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Corpus Christi Catholic Community 3597 N. Sunridge Drive, Carson City, NV 89705 x (775) 267-3200 Pastor- Rev. Father James J. Setelik, Jr. Welcome to Corpus Christi! ¡Bienvenidos! Mabuhay! Office HoursWednesday-9:30-5, Thursday & Friday 9-5 (Closed for Lunch) Please call before coming to the office. Mass Schedule Saturday (vigil): 4:00 pm Sunday: 9:00 am, 11:30 am (Spanish) Weekdays: Wednesday 9:00 am Thursday 9:00 am Friday 12:10 pm Confessions Saturdays 3 3:00-3:30 pm or by appointment Confesiones cada sábado de 3:00 a 3:30 pm Baptisms Preparation Class required, call for an appointment Weddings 6 months advance preparation, call for an appointment Anointing of the Sick By appointment, please call the office Holy Days of Obligation Times Vary- Please check the schedule Parish Email-generaloffice@ Parish Website- Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 13, 2014 Receptionist- Susan Zampirro Pastoral Assistant (DRE, Youth Minister, Ministry Development, Facilities Director, Art and Environment) - Karen Smeath Gifts to God...Have You Given Yours? Encuentro Matrimonial Mundial ¿Quieres recuperar la relación que tenias con tu esposo o esposa como cuando eran novios? ¡Nosotros te ayudamos? Trabajo Garantizado, si no funciona les regresamos la relación que tienen actualmente. ¡Atrévanse a vivir la experiencia que les ofrece un Fin de Semana del Encuentro Matrimonial Mundial! Fines de Semana en el 2014 Agosto 22-24—Noviembre 14-16 Si gustan máa información comuníquense con: Frederic y Hallyma 775-220-7867, Spooner Lake Picnic Please join us for our 1st summer picnic. St. Benedict Society will provide the hot dogs, buns and condiments. Please bring your own beverages, your own chairs and a side dish to share. When: Sunday, July 13th at 1:00 pm Where: Spooner Lake ($8.00/car) Please add to our monthly “pray for” list….. †James McMullen, Mato Penga, †Paula Laumea, Cathy Laumea, Stephanie Merenda, Bob & Jean Smeath, Amelliah Rose Parsons. Call the office if you wish to add someone to our prayer list including; our military and members of our parish family and Most Holy Trinity Sunday Regular Collection/Colecta Semanal $2722.00 THE ICON STAND VOTIVE CANDLE is burning this week for Lee & JoAnne Vecchiarelli Thank You ! ¡Gracias! THE SANCTUARY LAMP CANDLE is burning this week for the health of Bob Smeath Check out Corpus Christi’s Website Same address: Brand new look! With enhanced features Still a work in progress though… If you have suggestions for items you would like to see please place them in the suggestion container in the Entry. ADULT FAITH FORMATION Corpus Christi Catholic Book Club Great Summer Reading! Next meeting: Tuesday, September 9th at 6:30 p.m. Book Selection: Francis: Pope of a New World by Andrea Tornielli All are welcome! Reflection of the Week “Take my yoke upon you and learn from me… for my yoke is easy, and my burden light.” With these words of relief and comfort, Jesus calls us to be one with Him so that He can share in our own burdens, our own trials and tribulations. There is a deeper meaning for us if we understand the comparisons to life in Jesus’ time. When training a young ox, the owner would often attach the calf to an older, more experienced ox that was accustomed to both the yoke and the weight of pulling the burden. Jesus is encouraging us to share our tests with Him by taking on the yoke and allowing Him to assist us with our troubles and difficulties. Often we point out that one of the basics of stewardship is to live a God-centered life rather than a selfcentered life. The Lord’s message is that in living this way, our lives, and especially the distressful aspects of our lives, become something that He can bear more easily. Of course, we have to be willing to be His disciples and to commit our lives to serving Him and others. In that way, the Lord will truly give us rest. Jesus’ spirit, dwelling within us, will genuinely give us life. Copyright © Lecturas Dominicales Sunday’s Readings First Reading — Rejoice heartily, O Jerusalem! For see, your savior comes (Zechariah 9:9-10). Psalm — I will praise your name for ever, my king and my God (Psalm 145). Second Reading — The one who raised Christ from death will give life to your mortal bodies also (Romans 8:9, 11-13). Gospel — Come, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest (Matthew 11:25-30). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Hos 2:16, 17b-18, 21-22; Ps 145:2-9; Mt 9:18-26 Tuesday: Hos 8:4-7, 11-13; Ps 115:3-10; Mt 9:32-38 Wednesday: Hos 10:1-3, 7-8, 12; Ps 105:2-7; Mt 10:1-7 Thursday: Hos 11:1-4, 8c-9; Ps 80:2ac, 3b, 15-16; Mt 10:7-15 Friday: Hos 14:2-10; Ps 51:3-4, 8-9, 12-14, 17; Mt 10:16-23 Saturday: Is 6:1-8; Ps 93:1-2, 5; Mt 10:24-33 Sunday: Is 55:10-11; Ps 65:10-14; Rom 8:18-23; Mt 13:1-23 [1-9] Monday: SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Wednesday: St. Augustine Zhao Rong and Companions Friday: St. Benedict Saturday: Blessed Virgin Mary TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION Confirmation is complicated, at least in its history. It arose in response to real problems deeply felt, not the least of which was the desire of the bishop to minister to all who were baptized. But it also has to do with the early crisis of how to deal with persons baptized by congregations that had broken bonds with the greater church: heretics. People reasoned that no matter how wrong‑headed the minister might be, Christ would always work in the waters of baptism. No matter what, God would sweep aside all human obstacles to claim the new life in the water. They were not so sure about the ability of someone who had broken with the church to confer the Spirit. By the fifth century, already-baptized persons coming into the church were anointed with chrism but not rebaptized. This anointing with myron or chrism was seen as an act of reconciliation by the church, and a seal upon the commitments vowed by the newcomer. Today, we preserve this ancient practice by never “rebaptizing” Christians who have been baptized in water in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We affirm the candidates’ baptismal dignity, and we celebrate confirmation at their first reception of the Eucharist. —Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Primera lectura — Nuestro Salvador es un pacificador que reina hasta los confines de la tierra (Zacarías 9:910). Salmo — Siempre bendeciré tu nombre, mi rey y mi Dios (Salmo 145 [144]). Segunda lectura — Si por el Espíritu matan las obras de la carne, vivirán en el Espíritu de Dios (Romanos 8: 9, 11-13). Evangelio — Vengan a mí los que se sientan cargados y agobiados, porque yo los aliviaré (Mateo 11:25-30). LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Os 2:16, 17b-18, 21-22; Sal 145 (144):2-9; Mt 9:18-26 Martes: Os 8:4-7, 11-13; Sal 115 (114):3-10; Mt 9:32-38 Miércoles: Os 10:1-3, 7-8, 12; Sal 105 (104):2-7; Mt 10:1-7 Jueves: Os 11:1-4, 8c-9; Sal 80 (79):2ac, 3b, 15-16; Mt 10:7-15 Viernes: Os 14:2-10; Sal 51 (50):3-4, 8-9, 12-14, 17; Mt 10:16-23 Sábado: Is 6:1-8; Sal 93 (92):1-2, 5; Mt 10:24-33 Domingo: Is 55:10-11; Sal 65 (64):10-14; Rom 8:18 23; Mt 13:1-23 [1-9] Lunes: LOS SANTOS Y OTRAS CELEBRACIONES Domingo: Decimocuarto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Miércoles: San Agustín Zhao Rong y compañeros Viernes: San Benito Sábado: Santa María Virgen TRADICIONES DE NUESTRA FE Toda devoción mariana debe seguir los pasos de Cristo. Y todo lo que decimos acerca de María deberíamos decirlo de nosotros como Iglesia, porque ella es nuestra madre, hermana y modelo. Si Jesús es el Hijo de Dios, María y nosotros también somos hijos e hijas de Dios. Si Jesús tiene un Sagrado Corazón que arde por amor al humano, María tiene un corazón inmaculado que arde con ese mismo amor. ¿Y nosotros? La devoción al Inmaculado Corazón de María fue promovida por el Papa Pío XII en 1942, durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. El Papa pidió a María tres gracias para los fieles en Cristo: amor a la pureza, práctica de la vida cristiana y celo apostólico. De esta manera nuestro corazón puede llegar a ser como el de ella. El corazón inmaculado de María es un corazón que no tiene mancha de pecado. Es un corazón que imita el Sagrado Corazón de su Hijo y Dios, Jesús. Es recuerdo de lo que nuestros corazones pueden ser. Es invitación a que nos vayamos purificando y creciendo en amor ardiente por el prójimo. —Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. This Week at /Esta Semana Corpus Christi Wednesday - July 9 9:00 am - †Jojo Binlayo by Corpus Christi Thursday - July 10 9:00 am - †Stacey Berry by her brother Friday - July 11 12:10 pm – All Souls Intentions Saturday - July 12 – 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time (vigil) 4:00 pm– †Ventura A. Ruiz by her daughter Sunday July 13 - julio 13 - 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time/15º Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario 9:00 am - †George McElroy by the Scott family 11:30 am - People of the Parish 7:00 pm - †Mato Penga by Ophelia Lent Around the Diocese Get your Cash Raffle Tickets In the Narthex Toccata Tahoe Symphony Orchestra & Chorus James Rawie, Artistic Director & Conductor 9th Tahoe Summer Music Fest Toccata 9th Anniversary Sunday—July 6—5pm—Conerstone Church, Incline Village Tuesday—July 8—7pm—St Theresa Catholic Church, South Lake Tahoe Friday—July 11—7pm—Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Reno Sunday—July 13—5pm—Garnerville TBA 9/11 Memorial Concert September 10-16 Featuring Elizabeth Pitcairn & the Red Mendelssohn Stradivarius See for more information Minister Schedule/ Horario de los Ministerios Saturday 4:00 p.m. EM – Phyllis Zink, Sharon Lindgren, Larry Tapp Lector - Charlie Muller Sunday 9:00 a.m. EM – Peter Stoelton, Cindy Juchtzer, Lori Courtney Lector – Ray Finnegan Sunday 11:30 a.m. M.E. – Claudia Orozco Morales y Faustino Segura Lectóra - Claudia Orozco Morales Our Jacks Valley Elementary School Food Drives will begin again in September. Thank you for all your donations. Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend Married Couples A Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend is a gift for your spouse. It’s a breath of fresh air, the rebirth of romance and new beginnings. If you’d like to make your marriage even more special than it already is—register now! The next weekend dates are Aug 22-24 in Sacramento or Oct 10-12 in Reno or Oct 24-26 in Modesto. Early registration is highly recommended. For more information visit our website at: or contact John & Angelica Angarita at or 866-825-2046 Vocations—The Gift of the Love of God Are you considering a Vocation to the Priesthood? Are you curious about what it means to be a priest? The Office of Vocations for the Diocese of Reno is here to assist. Starting this fall, we will host every other month group meetings to answer questions and discuss vocations. We will also broadcast this via the web so that those who live outside the Truckee Meadows may participate If you are interested, please contact us at You can also reach us on Facebook https://www.facebook,com/ DioceseOfRenoVocations or through our website: http:// Corpus Christi Information Respect Life PRAYER BEFORE PLANNED PARENTHOOD DATE CHANGE: Please join Respect Life on Fridays at 1201 N. Stewart from 1:30—2:30 p.m. to pray for the conversion of everyone involved in abortion. St. Benedict Society - Sunday Change—August 3rd at 4:00 pm After the abortion, I never would have believed things could get better. But, amazingly, since my post-abortion counseling, I have experienced hope and healing and selfforgiveness. A mother who lost a child in an abortion (Visit if you or someone you know has been affected by an abortion.) As of 2012, 141 people incarcerated on death row in 26 states have been exonerated and freed when conclusive evidence of their innocence was later discovered. Knights of Columbus - normally the 1st Wednesday of each month - 7:00 pm Catholic Daughters - usually the 3rd Wednesday of each month - 6:45 pm excepting July and August Parish Potluck - Now on the 1st Sunday of each month – NO POTLUCKS THIS SUMMER Rosary held every Wednesday and Thursday after Daily Mass and Friday at 11:20 am. Después del aborto, nunca hubiera creído que las cosas podrían mejorar. Pero, asombrosamente, desde mi orientación posaborto, he sentido esperanza y sanación y perdón para mí misma. Una madre que perdió a un hijo en un aborto (Visita si tú o alguna persona que conoces ha sido afectada por un aborto). Desde el año 2012, 141 personas condenadas a muerte en 26 estados han sido exoneradas y liberadas cuando más tarde se descubrieron pruebas concluyentes de su inocencia. Eucharistic Adoration is Changed to the FIRST Friday of each month from 10:45—11:45 a.m. Except in July, it is July 11th (because Parish Center is closed on 4th of July) Ministries/Ministerios Altar Servers/Acólitos Elivette Zambrano - Parish Office Youth Ministry/ Grupo de Jóvenes Terrie Juchtzer-Youth Minister (The Club) Contact Parish Office Hands of Christ/Ministry to Sick Las Manos de Cristo/A Los Enfermos Contact Parish Office Convalescent Home Coordinator Terrie Juchtzer Adult Conversion Classes/ Los Sacramentos de los Adultos Father Jim- Parish Office Respect Life Committee/ El Comité de Respeto por la Vida Lori Courtney - 885-6880 Catholic Daughters/Las Hijas Católicas Anita Stoelton-Regent - 882-3791 Rosary Maker’s Guild/Maniobra de Rosarios Cindy Pardini - Parish Office Minister Scheduling/La Programación de Ministerios Charlie Muller - 220-6242 Claudia Morales (en español) St. Benedict Society/La Sociedad de San Benito Jeff Smeath- Minister - 742-6199 Natural Family Planning/ La Planificación Familiar Natural Mark & Gail Struble 841-4631 Hispanic Marriage Encounter/ Encuentro Matrimonial Hispano Frederic y Hallyma Davidson Pastoral Council/El Consejo Parroquial Parish Office Boy Scout/Girl Scout Information Marty Schwedhelm 250-9564 Susan Zampirro 882-7523 Knights of Columbus Ed DeCarlo - Grand Knight 400-6140