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St. Paul Catholic Church and Missions Iglesia Católica San Pablo y Misiones 4178 Highway 441 South, Douglas, Georgia 31535 Parish Office Office phone: 912-384-3560, fax 912-385-8515 Church email: Parish Website: St. William Catholic Church, P.O. Box 861, 807 S. Merrimac Dr., Fitzgerald, Holy Family Catholic Church, Atkinson County, Off Hwy 135 Administration ¤ Administración Pastor: Rev. Nicholas Mansell, V.F. MASS SCHEDULE AND INTENTIONS February 10 – February 16 Pastoral Assistant: Bertha Capetillo (Email: Church Secretary: Janet Benton Monday: No Mass MASS ETIQUETTE Tuesday: Mass-6:00pm Adoration: 5:00-6:00pm Think of the church, always and at all times, as sacred space Wednesday: No 12:00pm Mass at St. Paul and a sacred place. The church is, first and foremost, a place Fitzgerald- Mass-6:00pm Adoration: 5:30pm of worship. It is not an auditorium, convention center, or Thursday: 12:00pm Mass, Adoration: 11:00 meeting hall. We are not filling in time before the Friday: No Mass entertainment starts. The church is the primary place we God and Community. come to spend time with and be intimate with God. Listen to Saturday Masses: the choir and let it move you into prayer. 5:00pm English, St. William ETIQUETA DE MISAS Piense en la iglesia, siempre y en 7:00pm Spanish, St. William todo momento, ya que el espacio sagrado y un lugar sagrado. Sunday Masses: La Iglesia es, ante todo, un lugar de culto. No se trata de un 8:00am English, Holy Family salón de actos, centro de convenciones, o sala de reuniones. 9:30am English, St. Paul st No estamos llenando en el tiempo antes de que comience el rd 11:15am Confessions, 1 & 3 Sundays espectáculo. La iglesia es el lugar principal llegamos a pasar 11:45am Spanish Misa, St. Paul el tiempo con y tener intimidad con Dios. Escucha el coro y deja que te mueve a la oración. We are Christian communities in the Roman Catholic Tradition, and we commit ourselves to become more Christ-like through the service to God and neighbor. Our Mission Statement Declaración de Misión Nosotros somos las comunidades Cristianas en la Tradición Católica Romana, y nos comprometemos a hacer modelos de Cristo al servicio de Dios y de projimo. LIFE, DEATH, AND CATHOLIC MEDICAL QUESTIONS (by Kevin O’Neil, CSsR & Peter Black, STD) Question: Two relatives of mine died from an untreated medical condition because they refused to see a doctor. Is it right to force people to undergo medical treatment when they seem too stubborn or lazy to do something on their own? The question raises the issue of responsibility for our own life and health and the life and health of others. It also raises questions of human freedom. The Catechism refers to physical life and health as “precious gifts entrusted to us by God” (#2288). An important word here is “entrusted” to us. In theological terms we speak of ourselves as stewards, not masters, of our lives and the lives of others. God alone is the author and master of life. We are to use wisely the gifts that have been given to us. In the present case, the relatives failed in their responsibility to care properly for their own health and life. We do not know why they failed to do so, and we are not in a position to make a judgment about their motives. One cannot force someone else to undergo medical treatment. Unless a patient is proved to be incompetent, no medical professional today would treat someone against his will. Apart from seeking legal action to declare someone incompetent and to assume responsibility for that person’s medical decisions, one is left with a responsibility to support a relative and to attempt to establish an environment of trust and safety where the person may examine as objectively as possible his present medical condition. Perhaps the best response to people who are unwilling and perhaps afraid to seek medical assistance is to assure them that we will support them in whatever way we are able and to assure them of our prayers for their well-being. LENT Lent begins March 5 with Mass and the distribution of Ashes. This will be celebrated: St. William-March 4, Tues., 6:30pm St. Paul-March 5, Wed., 12 noon & 7:00pm LENTEN PROGRAM: “LIVING THE EUCHARIST” The focus of our reflection and weekly meeting is both the following weekend’s readings and the rites of the Sunday Mass. Dates for group meetings at St. Paul: March 11, 18, 25, April 1 (Tuesdays) April 7 (Monday) Dates for group meetings at St. William: March 12, 19, 26, April 2 (Wednesday) April 14 (Monday) We will begin at 6:30pm (after evening Mass). To participate, please call the office by Feb. 20 so that we have time to order the materials. Cost: $10 per person. 2014 BISHOP’S ANNUAL APPEAL BEGINS Join me in the Harvest: “The harvest is abundant, but the laborers are few.” This Sunday marks the beginning of the 2014 Bishop’s Annual Appeal. The funds raised throughout the diocese help support vocations, family life, catholic education, & missions. MASS SCHEDULE FOR HOLY FAMILY 8:00am Sunday Mass will resume at Holy Family on Sunday, Feb. 16. The Sunday Mass times for St. Paul Church: 9:30am (English) & 11:45am (Spanish). OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE FESTIVAL The earnings turned in from the festival for Our Lady of Guadalupe (Dec. 8, 2013): $7,853.00. Our thanks to those who worked selflessly to honor Our Blessed Mother. HAPPY 100TH BIRTHDAY! EUCHARISTIC CUP Until “cold and flu season” has passed, we will not have the cup during the Holy Eucharist. A belated Happy Birthday to Mrs. Louise Nahra, who turned 100 years old February 5 (and who is also our oldest, original St. Paul parishioner). Vida, Muerte, Y Preguntas Católica, Medicas (por Kevin O'Neil, CSsR & Peter Black, STD) Pregunta: Dos familiares míos murieron a causa de una condición médica sin tratamiento porque se negaron a ver a un médico. ¿Es correcto para forzar a la gente a someterse a tratamiento médico cuando parecen demasiado terco o perezoso para hacer algo por su cuenta? La pregunta se plantea la cuestión de la responsabilidad de nuestra propia vida y la salud y la vida y la salud de los demás. También plantea cuestiones de la libertad humana. El Catecismo se refiere a la vida física y la salud como " bienes preciosos confiados por Dios " (#2288). Una palabra importante aquí es "confiada " a nosotros. En términos teológicos hablamos de nosotros mismos como administradores, no amos, de nuestras vidas y las vidas de otros. Sólo Dios es el autor y dueño de la vida. Debemos usar sabiamente los dones que se han dado a nosotros. En el presente caso, los familiares no cumplieron con su responsabilidad de atender adecuadamente a su propia salud y la vida. No sabemos por qué no lo hicieron, y no estamos en condiciones de hacer un juicio sobre sus motivos. No se puede obligar a otra persona a someterse a tratamiento médico. A menos que el paciente se prueba que es incompetente, no profesional de la medicina hoy en día sería tratar a alguien contra su voluntad. Además de la búsqueda de acciones legales para declarar a alguien incompetente y asumir la responsabilidad de las decisiones médicas de esa persona , uno se queda con la responsabilidad de apoyar a un familiar y para tratar de establecer un ambiente de confianza y seguridad en que la persona puede estudiar lo más objetivamente posible su condición que está presente . Tal vez la mejor respuesta a las personas que no están dispuestas y tal vez miedo de buscar ayuda médica es asegurarles que vamos a apoyarlos en todo lo que somos capaces y asegurarles nuestra oración por su bienestar. CUARESMA Comienza la Cuaresma 5 de marzo con la celebración eucarística y en la distribución de las cenizas. Este se celebrará: St. William-4 de marzo, martes, 6:30pm St. Paul-5 de marzo, miércoles 12:00 y 7:00pm 2014 CAMPAÑA ANUAL DEL OBISPO Únete a mí en la cosecha: "La cosecha es abundante, pero los obreros son pocos." Este domingo marca el inicio del 2014 la Campaña Anual del Obispo. Los fondos recaudados a través de las vocaciones diócesis ayuda de apoyo, la vida familiar, la educación católica, y las misiones. COPA EUCARÍSTICA Hasta que "la temporada de resfriados y la gripe" ha pasado, no vamos a tener la copa en la Santa Eucaristía. ENFERMO O EN EL HOSPITAL Si usted o un miembro de la familia está en el hospital o confinado en casa, por favor llame a la oficina de la iglesia (912-384-3560). NUEVOS MIEMBROS Se pide a los feligreses a inscribirse en la iglesia, llenando un formulario de inscripción que se puede encontrar en la mesa en el centro del vestíbulo. La Hora Católica La estación de Radio La Qué Buena de Douglas, GA que se sintoísta en la 860se enlaza con radio la Inmaculada la Espiritual de Atlanta, GA para transmitir La Hora Católica. Horarios- Lunes a Jueves: 9:00-11:30pm Domingo: 10:00am-2:00pm NUESTRA SEÑORA DE GUADALUPE FESTIVAL Las ganancias entregadas del festival para Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe (8 de Diciembre 2013): $7,853.00. Nuestro agradecimiento a quienes trabajaron desinteresadamente en honor a Nuestra Santísima Madre. THE USUAL ANNOUNCEMENTS… FYI ~FOR YOUR INFORMATION~ ST. PAUL’S RELIGIOUS EDUCATION SCHEDULE February 9: Classes meet February 16: Classes meet February 23: Classes meet March 2: Classes meet CHANGE OF NAME/ADDRESS/PHONE Please notify the church office (912-384-3560) of any change in your member information. NEW PARISHIONERS New parishioners are asked to register with the church by filling out a registration form that may be found on the table in the middle of the vestibule. AN ACCOUNT OF OUR STEWARDSHIP NEXT MEETING The next Knights meeting will be this Sun., Feb. 9, at the Hampton Inn, Douglas, after 9:30am Mass. PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR ARMED FORCES ORAR POR NUESTROS SOLDADOS Captain Christopher Benson (North Carolina), Sgt. Adam Carson (Japan), PFC Blake Downs (North Carolina), S.Sgt. Emmanuel Gamboa (Arizona), Vincente Guerrero, TSgt. William Hamilton (Qatar), SPC Adam Lee (Khoft, Afghanistan), Nathan Lee, Kristopher Lentz, SSG Jeb S. McKinnon (Alabama), PFC Trent McKinnon (Virginia), Martin Rios, Sgt. Britt Stankowitz (Ft. Stewart, Georgia), Juan Vargas (Afghanistan), Erick Vilches, Leo Rodriguez (South Carolina), Rolando Chavez (San Diego). SICK OR IN THE HOSPITAL If you or a family member are in the hospital or confined to home, please call the church office. St. Paul Week of 2-2-14 Annual Budgeted Received to date Received this week Building Fund: $1,315.31 Offertory $186,000.00 115,018.60 5,003.57 Offertory: St. William Sunday (2-2-14): $1,085.00 Maintenance: $238.00 “Souper” Bowl: $645.00 (for Christian Kitchen in Fitzgerald) CHARTER FOR THE PROTECTION OF CHILDREN Visit diocesan Or call (912) 201-4073/4074. CAPÍTULO DEL OBISPO PARA LA PROTECCIÓN DE NIÑOS Visite la página Web de la diócesis para leer el código: (912) 201-4073/4074. Pray for us that we may be healed Orar Por Nuestros Enfermos Pyper Arvidson, Marcia Beasley, Ashley Bowen, Meriam Day, Lamberto Capetillo, Delfino Capetillo, Mercedes del Castillo, Angelica Castorina, Donna Cohen, Mary Ann Deese, Nancy Espinoza, Lynn Fletcher, Forsman Triplets, Mary Gafnea, John & Paulette Gearhart, Sarah Gibeau, Tony Grantham, Louise Hanna, Barbara Harper, Silvia Hernandez, Larry Hinson, Mary Howell, Linda Hudson, Mary Hudson, Trish Irving, Neal Jordan, Norma Kitchens, Tim Kloer, Eileen Krause, Pat Link, Sharon Lizon, Slade Lott, Anna Lucas, Gail McDonald, Karl McDonald, E. G. McKinnon, Gerald Merritt, Ruth Miller, Carol Ann Moody, Louise Nahra, Tommy Newbern, Ken Newman, Marie Nipper, Nancy Overstreet, Ronald Owens, John Probert, Janet Reed, Jake Spencer, Elrea Soles, Patti Spieker, Eric Stehlin, Jamie & Joyce Swaynos, Samantha Tolley, Robert Uhas, Amy Vining, Rudolph Walker, Jeffrey Williams, Nick & Tony Williams, Geneva Youngblood