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Mailing Address P.O. Box 832 Commerce, TX 75429 Parish Hall 2211 Monroe Street Commerce, TX 75428 Parish Office 903-886-7135 Fax 903-886-8034 Office Hours Monday-Friday By Appointment Call Rev. Marcus Chidozie ( e xt. 4 ) Parish Staff/Ministry Pastor Rev. Marcus Chidozie, Ph.D. Campus Ministry Deacon Joe Webber, Ed.D. Administrative Assistant Cary Roberts Bulletin Submissions Cary Roberts Safe Environment Coordinator Joan Lawrence Music Ministry Director Natalie Salisbury Director of K-12 Religious Education Natalie Salisbury Confirmation Coordinator (8th) Tom Selvaggi HS Youth Ministry Coordinator Bob Lucero Marriage & Family Ministry Dick&Mary Flesher Telephone Prayer Chain Sue Mitchell (903)456-3661 Barb Stevko (903) 217-7809 Altar Society Lettie Gillespie Altar Servers Elva A. Resendez (903) 366-1318 Knights of Columbus Bill Mulcahy (214) 535-6095 Women’s Guild Noel Bares Catholic Daughters of Americas Brittany Zebendon Hispanic Community Rep. Sandra Medrano (903)438-6577 Pro Life David&Virginia Kirk St. Joseph Catholic Church Serving Commerce Since 1895 2207 Monroe Street, Commerce, Texas 75428 Website: Masses: Saturday 5:30 pm; Sunday 9:30 am Monday (no Mass); Tuesday & Wednesday 6:30 pm; Thursday & Friday 8:00 am Confession: Saturday 4:30-5:00 pm or by appointment SIXTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME July 17, 2016 News, Reminders, and Events______________ There will be a Memorial Mass here in the parish for Msgr. Robert Johnson, our former pastor, this Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. Habrá una Misa Memorial aquí en la parroquia por Mons. Robert Johnson, nuestro párroco anterior, este martes a las 18:30 If you intend to register your children for CCD at St. Joseph, you must be registered as a member of our parish. Parish registration forms are available on the left as you leave the church. Si va a registrar a sus hijos para CCD en St. Joseph, usted debe estar registrado como miembro de nuestra parroquia. Formularios de registro de la parroquia están disponibles a la izquierda al salir de la iglesia. . This is the last weekend to pre-register your children for CCD with a cost of $50 per family. Regular registration will begin in August and will be $75 per family. Meet with Natalie Salisbury after Mass today to receive the discounted fee. Este es el último fin de semana pre-inscribirse los niños de CCD con un costo de $50 por familia. Registro regular comenzará en agosto y será de 75 dólares por familia. Se reúnen con Natalie Salisbury después de la Misa hoy para recibir la tarifa con descuento. There are now available openings for Mass Intentions to be said for you, for your loved ones, or for a special intention. Envelopes are available in the vestibule of the church. $5 per mass is the normal contribution for a mass to be said. Ahora son las aberturas disponibles para intenciones de Misas que decir para ti, para tus seres queridos o por una intención especial. Los sobres están disponibles en el vestíbulo de la iglesia. $5 por masa es la contribución normal para una masa que decir. There will be a special meeting of the Knights of Columbus on Saturday, August 6, after the 5:30 pm mass for the installation of new officers. All Knights of Columbus members are invited to attend. If you are not a member, but would like to join, please notify Bill Mulcahy or send an e-mail to Habrá una reunión especial de los Caballeros de Colón el sábado 6 de agosto, después de la misa 17:30 para la instalación de nuevos oficiales. Todos los miembros de Caballeros de Colón están invitados a participar. Si usted no es un miembro, pero le gustaría unirse, por favor notifique a Bill Mulcahy o enviar un e-mail a THE PASTOR’S CORNER Homilies and Prayers of the Faithful for the ThreeYear Cycle by Desmond Knowles, Paulines Publication Most of us at one time or another have experienced the fret and fuss of a Martha and Mary clash in the home. The hardworking Martha gets irritated with the idling Mary and on the spur of the moment says straight out what is on her mind. She thinks that her sister should be engaged in something more important than just listening to Jesus. The gospel is telling us that no matter how busy we are, we should take time to sit quietly and find the Lord in our world of work and to be guided by him. It is easy to get our priorities wrong because all our waking moments are busy ones with little time for sitting at the feet of Jesus, reflecting on our lives. The danger is that if we do not take time to listen to the word of God and to pray, we become slaves of our duties. We rush and yet the important things can be forgotten and remain undone. One of the great difficulties in life is that we neglect people because we do not have the time to sit down and listen to them. Our approach is often based on what we can do for others; how we can smother them in kindness, whereas, what they are really looking for is our company. Time spent visiting a lonely soul in a home for the aged can also be time spent in the company of God. For what we do to others we do to Christ. All the everyday happenings of life are part of our religious lives and provide an opportunity for working out our salvation. Saturday July 16 5:30 p.m. Chip Phelps by Women’s Guild Sunday July 17 9:30 a.m. For the People Monday July 18 No Mass No Mass Tuesday July 19 6:30 p.m. MEMORIAL MASS for Msgr. Robert Johnson Wednesday July 20 6:30 p.m. Chip Phelps by Jim Phelps & Family Thursday July 21 8:00 a.m. Marie Isenbart by Cary & Boyd Roberts Friday July 22 8:00 a.m. Tyson Roberts by Boyd & Cary Roberts Saturday July 23 5:30 p.m. Frank Stachowiak by Jean Stachowiak The usual stipend for a Mass is $5.00 RCIA is a journey of conversion to God and what He intends for us. The Catholic Church warmly welcomes new members and tries to provide appropriate spiritual formation according to each person’s needs. If you are interested in learning more about the Catholic faith, please contact Fr. Marcus. Si usted está interesado en aprender más sobre la fe católica, póngase en contacto con el p. Marcus. Our Parish Weekly Need: $ 2,771.60 Las necesidades semanales de nuestra parroquia: $2,771.60 Last Sunday, July 10, 2016: $ 1,809.25 Colección desde el domingo pasado: $ 1,809.25 Monthly Mortgage Payment: $ 3,402.50 Pago mensual de ipoteca: $ 3,402.50 Last Sunday’s Building Fund: $ 430.00 Fondos recaudados el domingo pasado: $ 430.00 Building Fund July Total: $ 1,507 Total mensual de fondo de construcción hasta la fecha: $ 1,507 Mass Attendance: 252 // Cantidad de asistentes: 252 Dr. Richard Flesher 903-951-3421 The Communications Coaching Group WE CHANGE MINDS Management Coaching & Business Consulting