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Arrows show driveway entrances to the church. The one at the top of the page is Roberts Road. It curves around to the parking lot for the Hartmayer building. The stars are where you could enter the buildings. Driveway at Roberts Road Flint River Road St Philip Benizi English Keynote: Safeguarding the Dignity of Every Human Person (IAT2) 9:15 am in the Church Sanctuary Corey Lebrecque, Ph.D., has been a popular speaker at parishes in the Archdiocese of Atlanta. He is the Interim Director of the Master of Arts in Bioethics Program at the Center for Ethics. He also serves as Co-Director of Catholic Studies at Emory University. He earned an M.A. in Religious Studies with specialization in Bioethics, and a Ph.D. in Religious Ethics at McGill University in Montreal, Canada. Dr. Labrecque’s research lies at the intersection of religion, medicine, biotechnology, environment, and ethics. Keynote: If we are called to protect and defend human dignity, we should first come to terms with what we mean by the word. "Dignity" has been thrown around so loosely and in so many different venues, that some now wonder whether it has become a useless concept. In this keynote address, we will discuss how the Church understands human dignity, how it is the foundation of the Church’s social teaching, and how this ought to translate in the way we relate to others. En Español: Enseñando sobre el Regalo del Perdón de Dios (IAT2) 9:15 am En el salón parroquial Augusto Michael Trujillo es Gerente de Relaciones por Catholic Relief Services, la agencia oficial de la comunidad católica en los Estados Unidos para ayuda humanitaria internacional. Michael sirve a los católicos en Georgia, Tennessee y Alabama, acompañándolos a vivir su fe en solidaridad con nuestro prójimo en todas partes del mundo. Michael personalmente ha visto el trabajó de la iglesia católica en Nicaragua, Burkina Faso, Mali y las Filipinas y anteriormente trabajó en Catholic Charities Atlanta. Michael es miembro de la Catedral de Cristo Rey en Atlanta. Michael se graduado de la Universidad de Georgia con dos títulos – Relaciones Publicas y Ciencias Políticas. Raúl Trujillo miembro de la Catedral de Cristo Rey en Atlanta, allí contrajo matrimonio hace 50 años con Annie York, ambos naturales de la Habana, Cuba, de donde salieron exiliados. Tienen cuatro hijos y dos nietas; graduado de Georgia Tech, trabaja como Arquitecto en Atlanta. Raúl es miembro de la Sociedad de San Vicente de Paul y miembro de su junta directiva; igualmente fue miembro del consejo directivo de Buckhead Christian Ministry – ambas organizaciones de asistencia a familias necesitadas. Oradores: Como podemos responder al llamado del Evangelio de amar a nuestros hermanos y hermanas a nuestro alrededor y a través del mundo, mediante el compartir historias de nuestra Arquidiócesis de Atlanta y otras países. Este compartir nos servirá de motivación para nosotros llegar a ser instrumentos de cambio. FAITH FORMATION DAY BEGINS WITH MASS IN THE SANCTUARY AT 8:30 A.M. For Catechists Basic Certification Codes BC1 Ministry of Catechesis BC2 Spirituality of the Catechist BC3 Spiritual Enrichment of the Catechist BT1 Overview of Scripture BT2 Catholic Morality BT3 Church History BT4 What the Church Believes BT5 Liturgy and Sacraments BT6 Prayer and Spirituality BM1 Effective Catechesis and Session Management BM2 General Methods Elective BL1 Faith and Moral Development 8:00 am Check–in 8:30 am Mass 9:15 am Keynote Address (English) In the Sanctuary Keynote Address (Spanish) In the Parish Hall 10:25 am Workshop Session 1 11:35 am Workshop Session 2 12:40 pm Lunch (Parish Hall) 1:30 pm Workshop Session 3 2:40 pm Workshop Session 4 *Most workshop sessions will take place in the Hartmayer Building Youth Ministry Certification Codes YM1 The Vision of Youth Ministry YM2 Developing Leadership in Youth YM3 Youth Ministry Planning YM4 Evangelization of Youth YM8 Moving from Service to Justice Publishers and Other Vendors Available Adult Methods Certification Codes AM1 The What and How of Adult Faith Formation AM2 Focusing on Adult Faith Formation Intermediate/Advanced Certification Codes IAC Catechist Spiritual Enrichment IAT1 Scripture IAT2 Catholic Morality IAT3 Church Doctrine/History IAT4 Prayer/Spirituality IAT5 Sacraments IAT6 Liturgy IALM Learner and Methods Our Sunday Visitor RCL-Benzinger Pflaum Publishing Group Sadlier Publishing Saint Mary’s Press St. Philip Benizi Gift Shop Lunch Provided by: Chapultepec Mexican Restaurant (Locations in Senoia and Tyrone) Questions? Contact Lorraine Miller: 770-478-0178 ext 114 SESSION I / ENGLISH • 10:25 — 11:25 a.m. SESSION II / ENGLISH • 11:35 — 12:35 p.m. E1A—God’s Great Gift to the World--Church History Part I—Fr. Paul Moreau Church History (Part 1) covers the early story of our Church. Learn about God's Providence and intervention in history that gave us the firm foundation we enjoy in our Church today. (BT3 or IAT3) E2A—God’s Great Gift to the World—Church History Part II—Fr. Paul Moreau Church History (Part 2) follows upon the previous course. The promise of Christ to be with us always until the end of time is fulfilled in the Catholic Church through sometimes difficult moments in our history. See how One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic is real even with the imperfection of its members. (BT3 or IAT3) E1B—Faith and Moral Development Part I—Tom and Peggy McBrayer Develop a basic understanding of faith and moral development. Theories of human development and the relationship between the learning process and the journey of faith development will be reviewed. (BL1) E1C—Tips for Classroom Management—Theresa Kinzly Ideas for procedures and routines that will help improve transition times, student behavior, and the enjoyment of students and teachers. (BM1) E1D—The Challenge of Atheism/Relativism—Cory Lebreque, Ph.D When Jesus stood before Pilate in his last hours, the prefect capped the interrogation with a familiar question: “What is truth?” (John 18.38). This continues to be the fundamental question in Christian apologetics (the science of describing and defending the faith). Is truth relative? Are moral standards relative to what individuals and cultures believe or are there such things as moral absolutes that are universal? In the end, our discussion here will lead us to mull over whether there can be ethics without God. ( IAT2) E1E—Liturgy, Worship and Music—John Huynh This session will offer a brief history/overview of liturgical worship, of various forms of prayer, of music styles and their appropriateness for prayer and worship experiences and resources for developing prayer and worship experiences for youth. (YM7) SESIóN I / ESPAÑOL • 10:25 —11:25 a.m. E2B—Faith and Moral Development Part II—Tom and Peggy McBrayer Continued from session 1 (BL1) E2C—Classroom Alive—Nancy Millspaugh Techniques and tips to make your class energetic, engaging and fun while providing rock solid Faith Formation. (BM2 or IALM) E2D—Tough Moral Issues—Cory Lebreque, Ph.D. Ethics often seems out of breath as it tries to keep pace with the biomedical sciences. The issues that have come to the fore are gripping, especially in our time when the marriage of medicine and technology has given us the power (through assisted nutrition and hydration, artificial respirators, and dialysis machines, for instance) to keep persons alive who otherwise would have died. We have pushed the limit of fetal viability to 23 weeks gestation, but how young is too young to save a premature baby? With the long list of people waiting for transplants, should we consider an 87 year old patient for a ‘new’ heart? On top of this, we have moved beyond the potential of ‘merely’ preserving life to creating, designing, and manipulating it. How do we make sense out of all of this? (IAT2) E2E—Pope Francis in the Classroom—Patrice Spirou In this session, we will discover more about who the Holy Father is, his writings, and his specific messages for parish catechetical leaders. We will also share ideas and best practices for communicating and living Pope Francis’ call to evangelizing action to our kids. (IAC or IALM) SESIóN II / ESPAÑOL • 11:35 — 12:35 p.m. S1A—Escrituras I —Frank Morera La Escritura y el Pacto de Dios (IAT1) S2A—Escrituras II—Frank Morera Continuación de la Sesión I.Como entender las Escrituras (IAT1) S1B—Liturgia y Sacramentos I—Valeria Zimmerman Un resumen de la vida litúrgica y sacramental de la Iglesia. Las fuentes incluyen el Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica, varios documentos sobre la liturgia. Además los escritos de los primeros padres de la Iglesia. (BT5) S2B—Liturgia y Sacramentos II—Valeria Zimmerman Continuación de la Sesión I (BT5) S1C— Moralidad Católica I—Luis Guzmán La Moralidad Cristiana es una respuesta a la actividad de Dios en nuestras vidas. Aprender a incorporar apropiadamente las enseñanzas de la moral en el ministerio y entender la relación entre Moralidad y la Enseñanza Social Católica . (BT2) S1C—Moralidad Católica II—Luis Guzmán Continuación de la Sesión I (BT2) *Workshops and presenters are subject to change* SESSION III / ENGLISH • 1:30 — 2:30 p.m. E3A—Overview of Scripture Part I—Fr. Jacques Fabre Develop a basic understanding of Scripture as God’s self-revelation and as the foundation for Catholic faith, creed, worship, and moral life. (BT1) E3B—Liturgy and Sacraments Part I—Fr Paul Berny An overview of the liturgical and sacramental life of the Church including the meaning of liturgy and the different forms of liturgy, the parts of the mass, the liturgical year, symbols and rituals, music and environment, and the sacraments. (BT5) E3C—Bible Stories Alive—Pam Elsey Come learn and share some fun, compelling, and memorable ways to use the Bible more in order to pass on our beloved Catholic Bible stories to our beloved elementary and middle school children. There will be time for everyone else to share their ideas, too! (BT4) E3D—Adult Learning Styles—Carol Hamill Focusing on the Bishops' Pastoral Plan on Adult Faith Formation OUR HEARTS WERE BURNING WITHIN US, participants will become familiar with HOW adults learn and the various ways to invite them to embrace the gospel message and church teaching for their lives. Emphasis will be on the three-fold message of INFORMATION, FORMATION AND TRANSFORMATION. (IALM) E3E—Tech and Teens!—Julian Thomas Help teens have a healthy discussion about music, apps, and social media choices. What are they currently listening to, posting on and downloading? How can you help them make good choices and use media to build up and promote good habits, faith and evangelization? (IALM) SESIóN III / ESPAÑOL • 1:30 —2:30 p.m. SESSION IV / ENGLISH • 2:40 — 3:40 p.m. E4A—Overview of Scripture Part II—Fr. Jacques Fabre Continued from session 3. (BT1) E4B—Liturgy and Sacraments Part II—Fr. Paul Berny Continued from session 3. (BT5) E4C—Serving With Your Strengths—LaVeta Faber Every person has talents given by God. Learn how to develop these talents to serve the Church. (BC2 or IAC) E4D—Flipped Catechesis: What Every Catechist Needs to Know— Steve Botsford There’s a new educational approach that’s creating quite a buzz Flipping Classrooms. Come and learn how to get students to complete work from home, how to gain parent’s support, and how to enrich session time by activating student’s hearts and minds before the catechetical session even begins! You will leave with all the tools you need to flip your catechesis, so bring your smartphone, tablet, or laptop for hands on learning! (BM2 or IALM) E4E—Reaching Youth on the Margins—Susan Baker and Heather Garger Teens come from rich families, poor families, cities, urban, or rural areas. They come from broken families, mixed families, or foster families. No matter where they come from there are always teens on the edge looking in. This presentation will help parents and volunteers learn how to help these teens feel welcomed and loved. Techniques on how to help teens feel safe to share their feelings and grow will be demonstrated. (IALM) SESIóN IV / ESPAÑOL • 2:40 —3:40 p.m. S3A—Apologética I—Explicando y Defendiendo la Fe—Frank Morera (IAT2) S4A—Apologética II—Explicando y Defendiendo la Fe—Frank Morera Continuación de Apologética I (IAT2) S3B—El don de Dios al mundo Historia de la Iglesia I—Friar Santo Cricchio Por su bondad Dios manifiesta su presencia entre nosotros por medio de la Iglesia Católica. (BT3 o IAT3) S4B -El don de Dios al mundo Historia de la Iglesia II—Friar Santo Cricchio Continuacion de la session III. Aunque hay miembros imperfectos, la Iglesia siga siendo Una, Santa, Católica e Apostólica para nuestro mundo. (BT3 o IAT3) S3C—El Rol De La Mujer En La Iglesia—Hna. Ana Lilia Hernández Mauricio, R.F.R. La mujer es llamada desde su dignidad y feminidad a participar activamente dentro de la Iglesia en la construcción del Reino, miremos de cerca mujeres en la Sagrada Escritura que muestran maneras de hacerlo posible. (IAC o IAT1) S4C—La Visión del Ministerio de Jóvenes—Alex Rodriguez “Lo que ahora necesitamos es una Iglesia que sepa cómo responder a las expectativas de la Gente Joven. Jesús desea entrar en un diálogo con ellos, a través de Su Cuerpo que es la Iglesia, proponer la posibilidad de escoger, lo que requerirá un compromiso de sus vidas.” (San Juan Pablo II, Dia Mundial de la Juventud, 1995). Un catequista será capaz de identificar y expresar una visión y metas para el ministerio con adolecentes. (YM1) *Workshops and presenters are subject to change* Presenters John Huynh: John is currently the Director of Campus Ministries at Pinecrest Academy. He is a former seminarian for the Archdiocese of Atlanta, He spent three years working for the Archdiocese of Atlanta as the Director of Youth Ministries and interim director of Young Adult ministries. He also served as the regional representative for the National Catholic Federation of Catholic Youth Ministry, a member of the National Catholic Youth Ministers Association. He is a certified master catechist. He has spoken at diocesan youth events in Atlanta and the surrounding region. He has served as Chair of the Archdiocesan Liturgical Committee and has acted as Master of Ceremonies in the archdiocese for the past 10 years. John is a certified teacher, through the University of North Georgia. He has taught middle school Latin and Catholic Formation, as well as high school Theology. He also served as an advisor and assistant to the High School Principal, the director of the Liturgy Committee, Events Director, and Middle School Soccer Coach. Theresa Kinzly: Theresa and her husband, Glen, have three grown children and one granddaughter. They have been parishioners at Holy Trinity for over 20 years where they are currently on the team for Baptism Preparation for Parents. Over the years, Theresa has taught elementary grades in public and Catholic schools as well as PSR for preschool, elementary, First Communion, Special Sacraments, Confirmation, and adults. Margaret (Peggy) and Thomas (Tom) McBrayer: Peggy and Tom are licensed therapists who have been married 42 years and conduct therapy for couples as a husband-wife team at the Neuropsychology Center in Peachtree City. Peggy (LCSW, LPC) holds a Master of Social Work degree from the University of Georgia and Tom (LPC) graduated with a master’s degree in Counseling from Georgia State University. Both are retired from the Georgia Department of Corrections and have been in private clinical practice for over six years. Additionally, Peggy does individual therapy in the areas of trauma and abuse, mood disorders, and grief while Tom works with clients dealing with grief and loss and with men experiencing anxiety and depression. They are currently parishioners at Holy Trinity Catholic Church where they serve as group facilitators in the GriefShare ministry. They were previously parishioners at St. Philip Benizi Catholic Church where they served as Eucharistic Ministers, and were a sponsor couple for engaged couples In addition, Peggy taught religious education. They are the parents of two adult children. Nancy Millspaugh: Nancy is a Certified Catechist from Holy Trinity in Peachtree City. An adult convert, Nancy was received into the Church at the Easter Vigil Mass, 32y ears ago. Having been certified for 31 years, Nancy has taught all levels from kindergarten through high school and also RCIA. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Southern Mississippi and was an Instructor Navigator in the US Air Force. She is married to Ken and together they have five children and two grandchildren. She is excited to be presenting ways to teach and engage young children in the richness and beauty of our Faith. Fr. Paul Moreau: Fr. Paul is the youngest of 11 children of Joseph and Mary Moreau from Victoria, Canada. After nine years of study in the Legion of Christ, Fr Paul was ordained a priest December 24, 2002, in Rome, Italy. Fr Paul currently serves as parochial vicar at St. Joseph Catholic Church in Dalton, GA. Patrice Spirou: Patrice serves as Assistant Director of Religious Education at the Archdiocese of Atlanta. She has more than 25 years of experience working and teaching in Catholic schools and parishes. Patrice holds a B.A. in Theology, a master’s in Teaching Methods and has had extensive graduate study in Counseling. Her focus is to support parish catechetical leaders and empower catechists to spread the Gospel. Julian Thomas: Julian is a student at Gordan State College majoring in Education. He is a parishioner of St. Philip Benizi and has been a core team member of their youth group. Julian is familiar with working with teens and the technology they use. Presentadores Españoles Fraile Santo Cricchio, OFM Conv.: Fraile Santo es el más joven de dos hijos de la primera generación de italianos-americanos. A partir de octubre de 2015, Fr. Santo habrá completado treinta y un años de profesión religiosa como un Fraile Franciscano, veinte y tres de los cuales como un Fraile Sacerdote y catorce como Capellán de la Reserva de la Marina de los Estados Unidos. Fr. Santo completó sus Estudios Teológicos y Pastorales en su preparación para el Sacerdocio, en la Unión Teológica de Washington y donde recibió una Maestría en Teología. Fue ordenado Sacerdote en 1991 y actualmente se desempeña como Vicario Parroquial en St. Philip Benizi. Luis Guzman: Nacido en Mexico DF, Ingeniero en Electronica y Comunicaciones (IPN-Mex), PhD en Telecomunicaciones Inhalambricas (Georgia Tech), PhD en Teologia (Loyola University), Master en Teologia del Cuerpo (Instituto Pontificio Juan Pablo II, Washigton DC), Master en Catecismo de la Arquidiocesis de Atlanta, Miembro de Forum-RICA, Catequista de Adultos, Coordinador del programa de preparacion al matrimonio Pareja a Pareja de la diocesis. Hna. Ana Lilia Hernández Mauricio, Religiosa Franciscana de Nuestra Señora del Refugio desde hace 14 años, originaria de San Luis Potosí, México. Lic. en Administración en la UASL`P y Lic. en Teología en COEVH, AC actualmente colabora en la Misión Católica de San Felipe de Jesús. Francisco Jesús Morera, nació en Cuba, es un presentador y líder de retiros y conferencias acreditado internacionalmente. Fundador y director del Ministerio Católico de Apologética SILOE. Trabaja para el Departamento de Teología de EWTN desde 1998 contestando las preguntas del Fe “Q&A Foro”. El Señor Morera ha tenido participaciones en el programa estrella de EWTN, “Nuestra Fe En Vivo”, así como series como “Maria en las Escrituras”, “Catecumenado” y “En la Tierra de Jesús”. Coopera con la Radio Arquidiocesana de Miami (Radio Paz) con el programa “Sobre esta Roca” desde sus inicios en 1990 y con Radio Católica Mundial en “Sobre la Roca de Pedro” Sus conferencias y retiros internacionales son dados a través de Alex Rodriquez: Alex es actualmente el Ministro de Jóvenes en la Iglesia Católica de St. Thomas Aquinas. Valeria Zimmermann de Solanet: Con mi esposo Javier Solanet, tenemos cuatro hijos, Mateo (11), Sofía (10), José (8) y Belén. Somos de Argentina y hace 12 años que vivimos en USA. Soy Veterinaria de profesión, pero ahora me dedico a hacer “homeschooling” a mis hijos, Soy instructora del método Billings de Planificación Familiar Natural. Hace 8 años que pertenecemos a la parroquia Holy Trinity y servimos a las dos comunidades de habla española e inglesa. Tengo un profundo amor y pasión por mi fe católica y me gusta ensenar. He sido catequista por 12 años. También trabajo para un programa de educación del carácter y la sexualidad para jóvenes llamado, Protege tu Corazón. Estoy tomando una clase en la Universidad de Dallas en Teología del Cuerpo de Juan Pablo II. En mi tiempo libre me gusta leer, estudiar, caminar al aire libre, disfrutar de mis hijos y de la naturaleza. Presenters Susan Baker: Susan has been a youth minister for eight years. Prior to that she volunteered as a Core Team member and Confirmation Coordinator. She has a background in education that strengthens her ability to connect with teenagers. She is currently working on a certificate in youth ministry from the University of Dayton. Susan believes that any teenager can be engaged and involved in youth ministry. Father Paul Berny: Fr. Paul was born to Walter and Julia Berny in Buffalo N.Y. and has three siblings. He has been a priest for 43 years. He has studied at St. John Vianney Seminary, St.Meinrad School of Theology, and Catholic University of America. In addition to his experience as a pastor in several parishes, Fr. Paul served as a Chaplin in the U.S. Air Force at home and abroad for over 10 years. He also served as Chaplin for Most Blessed Trinity High School. He is currently the theological consultant to the Office of Divine Worship and has served on the Archdiocesan Liturgy Commission various times throughout his priesthood. He is a decorated military recipient. His hobbies include gourmet cooking, music, computers and travel. Steve Botsford: Steve is a convert to the Catholic faith. He holds a Master of Religious Education degree from Loyola University, is a master catechist in the Archdiocese of Atlanta, GA, and served 10 years as parish youth minister. He is a catechist and marriage preparation sponsor with his wife. Steve is currently an Educational Consultant with Sadlier Publishing and writes a blog on faith formation at Pamela Elsey: Pamela has been involved in Catholic and religious education in various ways for over 20 years in Catholic schools, in parishes, and on the diocesan level. Currently, she is the Southeastern Consultant for Saint Mary’s Press. She and her husband, Mark, have 4 children, reside in Newnan, GA, and are members of Saint Mary Magdalene Church. LaVeta Faber: LaVeta is a strengths coach, certified through Gallup. She currently serves as the Director of Religious Education at St. Gabriel Catholic Church in Fayetteville. She and her husband have been married 30 years and have five children and three grandchildren. Father Jacques E. Fabre, C.S.: Father Fabre, a member of the religious order of the Missionaries of St. Charles, was born in Haiti in 1955. He was ordained a priest on Oct. 25, 1986, at St. Theresa of Avila Church in Brooklyn, N.Y., by then Bishop Wilton D. Gregory. Since his arrival in Atlanta in 2006, Father Fabre’s ministry has included assignments as parochial vicar at St. Joseph, Athens, and at Holy Trinity, Peachtree City. He currently serves as administrator of San Felipe de Jesus Mission, Forest Park, where he has been serving since 2008. Father Fabre also serves currently as spiritual director to the Hispanic Charismatic Renewal in Atlanta. Prior to ministering in the Archdiocese of Atlanta, Father Fabre served as pastor at San Pedro de Macoris parish in the Dominican Republic from 1991-2004, as a chaplain to the Haitian refugees in Guantanamo, Cuba, from 1990-1991, and as a parochial vicar at Our Lady of Guadalupe Church in Immokalee, Fla., from 1986-1990. Heather Garger: Heather began in youth ministry in 1993 as a Core Member at Corpus Christi Catholic Church in the Archdiocese of Atlanta. In 1998, she became youth minister at the same parish. Heather worked for Catholic Heart Work Camp for 20 years as a staff member, manager (setting up work camps around the country), and as a co-director. In 2003 Heather left ministry to care for her children. In 2009, she returned to ministry working at Holy Trinity as the Elementary coordinator. In 2012 she returned to youth ministry at Holy Trinity and is there still today. Carol A. Hamill: Carol has eight years of experience as a consultant in Adult Faith Formation and RCIA for the Archdiocese of Atlanta, 30 years in parish ministry as DRE, CRE, Pastoral Associate, Coord. RCIA, nine years as presenter on North American Forum on Catechumenate, six years as a Team Member of RUAH (a formation program for spiritual directors.. She has Master’s degrees in Pastoral Theology and Community Counseling, a BA in Psychology, has been a Certified Spiritual Director for 27 years, and has worked as a Crisis Therapist - Mental Health Issues. REGISTRATION FORM Register ONLINE: NAME : Nombre ______________________________ PARISH: ______________________________ Parroquia Register by MAIL: Submit registration form & payment to St. Philip Benizi Catholic Church Religious Education Office / Faith Formation Day 591 Flint River Road, Jonesboro, GA 30238 Make check payable to: St. Philip Benizi Catholic Church EMAIL: _______________________________ Correo electrónico Workshop Selection Instructions Each workshop is given an unique ID, for example E1A. (E1A = Workshop in English, Session 1, Topic: “God’s Great Gift to the World”) E = English 1-4 = Session # S = Spanish A-E = Workshop titles Please select 1st and 2nd choice for every session. Write the workshop ID (e.g. E1A) for each session in the box to the right. If you are not going to attend a session, please write "Not Attending". $10 Early Registration fee includes lunch (non-refundable) After November 5, fee is $15.00 WORKSHOP SELECTION Workshop 1st Choice Workshop 2nd Choice SESSION I ____________ ____________ SESSION II _____________ _____________ SESSION III _____________ _____________ SESSION IV _____________ _____________