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CURRICULUM VITAE Efraín V. Gonzales de Olarte Born: October 16, 1946 (Cusco, Perú) Citizenship: Peruvian Marital status: Married 3 Children (25, 15, 15) Address: Office- Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú Departamento de Economía Avenida Universitaria cuadra 18 San Miguel, Lima 32, Perú Tel. (51)(1) 460 2870 anexo 213 Fax (51)(1) 460 1126 email: Current Position: - Professor of Economics, and Director of Master in Economics Program at Catholic University of Peru - Senior Economist, Instituto de Estudios Peruanos - International Consultant, Development Economics Education Bachelor's Degree in Economics, Universidad Nacional del Cusco, 1967. Economist, Universidad Nacional del Cusco, 1969. Licenciate and Master in Economics, Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium, 1974. Doctorate, Development Economics, Université Paris I Pantheon-Sorbonne, 1976. Languages Spanish (Mother tongue), French and English (Fluent), Quechua (Peruvian Native Language, Fluent). Portuguese and Italian (Working Knowledge) Academic Appointments Assistant Economist, Project: Analysis of Forestry sector in Peru. Contract FAO-Universidad Nacional Agraria del Perú. January-September 1970 Assistant Professor on Forestry Economics, Universidad Nacional Agraria del Perú, JuneSeptember 1970. Associate Professor of Economics, Universidad Nacional del Cusco. Courses: Monetary Theory, Political Economy, Growth Economics, Planning and Economic Policies. 1974-January 1978. Director of the Socio-Economic Research Center of the Universidad Nacional del Cusco, 19771978. Visiting Professor of Economics, Universidad Católica del Perú, September 1978- August 1979 Associate Professor of Economics, Universidad Católica del Perú, June 1981-present. Member, Instituto de Estudios Peruanos, September 1979-present. Professor of Agrarian Policies, II Course of Agricultural Development and Planning, Andean Common Market, Bolivia, November 1979. Senior Researcher and Coordinator of Economic Studies, Instituto de Estudios Peruanos, 19841986. Acting Chairman, Department of Economics, Universidad Católica del Perú, January-May 1983. Visiting Research Fellow, CERLAC York University and Department of Economics, University of Toronto, August 1985-March 1986. Associated Honorary Professor, University of Toronto, Scarborough Campus. Member of Social Sciences Advising Board of National Council of Science and Technology, Perú, September 1988. General Director, Instituto de Estudios Peruanos, 1987-1991 Visiting Research Fellow, CILAS, University of California at San Diego, January-March 1992 Chairman of The Consortium for Economic Research (IEP, DESCO, Departamento de Economía de la Universidad Católica, Centro de Investigación de la Universidad del Pacífico) Lima AugustDecember 1992. Senior Research Associate at the North-South Center, University of Miami, January-July 1993 Honorary Professor, Universidad Nacional del Cusco, 1994 Director of Post-Degrees Program, Instituto de Estudios Peruanos January 1995-present. Visiting Professor, Universidad San Cristobal de Huamanga, Ayacucho, Perú, 1995. Visiting Professor, "Simon Bolivar Chair", Université de Paris III, Sorbonne Nouvelle, Institut des Hautes Etudes d'Amérique Latine (1996). Fellow, The Woodrow Wilson Center, Washington DC, (1998-1999) Director of Master on Economics Program, Catholic University of Peru Non Academic Appointments and Positions Economic Adviser, Mortgage and Construction Bank of Cusco, 1975. Co-Director, Project of Microregional Development, Antapampa (Cusco). Sponsored by Holland Cooperation and Institute of Peruvian Planning, February-August 1978. Consultant, United Nations Comission for Trade and Development (UNCTAD), 1982: Food Security in Peru. Consultant, Economic Commission for Latin America (ECLA) and FAO (Chile), 1983: Agrarian Structure and Development Styles in Peru after Agrarian Reform. Consultant, Inter-American Organization for Higher Education, Canada, 1986: Assessment of Andean Universities: Resources and Needs (Perú, Chile, Bolivia, Ecuador, Colombia & Venezuela). Consultant, United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (Geneva), 1989: Capital Underaccumulation and Economic Crisis in Peru. Junta del Acuerdo de Cartagena (Lima), 1989, Consulting Team Leader: Macroeconomic Policies, Agricultural Integration and Food Security in the Countries of the Andean Group (Bolivia, Ecuador, Colombia, Perú y Venezuela). Consultant Ford Foundation (1989), Institutional Assessment: Centro de Estudios Sociológicos del Paraguay. PNUMA/ECLA (Chile), 1989: Consulting Team Leader: Factibiliy Study of Pre-Colombian Terraces (andenes) Recovery for Rural Development in Peru. 1990: The Environmental Dimension of Economic Policies in Latin American and The Caribbean International Delopment Research Centre (Canada), 1991, Consulting Team Leader: The Andean Developoment Thrust: Research for Rural Development in Bolivia, Ecuador, Colombia and Peru. Member, Board of Directors, Tintaya Minning Company, Cusco Perú. 1991 2 Consultant, Interamerican Institute for Agricultural Cooperation (Costa Rica), 1991: The Impact of Macroeconomic Policies on the Rural Poverty in Peru. Inter-American Development Bank (Washington), 1993-1994 Research Team Leader: Fiscal Descentralization and Regionalization in Peru. Consultant, UNICEF, Lima 1994, Macroeconomic Context and Poverty in Peru (Study). Consultant, Action-Aid Lima/United Kingdom (1994/1995) : The Structural Adjutment and Peasantry in Peru. Field Study for: Bambamarca (Cajamarca), Mocupe (Lambayeque), Candarave (Tacna) and Morropón (Piura). Consultant, Rädda Barnen, Sweden (1996): Social and Economic Context in Southern Peru (Cusco and Puno). Inter-American Development Bank (Washington), 1995-1996 Research Team Leader: Domestic Saving in Peru 1990-1995. Consultant, COSUDE-LIMA (Swiss Development Cooperation), Terms of reference for A Rural Devleopment Funding Program in Cusco and Cajamarca (Perú), 1997. Consultant, UNPD-Lima, Study on "Agro-biodiversity, Publica Policies and Regional and Local Markets in Peru", 1997. Consultant, World Bank, Annual Plan for: PROFONANPES, Peruvian Natural Parks Protection Program, 1997 Consultant, Belgian Cooperation 2000 Consultant Financial Corporation of Development (COFIDE) Executive Director of Comission for Promotion of Private Investment (COPRI), 2001 Consultant UNDP, 2001 Fellowships and Awards Universidad Nacional del Cusco, Undergraduate Scholarship, 1964-1966. Government of Belgium, Scholarship for Graduate Studies, 1970-1974 International Development Research Centre (Canada), Grant to support a visiting research fellow in Toronto, September 1985-February 1986. Ford Foundation, Research Grant,project "Economic Structure, Employment and Income Distribution in Peru: 1970-1985" International Development Research Centre, Research Grant, project "Political and Institutional Constraints to Development in Peru, 1963-1990" John Simon Guggenheim Fellowship, 1991-1992. Honorary Professor Universidad Nacional San Antonio de Abad del Cusco, 1994 International Development Research Centre, Research Grant, project "The Role of Private Investment in the Structural Adjustment in Peru", 1994-1995 Honorary Professor at National University of Huamanga (Ayacucho) 1995 International Development Research Centre-Canadian for International Development Agency, Research Grant, project "Economic Impacts of the Structural Adjustment Program in Peru: 19901996. Political Economy Approach", 1996-1997 Simon Bolivar Professor, Université de Paris III, Sorbonne Nouvelle, 1996. International Development Research Centre-Canadian for International Development Agency, Research Grant, project "Regional Impacts of the Economic Reforms in Peru: 1990-1998", 19971998 Fellow, Woodrow Wilson Center, Washington DC, 1998-1999 3 Other Activities and Interests Hobbies: Photography, Painting, Music. Sports: Tennis, Basketball, Jogging, Trekking and Chess Publications Books L'inflation au Pérou, Doctoral Dissertation, Paris. 1976. Economías regionales del Perú, Instituto de Estudios Peruanos, Lima, Serie Análisis Económico Nº 6. Lima, 1st. Edition 1982, 2nd Edition 1984, 3th Edition 1988. Economía de la comunidad campesina: aproximación regional. Instituto de Estudios Peruanos, Serie Análisis Económico 8, Lima. 1st. Edition 1984, 2nd Edition 1986 Inflación y Campesinado: Comunidades y Microrregiones frente a la crisis, Instituto de Estudios Peruanos, serie Análisis Económico 11, Lima, 1987 La lenta modernización de la economía campesina. Diversidad, cambio técnico crédito , with B. Kervyn, R. Barrantes, R. Hopkins and J. Alvarado, Instituto de Estudios Peruanos, Serie Análisis Económico 12, Lima 1987. Economía para la democracia, siete conferencias (Editor), Instituto de Estudios Peruanos, Serie Análisis Económico 13, Lima 1989 Nuevos rumbos para el desarrollo del Perú y América Latina (editor), Instituto de Estudios Peruanos, Serie América Problema, Lima 1991 El péndulo Peruano: Políticas económicas, gobernabilidad y subdesarrollo en el Perú 19631991, with Lilian Samamé, Instituto de Estudios Peruanos, serie Análisis Económico 14, 1st copublishing with Consortium for Economic Research Lima 1991, 2nd . Edition 1994. La economía de la región de Lima: Urbanización, crecimiento y distribución. Instituto de Estudios Peruanos, Serie Análisis Económico Nº 15. Co-edition with Consortium for Economic Research, Lima, 1992. Investigación para el Desarrollo del Campesinado Andino: Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Perú, with Alfonso Castronovo.Instituto de Estudios Peruanos, Serie Mínima Nº 30, Lima 1994. En las fronteras del mercado: Economía Política del Campesinado en el Perú. Instituto de Estudios Peruanos, Serie Análisis Económico 16, Lima, 1994. El ajuste estructural y los campesinos, Inst. de Estudios Peruanos, Colección Mínima 33, Lima, 1996 The Peruvian Economy and Structural Adjustment: Past, Present and Future (Editor) NorthSouth Center Press, University of Miami, 1996. Medio ambiente y pobreza en el Perú, Inst. de Estudios Peruanos, Serie Mínima 36, Lima, 1997. Ajuste estructural en el Perú. Modelo Económico, empleo y descentralización (Editor) Instituto de Estudios Peruanos y Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología, Lima, 1997 El neoliberalismo a la peruana: Economía Política del ajuste estructural 1990-1997, Consorcio de Investigación Económica – Instituto de Estudios Peruanos, Serie Análisis Económico 18, Lima 1998 Andenes y desarrollo sustentable (con Carolina Trivelli), Instituto de Estudios Peruanos y Consorcio para el Desarrollo Sostenible de la Ecorregión Andina, serie, Estudios de la Sociedad Rural 17, Lima 1999. Enseñanza de Economía en las provincias del Perú (con Manuel Glave), Consosrico de Investigaciones Económica y Social, Investigaciones Breves 12, Lima, 1999. 4 Articles, Chapters of Books, and Working Papers (last 4 years) 1996 "Pobreza y medio ambiente en el Perú", in Ernst R. Hajek (compilador) Pobreza y medio ambiente en América Latina, CIEDLA-Konrad Adenauer Siftung, Buenos Aires. "Inversión privada, crecimiento y ajuste estructural en el Perú 1950-1995" Working Paper 81, Instituto de Estudios Peruanos-Consorcio de Investigación Económica, Lima. 1997 "Agricultura peruana y ajuste estructural" in Contexto económico y pequeña producción rural andina, II Encuentro regional por la agricultura, COINCIDE, Cusco. "Determinantes del ahorro interno en el Perú y ajuste estructural, 1950-1995" with Cecilia Lévano y Pedro Llontop, Working Paper 84, Instituto de Estudios Peruanos, Lima. "El desarrollo desde una perspectiva económica" en Luis Soberon (editor) Luces y Sombras, Perspectivas del desarrollo en el Perú desde la teoría y la práctica, Escuela para el Desarrollo, Lima. "L'ajustement structurel au Pérou: 1990-1996", Cahiers des Amériques Latines, No. 21, Institut des Hautes Etudes de l'Amérique Latine, Université de la Sorbonne nouvelle-Paris III, Paris. "Pérou: le blocage des réformes économiques néoliberales", in Problèmes d'Amérique Latine, Nº 25, nouvelle série, avril-juin 1997. 1998 “Growth and distribution in Perú 1950-1995”, in: Laura Randall The Political Economy of Latin America in the Postwar Period, University of Texas Press. “El neoliberalismo y el péndulo de largo plazo”, in Francisco Chamberlain S.J. Neoliberalismo y desarrollo humano. Desafios del presente y del futuro. Instituto de Etica y Desarrollo Antonio Ruiz de Montoya, Lima. “Entre la fortaleza del centro y la debilidad de la periferia”, in Bruno Revesz: Descentralización y globalización en el Peru, Instituto de Estudios Peruanos – CIPCA, Lima. “La descentralización en el Perú: entre la fortaleza del centro y la debilidad de la periferia”, capítulo del libro: Bruno Revesz (editor): Descentralización y gobernabilidad en tiempos de globalización, Instituto de Estudios Peruanos y CIPCA, Lima 1998 1999 “Does Poverty Cause Domestic Violence. Some Answers from Lima”, con Pilar Gavilano Llosa, en: Andrew R. Morrison and María Loreto Biehl (editors): Too Close to Home. Domestic Violence in the Americas, Interamerican Development Bank, Washington. “Domestic Saving and Structural Adjustment in Peru: 1990-95” con Cecilia Lévano Castro y Pedro Llontop Ledesma, en: Compiled by Carmen M. Reinhart: Accounting for Saving. Financial Liberalization, Capital Flows and Growth in Latin America and Europe, InterAmerican Development Bank, Latin American Researh Network, Washington D.C. "Sistema centro-periferia, descentralización y política públicas", en Narda Henriquez (editora) Construyendo una agenda social, Ponitificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Fondo Editorial, Lima. 5 2001 "Hernando de Soto's Misteries", SAIS REVIEW, Journal of International Affairs, Winter-Spring 2001, Volume XXI, Number One, The Johns Hopkins University. "El modelo centro-periferia en los andes", Departamento de Economía, PUCP, documento de trabajo 193, Lima. Participation in Seminars and Conferences (last 4 years) 1996 Paper on "Developpement et les economies paysannes des Andes", Université de Bordeaux III, Institut SUD, France. Paper on Private Investment and Structural Adjustment in Peru, presented at the Annual Meeting of the Economic Research Consortium, Sponsored by IDRC-CIDA (Canada). Speaker at the International Conference on "Globalization and development alternatives" organized by Friedrich Ebert Foundation - Bogota, with "Human and Sustainable Development in Latin America: From the impossible triangle to posible development". Bogotá. 1997 Speaker at the Seminar on "Domestic Savings in Peru", organized by the Confederation of Private Entreprenurial Institutions" Speaker at the Development School, on "The rights and capacities development theory and its application in Peru" Speaker at the Anual Youth Meeting organized by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, on "Economic Descentralization as a development key", Piura. 1998 Speaker at tha Annual Meeting of Economic Research Consortium, Lima. Lecture ath Universidad Nacional de Ayacucho on: Devlopment and Regional Governance in Peru 1999 Lecture at The Woodrow Wilson Center on: Exporting Development: The Washington Model and the Peruvian Structural Adjustment. (Washington DC). Lecture at The George Washinton University: "The Structural Adjustment in Peru" Lecture et The PennSatate University (College Park). "The social an sectoral impacts of the Peruvian Structural Adjustment. Lecture at the Williams College (Masachussetts)"The impact of the Structural Adjustment over the Peruvian regions" Speaker at the Sminar on "Peruvian Political and Economic Situation" SAIS, Johns Hopkins University, Washington DC. Participation in the Global Development Network Meeting in Bonn (Germany). "Bridging Knowledge and Policy", organized by the World Bank 6 Participation in Civic Life Asociación Cultural Cusco, President (1969). International Student Association Université Catholique de Louvain (Belgium) Treasurer. Municipalidad de Santiago, Cusco (Peru) (Adviser) (1975). Colegio de Economistas del Cusco (Member of the Board) (1975/1976). Lecturer on Development Issues in various organizations such as: Confederación Campesina del Perú, Federación de Trabajadores Agrícolas del Cusco, Federación Minera, Centro de Altos Estudios Militares, FREDEMO, Foro Democrático, Conferencia Episcopal de Acción Social, ADEC-ATC , Asociación Nacional de Centros, Universidad de Piura, Universidad de Arequipa, Universidad Tecnica del Altiplano, Universidad Pedro Ruiz de Chiclayo, Universidad Nacional Agraria . Co-Founder and Member of the Board, Foro Democrático, Lima (Perú) Coordinator, Government Economic Plan of "Unión por el Perú" (1995) Participation in theTransition Governement of President Valentin Paniagua (2001) Lima, September 2001. 7