 pm (bilingüe) - Vía Crucis St. William - 7:00 pm (bilingüe) - Servicio de la Pasión del Señor y Adoración de la Cruz Sábado Santo St. Paul-11:00 am - Prácticas para los que se bautizaron, los confirmandos St. Paul - 8:00pm – Vigilia Pascual (bilingüe) Colección Especial en la Vigilia de Pascua y Domingo de Pascua Misas para el Retiro de Sacerdotes Domingo de Pascua Holy Family - 8:15am St. Paul - 9:30am St. William - 11:30am (Ingles) St. William - 1:00pm (Españole) FYI THE USUAL ANNOUNCEMENTS… ~FOR YOUR INFORMATION~ 50/50 CLUB SPRING TOUR Fr. Nick invites you to join him on a day-trip to Savannah, GA Tuesday, April 30, 2013. We will depart Douglas at 7:30am, returning that evening. We will take a tour of the city, visit the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist, and have lunch at the Pirate House. It will be a fun and full day. Cost: (35 people minimum) includes bus fare, Savannah Tours day-pass, driver tip-$56.00 per person. We need to find out how many are interested. Please call the church office (384-3560) to sign up. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ST. PAUL’S RELIGIOUS EDUCATION March/Marzo Sunday/Domingo 24 – CCD Sunday/Domingo 31 – No CCD (Easter Sunday/Domingo de Pascua) April/Abril Sunday/Domingo 7 – CCD Sunday/Domingo 14 – No CCD (Catechist Formation) Sunday/Domingo 21– CCD Sunday/Domingo 28 – CCD May/Mayo Sunday/Domingo 5 – CCD (Last day of classes) Sunday/Domingo 12–No CCD Saturday/Sábado 18 – St. Paul First Holy Communion Mass at 5:00pm AN ACCOUNT OF OUR STEWARDSHIP St. Paul Week of 3-17-13 Offertory Annual Budgeted $185,873.00 Received to date 126,561.64* Received this week 3,501.00 Catholic Relief Services: $65.00 *We need an average of $3,900 per week to make the annual offertory budget. GIFT SHOP Come see our new items! Do you need a gift for a wedding, birthday, Baptism, or upcoming First Holy Communion or Confirmation? Visit our St. Paul’s Gift Shop, located in the gathering area to see our new items. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR ARMED FORCES ORAR POR NUESTROS SOLDADOS Captain Christopher Benson (North Carolina), Sgt. Adam Carson (Japan), PFC Blake Downs (North Carolina), S.Sgt. Emmanuel Gamboa (Tucson, Arizona), Vincente Guerrero, SPC Adam Lee (Khoft, Afghanistan), Nathan Lee, Kristopher Lentz, SSG Jeb S. McKinnon (Montana), PFC Trent McKinnon (Virginia), Martin Rios, Sgt. Britt Stankowitz (Afganistan), Juan Vargas (Afghanistan), Erick Vilches, Leo Rodriguez (Kandahar, Afganistan),Rolando Chavez (Marines). Pray for us that we may be healed Orar Por Nuestros Enfermos Larry Benton, Victor Birardi, Shirley Bostick, Ashley Bowen, Mary Anna Brooks, Meriam Day, Lamberto Capetillo, Delfino Capetillo, Mercedes del Castillo, Angelica Castorina, Mary Ann Deese, Nancy Espinoza, Lynn Fletcher, Mary Gafnea, John & Paulette Gearhart, Teddy Gray, Barbara Harper, Jimmy Harper, Linda Hudson, Trish Irving, Neal Jordan, Jimmye Kight, Tim Kloer, Eileen Krause, Pat Link, Slade Lott, Gail McDonald, Gerald Merritt, Darlene Miller, Ruth Miller, Carol Ann Moody, Louise Nahra, Ellen Owens, Courtney Peacock, Brad Sutton, Joyce Swaynos, Amy Vining, Jeffrey Williams, Nick Williams, Tony Williams Offertory: Holy Family Sunday (3-17-13): Total: $248.00 CHARTER FOR THE PROTECTION OF CHILDREN Visit diocesan Or call (912) 201-4073/4074. Offertory: St. William Sunday (3-17-13): Total: $703.00 CAPÍTULO DEL OBISPO PARA LA PROTECCIÓN DE NIÑOS Visite la página Web de la diócesis para leer el código: (912) 201-4073/4074.