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C A T H O L I C 25511 Eshelman Ave, Lomita, CA 90717 C H U R C H (310) 326-3364 2 FATHER PAUL’S CORNER Dear Families and Friends of St. Margaret Mary, As most of you know our Holy Father, Pope Francis, has written a wonderful apostolic exhortation called “Evangelii Guadium” on the joy of proclaiming the Gospel. It is truly an extraordinary document, easy to read and full of inspiration. Here is just an excerpt: The joy of the gospel fills the hearts and lives of all who encounter Jesus. Those who accept his offer of salvation are set free from sin, sorrow, inner emptiness and loneliness. With Christ joy is constantly born anew. In this Exhortation I wish to encourage the Christian faithful to embark upon a new chapter of evangelization marked by this joy, while pointing out new paths for the Church’s journey in years to come. The great danger in today’s world, pervaded as it is by consumerism, is the desolation and anguish born of a complacent yet covetous heart, the feverish pursuit of frivolous pleasures, and a blunted conscience. Whenever our interior life becomes caught up in its own interests and concerns, there is no longer room for others, no place for the poor. God’s voice is no longer heard, the quiet joy of his love is no longer felt, and the desire to do good fades. This is a very real danger for believers too. Many fall prey to it, and end up resentful, angry and listless. That is no way to live a dignified and fulfilled life; it is not God’s will for us, nor is it the life in the Spirit which has its source in the heart of the risen Christ. I invite all Christians, everywhere, at this very moment, to a renewed personal encounter with Jesus Christ, or at least an openness to letting him encounter them; I ask all of you to do this unfailingly each day. No one should think that this invitation is not meant for him or her, since “no one is excluded from the joy brought by the Lord”. The Lord does not disappoint those who take this risk; whenever we take a step towards Jesus, we come to realize that he is already there, waiting for us with open arms. Now is the time to say to Jesus: “Lord, I have let myself be deceived; in a thousand ways I have shunned your love, yet here I am once more, to renew my covenant with you. I need you. Save me once again, Lord, take me once more into your redeeming embrace”. How good it feels to come back to him whenever we are lost! Let me say this once more: God never tires of forgiving us; we are the ones who tire of seeking his mercy. Christ, who told us to forgive one another “seventy times seven” (Mt 18:22) has given us his example: he has forgiven us seventy times seven. Time and time again he bears us on his shoulders. No one can strip us of the dignity bestowed upon us by this boundless and unfailing love. With a tenderness which never disappoints, but is always capable of restoring our joy, he makes it possible for us to lift up our heads and to start anew. Let us not flee from the resurrection of Jesus, let us never give up, come what will. May nothing inspire more than his life, which impels us onwards!” Welcome to Saint Margaret Mary PASTOR: Fr. Paul O’Donnell; ASSOCIATE PASTOR: Fr. Juan Silva & Fr. John Palmer PRIEST IN RESIDENCE: Fr. Sebastian Venni DEACONS: Cheto Mendoza, Craig Siegman, Richard Soria and Dan Wallace MASS AND PRAYER SCHEDULE Saturday 5 PM, Sunday 6:45, 8, 9:30, 11 AM, 5PM, Español 12:30, 7 PM Monday—Friday 6:30, 8:15 AM, Saturday 8:15 AM only Perpetual Help Novena Wednesday s, 7:30 PM Rosary (in Chapel) Monday —Friday 7 and 8:45 AM; Wednesday 6:30 PM, Tuesday 7 PM (Spanish) Confessions Friday 5-5:30 PM; Saturday 3:30-4:30 PM; 7:30-8:30 PM MENSAJE DE PADRE PAUL 3 Estimados Amigos y Familias de Santa Margarita María, Como la mayoría de ustedes ya saben, nuestro Santo Padre, el Papa Francis, ha escrito una exhortación apostólica maravilloso llamado "Evangelii Guadium" sobre la alegría de proclamar el Evangelio. Es verdaderamente un documento extraordinario, de fácil lectura y lleno de inspiración. Aquí es sólo un extracto: “La alegría del Evangelio llena el corazón y la vida entera de los que se encuentran con Jesús. Quienes se dejan salvar por Él son liberados del pecado, de la tristeza, del vacío interior, del aislamiento. Con Jesucristo siempre nace y renace la alegría. En esta Exhortación quiero dirigirme a los fieles cristianos para invitarlos a una nueva etapa evangelizadora marcada por esa alegría, e indicar caminos para la marcha de la Iglesia en los próximos años. El gran riesgo del mundo actual, con su múltiple y abrumadora oferta de consumo, es una tristeza individualista que brota del corazón cómodo y avaro, de la búsqueda enfermiza de placeres superficiales, de la conciencia aislada. Cuando la vida interior se clausura en los propios intereses, ya no hay espacio para los demás, ya no entran los pobres, ya no se escucha la voz de Dios, ya no se goza la dulce alegría de su amor, ya no palpita el entusiasmo por hacer el bien. Los creyentes también corren ese riesgo, cierto y permanente. Muchos caen en él y se convierten en seres resentidos, quejosos, sin vida. Ésa no es la opción de una vida digna y plena, ése no es el deseo de Dios para nosotros, ésa no es la vida en el Espíritu que brota del corazón de Cristo resucitado. Invito a cada cristiano, en cualquier lugar y situación en que se encuentre, a renovar ahora mismo su encuentro personal con Jesucristo o, al menos, a tomar la decisión de dejarse encon- trar por Él, de intentarlo cada día sin descanso. No hay razón para que alguien piense que esta invitación no es para él, porque «nadie queda excluido de la alegría reportada por el Señor»[1]. Al que arriesga, el Señor no lo defrauda, y cuando alguien da un pequeño paso hacia Jesús, descubre que Él ya esperaba su llegada con los brazos abiertos. Éste es el momento para decirle a Jesucristo: «Señor, me he dejado engañar, de mil maneras escapé de tu amor, pero aquí estoy otra vez para renovar mi alianza contigo. Te necesito. Rescátame de nuevo, Señor, acéptame una vez más entre tus brazos redentores». ¡Nos hace tanto bien volver a Él cuando nos hemos perdido! Insisto una vez más: Dios no se cansa nunca de perdonar, somos nosotros los que nos cansamos de acudir a su misericordia. Aquel que nos invitó a perdonar «setenta veces siete» (Mt 18,22) nos da ejemplo: Él perdona setenta veces siete. Nos vuelve a cargar sobre sus hombros una y otra vez. Nadie podrá quitarnos la dignidad que nos otorga este amor infinito e inquebrantable. Él nos permite levantar la cabeza y volver a empezar, con una ternura que nunca nos desilusiona y que siempre puede devolvernos la alegría. No huyamos de la resurrección de Jesús, nunca nos declaremos muertos, pase lo que pase. ¡Que nada pueda más que su vida que nos lanza hacia adelante!” 4 St. Margaret Mary Men’s Cornerstone Retreat Fri. & Sat. August 8th & 9th Step away for 26 hours from your normal routine and the chaos of your life to reflect, rejuvenate and strengthen your spirit. Retreat is Free of Charge. Stop by Grotto area after mass for sign up. Applications also available in the office. For More Info Contact Mark Vicelja (310) 891-1902 or James Viveros (310) 941 6803 Readings For The Week Monday July 7 Reading 1: Hosea 2:16, 17c-18, 21-22 Gospel: Matthew 9:18-26 Tuesday July 8 Reading 1: Hosea 8:4-7, 11-13 Gospel: Matthew 9:32-38 Wednesday July 9 Reading 1: Hosea 10:1-3, 7-8, 12 Gospel: Matthew 10:1-7 Thursday July 10 Reading 1: Hosea 11:1-4, 8e-9 Gospel: Matthew 10:7-15 Friday July 11 St. Benedict Reading 1: Hosea 14:2-10 Gospel: Matthew 10:16-23 Saturday July 12 Reading 1: Isaiah 6:1-8 Gospel: Matthew 10:24-33 Sunday July 13 Reading 1: Isaiah 55:10-11 Reading 2: Romans 8:18-23 Gospel: Matthew 13:1-23 FAITH SHARING MEETING THURSDAY, JULY 17 7 to 9 PM—SMM PARISH CENTER In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus spoke a parable about an enemy that sowed weeds within the good wheat seed in a farmer’s field. The farmer told his workers not to pull the weeds as he was concerned about harming the wheat. His instructions were to leave the bad (weeds) with the good (wheat) until the harvest when the bad would be destroyed. There is a lesson in this for us. We live in a world full of hurt and evil. It’s up to us to nurture and grow the good in our evil world. What are you doing to nurture and grow the wheat in anticipation of the harvest at “the end of the age”? Share your thoughts and hear what others have to say at our next Small Christian Communities Faith Sharing meeting. We’ll reflect upon the readings for the Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Wisdom 12:13, 16-19, Romans 8:26-27, Matthew 13:24-43 To confirm your attendance call or email Roy and Carole Hardinge at 310-539-6027 or We hope to see you there! 5 NATIONAL NEEDS COMBINED COLLECTION Next weekend we will have the National Needs Combined Collection for The Catholic Communication Campaign, the Black & Indian Home Mission, The Catholic University of America and the Catholic Home Missions. This Combined collection: Makes it possible for us to continue strengthening Catholic faith, values and education Helps support some of the poorest dioceses in the country that depend on annual collections. Enables us to insure the highest standards of quality Catholic education through The Catholic University of America’s exceptional programs of scholarship, research, and service Strengthens the Church at home to help provide basic pastoral resources and services to needy ethnic communities in scattered and isolated areas through the Catholic Home Missions Appeal. We ask you during this week to please prayerfully consider donating to this worthy collection. Special Offering envelopes can be found in the pews 2014-2015 FAITH FORMATION REGISTRATION Registration for the 2014-15 Faith Formation Classes is now open.. Registration forms for elementary, junior high and high school confirmation can be picked up at the RE or Parish Offices or downloaded from the parish website. Current and New students need to r egister . Remember, it is an Archdiocesan requirement to have two consecutive years of religious education in order to receive sacraments. Completed registration forms and fees must be hand delivered to the RE office. A copy of the Baptismal Certificate must accompany all NEW registrations. Even if a child was baptized at St. Margaret Mary Alacoque Parish, a copy of each necessary certificate(s) must be included for all children who are registering for Faith Formation for the very first time. Treasures From Our Traditions Confirmation is complicated, at least in its history. It arose in response to real problems deeply felt, not the least of which was the desire of the bishop to minister to all who were baptized. But it also has to do with the early crisis of how to deal with persons baptized by congregations that had broken bonds with the greater church: heretics. People reasoned that no matter how wrong-headed the minister might be, Christ would always work in the waters of baptism. No matter what, God would sweep aside all human obstacles to claim the new life in the water. They were not so sure about the ability of someone who had broken with the church to confer the Spirit. By the fifth century, already-baptized persons coming into the church were anointed with chrism but not rebaptized. This anointing with myron or chrism was seen as an act of reconciliation by the church, and a seal upon the commitments vowed by the newcomer. Today, we preserve this ancient practice by never "rebaptizing" Christians who have been baptized in water in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We affirm the candidates' baptismal dignity, and we celebrate confirmation at their first reception of the Eucharist. --Rev. James Field, Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co 6 DIOS ES AMOR Por Humberto Beltrán A veces hay personas que le clavan espinas en el corazón a uno, y lo único que hacemos es quedarnos con esas espinas clavadas en nuestro corazón y nos quedamos con ese dolor a veces por toda la vida. Algunos tratamos de vengarnos porque pensamos que así nos vamos a sacar esas espinas, y llegamos a tal grado que nuestro corazón ya no siente nada porque se nos convierte en un corazón de piedra, pero también ya no nos importa nada y terminamos actuando igual que esas personas. La fiesta del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús. Cuando hablamos del corazón hablamos de amor. Más aún, el corazón ha llegado a ser el símbolo de toda persona. A veces decimos de dos cónyuges que son dos corazones que se aman. Cuando en realidad son dos personas que se aman, pero decimos que ellos son dos corazones porque es como si el corazón comprendiera todo lo que es una persona. Hoy día es la fiesta del corazón de Jesús. Y precisamente porque cuando decimos corazón decimos amor, hoy es el día para hablar del amor de Jesús. Ese amor llevo a Jesús a identificarse con los pobres, enfermos y oprimidos, el amor lo hizo comprender a los pecadores, devolver la conciencia de su dignidad y valor a las mujeres, rodearse de gente sencilla, ser parte de todos los que sufren “amable y humilde de corazón”. Nuestro Corazón en el Corazón de Cristo. Si nos fijamos bien en el Sagrado Corazón de Jesús, nos podemos dar cuenta que tiene alrededor del corazón una corona de espinas, y esa corona de espinas son las mismas que nos clavan a nosotros, es como si se las clavaran a El, porque El dice lo que le hagas a uno de mis hijos es como que me lo hicieras a mi, y la cruz que tiene es la cruz que llevamos nosotros y que nos mortifica, a veces es una cruz que traemos de nuestro pasado y que a veces la traemos por muchos años, pero a pesar de todo El siempre nos ilumina con ese resplandor que sale de su corazón. Es un corazón que no se cansa de amar y perdonar. Es el corazón que no se enfría ni se cierra a las necesidades de nuestros hermanos. Es un corazón del Redentor que no juega con los sentimientos de sus discípulos. Reflexión Por todo esto, en lugar de tratar de vengarnos, tratemos de colocar nuestro corazón en el corazón de Cristo. Para que nos saque el odio, el coraje, el rechazo, y la insensibilidad de nuestros corazones. Y podamos tener amor, comprensión, tolerancia, perdón y compasión en nuestro corazón.. 7 GOD'S WORD TODAY Our Sick Clarita GUESO Inocensio LASANO Adriana LARA Agnes ZAMORNANOS Bonnie PORTER Florence DALEE Mary ALBAO Claire HULETT Dianna GONZALEZ Sandra GONZALEZ Alonso CORONA Jennifer FEIST Jose Luis GONZALEZ Horacio FLORES Guadalupe FERNANDEZ Jose Luis LUA Pete WEAKLAND Kim SHARP Francisco MEDINA Juana MEDINA Leonore GARZA Zeenta LAL Dear Lord please bless these sick with comfort, courage, hope and enduring faith in your love and protection. Amen Our Deceased Dorothy BOUTELL Sandy DANTICO Susan ZAMORA Antonio L. MENDOZA Josefina VICTORIA Cornelia PAGTALUNAN Aurora NUNEZ Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. Amen. Each week we gather to celebrate Mass. There is a statistic that says that two out of every three people who attend church services on a regular basis in this country are hurting in some way. This means that if you happen not to be hurting this week, chances are that the two people on either side of you are somehow burdened. One of the reasons that many people attend Mass is to bring their cares and worries to the tables of the word and Eucharist in the hope that the Lord will transform them. Today's Gospel is a font of comfort and strength. Listen carefully as these words are proclaimed at Mass today. Pray that the Lord will give rest to those who are weighted down. Pray that we will all find rest in the Lord, whose yoke is easy and whose burden is light. From Saint Margaret Sunday Missal, copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Company BECOME A CATECHIST Our parish Religious Formation program continues to seek faith-filled, enthusiastic people to share faith with our young people. Experience is not necessary and training will be provided. If God is calling you and you are willing to volunteer some time Please contact the Director of Faith Formation, Joe Voigt 310 326 3364 ext. 17 or GOD BLESS YOU! SPECIAL RELIGIOUS ED REGISTRATION Special Religious Ed will have registration on Saturday, September 20,2014 from 9:30 am to NOON. 8 Lecturas de la Semana Lunes 7 de Julio 1a Lectura: Hosea 2:16, 17c-18, 21-22 Evangelio: Mateo 9:18-26 Martes 8 de Julio 1a Lectura: Hosea 8:4-7, 11-13 Evangelio: Mateo 9:32-38 2014-2015 REGISTRACION DE Miercoles 9 de Julio 1a Lectura: Hosea 10:1-3, 7-8, 12 Evangelio: Mateo 10:1-7 La Registración para las clases de Formación de Jueves 10 de Julio 1a Lectura: Hosea 11:1-4, 8-9 Evangelio: Mateo 10:7-15 Viernes 11 de Julio San Benedicto 1a Lectura: Hosea 14:2-10 Evangelio: Mateo 10:16-23 Sabado 12 de Julio 1a Lectura: Isaias 6:1-8 Evangelio: Mateo 10:24-3 Domingo 13 de Julio 1a Lectura: Isaias 55:10-11 2a Lectura: Romanos 8:18-23 Evangelio: Mateo 13:1-23 ESTUDIO DE BIBLIA “DESCUBRE A JESUS A TRAVES DE LAS ESCRITURAS” Los Días Martes De 7 a 9 de la noche Salón Santa Margarita María Para mas información favor de l lamar a: Minerva Sanchez (310) 530-9323 Teresa Carbajal (310) 326-3364 Ext. 16 FORMACION DE FE Fe 2014-15 ya esta abierta. Las formas de inscripción para primaria, secundaria y la confirmación pueden recogerlas en la Oficina de Educación Religiosa o en la Oficina Parroquial o pueden tomarlas de la pagina de internet de la parroquia. Los estudiantes actuales y nuevos necesitan registrarse. Recuerden que es un requisito de la Arquidiócesis de tener dos años consecutivos de educación religiosa con el fin de recibir los sacramentos. Los formularios y cuotas de inscripción completas deben ser entregadas a la oficina RE. Una copia del certificado de bautismo debe acompañar a todos los registros nuevos. Incluso si un niño fue bautizado en Santa Margarita María, una copia de cada certificado necesario (s) se debe incluir a todos los niños que se están registrando para la Formación de Fe para la primera vez. GRUPO DE ORACION Hoy Jesús Cristo nos llama para darle un sentido nuevo a nuestras vidas a través de su palabra. Esta oportunidad no la dejes pasar. Vengan y únanse a nuestro Grupo de Oración encontremos a Jesús. Nos reunimos todos los Lunes a las 7:00 PM en el Salón San José. 9 Tesoros de Nuestras Tradiciones La confi rm aci ón es com pl i cado, por l o m enos en su hi st ori a . S urgi ó com o res pu es t a a probl em as real es s ent i das, no m enos i m port ant e de l os cu al es er a el des eo del obi s po para se rvi r a t odos l os que habéi s si do baut i z ados. P ero t am bi én t i ene qu e ver con l a cri si s de pri nci pi os de cóm o t rat ar con l as pe rson as baut i z adas por l a s congre gaci ones qu e habí an rot o l az os co n l a i gl esi a m a yor: herej es. La s pe rs ona s pens aron qu e no i m port a l o m al ori ent a da puede s er el m i ni st ro, C ri st o si em pre funci onarí a en l as a gu a s del baut i sm o. No i m port a qué, Di os i b a a ba rre r t odos l os obs t ácul os hum anos pa r a re cl am ar l a nuev a vi da en el a gu a. El l os no est aban t an s e guros ac erc a de l a cap aci dad d e una p erso na que habí a rot o co n l a Igl esi a pa ra con feri r el Espí ri t u. En el s i gl o V, l as pe rsonas ya b aut i z adas -que ent r an en l a i gl esi a er an un gi dos co n el cri s m a, pe ro no b aut i z ados de nuevo. Est a unci ón con el c ri sm a, o m yr on fue vi s t o com o un act o de r econci l i a ci ón de l a i gl esi a, y un sel l o so bre l os com prom i s o s j uró por el r eci én l l egado. Ho y en dí a, podem os prese rva r e st a ant i gu a prá ct i ca nunca "reb aut i z ar " l os c ri st i anos que han si do baut i z ados en a gua en el nom br e del P adre, Hi j o y Espí ri t u S ant o. Afi rm am os l a di gni dad b aut i sm al de l os candi dat os , y cel ebr am os su confi rm aci ón en su p ri m e ra re cep ci ón --Rev. James Field, Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co NATIONAL NEEDS COMBINED COLLECTION Próximo fin de semana tendremos la Colección de Necesidades Combinadas Nacional para La Campaáa de Comunicaciones Catolica de de Mision de Afro Americanos e Indios, La Universidad Catolica de America La Casa Catolica de Misiones. Esta colección combinado: Hace que sea posible para nosotros continuar forta-lecer la fe católica, los valores y la educación Ayuda a apoyar algunas de las diócesis más pobres del país que dependen de colecciones anuales. Nos permite asegurar los más altos estándares de la educación católica de calidad a través de la Universi dad Católica de programas excepcionales de los Estados Unidos de la erudición, investigación y servicio Fortalece la Iglesia en el país para ayudar a proporcionar recursos y servicios pastorales básicos a las comunidades étnicas necesitadas en zonas dispersas y aisladas a través de las Misiones Católicas apelación. Te pedimos durante esta semana para complacer a la oración, considere donar a esta noble colección. Sobres de Ofrenda Especial se pueden encontrar en las bancas. ORIENTACION Y CONSEJERIA EN ESPAÑOL Recuerden que tenemos este servicio aquí, en nuestra parroquia los días lunes, martes, jueves y sábado con cita previamente acordada. Para solicitar este servicio, pueden pasar por la oficina de la parroquia para dejar el nombre y número de teléfono o dejar un mensaje en ele teléfono: (310) 326-3364 ext. 40 10 Monday, July 7 8:15 AM—Mass in honor of these Holy Name men: John FERLAZZO, Earl GUTHRIE and Roman SANDOVAL Sunday, July 13 9:30 AM Mass—Communion Sunday Monday, July 14 7:00 PM—Holy Name Board Meeting Parish Center Lounge Saturday, July 26 4:00 PM—Installation Dinner Sacred Heart Courtyard Tickets on sale in the Grotto Delicious tri-tip or BBQ Chicken, Live Band, Open Bar. Questions or wish to purchase tickets after today call Gary Pascual at 310 991 2948 All Holy Name members and parishioners are encouraged to attend this fun event! Monday, July 28 7:30 PM—General Membership Meeting St. Joseph Center Bishop Sartoris will be present the Bishop Sartoris/Holy Name Scholarships This organization is open to all men of our parish and school. To find out more about Holy Name: St. Margaret Mary Women’s Society News SAVE THE DATE: September 20th Fundraiser—Casino Trip For information on any event, call Elaine (424) 263-5133 Council 7864 Tuesday, July 15 Second Degree Exemplification Fr. Emil Kapuan Hall 8049 W. Manchester Ave. Play Del Rey 7:00 PM—Sign-in 8:00 PM—Ceremonial Call Dennis Hinman 310 666 8206 Coordinate attendance with SK Virgil Rabe. Third Degree Exemplification will be in Augustat Los Crusados Council in Redondo Beach. Many thanks to the participants and sponsors of our Annual Fund Raising Golf Tournament held on June 28. Your continuing support is a great help to our charitable cause. Membership: Richard Contreras (310) 326-3687 Insurance: Ernie Literte (310) 781-3048 SMM SCHOOL CLASS OF 1967 REUNION Date: Saturday, August 30, 2014 Time-early evening to ? Cost: FREE, bring a favorite food Casual event Contact: Marilyn (Proctor) Williams at 310-4155810 for text message or call. Please contact fellow classmates! ST. MARGARET MARY PRO LIFE GROUP Pro-Life education and formation in the faith: As Catholics we pray to end death by human hands: abortion, euthanasia. and capital punishment. Prayer: Lord, thank You for our brothers and sisters now alive in their mothers' wombs. May we all speak and act in a way that recognizes they are already among us! SMM Parish is Pro-Life 11 DIRECTORY SAINT MARGARET MARY ALACOQUE CATHOLIC CHURCH 25511 Eshelman Ave. Lomita, CA 90717 Website: Email: Telephones: (310) 326-3364 (310) 539-1570 (fax) PARISH OFFICE HOURS Mon-Fri, 8 AM—8 PM Saturday, 8 AM—5PM (Monday—Saturday closed Noon to 1 PM) Sunday, 9 AM—1 PM STAFF Parish Administrator Deacon Dan Wallace, ext 42 Religious Education Joe Voigt, ext 17 Teresa Carbajal, ext 16 Youth Ministry Cheyenne Vasquez, ext 13 Christian Service Laura Nieto, ext 35 Religious Vocations Contact Parish Office for: All Sacraments Quiceañeras Anointing of the Sick Funeral Arrangements Registrations Volunteer Opportunities and all other questions PARISH SCHOOL Douglas Erhard, Principal (310) 326-9494, ext 21 BULLETIN Deadline: Friday Noon 9 days before your article will appear. Read your Bulletin Fridays online on our website SUMMER CONTEMPLATIVE RETREAT SATURDAY, JULY 19 10:00 AM-3:30 PM St. Andrew Russian Greek Catholic Church 538 Concord St., El Segundo, CA 90245 $20.00 Includes Light Lunch RSVP 310 322 1892 All are invited to take part in this retreat focusing on Pope Francis’ teaching on the proclamation of the Gospel. This retreat will be led by Fr. Peter Liuzzi O. Carm. He has recently been appointed as confessor to the retired priests of the Archdioceses and has been given permission to move out from his ordinary community to live as a hermit while leading retreats and ministering to people in need. Our next weekend is August 8-10 in Torrance. We strongly encourage signups by July 11 to reserve your spot! Learn more about us! Visit to apply or contact Sarah & Jacob Flores at 562 923 7335 or Vinny & Tanya Calingasan at 424 777 9963 PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY AT ST. MARGARET MARY All are welcome to join the group to share in prayers. We will gather once a month to crochet, knit and pray together for all those in need, and so we may enjoy fellowship and the wonderful bond that we share in creating shawls as gifts for others. All are welcome to join the group to share in prayer. We will meet the first Thursday of the month 1:30-3:00 PM in the St. Margaret Mary room We are accepting donations in the form of gift cards for Joann’s or Michael’s to provide yarn and supplies. Please drop any gift cards off at the Parish office marked “Prayer Shawl Ministry”. For more information, please contact Cindy Powell at 310-539-6929 or email at Sabes tocar guitarra, mandolina, acordeón o pandero, te gusta cantar y tienes buena voz y te gustaría pertenecer a una Rondalla? El Grupo Guadalupano esta formando una Rondalla para cantarle a La Virgen de Guadalupe El 12 de diciembre. Si estas interesado/da Favor de llamar a: Lety Guzmán, Teléfono: 310-534-3138 CHRISTIAN SERVICE BACKPACK AND SCHOOL SUPPLIES COLLECTION July 12-13,19-20, 26-27 Each week our parish serves hundreds of families through our Christian Service Ministry. Did you know that these families include a total of nearly 250 children? Together, let us help prepare them for a productive school year. Our goal is to supply backpacks and school supplies to children registered in our program from kindergarten through high school, so all age supplies and backpacks for all ages are needed. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT AND GENEROSITY SERVICIO CRISTIANO COLECCION DE MOCHILAS Y UTILES PARA LA ESCUELA Julio 12-13, 19-20, 26-27 Cada semana nuestra parroquia atiende a cientos de familias a través de nuestro Ministerio de Servicio Cristiano. ¿Sabia usted que a estas familias incluyen un total de cerca de 250 niños? Juntos, vamos a ayudarlos a prepararse para un año escolar productivo. Nuestro objetivo es proporcionarles las mochilas y útiles escolares a los niños inscritos en nuestro programa desde el Kinder hasta la High School, por lo que lo que todos los útiles escolares de todas las edades y las mochilas son necesarios. GRACIAS POR SU APOYO Y GENEROSIDAD 13 We are reading... CATHOLICS by Brian Moore Thursday, July 31—7 PM EVERYONE IS WELCOME! Questions? Call Flo (310) 328-8915 email: “How can you keep from singing?” BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND ‘KARAOKE NIGHT” RETURNS TO St. Margaret Mary JULY 19, 2014 Dinner at 6:00 PM Singing at 7:00 PM $15 per person includes dinner, 1 free drink, singing & fun! Tickets on sale after all Masses in grotto. Mark your calendars for the 32nd annual LOMITA FAIR, September 5, 6, and 7, save your coins… new rides, games & foods! KEEP UPDATED AT Do you have something to sell? Contact Marty & Tanya 310 930 8045 to reserve your favorite vendor spot or see the vendor tab at Are you willing to help? Please sign up to assist in one of many areas (booths, clean-up, etc.). We cannot have a successful fair without you! Contact Elaine at 424 263 5133 to help out. For more info: Roni & Skip 310 835 2715 or TAKE CENTER STAGE Can you sing, dance or play...the ukulele? Contact Glenn & Molly 310 631 6677, 323 849 6031 or 323 378 0969 to audition and perform at the Fair! Please leave your group’s name, talent and contact information! JOIN US TO WELCOME OUR NEWLY ORDAINED ASSOCIATE PASTOR FR. JOHN PALMER TODAY AFTER ALL DAYTIME MASSES HEGARTY HALL LIGHT REFRESHMENTS WILL BE SERVED SUPPORT OUR LOMITA FAIR PLEASE pick up your tickets after Mass to save us the postage!!!!!! What would you do with $15,000? You could be the next winner! Pick up your raffle tickets after all Masses in the Grotto Patio Area to save the parish postage. “Want extra chances to win some money?” Purchase 100 r affle tickets (at one time) and receive 20 extra raffle tickets Purchase 50 r affle tickets (at one time) and receive 10 extra raffle tickets “Chance to win… $250?” Mirror, Mirror on the wall Who will be King & Queen this fall? Girls & Guys ages 15 and up may apply for King & Queen of the Lomita Fair. Contact Diane (310) 325-3038. Please visit our website for more details at Early Bird Drawing Turn in your raffle tickets by 6:00 PM on July 20. WINNING TICKET WILL BE RETURNED TO RAFFLE BOX FOR A CHANCE TO BE DRAWN AT THE FAIR! Return tickets to the Big Red Box (in patio area) or parish office for your opportunity to win! Share your stories about the Lomita Fair on your favorite social media site using #LOMITAFAIR2014