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Page 2
Cathedral Parish  Madison, Wisconsin
Most Reverend Robert C. Morlino
Bishop of Madison
Reverend Monsignor Kevin D. Holmes
(608) 257-5000 · office
(608) 255-1658 · residence
Mother’s Day Rose Sale This Weekend
Red roses are available after the Masses this weekend. Say “Thanks,
Mom!” and support the efforts of Wisconsin Right to Life-Dane County
with a gift of roses for Mother’s Day. Suggested donation is $3 per rose,
or two roses for $5.00. Vases are available on the Blessed Mother’s altar
for those who want to leave roses in her honor.
Parish Brunch Next Sunday
Deacon Raymond Lukesic
The Parish Brunch will take place after the 11:00 am Mass at St. Patrick next
Sunday, May 19th. There will be a special cake to celebrate with those who
went through the RCIA process and received their Sacraments at the Easter
Vigil. All parishioners and their guests are invited to join us for food and
fellowship. Cash donations for the brunch are gratefully accepted.
Director of Pastoral Care
Server & Lector Needed for Midday Mass
Reverend José Luis Vázquez
Parochial Vicar
(608) 255-1658
Marc Laudonio
Director of Evangelization and Catechesis
Nicole Carter
Director of Parish Life and Mission
Amber Cerrato
Director of Religious Education
Leona Rane
Alice Buechner
Maria Culligan
Parish Secretaries
Parish Office
404 East Main Street
Madison, Wisconsin 53703
(608) 257-5000 – fax 257-5565
Holy Redeemer Church
West Johnson Street
(one half block off State Street)
Saint Patrick Church
East Main Street
(three blocks east of the Capitol Square)
We have two liturgical openings for the 12:10 pm daily Mass at St. Patrick: beginning June 3rd, a Mass server is needed on alternate Mondays
(the first, third, and fifth Mondays). A lector is needed on Fridays, beginning June 21st. Training would be provided. To volunteer, please
contact Nicole ASAP at 257-5000 or
Priestly Ordination May 24th
Next week Friday, May 24th, Deacon Steve Petrica, of our parish, will be
ordained a priest for the Diocese of Madison at 7:30 pm at St. Maria Goretti
Church. Also being ordained are Vincent Brewer and Garrett Kau. All are
invited to the ordination ceremony and to a reception that follows.
On Saturday, May 25th, Fr. Steve Petrica will celebrate his Mass of
Thanksgiving at 10:00 am at Holy Redeemer Church. You are invited to
his Mass of Thanksgiving and to the brunch following. Please RSVP to
the parish office (257-5000) to make a reservation for the brunch.
Cathedral Parish Pilgrimage Saturday, June 29th
Join us on pilgrimage to the Basilica of the National Shrine of Mary, Help
of Christians at Holy Hill on Saturday, June 29th. The coach bus departs
only from St. Patricks at 8:00 am and returns around 3:30 pm. The day
will include 10:00 am Mass at the basilica with Msgr. Holmes as celebrant, Stations of the Cross, Rosary, private prayer time, and lunch.
To register, please complete a pilgrimage form found on the kiosk,
and send it to our office, along with your check payable to the Cathedral
Parish. The cost of the pilgrimage is $35 for registered parishioners or
$50 non-parishioner, which includes transportation, lunch and donations. On the registration form, please circle a lunch choice for each participant. After June 15th, payments cannot be refunded.
As an approved Marian Shrine, Holy Hill has been designated as a
place of pilgrimage to obtain a Plenary Indulgence for the Year of Faith,
following the usual requirements.
Happy Mother’s Day !
Page 3
Ascension of the Lord
May 12, 2013
Dear Friends in Christ:
At the 9:00 a.m. Mass next Sunday, nineteen young people of our parish
will receive their First Holy Communion. The names of these First
Communicants are listed at the end of this letter. Let us keep them in
our prayers!
You will notice that most of the names are Spanish. We will also be
having a First Communion Mass next month – on the Feast of Corpus
Christi – in Spanish. Most of the
Hispanic children in this year’s First
Communion class will receive at that
Mass in June. But a good number of
young people from the Hispanic
community in this year’s class chose
to receive at an English Mass.
This is an indication of a very natural process at work. It is a beautiful
thing to cherish our ethnic roots.
Many of us whose families came to
the United States long ago have
wished at one point or another that
our families had passed on to us
more of the language and customs of
the “old country.” But the fact is
that as new generations have a longer and longer history in the United
States, their language becomes English.
And that points, I think, to the value of our being a bi-lingual parish. It
is important that we offer Mass in Spanish for Catholics who grew up
speaking Spanish and who will always prefer to pray in Spanish. But
down the road come their children, and grandchildren and greatgrandchildren. While it will be wonderful for them to have the opportunity to experience the Mass in Spanish, we would not want them to
think that “being Catholic” = “praying in Spanish.” If that were the
case, the loss of Spanish as a first or working language would equal the
loss of the Faith. And that’s not the way it should be.
So, personally, I am very happy that the children and families who
want to assist at Mass and receive the Sacraments in Spanish are able to
do so here at the Cathedral Parish. And I am also very happy that as
our young people identify more as English-speaking people, they know
that their home is still in the Catholic Church.
Brian Barrera
Jaqueline Barrera Real
Alex Beversdorf
Brenda Calzada Fernández
Ivan Calzada Fernández
Samuel Cantu Vásquez
Graciela Fernández Ruiz
Kaylin Flores Mejía
Steven Flores Mejía
José Luis Loaiza González
Geovani López
Jenifer López
John-Pio Naputi-Werntz
Isabel Marie Naputi-Werntz
Nallely Pineda Ortiz
Brandon Ortiz-Salgado
Jesús Ruiz
Ryan Stewart
Katilyn Zarinana
Msgr. Kevin D. Holmes
Monday, May 13 – Our Lady of Fatima
12:10 pm at St. Patrick
† Charles Weber
5:15 pm at Holy Redeemer
† Leonard Saladino
Tuesday, May 14 – St. Matthias
12:10 pm at St. Patrick
Special Intention: Mooney Family
5:15 pm at Holy Redeemer
† Robert & Mary Seaquist
Wednesday, May 15 – St. Isidore
12:10 pm at St. Patrick
Special Intention: Megan Keaveny
5:15 pm at Holy Redeemer
Poor Souls in Purgatory
Thursday, May 16 – Easter Weekday
12:10 pm at St. Patrick
† Don & Mark Rapacz
5:15 pm at Holy Redeemer
Special Intention: Kathie Gillett
Friday, May 17 – Easter Weekday
12:10 pm at St. Patrick
† Joseph & Mabel Johnson
5:15 pm at Holy Redeemer
Special Intention: John & Michele Gillett
Saturday, May 18 – St. John I
8:00 am at Holy Redeemer
† Viola Freiburger
5:00 pm at St. Patrick (Vigil)
Special Intention: Matthew Raskob
6:30 pm in Spanish at Holy Redeemer (Vigil)
† Jaime Paiz & Ma. Guadalupe Ortiz
Sunday, May 19
Solemnity of Pentecost
7:00 am at Holy Redeemer (Tridentine)
† Don Howard
9:00 am at Holy Redeemer
Special Intention: Katie Hagarty
11:00 am at St. Patrick
People of the Cathedral Parish
11:00 am in Spanish at Holy Redeemer
† Maria Eugenia Ruiz Venegas
5:00 pm at Holy Redeemer
† Francis Sommers
6:30 pm in Spanish at Holy Redeemer
Deceased of Michael Newman Family
Page 4
Cathedral Parish  Madison, Wisconsin
This Week at St. Raphael
Tuesday, May 14
10:30 am Mass at Capitol Lakes
Welcome to Sophia Godoy Valente who was baptized at Holy Redeemer
Church last Sunday. Congratulations to her parents, Bruno & Angelica
Valente. See their photo on the homepage of the parish website.
This Week at St. Patrick
Wednesday, May 15
1:00 pm Bible Study
7:00 pm Young Adult Spirit & Truth
Thursday, May 16
7:00 pm Choir Rehearsal
Saturday, May 18
6:00 pm Marriage Enrichment
Sunday, May 19
12:00 noon Parish Brunch
This Week at Holy Redeemer
Monday, May 13
6:00 pm Hispanic Choir Rehearsal
6:30 pm Communion & Liberation mtg. (library)
Tuesday, May 14
6:00 pm Hispanic Confessions
6:00 pm Gregorian Chant schola practice
6:30 pm Hispanic Prayer Group
Wednesday, May 15
9:00 am Exposition in Church
5:00 pm Benediction in Church
7:00 pm Choir Rehearsal
Thursday, May 16
6:00 pm Hispanic Ceremony Rehearsal
Friday, May 17
6:00 pm Fe, Esperanza y Amor mtg.(dining room)
7:00 pm Hispanic Choir Rehearsal
50th Wedding Anniversary Celebration
Bishop Robert Morlino will be recognizing 50th wedding anniversaries
on Sunday, August 18th, with a Mass of Thanksgiving at the O’Connor
Center, followed by a cake, coffee, and punch reception. This is an invitation only event! If you will be celebrating your 50th wedding anniversary during 2013, please notify the parish office by this Monday, May
13th, and your name will be submitted to the Bishop’s office.
National Combined Collection Next Weekend
Next weekend, May 18/19, all the parishes in the diocese will take up
the National Combined Collection. Last year the diocese consolidated
the various national collections into one collection. You have the option
of directing how your donation is distributed by marking an amount for
each collection, or you may check Option 1 on the envelope to ask the
Diocese to distribute your gift according to need. Special envelopes can
be found in your envelope packet and on the kiosks. Checks should be
made payable to The Cathedral Parish.
 20S&30S MINISTRY 
Join Us This Wednesday at 7:00 pm
Join us this Wednesday, May 15th, for the seventh session in our eight-week series entitled Live Free or Die in
Vice, a look at the seven deadly sins and their opposite
virtues. This Wednesday, Msgr. Kevin Holmes will speak on Sloth vs.
Our weekly young adult ministry meets at St. Patrick and is open to
all those in their 20s&30s. Come experience S&T as we learn the richness
of the Catholic Faith, encounter Jesus in Adoration, have the chance for
confession and engage with one another in small group discussions, followed by fellowship at a local restaurant. For more info, check our website or visit or “like” us on Facebook at
Theology on Tap
Banns of Marriage
The names of parishioners planning to marry are
published three times prior to the ceremony. Anyone knowing of any impediment to the proposed
marriage must make that known to the Rector.
II. Ezequiel Ramirez & Lorenza Carrillo
III. Chad Lillethun & Angela Frizzo
III. Fouriya Vang & Tess Anderson
Plan to join us for the next TOT on Thursday, May 30th, 7:00 pm at the
Brink Lounge when Fr. Phil Hurley, S. J. will be our guest speaker. Fr.
Hurley’s topic will be Choices, Choices...How to Discern God’s Will.
Theology on Tap is a monthly speaker series where 20s & 30s are
invited to join us for engaging talks by some of the leading thinkers,
speakers, educators, innovators, and activists in the nation as they share
their insights on various contemporary issues facing young adults today.
To receive email updates about Young Adult activities in our parish, please
contact Nicole Carter at 257-5000 or
Page 5
Ascension of the Lord
May 12, 2013
The Main Event: SUMMER BREAK
Monday, May 13 – Our Lady of Fatima
Acts 19:1-8/Jn 16:29-33
‘The Main Event’ is a systematic study of the Catholic Faith for adults,
revealing how all the aspects of the Catholic Faith fit together into one
beautiful plan of God designed to bring us to authentic happiness. ‘The
Main Event’ is held weekly on Tuesday evenings, from 6:30—8:30 pm at
St. Patrick’s. Check the website for more details, including the full
schedule and topics of each gathering.
The “Main Event” is on summer break but be sure to watch the bulletin and website over the summer for details about “The Main Event”
starting up again in September.
Tuesday, May 14 – St. Matthias
Acts 1:15-17, 20-26/Jn 15:9-17
Catholicism 101
Saturday, May 18 – St. John I
Acts 28:16-20, 30-31/Jn 21:20-25
We offer a monthly 3-session overview of the Catholic Faith for adults at
St. Patrick Church that occurs every other month. The series is intended
especially for (1) those seeking a basic introduction to Christianity and/
or the Catholic Church, (2) parents with a child to be baptized, and (3)
couples preparing to be married in the Church. Session I will next be
offered Tuesday, July 16th, with sessions II and III on the following two
Tuesday evenings. Sessions begin at 6:30 pm.
For further information on any of these programs, visit our website at, or contact Marc Laudonio at 257-5000 or
The Tridentine Mass Society of Madison is a diocesan organization, established to support the celebration of the Tridentine Mass throughout
the Diocese of Madison. It currently focuses its efforts on the Mass at
Holy Redeemer. Those who wish to support the special projects of the
Tridentine Mass Society may do so by mailing a contribution to the Society at 529 Echo Valley Road, Brooklyn, WI 53521.
Diocesan Council of Catholic Women’s Convention
All women are invited to the 59th annual Madison Diocesan Council of
Catholic Women’s Convention, “United Women of Faith”. The women
of the Grant Vicariate will host this event June 18th and 19th at the Belmont Convention Center, just off Hwy. 151 in Belmont. The agenda,
speakers, workshops & registration forms are available on their web site, or call Kathy at 608-822-6412.
Fr. William Seipp’s 50th Anniversary
Fr. Seipp will be celebrating the Golden Jubilee of his ordination on Monday, May 27th, at St. Clement in Lancaster, with a 2 pm Mass followed
by dinner & dancing. Please RSVP by May 15th to 608-723-4990.
Wednesday, May 15 – St. Isidore
Acts 20:28-38/Jn 17:11b-19
Thursday, May 16 – Easter Weekday
Acts 22:30; 23:6-11/Jn 17:20-26
Friday, May 17 – Easter Weekday
Acts 25:13b-21/Jn 21:15-19
Sunday, May 19 – Solemnity of Pentecost
Acts 2:1-11/1 Cor 12:3b-7, 12-13 or Rom 8:817/Jn 20:19-23 or Jn 14:15-16, 23b-26
Pentecost (Tridentine)
Acts 2:1-11 / Jn 14:23-31
At Holy Redeemer Church:
Monday – Wednesday, 4:15 – 5:00 pm
Saturday, 7:30 – 8:00 am
Sunday, 6:30 – 6:55 am
At Saint Patrick Church:
Saturday, 3:30 – 4:30 pm
At Holy Redeemer Church: Perpetual Adoration. Eucharistic Chapel is located on the
ground floor of the church, and may be
reached through the side door from the parking lot. On Wednesday only, adoration is in
the upper church from 9:00 am until Benediction at 5:00 pm.
For more information or to sign up for a
regularly scheduled hour of adoration, visit, call 608-833-0554
or email
Mike Lins, V.P. Investments
Stifel, Nicolaus & Company, Inc.
608-243-3446 ▪
Thanks to our advertisers for their support!
Page 6
Parroquia de la Catedral  Madison, Wisconsin
El Reverendísimo Robert C. Morlino
Obispo de Madison
Reverendo Mons. Kevin D. Holmes
Reverendo Padre José Luis Vázquez
Vicario Parroquial (608) 255-1658
Amber Cerrato
Directora de Educación Religiosa 257-5000 ext. 12
María Culligan
Secretaria Bilingüe
(Martes a Viernes)
(608) 257-5000
Horario de las Misas en español:
Sábados 6:30 pm
Domingos 11:00 am y 6:30 pm
Sacramento de Reconciliación:
Sábados 5:30-6:15 pm
Domingos 10:15-10:45 am
6:00-8:00 pm
Ministerios Litúrgicos
Sábado, 18 de mayo - 6:30 pm
Acólitos: Homero Sánchez
Lectores: Lisette y Alicia Becerra
Rogelio Becerra
Hospitalidad: Martha Herrera, Lázaro Florencio,
Eloy Farfán, María Herrera
Domingo, 19 de mayo - 11:00 am
Acólitos: Gustavo López, Mario Ramos
Lectores: Vicky Rivas, O. Reyes
Salmista: Kenny Cardozo
Monitor: V. Guerra
Eucaristía: Rubén Perales
Hospitalidad: E. Martinic, P. Mena, Manuel
Fuentes, Daniel Estrada, J. Zumba
Domingo, 19 de mayo - 6:30 pm
Acólitos: Francisco Espinosa
Lectores: Cornelio Domínguez, Serafín Lima
Monitor: H. Ruiz
Hospitalidad: Vitalino Rodríguez, Victoria Vázquez,
Juan Ávila
“Día de las Madres, día de la Iglesia”
El día de las madres también recordamos a la Virgen María y a la
Iglesia, nuestras grandes Madres.
En muchos países se celebra el día de hoy a las madres. O durante
este mes. Todos recordamos a nuestras madres en el día que dedicamos
a ellas. Quizá algunos lloran a la madre
que ya dejó la tierra hace algún tiempo.
Otros visitarán a su madre ancianita, ya
abuelita venerable, y le darán un regalo,
comerán juntos y recordaran pequeñas historias de la familia. Otros simplemente podrán usar el teléfono, porque se encuentran
lejos de nosotros, y mamá espera con ansiedad la llamada del hijo(a) ausente.
También en este día de las madres podemos pensar en otras dos Madres. Una es
la Virgen María, que, día a día le rezamos
tantas veces, es Nuestra Madre de los cielos. La otra es la Iglesia. Decir que la Iglesia es nuestra Madre implica
sentirse hijos de Ella, sufrir cuando sufre, alegrarnos con su alegría. No
resulta fácil, desde luego, “visitar a la Iglesia”, porque no tiene un domicilio fijo. Ni siquiera podemos pensar que la Iglesia viva encerrada en los
templos o lugares de culto. La Iglesia, nuestra Madre, vive en cada uno.
Todos los bautizados, cuando vivimos muy unidos al Santo Padre, cuando amamos a nuestro obispo, cuando participamos de la Misa los domingos, cuando acudimos a pedir misericordia en el Sacramento de la confesión, cuando rezamos de corazón en la mañana o en la noche, cuando
perdonamos a nuestros enemigos y ayudamos a todos, con esto entretejemos esa misteriosa y grande realidad: La Iglesia.
Así que, en este día de las Madres, agradecemos a la Iglesia que nos
haya hecho nacer como creyentes, que nos haya dado la fe en Jesucristo,
que nos haya ayudado a amar a la Virgen María y al Papa. Y, a la vez,
nos sentimos festejados: cada nuevo hijo de la Iglesia nos mira con cariño
y nos dice: “Gracias, católico fiel, por haberme dado la fe. Por haberme
hecho nacer al amor de Dios en la Iglesia”.
Y termino con estas palabras: Madre es alguien que nos quiere y
nos cuida todos los días de su vida y que llora de emoción porque uno
se acuerda de ella una vez al año: El Día de la Madre.
El peor defecto que tienen las madres es que se mueren antes de
que uno alcance a retribuirles parte de lo que han hecho.
Que Dios bendiga a todas las Madres.
Padre José Luis Vázquez
Grupo de Oración “Jesús a la Humanidad”
Les invitamos a unirnos en oración este martes 14 de Mayo a las 6:30 pm.
Juntos rezamos el Santo Rosario, la Coronilla de la Divina Misericordia,
entre otras oraciones.
Page 7
Ascención del Señor
12 de mayo de 2013
La Parroquia de la Catedral está organizando una peregrinación al
Santuario de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe en La Cross para el 29 de
Junio de 2013. Hasta el momento, pensamos salir a las 8:00 am y estar
en Madison de regreso antes de las 8:00 pm.
El registro para miembros y no miembros es del 1ro de mayo al 15
de junio. Niños mayores de 4 años pagan asiento completo en el bus. Y
menores de 3 años deben ir en las faldas de los padres, no ocupan
asiento. Su espacio será reservado con el pago del registro y el dinero
no es reembolsable. La hojas de registro están en el kiosco. Hay distintas opciones, por favor marque la mejor opción para usted.
Registro para miembros inscritos en la Parroquia de la Catedral:
Autobús + Almuerzo: Mayores de 12 = $40, menores de 12 = 35
Autobús solamente $30
Almuerzo solamente: Mayores de 12 = $15, menores de 12 = $8
Si viaja en su carro, igual deben llenar la hoja de registro para la peregrinación.
Registro para miembros no inscritos, o de otras parroquias:
Autobús + Almuerzo: Mayores de 12 = $45, menores de 12 = 40
Autobús solamente $35
Almuerzo solamente: Mayores de 12 = $15, menores de 12 = $8
Si viaja en su carro, igual deben llenar la hoja de registro para la peregrinación.
**Por favor tenga en cuenta que si piensa almorzar por su cuenta, debe
hacer reservaciones anticipadamente. Si piensa llevar su almuerzo, es posible que no hayan suficientes mesas de picnic para almorzar ahí.
Esta peregrinación, como es con el propósito de: devoción, reforma
de vida, crecimiento en santidad y mayor comunicación con la Iglesia
de Dios por medio de la intercesión de la Virgen, Madre de Dios y Madre de la Iglesia, permite que los peregrinos puedan recibir INDULGENCIA PLENARIA (de todas tus culpas). Pero, ¿qué es la Indulgencia Plenaria? Es una gracia que Dios nos da al cumplir los requisitos
que la Iglesia nos pide, y de esa manera es como si estuviéramos recién bautizados, con el alma totalmente limpia de culpa. Si morimos
acabando de recibir la Indulgencia Plenaria, nos iríamos al cielo directo sin hacer escala en el Purgatorio. A partir de la indulgencia todas las
manchas que tenía tu alma desaparecerán. ¡Borrón y cuenta nueva! Es
muy importante reflexionar: esto solo es posible porque la MISERICORDIA de Dios es infinita y porque su AMOR hacia nosotros también es infinito y no porque nos la ganemos por nuestros méritos.
Para ganar una indulgencia plenaria, además de querer evitar cualquier pecado mortal o venial, se necesita:
1.- Confesión sacramental: Hacer una confesión profunda. La confesión puede hacerse el mismo día que se quiere ganar la indulgencia o
haberla hecho recientemente, no más de una semana antes.
2.- Comunión Eucarística: La cual debe llevarse a cabo el mismo día en
que quiera ganarse la indulgencia.
3.- Oración por las intenciones del Papa: Se Debe rezar un Padre Nuestro,
una Ave María y un Gloria, y ofrecerlas por las intenciones del Papa.
Para más información llamar a la oficina
(608) 257-5000 ext. 11.
Requisitos para Bautismo
 Padres y padrinos deben asistir a una platica pre-bautismal por lo menos un mes
antes del Bautismo. Los padres, si es la
primera vez que bautizan en la Parroquia de
la Catedral, o ha pasado mas de 3 años desde la ultima vez que bautizaron, deben recibir
las clases pre-bautismales en esta parroquia
(Holy Redeemer), no en otra parroquia.
 Los padrinos, si son pareja, deberán presentar copia del acta de su matrimonio católico. Recuerden que las personas que no
estén casadas por la Iglesia y vivan juntas
como pareja o familia no pueden ser padrinos de Bautismo. Si los padrinos no son
pareja, pero tienen sus respectivas parejas
y no son casadas por la iglesia, tampoco
pueden ser padrinos.
 Las personas que piensan ser padrinos,
deben ser católicos practicantes: Bautizados
católico, Confirmados, asistir frecuentemente a Misa, acudir al Sacramento de la Confesión y poder recibir la Sagrada Comunión.
 Después de haber recibido la segunda
charla, deben ir a la oficina parroquial llevando los siguientes documentos: Copia
del acta de nacimiento del niño(a), Copia
del acta de Matrimonio Católico de los
padrinos, constancia que los padrinos
han recibido las charlas pre bautismales.
Copia de documento de identidad con
foto de padres y padrinos.
 Los padrinos deben ser miembros inscritos de alguna parroquia católica, y hacer
firmar un formato, que se les entregará
el primer día de clases, por su párroco.
¡Feliz Día de
la Madre!
Amonestaciones Matrimoniales
Los nombres de feligreses que planean contraer
matrimonio, serán publicados tres veces antes de
la ceremonia. Si conoce de algún impedimento
para que la boda se lleve acabo, debe contactar a
Monseñor Holmes.
II. Ezequiel Ramirez & Lorenza Carrillo
III. Chad Lillethun & Angela Frizzo
III. Fouriya Vang & Tess Anderson