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DIPLOMAin INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS FROM A SPANISH PERSPECTIVE IRSPAIN FACULTY OF HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES FACULTY OF HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES Language and Cultural Studies ECTS Credits Course Language Semester Comunicación internacional: bases teóricas /International Communication: basic principles 3 1st Español como lengua extranjera / Spanish as Foreign Language 5 1st and 2nd Lengua y literatura española / Spanish Language and Literature 3 2nd Lengua y cultura C Francés / French Language and Culture 6 2nd Lengua y cultura C Alemán / German Language and Culture 6 2nd Comunicación estratégica en Inglés / Communicating Strategically in English I 10 Annual Literatura española / Spanish Literature 3 1st DIPLOMA in INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS FROM A SPANISH PERSPECTIVE Description and objectives The Diploma in International Relations from a Spanish Perspective is offered by the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Its aim is to offer training in International Relations from a European perspective, and especially from a Spanish viewpoint. It is,therefore, of special interest for international exchange students who come to Comillas to follow studies in International Relations or other related areas of study. Students studying toward this diploma will learn to see International Relations as a multi-faceted field in which the perspective of the analysts or actors must be taken into account. Spain is clearly an international participant of increasing relevance and carries out an important role in the development of European Foreign Policy. Studying the events and their development in the global arena in political, economic, social, legal and cultural aspects from a Spanish perspective will undoubtedly provide added value to the education of students from other European countries, and especially to those from America, Asia or Australia. Global Communication ECTS Credits Course Language Semester Teoría de la comunicación / Communication Theory 6 semestral Comunicación digital / Digital Communication 6 semestral Comunicación estratégica: persuasión vs. Información / Strategic Communication: Persuasion vs. Information 3 semestral Destrezas de comunicación estratégica: análisis y pensamiento crítico / Communication skills: Critical thinking and Analysis 3 semestral Comunicación estratégica en Inglés / Communicating Strategically in English I 10 Annual Content and structure To receive this official Diploma from our University, students must complete 20 ECTS credits in either one or two semesters. Students adapt the offer to their needs and concrete interests, taking into account their previous schooling, their majors and the orientation of their home universities. A student who does not finish 20 credits will not obtain the Diploma. The Diploma is considered a parallel or additional offer for international exchange students in the framework of the programs administered by the International Relations Service and the Faculties. Exchange students at Comillas can enroll in this Diploma at the same time as they enroll in the subjects for Spanish students. Enrollment finalizes on the same date as the general enrollment for exchange students. Exchange students will not have to pay extra for these courses. Courses that are part of the Diploma are the following: Specific courses for International Students We reserve the right to introduce changes to the information given including the addition, withdrawal or restructuring the courses offered. Course Contact person: Patricia Vázquez Rodríguez International Relations Coordinator Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences C/ Universidad Comillas, 3 28043 Madrid ECTS Credits Language Semester Political Geography of Europe 5 1st Comparative Cultural Studies 5 1st Political system and Politics in Spain 5 2nd European History of the 20th Century 5 1 and 2nd Current International Issues from a Spanish Perspective 5 1st and 2nd Classical Spanish Art 5 1st and 2nd Literatura española de la Guerra Civil a la Transición 5 1st and 2nd History of Modern Philosophy 5 1st and 2nd Contemporary Spanish History 5 1st and 2nd Problem of God 5 1st and 2nd Arte moderno español 5 1st and 2nd st International Politics and International Relations History Course ECTS Credits Language Historia de las Relaciones Internacionales / History of International Relations 6 2nd Historia de las ideas políticas / History of Political Ideas 6 1 Política exterior de España / Spanish Foreign Policy 6 Historia de España / Spanish History Historia contemporánea de España / Contemporary History of Spain 1st Instituciones y políticas de la Unión Europea / European Union Institutions 6 2nd 3 2nd Cooperación internacional y desarrollo / International Development Cooperation 6 2nd 3 1st Análisis en política internacional / International Policy Analysis 4.5 1st Organizaciones internacionales / International Organizations 3 2nd Migraciones: aspectos sociológicos, políticos y legales / Inmigration: Sociological, Political and Legal Aspects 3 2nd Naciones Unidas, ONGs y gobernanza global / United Nations, NGOs and Global Governance 3 1st Seminario de actualidad internacional / Seminar on Current International Events 6 annual ECTS Credits Language Semester annual Comercio e inversiones internacionales / International Trade and Investment 4.5 1st Organización Económica Internacional / International Economic Institutions 3 1st Historia de la economía global en el siglo XX / History of the Global Economy 3 2nd Economía de desarrollo y crecimiento / Economics of Development and Growth 3 2nd Economía de la Unión Europea / Economics of the European Union 3 1st Enfoques económicos para las Relaciones Internacionales / Economic Approaches for International Relations 6 2nd La economía española en la globalización 4.5 semestral Gestión empresarial internacional 4.5 semestral Fundamentos de Marketing en un entorno internacional 4.5 semestral International Security Course ECTS Credits Language Semester 6 2nd Análisis, gestión y resolución de conflictos internacionales / International Conflicts: Analysis Management and Resolution 3 2nd 4.5 semestral Terrorismo internacional / International Terrorism 3 1st La transformación de la seguridad europea / The Transformation of European Security 3 2nd 4.5 semestral Geopolítica / Geopolitics International Law ECTS Credits Principios y políticas de seguridad internacional / International Security Principles and Policy Religión y poder en los asuntos internacionales / Religion and power in International Relations Area Studies Language Semester 6 annual 4.5 1st Protocolo internacional / International Protocol 3 2nd Historia, teoría y práctica de la diplomacia / History, Theory and Practice of Diplomacy 3 1st Fundamento de Derecho Público 4.5 semestral Fundamento de Derecho Privado 4.5 semestral Derechos humanos y su protección internacional / International Protection of Human Rights Semester 1st 7.5 Derecho Internacional Público / Public International Law Language 6 Economía Política Internacional / International Political Economy Course ECTS Credits Introducción a las Relaciones Internacionales / Introduction to International Relations st International Economy Course Course Semester Course ECTS Credits Language Semester África en el siglo XXI: Postcolonialismo y Modernidad / Africa in the 21st century: From Post Colonialims to Modern Times 3 2nd Asia: Historia, Cultura, Política / Asia: History, Culture and Politics 3 2nd Política y Sociedad en Oriente Medio / Politics and Society in the Middle East 3 2nd América Latina: pasado y futuro político / Latin America;: History, Culture and Politics 3 2nd Historia y literatura C Francés / French History and Literature 6 1st Historia y literatura C Alemán / German History and Literature 6 1st Historia y literatura B Inglés / History / English History and Literature 6 1st