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FOURTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME ~ July 6, 2014 MADISON’S DOWNTOWN CATHOLIC COMMUNITY ABOUT OUR PARISH The Cathedral Parish of St. Raphael was formed on July 1, 2008 by the merger of three historic parishes located within a few blocks of the Capitol Square. SAINT PATRICK 404 E. Main St. The buildings of two of those historic parishes – Holy Redeemer and St. Patrick – provide the current facilities for the Cathedral Parish. Mass is offered every day in both churches. The parish rectory is at the Holy Redeemer site, while the offices are at the St. Patrick location. HOLY REDEEMER 120 W. Johnson St. Old St. Raphael Cathedral was destroyed by arson in 2005. Bishop Morlino has announced his intention to erect a new cathedral on the same site (at West Main and Fairchild). In the meantime, an outdoor Way of the Cross is located there. CATHEDRAL PLACE W. Washington Ave. at Henry St. Page 2 Cathedral Parish Madison, Wisconsin /CathedralParishMadison SERVING CATHEDRAL PARISH Most Reverend Robert C. Morlino Bishop of Madison Reverend Monsignor Kevin D. Holmes Rector (608) 257-5000 · office (608) 255-1658 · residence FEATURED NEWS Do You Desire Greater Joy in Your Marriage? Next Session is Saturday, July 12th! Married couples of all ages, you are invited to attend ‘The Beatitudes: A Couple’s Path to Greater Joy,’ a series that includes a time for some socializing, prayer, and a brief video before going on a date with your spouse. Even if you missed the first two sessions, you can still sign up for the July 12th, or any remaining sessions: Four More Saturday Nights • 5:45—8:00 pm July 12th, September 6th, Reverend José Luis Vázquez October 18th, November 15th Parochial Vicar (608) 255-1658 Deacon Raymond Lukesic Director of Pastoral Care Marc Laudonio Director of Evangelization and Catechesis Amber Cerrato Director of Religious Education Leona Rane Alice Buechner Maria Culligan Parish Secretaries Parish Office 404 East Main Street Madison, Wisconsin 53703 (608) 257-5000 – fax 257-5565 Holy Redeemer Church West Johnson Street (one half block off State Street) Saint Patrick Church East Main Street (three blocks east of the Capitol Square) St. Patrick Church Free babysitting will be available on site. Cost for materials is $15.00. Please register at For more information or questions, contact Marc Laudonio at 257-5000 or Capitol Mile Registration Deadline—July 14th Join the Cathedral Parish for our fifth annual showing in the Capitol Mile Run on Sunday, July 27th, a mile long race around the Capitol Square! Last year we had almost 40 runners participate in the run and many parishioners came out to cheer them on. Runners of all skill levels are welcome - to run competitively or just for fun! Registration forms are available in the parish kiosks of St. Patrick's and Holy Redeemer, or the main office of St. Paul's and must be turned into the Cathedral Parish by Monday, July 14th. Cost including t-shirt is $16 per adult, $14 per youth, or $55 per family (children 5 and under are free or $6 with a t-shirt. Check-in will take place on the Capitol lawn between West Washington and State Street between 1:30 - 2:30 pm. Races begin at 3:00 pm and conclude at 5:00. Please contact Tracey with any questions at Thank You I would like to thank all who helped to make my Mass of Thanksgiving and reception last Saturday evening such a beautiful and festive occasion. I would like to specifically recognize the following individuals for their generous contributions: Msgr. Kevin Holmes Fr. Greg Ihm and the diocesan seminarians who served the Mass Dr. Pat Gorman, the Cathedral Choir and musicians of St. Patrick Carolyn Averill and Monica Freng Chris and Jared Konkel Tom Mecum Cassie Berry, Anna Buchholz, Mike Davis, Denise Hyland, Luke Kersting, Andrew Kidd, Molly Luksik, Tracey Oudenhoven, Nathan Radunzel, Joseph and Dominic Schroeckenthaler, Megan Stram, John Winkowitsch, Krista Zillmer Msgr. Tom Baxter & the parishioners of St. James Catholic Church Fr. Scott Jablonski Page 3 Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 6, 2014 FROM THE RECTOR Dear Friends in Christ: This week, I want to continue on the topic of reaching out to those in our neighborhood by keeping our churches open more often. As I noted last week, this effort has begun at Holy Redeemer. In addition to the main church being open each Wednesday (with the Blessed Sacrament being moved upstairs from the Adoration Chapel), Holy Redeemer is now open each Tuesday and Thursday from about 10:00 a.m. until the 5:15 Mass. This schedule is not published; a sign in front of the main doors indicates that the church is open for visits. MASS SCHEDULE Monday, July 7 – Weekday 12:10 pm at St. Patrick † Lourdes Anderson 5:15 pm at Holy Redeemer † Lina Maria Vergara Tuesday, July 8 – Weekday 12:10 pm at St. Patrick † Margaret Finn 5:15 pm at Holy Redeemer Special Intention: Tony Esposito Family Wednesday, July 9 – St. Augustine Zhao Rong & Companions The church does receive visitors every day that it is open. Some are clearly Catholic people who want to pray in church or light a votive candle. You never know what a particular person might be facing when they want to come into the church to pray. It’s very good that the church is open for them! Others come into the church wanting to see how the interior looks. Some make a quick visit and are disinclined to talk. Some make a quick appreciative comment. And some use the appearance of the church as a point of departure for a more extended conversation. I would not discount the value even of the visits that are very brief and seem entirely superficial. The fact is that we never know what seed might be planted. And finally, there are some people who come into church with questions about Catholicism, genuinely looking for something, and eager to enter into a serious conversation. As I said last week, I have been pleasantly surprised by the number and “quality” of the visits thus far. Elizabeth Durack has very generously committed herself to being in Holy Redeemer on Tuesdays and Thursdays. There is certainly room for others to share in this effort. It could be as simple as serving as a substitute for Elizabeth when she cannot be present. Or, it would be very nice to have someone available at the rear of Holy Redeemer on Wednesdays – when the church is already open for Exposition and there are scheduled adorers present. Or the church could be open on other days at a variety of times. The plan is also to begin having St. Patrick open more frequently as well – using video monitoring by office staff for security. But the “human element” of having someone at the back of church to engage visitors would definitely be an enhancement. Ideally, those involved in this outreach would not only have time to devote to it (no small thing!), but would also know their Catholic faith very well and be able to talk about it. Ask the Holy Spirit if that person might be you! Marc Laudonio or I would be eager to speak with you. Msgr. Kevin D. Holmes 12:10 pm at St. Patrick † Marie Loring 5:15 pm at Holy Redeemer Special Intention: Heather Ann Boudreau Thursday, July 10 – Weekday 12:10 pm at St. Patrick Spec. Int: Andy & Chris Galvin Anniversary 5:15 pm at Holy Redeemer † Gino Bonomo Friday, July 11 – St. Benedict 12:10 pm at St. Patrick Special Intention: Alexander Culligan 5:15 pm at Holy Redeemer † Leonard Saladino Saturday, July 12 – Weekday 8:00 am at Holy Redeemer † Roy Crapser 5:00 pm at St. Patrick (Vigil) † Patricia Banaszack 6:30 pm in Spanish at Holy Redeemer (Vigil) † Felipe Ruiz Sunday, July 13 Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 9:00 am at Holy Redeemer † Lois Marie Walder 11:00 am at St. Patrick People of the Cathedral Parish 11:00 am in Spanish at Holy Redeemer Special Intention: Santiago Munguia 5:00 pm at Holy Redeemer Living & Deceased of Henry & Margaret Wastian Dorn Family 6:45 pm in Spanish at Holy Redeemer † Jaime Paiz y † Guadalupe Ortiz Page 4 Cathedral Parish Madison, Wisconsin /CathedralParishMadison CALENDAR This Week at St. Raphael Tuesday, July 8 10:30 am Mass at Capitol Lakes Saturday, July 12 9:00 am Stations of the Cross This Week at St. Patrick Tuesday, July 8 6:30 pm Catholicism 101, I Wednesday, July; 9 1:00 pm Bible Study 7:00 pm Baptism Classes (in Spanish) Saturday, July 12 5:45 pm Married Couples Evening This Week at Holy Redeemer Monday, July 7 6:00 pm Choir Practice (Spanish) AT CATHEDRAL PARISH Trustee Election No further candidates have been nominated nor presented themselves to serve as parish trustee. Lucy Ruth — the incumbent whose term is expiring — is eligible and willing to serve another two year term. Since an election is supposed to be held, it will be done in a very simple way. Ballots having Lucy’s name and a place for a write-in candidate will be available in the pews next weekend. Since it is an uncontested election, we will need to demand voter ID! Lectors Needed for 5:15 Daily Mass We are currently in need of lectors for the 5:15 pm daily Mass at Holy Redeemer — especially on Tuesday. If you could help, even on an occasional basis, please contact the parish office at 257-5000 or Training will be provided. Religious Education Registration Begins July 14th Wednesday, July 9 9:00 am Exposition in Church 5:00 pm Benediction in Church Registration begins July 14th for our 2014-2015 Religious Education classes. Registration forms can be found on the kiosks beginning next week Monday. Registration deadline is Friday, August 29th. Registration forms and the required documents and deposits may be mailed in or brought in to the parish office. Registration for special preparation classes for home schooled children is also due at this time for any child who wishes to make his/her First Communion in Spring of 2015. Friday, July 11 6:00 pm Ladsten/Lugge Rehearsal 6:00 pm Fe, Esperanza y Amor mtg.(dining room) Stations of the Cross at Cathedral Site Saturdays Tuesday, July 8 6:00 pm Confessions in Spanish 6:30 pm Prayer Group (Spanish) Saturday, July 12 3:00 pm Nate Ladsten & Rebecca Lugge Wedding Sunday, July 13 10:00 am Gianna Grove Baptism 11:00 am Santiago Munguia Baptism All are encouraged to attend the Stations of the Cross which are prayed publicly at the St. Raphael Cathedral site each Saturday morning. They begin at the corner of Henry Street and West Washington Avenue at 9:00 am. During the summer, seminarians will be leading the Stations. A group has been formed to help with the on-going gardening maintenance and beautification of the Stations of the Cross site. If you, or someone you know, enjoy gardening and would like to help with this project, if even for a few hours a week, please call the parish office at 257-5000. Daily Prayer Booklets for July Give Us This Day, daily prayer booklets for July are available in the back of church at Holy Redeemer and the narthex at St. Patrick. They are free samples from Liturgical Press. Please help yourself. Banns of Marriage The names of parishioners planning to marry are published three times prior to the ceremony. Anyone knowing of any impediment to the proposed marriage must make that known to the Rector. I. Aaron Dix & Pam Zegarra III. Jonathan Arens & Megan Butler Mass Intentions Needed We are currently seeking intentions for our parish Masses celebrated at St. Patrick and Holy Redeemer churches. It is a great privilege to celebrate Masses for deceased loved ones; Masses can also be celebrated for living persons. It makes an excellent gift for birthdays, anniversaries, etc. At our parish, we celebrate 18 Masses each week. To schedule a Mass for either Holy Redeemer or St. Patrick, please call our parish office at 257-5000. Page 5 Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 6, 2014 CATHEDRAL 20S&30S Young Adult Brunch This Sunday We have a brunch for young adults (in their 20s and 30s) after the 11:00 am Mass at St. Patrick on the first Sunday of each month. Join us for brunch this Sunday, July 6th. Cash donations to help defray the cost of the brunch are greatly appreciated. Theology on Tap - July 24th Join us on Thursday, July 24th, 7:00 pm at the Brink Lounge when seminarian John Winkowitsch will give a presentation entitled Experiencing God: Stories of Faith, Hope and Love. John has been asking this question of a variety of people for 15 years and it has resulted in some of the most memorable stories he has ever heard. He was begun to see a common thread that he wants to share with you so that you, too, can be led to an even deeper experience of God. Theology on Tap is a monthly speaker series where 20s & 30s are invited to join us for engaging talks by some of the leading thinkers, speakers, educators, innovators, and activists in the nation as they share their insights on various contemporary issues facing young adults today. Venite Adoremus—July 18th Venite Adoremus (O Come Let us Adore Him) is a Eucharistic Adoration Event sponsored by the Diocese. This summer VA will be meeting at various parishes. The June event was held at St. Patrick. On Friday, July 18th, Venite Adoremus will be held at Blessed Sacrament Church, at 7:00 pm. Journey deeper in your encounter with Jesus Christ with others in their 20s and 30s by hearing a beautiful meditation, going to Confession and spending time before Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. Join us at a local pub afterwards. To receive email updates about Young Adult activities in our parish, please contact Marc Laudonio at 257-5000 or FAITH FORMATION Catholicism 101—This Tuesday, July 8th We offer a monthly 3-session overview of the Catholic Faith for adults at St. Patrick Church that occurs every other month. Session I will next be offered Tuesday, July 8th, with sessions II and III on the following two Tuesday evenings. Sessions begin at 6:30 pm. SCRIPTURE READINGS Monday, July 7 – Weekday Hos 2:16, 17b-18, 21-22/Mt 9:18-26 Tuesday, July 8 – Weekday Hos 8:4-7, 11-13/Mt 9:32-38 Wednesday, July 9 – St. Augustine Zhao Rong & Companions Hos 10:1-3, 7-8, 12/Mt 10:1-7 Thursday, July 10 – Weekday Hos 11:1-4, 8c-9/Mt 10:7-15 Friday, July 11 – St. Benedict Hos 14:2-10/Mt 10:16-23 Saturday, July 12 – Weekday Is 6:1-8/Mt 10:24-33 Sunday, July 13 Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Is 55:10-11/Rom 8:18-23/Mt 13:1-23 or 13:1-9 CONFESSIONS At Holy Redeemer Church: Monday – Wednesday, 4:15 – 5:00 pm Saturday, 7:30 – 8:00 am At Saint Patrick Church: Saturday, 3:30 – 4:30 pm EUCHARISTIC ADORATION At Holy Redeemer Church: Perpetual Adoration. Eucharistic Chapel is located on the ground floor of the church, and may be reached through the side door from the parking lot. On Wednesday only, adoration is in the upper church from 9:00 am until Benediction at 5:00 pm. For more information or to sign up for a regularly scheduled hour of adoration, visit, call 608-833-0554 or email The Main Event: Summer Break ‘The Main Event’ is a systematic study of the Catholic Faith for adults, revealing how all the aspects of the Catholic Faith fit together into one beautiful plan of God designed to bring us to authentic happiness. The “Main Event” is on summer break but be sure to watch the bulletin and website over the summer for details about “The Main Event” starting up again in September. For further information on any of these programs, visit our website at, or contact Marc Laudonio at 257-5000 or ADVERTISER OF THE WEEK Mike Lins, V.P. /Investments Stifel, Nicolaus & Co. Inc. • 243-3446 ______________________________________________________ Thanks to our advertisers for their support! Page 6 Parroquia de la Catedral Madison, Wisconsin /CathedralParishMadison SIRVIENDO LA PARROQUIA El Reverendísimo Robert C. Morlino Obispo de Madison Reverendo Mons. Kevin D. Holmes Párroco Reverendo Padre José Luis Vázquez Vicario Parroquial (608) 255-1658 ext. 228 Amber Cerrato Directora de Educación Religiosa 257-5000 ext. 12 María Culligan Secretaria Bilingüe (Martes a Viernes) (608) 257-5000 Horario de las Misas en español: Sábados 6:30 pm Domingos 11:00 am y 6:45 pm Sacramento de Reconciliación: Sábados 5:30-6:15 pm Domingos 10:15-10:45 am Martes 6:00-8:00 pm Ministerios Litúrgicos Sábado, 12 de julio - 6:30 pm Acólitos: Mario Ramos Lectores: Otoniel Ortega, Adriana Mateus Monitor: Luis Paulino Hospitalidad: Eloy Farfán, Christian Ortega, Agustín Carlos, Alan Ortega Domingo, 13 de julio - 11:00 am Acólitos: Manuel y Norman Fuentes Lectores: A. Rivera, O. Reyes Salmista: Adriana Castillo Monitor: M. Domínguez Eucaristía: Víctor Orozco Hospitalidad: E. Martinic, Reina González, Norma Moreno, Marisol Cosme, P. Mena Domingo, 13 de julio - 6:45 pm Acólitos: Gabriel Lira Lectores: Kenny Cardoza, Micaela Méndez Salmo: Primer lector Monitor: C. Domínguez Hospitalidad: Nabor y José Méndez, Juan Ávila, Carolina Analco PARA REFLEXIONAR ¿Vacaciones espirituales? Seria interesante preguntarnos si la vida interior puede o debe tener vacaciones. Primero partiremos de lo que significa o encierra la palabra: vacación. Vacación es la suspensión del trabajo o del estudio durante algún tiempo y este tiempo de descanso y recreo que siempre ha sido sumamente necesario para el hombre, y al decir el hombre nos referimos también a la mujer y a los pequeños y grandes estudiantes que llevan un tiempo largo y sostenido en sus quehaceres y trabajos. El periodo de vacaciones es muy saludable para la mente y para el cuerpo pues la rutina y el esfuerzo de la vida diaria pueden llegar a sumirnos en el estrés y por lo tanto al menor rendimiento de nuestras capacidades. Todo esto lo sabemos y esta bien hasta ahí, pero…. ¿y la vida interior, el espíritu?. Decididamente es otra parte de la que sabemos se compone el hombre y no puede entrar en vacaciones. El enemigo acecha, siempre esta alerta, el no tiene vacaciones. Darle vacaciones a nuestra vida interior seria empezar a perder terreno en la batalla del bien contra el mal. Nuestro espíritu se nutre de la oración, de la meditación, de la cercanía de los sacramentos y de la presencia de Dios. Estamos de acuerdo que el cambio en nuestro modo de vivir por vacaciones hará un poco distinto lo habitual pero hemos de procurar dar en todo momento un lugar importante a esta parte intima de nuestro ser. Hemos de acrecentar el deseo de orar, de elevar nuestra alma al Creador al contemplar una puesta de sol, quizá el mar, quizá la montaña. ¿Quién no puede encontrar, si quiere, un momento para darle gracias a Dios por el lindo día de campo, de viaje, de museos, de alegre diversión, de descanso, de encuentro con amigos o familiares distantes y pedirle nos siga bendiciendo y aumentando nuestra fe, en el siguiente día?. ¿Quién no puede, si se lo propone, cumplir con el precepto de la Misa los domingos y tratar de buscar la palabra adecuada, la semilla buena, dejada caer como al azar, para que mas tarde germine en el alma de quien tuvimos la ocasión de tratar en un viaje, o en una reunión?. Las vacaciones de nuestra espíritu son un mayor acercamiento a Dios. Ahí se robustece, ahí cobra mayor vigor. No olvidemos, porque estamos de vacaciones, todo el esfuerzo que hicimos para mejorar día con día cuando estábamos en tiempo de trabajo, por el contrario, empeñemos en obtener, donde quiera que estemos, un mejoramiento y superación en nuestra vida interior y el recuerdo de, que por donde pasamos, intentamos dejar una huella de luz para los demás. Padre José Luis Vázquez NOTICIAS PARROQUIALES Grupo de Oración “Jesús Divina Misericordia” Les invitamos a unirnos en oración este martes 8 de julio a las 6:30 pm. Juntos rezamos el Santo Rosario, la Coronilla de la Divina Misericordia, entre otras oraciones. Page 7 14° domingo del Tiempo Ordinario 6 de julio de 2014 NOTICIAS PARROQUIALES Próximas Platicas de Bautismo miércoles, julio 23 La platica es de 7 a 9:30 de la noche en la Iglesia de St. Patrick (404 East Main Street). Para inscribirse en la clase y/o separar fecha de bautismo, llamen a María a la oficina de la parroquia, 257-5000 de martes a viernes de 8:30 am a 12:00 m y de 1:00 a 2:00 pm. Peregrinación: 23 de Agosto—Holy Hill La Parroquia de la Catedral está organizando una peregrinación al Santuario Nacional de María, Auxilio de los Cristianos en Holy Hill para el 23 de agosto de 2014. Salimos a las 9:00 am y regresamos como a las 7:00 pm. La Santa Misa que tendremos la gracia de participar esa tarde es valida por la del domingo. El registro para miembros y no miembros es hasta el 6 de agosto. Niños mayores de 4 años pagan asiento completo en el bus. Y menores de 3 años deben ir en las faldas de los padres, no ocupan asiento. La hojas de registro están en el kiosco. Su espacio será reservado con el pago del registro y el dinero no es reembolsable. El costo de la peregrinación es de $20 para feligrés inscrito en la Parroquia de la Catedral y de $30 para feligrés no inscrito en la Parroquia de la Catedral o de alguna otra parroquia. Cada uno llevará su propio almuerzo. En el Santuario hay algunas mesas de picnic, pero es recomendable llevar una manta para comer en el césped /grama. Si viaja en su carro, igual deben llenar la hoja de registro para la peregrinación. Esta peregrinación, como es con el propósito de: devoción, reforma de vida, crecimiento en santidad y mayor comunicación con la Iglesia de Dios por medio de la intercesión de la Virgen, Madre de Dios y Madre de la Iglesia, permite que los peregrinos puedan recibir INDULGENCIA PLENARIA (de todas tus culpas). Pero, ¿qué es la Indulgencia Plenaria? Es una gracia que Dios nos da al cumplir los requisitos que la Iglesia pide, y de esa manera es como si estuviéramos recién bautizados, con el alma totalmente limpia de culpa. A partir de la indulgencia todas las manchas que tenía tu alma desaparecerán. ¡Borrón y cuenta nueva! Recordemos que esto solo es posible porque la MISERICORDIA de Dios y Su AMOR hacia nosotros es infinito y no porque nos la ganemos por nuestros méritos. Para ganar una indulgencia plenaria, además de querer evitar cualquier pecado mortal o venial, se necesita: 1.- Confesión sacramental: La confesión puede hacerse el mismo día que se quiere ganar la indulgencia o haberla hecho recientemente, no más de una semana antes. 2.- Comunión Eucarística: Recibirla el mismo día en que quiera ganarse la indulgencia. 3.- Oración por las intenciones del Papa: Se Debe rezar un Padre Nuestro, una Ave María y un Gloria, y ofrecerlas por las intenciones del Papa. Adoración Eucarística La Capilla de Adoración Perpetua esta ubicada en el primer piso del edificio de la iglesia. Para tener una hora a la semana de adoración programada, llame al (608) 833-0554, visite, o envíe un correo electrónico a: LOS SACRAMENTOS Para más información llamar a la oficina (608) 257-5000 ext. 11. Algunos Sacramentos requieren de hasta 10 meses de anticipación para poder celebrarse. Requisitos para Bautismo Padres y padrinos deben asistir a una platica pre-bautismal por lo menos un mes antes del Bautismo. Llamar a María a la oficina para anotarse en la clase. Los padres, si es la primera vez que bautizan en la Parroquia de la Catedral, o ha pasado mas de 3 años desde la ultima vez que bautizaron, deben recibir la clase pre-bautismal en esta parroquia. Los padrinos, si son pareja, deberán presentar copia del acta de su matrimonio católico. Recuerden que las personas que no estén casadas por la Iglesia y vivan juntas como pareja o familia no pueden ser padrinos de Bautismo. Si los padrinos no son pareja, pero tienen sus respectivas parejas y no son casadas por la iglesia, tampoco pueden ser padrinos. Las personas que piensan ser padrinos, deben ser católicos practicantes: Bautizados católico, Confirmados, asistir frecuentemente a Misa, acudir al Sacramento de la Confesión y poder recibir la Sagrada Comunión. Después de haber recibido la charla, deben llevar a la oficina los siguientes documentos: Copia del acta de nacimiento del niño(a), Copia del acta de Matrimonio Católico de los padrinos, constancia que los padrinos pertenecen a una iglesia católica. Copia de documento de identidad con foto de padres y padrinos. Los padrinos deben ser miembros inscritos de alguna parroquia católica, y hacer firmar un formato, que se les entregará el primer día de clases, por su párroco. Futuros Bautizos Padres de familia, por favor recuerden que los documentos, permisos requeridos, etc., para bautizar deben de ser entregados en las oficinas con un mínimo de cuatro semanas de anticipación. Entregar los documentos a ultima hora puede cancelar el bautizo o no recibir el certificado el día del bautizo. Gracias por su comprensión.