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THIRD CALL ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Sonia Guillén President Centro Mallqui Guido Lombardi Vice-President Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia Elsa Tomasto-Cagigao Secretary Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú MEMBERS SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE Jalh Dulanto Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú Bernardo Arriaza Universidad de Tarapacá, Chile Evelyn Guevara University of Helsinki Carlos Herz Centro Mallqui Mellisa Lund International Committee of the Red Cross Patricia Maita Museo Nacional de Arqueología, Antropología e Historia Martha Palma Centro de Investigaciones en Antropología Biológica y Genética María del Carmen Vega University of Western Ontario Jane Buikstra Arizona State University, USA Felipe Cárdenas Arroyo Instituto Colombiano de Antropología e Historia, Colombia Johannes Krause Max Planck Institute, Germany Niels Lynnerup University of Copenhagen, Denmark Sheila Mendonça de Souza National School of Public Health / Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, Brazil Andrew Nelson University of Western Ontario, Canada Conrado Rodríguez Martín Museo Arqueológico y Etnográfico de Tenerife, Spain John Verano Tulane University, USA Albert Zink Institute for Mummies and the Iceman, Italy The organization of an International Congress is a complex process, very demanding in terms of time and costs. This has certainly been the situation for all organizers in the close to 25 years of history of this conference. Trying to find the right time, the adequate space and the most convenient financial and organizational arrangements requires plenty of negotiations, accommodations, and flexibility. All in all we are moving along to have a successful meeting. Nevertheless, we would have liked to have details on registration more promptly and we apologize for any inconveniences this may have caused. DATES AND LOCATION The Congress will take place on 10-13 August 2016 at the Sol de Oro Hotel in Miraflores, Lima ( Our venue is a 5 star hotel with prime spaces for the meeting. Moreover, its location facilitates transportation, saving time and concerns about Lima’s traffic. Security has also been an important factor in making this choice. Participants can stay in this hotel with promotional rates, and there are many other choices in the vicinity. The workshops will take place on Saturday 13 at Casa O´Higgins a museum of the Catholic University (PUCP) (, in downtown Lima (Jirón de la Unión 554). We are organizing visits in the surrounding areas so you can also enjoy this historical part of Lima. PRESENTATIONS Twenty-two symposia have been accepted for the program (list in English will be the official language of the meeting. We are organizing the availability of simultaneous interpretation for a fee. There are two types of presentations: Symposia: Composed of four to eight fifteen minute podium presentations. Each symposium will present studies on a specific theme. The time to propose symposia has now passed. Acceptance of the symposium proposal does not guarantee acceptance of individual abstracts that will be subject to submission deadlines and review as all other presentations. Posters: Comprised of communications on study cases, novel techniques and methodologies, diagnostic criteria or ongoing research. Each participant may deliver up to two papers as first author either as podium or poster presentations. To be included in the program each symposium needs a minimum of four accepted presentations. Otherwise the papers accepted will be included in the free topic session. REGISTRATION AND PAYMENT OF FEES Early registration fees can be paid until 15 January: US$150 for professionals and the general public, US$70 for students. After this date, the fees will be US$200.00 for professionals and the general public, and US$100 for students. The collection of fees has been one of the most complicated issues to organize. We have tried to keep fees at a minimum and this requires a minimum cost for transfer and bank fees at both ends. We have found payment through VISA as the most convenient for international transfers. If you are in Peru please go to the web page of the congress, complete and send the registration form and deposit or transfer your fee in US dollars to the account of Centro Mallqui at Banco de Credito ( A sales ticket (boleta) or invoice (factura) will be made upon your request. Send us a copy of the receipt for the money transaction for our records. Please make sure you send all the relevant information to identify the transaction. Account number: 193-1751238-1-81 CCI number for transfer from other Peruvian banks: 002-193-001751238181-19 Account name: Centro Mallqui RUC: 20518087623 BANCO DE CREDITO DEL PERU If you are abroad please go to the web page of the congress (, complete the registration form and send it. You can follow the instructions to complete the process of payment using a VISA card. In both cases you will get a unique registration number that will allow you to submit up to two presentations (podium or poster). GENERAL GUIDELINES FOR SUBMISSIONS The congress website will go online on 05 December 2015. All submissions must be completed online no later than 23:00 GMT, 05 February 2016. You must register at the congress website, pay the congress fee, and follow the link for Congress Submission. Please read the instructions and prepare your submission prior to logging on. Each main author is limited to two (2) reviewed submissions. Each presentation may be submitted to only one symposium or to the free topic or poster sessions. Each participant must use one e-mail address for all submissions. Submissions will be entered online indicating type of presentation (podium or poster), title, author(s) and the affiliations and email addresses of each author, a 300-word abstract, and other information (e.g., student authorship, special requests). Tables, graphs, and pictures associated with your submission can be included in various formats. Pictures and graphics will be required to illustrate the Congress program. You must indicate the symposium of your choice on the online submission form. No abstract may be submitted to more than two sessions. You should send your paper to the session that is closest to the topic of your paper. Please make sure that the abstracts have not been published previously. Abstracts must be sufficiently detailed to allow the symposium coordinator(s) and the Scientific Committee to judge the merits of the paper, including a description of the topic studied, the theoretical view, the data and research methods, and the findings. You need to identify who will present the paper or poster. Each participant may serve as the presenter for only two (total) papers or posters, regardless of the number of podium presentations and posters on which is an author or co-author. You must upload your proposal to complete the submission process. Each abstract submission will be assigned a unique tracking number. Upon completion of the submission you will receive an automatic email acknowledgment including the tracking number. You can upload up to two abstracts that will get each a unique tracking number. Decision notices will be sent up till 05 April 2016. The number of symposia is limited due to time availability. Every effort will be made to accommodate your proposal as requested, nevertheless your podium proposal may be accepted as a poster display due to the limited time for oral sessions during the three days of the congress. If your submission is accepted as a poster, you will be expected to prepare a poster display of your research. Abstracts will be published in a PDF web format and in a paper volume. All meeting rooms will be equipped identically with a screen, an LCD projector and a pc laptop. Guidelines for poster presentations The poster display area is 120 cm (4 feet) height x 90 cm (3 feet) wide. Text should be double-spaced with 16-20 point characters, it should have a vertical orientation. It should be legible from a distance of 150cm (5 feet) away. At the top it should have a space of 15 cm height up to 90 cm long for the title, authors and affiliations. Provided the time required is available and considering security concerns at airports, it might be more convenient to print the poster in Lima. We will have suggestions for this alternative. SOCIAL PROGRAM, TRAVEL IN PERU AND COMMUNICATIONS We are working on a social program, as well as special arrangements for organized trips in Peru to visit sites, museums and places connected to research on mummies, We will post news on this in the web page. Several members of the Organizing Committee are checking on the offers in Lima for a nice dinner with music and dancing. Please send any queries to: Aside from our new web page, you can find additional and important information at the Facebook page: World Congress on Mummy Studies (, managed by Dario PiombinoMascali. Thanks for sharing this message! Important Dates 05 December 2015 15 January 2016 05 February 2016 05 April 2016 05 June2016 Web page goes online and opens for registration and submissions Last day to pay with early fees Deadline for submitting abstracts All authors are notified Deadline for posting the program in the website 9 WCOMS - SYMPOSIA Nº 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 TITLE Application of biochemical methods to mummy studies Paleocardiology Radiography in bioarcheology The study of mummy bundles in the reconstruction of mortuary ritual Ancient bodies: the interplay between ancient culture, spiritual beliefs and mummification Identity and gender Host-parasite relationships and diseases: lessons from the past. Dedicated to Jose Adauto Coordinators Affiliation E-mail Martha Palma MA Centro de Investigaciones en Antropología Biológica y Genética (CIABG) Corina Kellner Ph.D. Anthropology Department, Northern Arizona University Guido Lombardi MA Dr Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia Linda Sutherland MD Newport Diagnostic Center, Newport Beach, CA, USA James N. Skufis MA Washtenaw Community College Sonia Guillén Ph.D. Centro Mallqui Elsa Tomasto - Cagigao MA Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú Lucía Watson MA Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Raffaella Bianucci Dr University of Turin, Dept. of Public Health and Paediatric Sciences Despina Moissidou Dr National Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece Dong Hoon Shin Ph.D. Seoul National University, South Korea Sofía Chacaltana Ph.D. Universidad Antonio Ruiz de Montoya María del Carmen Vega MA University of Western Ontario Raffaella Bianucci Dr University of Turin, Dept. of Public Health and Paediatric Sciences Karl Reinhard Ph.D. University of Nebraska Dong Hoon Shin Ph.D. Seoul National University, South Korea Nº 8 9 10 11 12 13 TITLE Mummy Genomics: molecular investigations of mummified human remains Bioarcheology of care Mummies and textiles Age estimation in mummies and related problems From autopsy to diagnostic imaging and metagenomics: guidelines, levels of evidence and medical data Mummy conservation: continuing challenges for curation and research Coordinators Albert Zink Dr Affiliation E-mail Institute for Mummies and the Iceman, Italy Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History, Germany Johannes Krause Dr Kenneth Nystrom Ph.D. Anthropology Department, State University of New York Lorna Tilley Ph.D. Australian National University Dong Hoon Shin Ph.D. Seoul National University, South Korea James M. Vreeland Jr. MA Patronato del Patrimonio de la Salud Jana Jones Ph.D. Macquarie University, Australia Chiara Villa Ph.D. University of Copenhagen, Niels Lynnerup MD, Ph.D. Department of Forensic Medicine University of Copenhagen, Department of Forensic Medicine Raffaella Bianucci Dr University of Turin, Dept. of Public Health and Paediatric Sciences Frank J. Rühli Dr Institute of Evolutionary Medicine, Switzerland. Dong Hoon Shin Ph.D. Seoul National University, South Korea John W. Verano Ph.D. Department of Anthropology, Tulane University Mellisa Lund Valle MA International Committee of the Red Cross Nº TITLE 14 Multidisciplinary practice in investigation and conservation of Ancient Egyptian mummies and artifacts at the Egyptian Museum in Cairo 15 Paleogenetic studies in bioarchaeology Coordinators Affiliation E-mail Egyptian Museum in Cairo and Cairo University Sahar N Saleem, Mahmoud ElHalwagy, Momen Osman Islam Ezzat Evelyn Guevara MA Department of Forensic Medicine University of Helsinki Finland Raul J. Cano Ph.D. California Polytechnic State University MA Museo Nacional de Arqueología, Antropología e Historia del Perú. 16 Bioarcheology of war Patricia Maita Teodoro HampeMartínez Universidad Tecnológica del Perú, Lima 17 Mallquis & huauques: Sixteenth-century veneration and study of Inca mummies in the Andes Christopher Heaney University of Texas, Austin 18 The History and Archaeology of Andean Mummies, from the 16th c. to the present Christopher Heaney Ph.D. University of Texas, Austin Alexander Menaker Ph.D. University of Texas, Austin Victor Falcón Huayta Proyecto Arqueológico Valle de Andagua Sonia Guillén Ph.D. Centro Mallqui Salima Ikram Ph.D. American University in Cairo 19 Animal mummies 20 Mummies of the State of Querétaro, Mexico. Elizabeth Mejía Pérez Campos 21 Free topics Carlos Herz MA Centro Mallqui, Perú 22 Posters Marcela Urízar MA Universidad de Atacama, Chile toluquilla.elizabeth@gmail. com