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Saints Peter & Paul Catholic Parish Parroquia Católica de San Pedro y San Pablo 720 N BAIRD ST GREEN BAY, WI 54302 Fr. Anthony V. Cirignani, OFM Pastor Dcn. Michael C. Vincent Dcn. Robert F. Ellis (Dianne) Parish Trustees Don Patz—Trustee Treasurer David Demro—Trustee Secretary Pastoral Council / Finance Council Joseph Uhyrek—P.C. Chairperson Chuck Gustafson—F.C. Chairperson Come celebrate with us! Vengan a celebrar con nosotro! Weekends: Saturday 4:00pm Sunday 8:00am, 10:00am, 12:30pm Spanish Tuesday - Saturday 8:00am Misa en Español, cada domingo a las 12:30 por la tarde Sacrament of Penance/ Confession 1/2 hour prior to weekend masses First Fridays and Saturdays 7:30am 24 Hr. Perpetual Adora,on: SSPP’s “Christ The King Chapel” Code available in person at office Chapel Scheduling, Tina @ 3279231 Parish Office Hours M CLOSED, T-Th 9:00-4:00 F 12:00-8:00 Ministerio Hispano (Spanish Ministry) Parish Office: 435-7548 Faith Forma;on Office: 437-0651 Email: March 5th 5 de marzo March 1 and 2, 2014 DAY-TO-DAY AT OUR PARISH PEACE AND BLESSINGS TO THE FAMILY AND FRIENDS OF SSPP, Lent 2014 is almost here. Next week we start Lent with Ash Wednesday (March 5th). We have added an early Service of the Word with Monday, March 3rd ashes and Holy Communion, not a Mass, at 6:30am. Doors open at Mk 10:17-27 6:00am. Full Masses with ashes will be at 8:00am, 4:00pm and No Mass 6:30pm. The 6:30 pm Mass will be a Bilingual Mass with music by the Tuesday, March 4th parish Hispanic guitar group. Rel. Ed. Families and students please Mk 10:28-31 plan on aKending this Mass. 8:00 AM Mass L &D Members of Ladies Altar Society Over the past few weeks you have read in the bulle,n an invita,on 8:00AM—12:00PM Cardiovascular Screening Fr. Schuh to our all parish Lenten Journey-Living the Eucharist. This will begin Hall a three year study of the Bible and Catholic teaching on the importance of living out the Eucharist of Service. I cordially invite you to Wednesday, March 5th , Ash Wednesday join one of the many group experiences offered to deepen your love Mt 6:1-6,16-18 of Christ. The groups will meet on the Thursdays of Lent star;ng 6:30AM Liturgy of the Word with Ashes March 7th at 6:30pm, on Fridays a@er the 8:00am Mass and Friday 8:00 AM Mass with Ashes evenings in Spanish at 6:30pm beginning March 8th. All of the ses4:00 PM Mass with Ashes sions will be held in the church hall. 6:30PM REL. Ed. Bilingual Mass with Ashes Family Sta,ons of the Cross will be on Sundays at 3pm followed by Benedic,on beginning March 9th. This is an excellent tradi;on to begin with your family. It will leave a las;ng impression on your chilThursday, March 6th dren. At 4:00pm the family and youth group will engage in Living the Lk 9:22-25 Eucharist in the church hall. All children and youth are invited to stay 8:00 AM Mass Alice Craanan for the retreat hour. TRY IT—YOU MIGHT JUST LIKE IT! Deacon Mike Vincent, Fr. Tony, Norma Chavez, Luis Bello, Lou Anne Roskowski, Barb VanDenBusch and Cindy S;llwell will assist you on your journey Friday, March 7th from Exodus to Easter. Mt 9:14-15 Saturday is usually a day honoring our Blessed Mother. Beginning 8:00 AM Mass Al & Laverne DeBauche March 6th, the Lenten devo;on of Our Lady of Sorrows will be recitLenten Journey begins a@er Mass ed a@er the 8:00am Mass in the church. 4:00—7:00 PM KC’S Fish Fry School Cafeteria Lent is also the ,me for our KC Fish Fries. Our first fish fry of the sea6:30PM Lenten Journey Begins (Hispanic) son will be this Friday, March 7th from 4:00—7:00pm in the school cafeteria. The other dates will be March 21st and April 4th. The meals Saturday, March 8th are available for dining in or taking out. Lk 5:27-32 Please mark your calendar for the last few coffee and fellowship 8:00 AM Mass Donald Muck hours. They will be March 9th, 16th, 23rd,30th and April 6th and 27th. (There will not be a coffee/fellowship on April 13th and 20th.) Sunday March 9th Family, I pray and hope you will find these Lenten ac;vi;es a blessing Mt 4:1-11 for you and your families. I hope to see good turnouts for these ac8:00 AM Mass John & Irene Pran;s ;vi;es. 10:00 AM Mass Judy & Michael Sachs Praise be Jesus Christ now and forever! 12:30 PM Spanish Mass Por La Communidad SSPP Peace and all good, 3:00PM Family Sta;ons of the Cross Fr. Tony, Pastor 4:00PM Family/youth Lenten Journey Begins And staff Please feel free to call Fr. Tony or the office for clarifica;on. 40 DAYS FOR LIFE From March 5 through April 13, you’re invited to join oth40 Days for Life Opening Ceremony er Chris;ans for 40 Days for Life – 40 days of prayer and fas;ng for an end to abor;on. You’re also invited to stand We'll be having our 40 Days for Life opening ceremony at SSPP and peacefully pray during a 40-day vigil in the public this Sunday, March 2 @ 2:30pm. There will be a pot luck followed right-of-way outside Planned Parenthood at 2605 S. Onei- by a showing of a 45 minute video called "Making the Case for da Street in Ashwaubenon and also to help spread the Life" (you can see a 4 minute snippeK here: hKps:// word about this important community outreach. If you’d ). Please join us in like more informa;on – and /or you’d like to volunteer to the Fr. Schuh Hall for this event. help, please contact: Jerry or Renee Guinan at 606-9701. Parish Calendar 2 PARISH BUSINESS, INFORMATION AND ANNOUNCEMENTS Liturgical Roles , March 5th, Ash Wednesday Bap,smal Prepara,on 4:00pm Mass By appointment. English please call the parish office at 435-7548 or Spanish please call Norma at 435-7548. Lector LouAnne Roskowski Reminder: Be sure to contact the parish office with any updates to your contact informa,on! Servers Bart and Andrew S. Eucharis,c Ministers Bishop’s Appeal 2014—FAQ’s Dan DeBauche, Millie Georgia, Mary Patterson Greeters Does my giN pay for any legal seOlements? Millie Georgia, Mary Patterson No, the Bishop’s Appeal has never been used to pay for legal seKlements. In fact, between 1950 and 2004 the Diocese paid approximately $1,365,000 in legal seKlements. From these seKlements $1,065,00 came from liability insurance and the other $300,00 came from diocesan investments. Gi@s to the Bishop’s Appeal have always been used to share the ministries and services of the diocese of Green Bay with our parishes, Catholic schools and communi;es throughout northeastern Wisconsin. Liturgical Roles, March 8th and 9th Lectors 4:00pm Lou Anne Roskowski 8:00am Charlie Bornemann 10:00am Diane Lautenslager Servers Note to Parents of Young Children: 4:00pm Brian M. 8:00am Vince and Max P. 10:00am Daniel P. and Charles P. Our Lady's Maidens of the Altar (Ss Peter and Paul's girls youth group) have prepared book bags filled with St. Joseph Picture Books for your children to enjoy during Mass. They will see colorful pictures of the lives of Jesus, Mary, Joseph and the saints. The Maidens will greet you at the entrances to loan the book bags to your family for use during Mass. At the end of Mass, please return the book bags with their books to the Maidens or place them on the book bag racks at the entrances. Thank you for your coopera;on in returning the book bags, so children at all Masses will be able to enjoy the books. Thank you, Cindy S;llwell Eucharis,c Ministers 4:00pm Dan DeBauche, Millie Georgia, VOLUNTEER NEEDED 8:00am Kathie Bornemann, Jack and Linda Stone 10:00am Cindy Parent, Dick and Marie Neuses Greeters 4:00pm Millie Georgia 8:00am Jack and Linda Stone 10:00am Dick and Marie Neuses Stewardship of Sharing February 23, 2014 Budget YTD Collected YTD $ 296,378 $ 294,729 (ShorKall)/Overage $1649 Adora,on Chapel Parking No,ce God blesses a cheerful giver! The spaces by the adora,on chapel are reserved for those assigned to the chapel for their hourly visit. All others must park on the street or in the main parking lot. Thank you for your help in this maOer. MINISTRY SCHEDULING MINISTRY Ushers Lectors and Eucharis,c Ministers Greeters Servers Adora,on Chapel Care Ministry Coordinator NAME Ken Heim CONTACT 432-5811 Irene Pran;s Barb Moore Cindy S;llwell Tina Werchek 435-7548 469-0814 336-5363 327-9231 New Community Shelter Meal Saints Peter & Paul Parish serves a meal the 3rd Saturday of every month at the NEW COMMUNITY SHELTER for those in need. Volunteers are needed to prepare and serve meals. Call Caroline at 468-1177. Barb VanDenBusch 609-8431 3 Por la Communidad Hispana La Paz y Bendiciones a Todas Las Familias y Amigos De San Pedro y San Pablo. La Cuaresma del 2014 ya casi está aquí. La próxima semana empezamos la cuaresma con miércoles de ceniza (5 de Marzo). Hemos agregado un servicio muy temprano de la palabra con la ceniza y la comunión, no misa, 6:30 am. Las puertas se abrieran a las 6:00 am.La misa completa con ceniza será a las 8:00 am, 4:00 pm y a las 6:30pm. La misa de las 6:30 será bilingüe con música en español por el coro hispano de nuestra parroquia. Las familias de Educación Religiosa se les hacen la pe;ción de que planeen de estar presentes. En las úl,mas semanas han leído el boleUn invitando a toda la parroquia a la Jornada de Cuaresma a Vivir La EucarisUa. Yo cordialmente los invito a que se unan a uno de muchos experiencias de grupos que son ofrecidos para profundizar nuestro amor por Cristo. Los grupos se reunirán por los jueves en ;empo de Cuaresma comenzando el 7 de Marzo a las 6:30pm, los viernes después de la misa de 8:00 am y el viernes después de la misa de 8:00 am y viernes por la tarde en español comenzando a las 6:30 pm el 8 de Marzo. Todas las reuniones serán ubicadas en el salón de reuniones de la Iglesia. Las Estaciones De La Cruz serán en domingo 9 de marzo 3:00 de la tarde seguida por la Bendición. Esta es una tradición excelente para comenzar la Cuaresma con su familia. Esta celebración dejaras una gran impresión en la vida de sus hijos. A las 4:00 de la tarde las familias y grupos de jóvenes comenzaran Vive la EucarisUa en el salón de la Iglesia. Todos los niños y adolescentes están invitados a quedarse para la hora de re;ro. INTENTALO TAL VEZ TE GUSTE. Diacono Mike Vincent, Fr. Tony, Norma Chávez, Luis Bello, Lou Anne Roskowski, Barb Van den Bush, and Cindy S;llwell les asis;rán a ustedes en su Jornada de Éxodo al domingo de Resurrección. El sábado usualmente es el día memorial Honor y Gloria de la SanUsima Virgen María. Comenzando el 6 de marzo las devociones cuaresmales de nuestra Virgen del Buen Socorro serán recitadas después de la misa de las 8:00 de la mañana en la Iglesia. La Cuaresma también es el ,empo de las cenas de pla,llos de pescados por los Caballeros De Colon. Nuestra primera cena de pla;llos de pescados será en viernes 7 de marzo de 4:00 – 7:00 de la tarde en la cafetería de la escuela. Las otras fechas son 21 de marzo y 4 de abril. Las comidas son servidas adentro o si desea también puede comprar para llevar. Favor marquen sus calendarios por las úl,mas fechas de compañerismo de reuniones de café. Las fechas son 9, 16, 23, 30 de marzo y 6 de abril. No abra reunión de café el 13 y 20 de abril. La úl;ma reunión de compañerismo de café será 27 de abril. Familias yo espero y rezo que ustedes encuentren estas ac;vidades de Cuaresma, Sean una bendición para ustedes y sus familias. Yo espero ver buenos resultados. Aviso estacionamiento dela Capilla De Adoración Perpetua: Los espacios de estacionamiento que se encuentran cerca de la Capilla De Adoración, son reservados para aquellos asignados a su hora de visita a La Capilla. Todos los demás deben estacionarse en la calle o si usted simplemente puede estacionarse en el estacionamiento principal de nuestra Iglesia. Gracias por su cooperación y compresión en esta situación. Pla,cas Pre Bau,smal: Para recibir el sacramento de bau;smo, en la Parroquia de San Pedro y San Pablo, las preparaciones son el segundo domingo de 10:00 AM a 11:30 AM y martes de 5:00PM a 6:30 PM cada mes menos en cuaresma. Requisitos: Deben tomar las clases pre – bau;smales primero. Después de tener el comprobante, deben de venir a la Oficina Parroquial en miércoles o jueves para registrar la fecha para el bau;smo por lo menos un mes antes de la celebración. Por favor de traer el comprobante de pla;ca y el Acta de nacimiento del hijo(a). Que es necesario para casarse en la Iglesia. Registrarse como miembros en la Iglesia. Hablar con el Padre Tony para escoger la fecha y hora de la celebración matrimonial. Asegure antes que nada la celebración del Sacramento Matrimonial que es primordial. Re,ro Pre – Matrimonial en San Pedro y San Pablo: Aunque la pareja piense que todavía falta ;empo para la fecha dela celebración del matrimonio, por favor de no esperar dos meses antes es importante que se den el ;empo para dialogar, guiados por expertos, acerca del compromiso que van asumir. El Re;ro Pre – Matrimonial será en el edificio Centro De Madre Teresa De San Pedro y San Pablo domingo 27 de julio 2014 8:00 AM a 4:00 PM. 4 5