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Seventeenth Sunday WELCOME TO in Ordinary Time ST. EDWARD’S Decimoseptimo CATHOLIC Domingo del Tiempo CHURCH Ordinario “And I tell you, ask and you will receive; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives; and the one who seeks, finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened”. Luke 11:1-13 Celebration of the Eucharist Celebración de la Eucaristía Sunday/Domingo Mass Times Saturday Vigil 5:00pm Bilingual Sunday English English Español 8:00am 10:30am 12:30pm Only for this week Solamente por esta semana Weekday Masses Misas entre Semana Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 11:30am 11:30 am 11:30am 11:30am English English English English 800 East Tyler Athens, Texas 75751 Office (903) 675-2509 Fax (903) 675-8805 Fr. Nolan T. Lowry, STL Pastor (903) 570-3139 Emergency Seminarian Michael Ledesma Eucharistic Adoration Así también les dijo a ustedes: “Pidan y se les dará, busquen y encontraran, toquen y se les abrirá. Porque quien pide, recibe, quien busca, encuentra, y al que toca se le abre. Lucas 11:1-13 Cancelled for this week Cancelado por esta semana Reconciliation/Confesiones Cancelled for this week CHURCH OFFICE HOURS HORAS DE OFICINA Monday/ Lunes thru Friday/Viernes 10:0am-6:00pm Lunch 12:00pm-1:00pm Saturday/Sabado & Sunday/Domingo Closed-Cerrado Cancelado por esta Semana July 24, 2016 2 OUR PASTOR ’S PAGE Birth Control and the Catholic Church (Part II: The Old & New Testaments and the Early Church) Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, When did the debate begin in the Catholic Church on artificial birth control? When did a Catholic’s stance on this issue become the litmus test to determine one a “liberal” or a “conservative”? Interestingly enough, the answer is the 20th Century , wich is quite recent when one considers that the Church is nearly 2,000 years old. Yet, even before the Incarnation of Jesus Christ, we do not see among the Chosen People a debate about birth control. The Jewish People considered children as gifts — as blessings — from the Lord. There is an instance in Genesis in which the Lord is displeased with a perversion of the marital act: When Onan “wasted his seed on the ground” in order to avoid conception, God strikes him down (Gn 38:9-10). We are also aware of offenses against the 6th and 9th Commandments and their respective punishments throughout the OT. With the revelation of Jesus Christ, we see marriage restored to its former luster. Not only is the dignity and indissolubility of holy matrimony restored by Christ, but He elevates this union to the level of sacrament, which is the basis of Humanæ Vitæ (written almost 1,900 years after Christ instituted this sacrament) and which has always been the foundation of the Church’s consistent teaching on marriage and the meaning of human sexuality. With the epistles of St. Paul (in particular Ephesians 5), we learn that holy matrimony reflects Christ’s passionate love for His bride, the Church. There are also passages of St. Paul and of the other writers of the New Testament on marriage and love, yet the NT is silent on the issue of artificial contraception even though forms of birth control were practiced in the ancient world. It was understood that marriage is naturally ordered to an end, a purpose, and that purpose is the proliferation of children. There is no dispute in the NT about birth control. The Council of Jerusalem was about circumcision — not contraception. In the early Church Fathers, we do not encounter a debate about contraception, but what we do encounter (in continuity with the NT) is a clear condemnation of all anti-life practices including euthanasia, homosexual activity, extra-marital sex, masturbation, abortion (including post-natal abortion) and any form of birth control. Once again, there was no question that one of the principal purposes of holy matrimony was to generate human life. St. Augustine and St. John Chrysostom might have argued over the effect concupiscence has on marital goods, but all the Fathers were in agreement that marriage is ordered to procreation. Next week, we will review the contribution of St. Thomas Aquinas and the ecumenical councils, and we will look closely at Protestantism’s approach to artificial contraception and how it gradually changed. The Catholic Church stood her ground, but Christianity at large was acutely weakened in the fight against the “culture of death” when nearly all Protestant denominations accepted birth control in the 20th Century. In spite of a mostly unified front against the evil of abortion, this difference of belief does affect how Catholics and Protestants (particularly Evangelicals) contribute to the Pro-Life movement. Without threatening our Christian unity, the difference is at least worth discussing. Yours in Christ, Fr. Lowry 3 PÁGINA DE NUESTRO PASTOR El Control de la Natalidad y la Iglesia Católica (Parte II: El Antiguo y Nuevo Testamento, y la Iglesia Temprana) Queridos hermanos y hermanas en Cristo, Cuando comenzo el debate en la Iglesia católica sobre el control artificial de la natalidad? ¿Cuándo la postura del Católico en este tema se a conviertido en una verdadera prueba de fuego para determinar un "liberal" o un "conservador"? Curiosamente, la respuesta es el siglo 20, el cual es bastante reciente, cuando uno considera que la Iglesia está cerca de 2.000 años de antigüedad. Sin embargo, incluso antes de la Encarnación de Jesucristo, no vemos entre el pueblo elegido un debate sobre el control de la natalidad. El pueblo Judío consideraba a los niños como regalos - como bendiciones - del Señor. Existe una instancia en Génesis en el que el Señor está disgustado con una perversión del acto conyugal: Cuando Onán "malgasta su semilla en la tierra", a fin de evitar la concepción, Dios lo abatio(Gn 38:9-10). También estamos conscientes de los delitos contra el Sexto y Noveno Mandamiento y sus respectivos castigos en todo el Antiguo Testamento. Con la revelación de Jesucristo, vemos que el matrimonio es restaurado para recuperar su antiguo brillo. No sólo es la dignidad y la indisolubilidad del santo matrimonio restaurado por Cristo, pero Él eleva esta unión al nivel del sacramento, que es la base de la Humanae Vitae (escrito casi 1.900 años después de Cristo instituindo este sacramento) y que siempre ha sido la fundacion de la Iglesia. Es constante la enseñanza sobre el matrimonio y el significado de la sexualidad humana. Con las epístolas de san Pablo (en particular los efesios 5), nosotros aprendemos de que el santo matrimonio refleja a Cristo su amor apasionado por su esposa, la Iglesia. También hay pasajes de San Pablo y de otros escritores del Nuevo Testamento sobre el matrimonio y el amor, sin embargo, el NT guarda silencio sobre el tema de los anticonceptivos artificiales, apesar de las formas de control de la natalidad que se practican en el mundo antiguo. Se entiende que el matrimonio es naturalmente ordenado a un fin, a un propósito, y ese propósito es la proliferación de hijos. No hay controversia en el NT acerca del control de la natalidad. El Concilio de Jerusalén fue acerca de la circuncisión - no la anticoncepción. En los primeros Padres de la Iglesia, no encontramos un debate acerca de la anticoncepción, pero lo que que si encontramos (en continuidad con el NT) es una clara condena de todas las prácticas anti -vida, , incluida la eutanasia, la actividad homosexual, el sexo extra-marital, la masturbación, el aborto (incluyendo aborto post-natal) y cualquier forma de control de natalidad. Una vez más, no hay ninguna duda de que uno de los fines principales del santo matrimonio es generar vida humana. San Agustín y San Juan Crisóstomo podrían haber discutido sobre la concupiscencia y el efecto que tiene en los bienes del matrimonio , pero todos los padres estuvieron de acuerdo en que el matrimonio está ordenado a la procreación. La próxima semana, vamos a revisar la contribución de Santo Tomás de Aquino y los concilios Ecuménicos, y vamos a mirar de cerca el Protestantismo y el enfoque de los anticonceptivos artificiales y cómo han cambiado gradualmente. La Iglesia Católica era su tierra, pero el Cristianismo en general estaba muy debilitado en la lucha contra la "cultura de la muerte" cuando casi todas las denominaciones Protestantes aceptaron el control de la natalidad en el siglo XX. A pesar de un frente mayoritariamente unificado en contra de el mal del aborto, esta diferencia de creencias afecta tanto los Católicos y Protestantes (especialmente los Evangélicos) contribuyen al movimiento por la vida. Sin amenazar nuestra unidad Cristiana, vale la pena al menos hablar la de diferencia. Suyos en Cristo, Fr. Lowry 4 Daily Readings/Lecturas del Día MONDAY •Feast of Saint James, Apostle 2 Cor 4:7-15, Ps 126:1bc-2ab, 2cd-3, 4-5, 6, Mt 20:20-28 TUESDAY •Memorial of Saints Joachim and Anne. Jer 14:17-22; Ps 79:8, 9, 11 and 13; Mt 13:36-43 WEDNESDAY • Please keep in your hearts and prayers the following people for the challenges they are facing with ill health or other special needs. Por favor tenga en sus corazones y oraciones a las siguientes personas por los retos que enfrentan con problemas de salud u otras necesidades especiales: Jer 15:10, 16-21; Ps 59:2-3, 4, 10-11, 17, 18; Mt 13:44-46 THURSDAY • Jer 18:1-6; Ps 146:1b-2, 3-4, 5-6ab; Mt 13:47-53 FRIDAY • Jer 26:1-9; Ps 69:5, 8-10, 14; Jn 11:19-27 SATURDAY • Jer 26:11-16, 24; Ps 69:15-16, 30-31, 33-34; Mt 14:1-12 MINISTRY SCHEDULE for the weekend of MINISTRY SCHEDULE for the weekend of Saturday Saturday July 23 July 30 5:00 pm Acolyte: Ron Williams Altar Server:Jessica Reyes-Diego García Miguel Ángel Reyes EMHCs-: Nahúm Rincón & José Rosas Reader-: Jesica Cleto Verónica García Usher-: Juan Alfaro Miguel Reyes 5:00 pm Acolyte: Ron Williams Altar Server: Jesenia Cleto Evelyn Mota-Angelique Gutiérrez EMHCs-: José & Guille Rosas Reader-: Nancy Pitts Florentino Guerrero Usher-: Adrián & Casey Pinedo Sunday July 24 8:00 am Acolyte: Ron Williams Altar Servers: Andrew & Brendan Carney EMHC: Maria Krehel Al Chandanais Reader: Mike Krehel Usher: Bob Cincar Gary Motl 10:30 am Altar Servers: Tucker & Nathan Hall EMHC: Guadalupe Salazar & CJ Brinlee Reader: Jannie Mahmoud Usher: Wally & Walt Mahmoud 8:00 am Acolyte: Ron Williams Altar Servers: James-Samuel-John Vogt EMHC: Joyce Williams Juan Martinez Reader: Jesica Cleto Usher: Gary Motl Bob Cincar 10:30 am Altar Servers: Nathan & Tucker Hall EMHC: Knights Reader: Maria Hebert Usher: Mel Hebert Knights 12:30 pm Monaguillos: Giomar-Gerardo -Evelyn MESC: Celia Reyes María De Jesús Miranda Lector: Jaime García Sr. Acomodador: Antonio Miranda Carlos Ceballos 12:30 pm Monaguillos: Diego & Jolet García Erick Garcia MESC: Nahum Rincon Veronica Garcia Lector: Jaime Garcia Sr. Acomodador: Carlos Ceballos Miguel Reyes MASS INTENTIONS/INTENCIONES DE LAS MISAS Saturday 5:00 p.m. Sunday 8:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 12:00 p.m. Tuesday 6:00 p.m. Wednesday 12:00 noon Thursday 7:30 p.m. Friday 8:00 a.m. Sunday July 31 Second Collection/Segunda Colecta Aug 7, Debt Reduction Becky Bass Bell Family Efrain Beltran Estella Carranza Frizzell Family Alex Garner Bob Gordon Benedict Gordon Hess Family James & Shirley Guilhas Drucella Hess Barbara A. Houlett Gwynne Houlett Clifton Tom Hudson Gay LaStrapes Janet McKenzie Mr. Fancher Melton Charlie & Ann Meyers Richbourg Family Dana Marie Scott Elaine Schaller Stephanie Siegrist Evelyn Tindle Shirley & CR Juan De Los Santos Juanita Hudgins Flora Lynd Margarita Pinedo Candy Walz Carmen & Don Lozano Adan & Edna Lozano Cecilia DeLeon Cruz Villalva Nathan Garner Walt Mahmoud Lily Mahmoud Stephanie Miranda Rocio Salazar Names will remain for 30 days unless otherwise requested. Los nombres permanecerán durante 30 días a menos que se solicite lo contrario. 5 PARISH NEWS/NOTICIAS DE NUESTRA PARROQUIA FLOWERS FOR THE ALTAR Flores para el Altar If you or your group are interested in giving donations for the weekly flower arrangements, please contact the church office. Si usted o su grupo esta interesado en dar una donación para los arreglos florales semanales, comuníquese con la oficina de la iglesia. INTERESTED IN HELPING WITH THE Mass Linens? PLEASE CALL JUDY ESCHENBURG AT (903) 677-2968. PLEASE LEAVE MESSAGE IF NO ANSWER. INTERESADO(A) EN AYUDAR CON LOS Purificadores? COMUNIQUESE CON JUDY ESCHENBURG AL (903) 677-2968. FAVOR DE DEJAR MENSAJE SI NO CONTESTA. El Grupo de Oración se reunirá cada miércoles en la Iglesia para Adoración al Santísimo El Padre Lowry esta guiando la Adoración y Oración al Santísimo para el grupo de oración los miércoles a las 7:30pm CLASE DE PLANIFICACION NATURAL El doming 21 de Agosto, de 2:00pm a 5:00pm. Dan y Natalie Herrera(instructores certificados de PNF) vendran a St. Eduardo para enseñar una clase de planificacion natural de la familia. Esta abierto a todas las personas comprometidas o parejas casadas y el costo es de 50 dollares el costo cubre los materiales (para las 3 clases) y el costo para desarrollar el método. Los estudiantes deben ponerse en contacto con oficina de la iglesia, para registrarse. There will be a Holy Land Pilgrimage Informational meeting on Wednesday, August 3 at 6:00 p.m. in the parish hall. If you are seriously interested in making this pilgrimage with Fr. Lowry in January 2017, please come to this meeting. Are you called to serve the poor? Society of St. Vincent de Paul meets 1st Wednesday after mass and 3rd Tuesday after 6 pm mass. Please attend to discern your calling! La reunion de Cursillistas es el primer y tercer lunes de cada mes a las 7:00pm si tiene preguntas llamar a Carlos Ceballos al 903-275-8428. Knights of Columbus/Caballeros de Colon Meetings on 2nd Monday of each month beginning with Mass @ 6:00pm. All men of the parish over the age of 18 are invited to join. Reuniones son el segundo lunes de cada mes y comienzan con la Misa a las 6:00pm. Se inviJointly with God portrays the Patriotism & Unity of the Knights of Columbus Hymnal Dedications We are purchasing new English hymnals for St. Edward’s. For a donation of $15, you can dedicate a hymnal in honor of a loved one or in memory of a deceased loved one. A label will be pasted on the inside cover to indicate your hymnal’s dedication and that the hymnal is property of St. Edward’s Catholic Church. Your donation will offset the cost. DIOCESAN NEWS/NOTICIAS DE NUESTRA DIOCESIS Advertising Opportunity If your businesses is interested in advertising in the Catholic East Texas magazine, contact the communications office at The magazine reaches over 19,000 homes across the 33 counties of northeast Texas. Advertising rates are VERY affordable for large and small businesses. Upcoming issues are scheduled for September and November of 2016, and January, March and May of 2017. Follow World Youth Day This weekend, Bishop Strickland and a group of more than 50 young people and priests of the diocese leave for Poland and World Youth Day 2016 with Pope Francis. You can follow all of their activities at our special WYD2016 blog at Please be sure to keep the group in your prayers. 6 FAITH FORMATION NEWS/NOTICIAS DE FORMACION DE FE FAITH FORMATION REGISTRATION IS SCHEDULED FOR JULY 6 & 7 AND JULY 13 & 14, 2016 WE WILL BE AVAILABLE AFTER EACH MASS IN THE PARISH HALL ON BOTH SATURDAYS AND BOTH SUNDAYS FOR YOU TO GET YOUR CHILDREN REGISTERED FOR CLASSES. REGISTRATION FEES ARE: $30 FOR 1 CHILD, $45 FOR 2 CHILDREN, $60 FOR 3+ CHILDREN FIRST CLASS BEGINS ON WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 31, 2016, 6:00 P.M. - 7:15 P.M. PLEASE TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS LAST OPPORTUNITY TO REGISTER YOUR CHILDREN FOR FAITH FORMATION. *****THERE WILL BE NO REGISTRATION WHEN CLASSES BEGIN***** WE ARE DELIGHTED TO HAVE THREE VERY SPECIAL YOUNG LADIES OF OUR PARISH CHALLENGING EACH OTHER FOR THE TITLE "FIESTA QUEEN". OUR NEW QUEEN WILL BE CROWNED DURING THE FIESTA DINNERDANCE THE EVENING OF SEPTEMBER 17, 2016. THE CHALLENGE IS ALREADY ON - OUR CANDIDATES ARE COOKING FOOD ITEMS FOR PURCHASE AFTER MASSES ON SUNDAY’S AND ON SATURDAY’S THEY ARE WASHING YOUR CARS. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THEIR HARD WORK SO YOU DON’T HAVE TO WORK SO HARD - IT’S A WIN-WIN ALL THE WAY AROUND! ALL MONIES RAISED BY THE QUEEN CANDIDATES AND ALL THE OTHER FIESTA EVENTS WILL GO DIRECTLY TO REDUCE THE DEBT WE HAVE ON THE LAND PURCHASE. OUR CANDIDATES ARE ROCIO SALAZAR, JESSICA RODRIGUEZ AND MARIA LEON. PLEASE SUPPORT THE EFFORTS OF THESE YOUNG LADIES BETWEEN NOW AND FIESTA; AND PLAN TO ATTEND FIESTA, TOO - IT’S A GREAT COMMUNITY EVENT - SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE IN THE FAMILY. SEE YOU THERE... CLASES BAUTISMALES LAS SIGUIENTES CLASES SERAN EL MARTES, 26 de Julio DE 6PM - 8PM. DONACION: $20 POR PAREJA SOLO SE PROGRAMARAN BAUTIZOS EL SEGUNDO Y CUARTO SABADO DEL MES. SI DESEA MAS INFORMACION O REGISTRARSE FAVOR DE LLAMAR AL (903) 675-2509 EN HORAS DE OFICINA. Do you want to be Catholic? R.C.I.A. (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is a Series of classes for those interested in becoming Catholic. If you would like more information please call the parish office. ¿Quiere ser Católico? R.I.C.A. (Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos) es una serie de clases para los que están interesados en ser Católico. Si desea mas información favor de llamar a la oficina de la parroquia. Our Stewardship of God’s Gifts Attendance/Reunidos______ SPONSOR OF THE MONTH Cleto Concrete & Construction 360 General Offertory/Ofrenda $5971 Second Collection(Church in Africa) $836 Misc.: Candles, bibles/gift store, etc $11,370 7 Carpentry, Remodeling, Painting Decks, Metal Roofs 903-203-0467 903-675-6739 Thank you! ¡Gracias! Commissions, Councils & Ministries Comisiones, Consejo & Ministerios Bereavement Wanda Cincar 903-675-6630 Acomodadores Antonio Miranda 903-292-1441 Dir. of Religious Ed. Zoila Hunt 903-677-1922 Bautismo Ethics & Integrity Nancy Pitts 903-681-3040 Carmen Vásquez Gabriel García 903-681-2018 903-489-3531 Finance Council Nancy Pitts 903-681-3040 Cursillistas Carlos Ceballos 903-275-8428 Knights of Columbus Bob Garrett 903-675-3515 Landscape Committee Yvonne Sparks 281-851-2717 Lectors Kathi Murphy-Boley 972-467-5092 Music Pat Hudson 903-338-2664 RCIA Fr. Nolan Lowry 903-675-2509 Ushers Mel Hebert 903-677-6618 Youth Group Fr. Nolan Lowry 903-675-2509 Gabriel Project Guadalupe Salazar 903-802-4254 SOCIETY OF ST. V. DE PAUL Linda Kindel 972-454-9524 ST. EDWARD’S PASTORAL COUNCIL 2016—2018 Carmen Delgado Florentino Guerrero Laurie Hannan Danny Sparks Carletta Morris Harvey Osio Celia Reyes Jim Streifel If you would like to share an event or any information please submit information online to> News/Events or send news to or Si usted tiene un evento que quiera compartir o cualquier información envíelo al sitio> News/Events o mande un correo electrónico a secretarystedward@gmail o a Duelo de Familias Esperanza Campa Olga Torres 903-681-5578 903-675-0526 Grupo de Oración Alberto & Angélica Salazar 903-477-1608 Guadalupanos Guille Rosas 903-675-6750 Lectores Florentino Guerrero 903-767-5544 Monaguillos Laura García 903-670-3258 Música Rogelio Escobedo Benny Martínez 903-288-2187 903-681-3190 Quinceañeras Olga Torres 903-675-0526 RICA Aurora Miranda 903-288-7015 SOCIETY OF ST. VINCENT DE PAUL Help and referrals for needy Ayuda y recomendación para necesitados. Weekdays: (903) 681-8043 Week-ends: (972)454-9524 Zero Tolerance Policy on Abuse Concerns about the conduct of Church personnel can be directed confidentially to Rev. Gavin Vaverek, JCL, Promoter of Justice, 1015 ESE Loop 323, Tyler, TX 75701; Phone 903-266-2159; Email <>. Webb’s HOLIDAY CLEANERS 409 S Palestine, Athens 903-675-7022 903-489-0969 Athens Malakoff Omar Salazar (903)675-5200 State License TACLB29884R (903) 670-3351 Committed to Helping Seniors Remain in Their Homes Serving East Texas communities since 2001 Experienced non-medical care- givers with excellent references. An affordable alternative to Help with daily living tasks. Long –term care insurance. Veterans program. Licensed, insured, and bonded. 903.677.3007 Cedar Creek Glass & Mirror Residential & Commercial Replacement Glass & Solar Screens Framed & Frameless Showers Jay Kohlmeier El Arroyo 416 S Palestine Ste C Athens 903.292.5279 Dine In Carry Out Mon-Fri 11am-9pm 416 S Palestine Suite F -Athens (903) 681-5632 Danny & Greg Modern Mex-Kitchen Tailor Shop 500 S Palestine Athens 903-675-5238 903-286-0627 Cell Kathy Martin (903)880-7388 1302 S 3rd #103 Mabank TX Sookies Italian Cuisine We Specialize in Catering Re/Max Luxe 903-203-0467 903-675-6739 Roma DANNY’S nursing homes. Carpentry, Remodeling, Painting Decks, Metal Roofs Servicing All Makes & Models Residential & Commercial SMOKEHOUSE BAR-B-QUE 850 E Corsicana Athens Cleto Concrete & Construction Comfortville Air Conditioning & Heating 903.498.8739 BRINSONFORD.COM 2970 E Hwy 31 Athens 877.367.3530 1951 E Hwy 31 Corsicana JALISCO’S RESTAURANT & TAQUERIA AUTHENTIC MEXICAN FOOD 877.367.3802 505 W CORSICANA ATHENS Work or Play… Find it at Hernandez Concrete Construction 903-677-6169 Driveways Sidewalks Fences Slabs Patios BRINSON SE HABLA ESPANOL Residential & Commercial Over 20 Years Experience Gus & Bernardo Free Estimates (903) 477-0658 (903) 286-8546 Carroll-Lehr Funeral Home 1 9 1 0 E T y l e r At h e n s 903 -675-2211 Robert J. Nettune, M.D. Ophthalmologist Parishioner Gregory F Mondini, Medicare Accepted Se Habla Espanol M.D., P.A. Obstetrics / Gynecology / Fertility 903.675.5300 607 E Clinton Athens (903) 675-7700 1123 S Palestine St Athens TX 75751 Se Habla Español Mark R. Walker Attorney and Counselor Saint Michael, the Archangel, defend us in battle; be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into Hell, Satan and all the evil spirits, who prowl about the world, seeking the ruin of souls. Amen. Parishioner 214-395-3542 San Miguel Arcángel, defiéndenos en la batalla. Sé nuestro amparo contra las perversidad y asechanzas del demonio. Reprímale Dios, pedimos suplicantes, y tu príncipe de la milicia celestial arroja al infierno con el divino poder a Satanás y a los otros espíritus malignos que andan dispersos por el mundo para la perdición de las almas. Amén. Henderson County GUTTER Steve Wasinger 903-368-1081 • 903-292-1188 Charity Unity Patriotism Fraternity Knights of Columbus St Edward Council 10524 Ask a Knight Silver Line Roofing All Types of Roofing Richard Gallo 903.747.7450 Please Patronize Our Advertisers To thank them for their support of our parish bulletin Por favor Frequente a Nuestros Anunciantes Para darles las gracias por su apoyo a nuestro boletín parroquial St. Edward’s Catholic Gifts in the parish hall. Sundays 9:30am-12:30pm Althea Schmidt 903.489.2512 Office 903.675.2509 weekdays Advertise Here! Call Kathi 972-467-5092 ¡Publique Aquí!