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84 Carleton Avenue * Central Islip, New York 11722
Phone: 631-234-6535 * Fax: 631-234-7474 * Email: SJOGNO1@AOL.COM
Rev. Christopher Nowak, Pastor
Pastoral Staff
Rev. Javier Peñaranda, Associate Pastor
Sr. Valerie Scholl, CSJ, Pastoral Associate / Admin.
Dcn. Ronald J. Gillette
Sr. Claudia Allen, CSJ, Apostolado Hispano
Mrs. Maggie Martin, Religious Education
Ms. Carmen Roncal
Mrs. Patricia Walsh
Mrs. Ana Sullivan, Parish Social Ministry Coordinator
Mrs. Eleanor Gould, Music Ministry
Parish Center: 631-234-6535
Religious Education: 631-234-4040
Outreach Office: 631-234-1884
Cemetery Office: 631-234-8297
Parish Office Hours:
Monday – Saturday: 9AM – 4:30 PM
Sunday: 9 AM – 2 PM
(For Mass Cards)
Emergency Sick Calls Any Time
Sunday Mass Schedule
Saturday Vigil: 5 PM Chapel
Sunday: 8 AM Church
9:30 AM Church
11:00 AM Chapel
Apostolado Hispano
631-234-6535 x 106
Equipo Pastoral Que Habla Español
Rev. Christopher Nowak, Pastor
Rev. Javier Peñaranda,
Pastor Asociado
Hna. Claudia Allen, CSJ
Sra. Carmen Roncal
Sra. Ana Sullivan,
Ministerio Social
Misas En Español
Sábado: 7:00 PM Capilla
Domingo: 9:30 AM Capilla
12:30 PM Capilla
Martes: 7:00 PM Capilla
Weekday Masses
Monday – Saturday: 9 AM Church
Miraculous Medal Novena:
Monday at 9 AM Mass
Reconciliation: Saturday at 4:00 PM in the Church
or by appointment. Please call the Parish Center.
Baptism: 1st Sunday at 2 PM. Parents must register
at the Parish Center at least 1 month before the baptism.
Marriage: Those wishing to be married must make arrangements
at least 6 months in advance. Call the Parish Center.
Our Lady of Providence Regional School
Pre-K (4 yrs.) through 8th Grade
631-234-1113 or 234-6324
Principal: Mrs. JoAnn DiNardo
Bautizos en Español:
2do y 4to Domingo de cada mes, 2 PM
Los padres de los niños deben ir a la oficina antes de inscribirlos.
Llame 234-6535 x 106 para una cita.
Confesiones: Los sábados a las 4:00 PM
Primera Comunión y Confirmación:
Niños de 6 hasta los 17años deben asistir a las clases de
Educación Religiosa de acuerdo a su edad. Llame: 234-4040
Sacramentos Para Los Adultos:
(18 años en adelante) Llame 234-6535 x 106 para más
información. Las clases para los adultos son los domingos a las
11 AM.
Matrimonio: Inscribirse 6 meses antes de la fecha de la boda.
Llame: 234- 6535 para hablar con un miembro del Equipo
Pastoral que habla español.
Nuestra Señora de la Providencia Escuela Católica
Pre-K (4 años) hasta 8vo grado
631-234-1113 o 234-6324
Principal: Mrs. JoAnn DiNardo
June 23, 2013  Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Weekend of June 15th & June 16th
Sharing One’s Resources in the Parish
Mass Intentions for the Week of June 23rd:
– 9:30AM
– 11:00AM
– Elizabeth Brennan
– Thomas Brennan
– The Moloney Family
– Benno Oberhauser &
Hans Oberhauser
– Fr. John Halpin
– Msgr. James Kissane
– John Scollon
– All Enrolled in the
Society of Prayer
– People of St. John of God
– Mary Alice McGuire
Monday –
Nativity of St. John the Baptist
Is 49:1-6 Lk 1:57-66
Tuesday –
Gn 13:2,5-18
Mt 7:6,12-14
Wednesday – Gn 15:1-12,17-18
Mt 7:15-20
Thursday –
St. Cyril of Alexandria, Bishop &
Doctor of the Church
Gn 16:1-12,15-16 Mt 7:21-29
Friday –
St. Irenaeus, Bishop & Martyr
Gn 17:1,9-10,15-22 Mt 8:1-4
Saturday –
Sts. Peter and Paul, Apostles
Acts 12:1-11 Mt 16:13-19
Sunday –
Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
1 Kgs 19:16b,19-21 Gal 5:1,13-18
Lk 9:51-62
Getting Married? Know someone getting married?
Do you know when to contact the parish?
Do you know who to contact?
Contact Fr. Christopher Nowak six (6) to
nine (9) months in advance to arrange the
date at 631-234-6535
If you want your wedding in Spanish contact:
Fr. Javier, Sr. Claudia, or Carmen Roncal
For FOCCUS & Pre Cana information contact:
For English: Mary Ann or Paul Gruner
at 631-234-8118 after 6:00 pm
For Spanish: Jose & Beatriz Valdez
at 631-232-2251
2013 Date for Pre Cana in English is:
September 14, 2013 Session is Saturday only;
from 9AM to 1PM
2013 Dates for Pre Cana in Spanish are:
August 4, and October 13
Total Collection to Parish:
$ 10,461.23
Sunday Collection:
$ 7,777.23
Maintenance & Repairs:
$ 2,684.00
Upcoming Collection:
Date: July 27th & 28th
For: Saint Vincent de Paul Society
Please Consider Putting
Saint John of God Parish in Your Will.
Consider making a bequest to
your Parish of Saint John of God.
Your gift will allow your parish to
continue God’s work here in Central
Islip for generations to come.
Do you have a special
occasion or celebration
happening in your
Why not announce it in an advertising
box on the back of the bulletin?
This will help increase the
rebate we receive from the
bulletin company.
Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time
June 23, 2013
There is neither Jew nor Greek,
there is neither slave nor free person,
there is not male and female;
for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
— Galatians 3:28
Bread & Wine Memorial for This Week:
In Loving Memory Of:
Geraldine Clavin
Requested By:
The O’Reilly Family
Pilgrimage to the
Basilica of the National Shrine
of the Immaculate Conception
Saturday, September 28, 2013
Please join us together with faithful from
all across our diocese for a day-long
experience filled with opportunities for
prayer, reflection, reconciliation
and fellowship.
12Noon—The Angelus, Upper Church
12:10pm—Welcome & Introduction,
Information about the Shrine
12:15pm—Presentation, John Garvey,
President of Catholic Univ. of America
12:45pm—Lunch, Tours, Gift Shop, Private
Prayer, Adoration of Blessed Sacrament,
Individual Confessions
3:00pm—Rosary in Word and Song
4:15—Celebratin of the Eucharist
For more information: Contact
Suzanne Lynn , Office of Worship
at 561-687-5800, ext. 207
Remember in your thoughts
and prayers,
the Sick of the Parish...
Jailene Almonte-Valerio
Mary Anderson
Doris Arnold
Rose Bennett
Anna Blinn
Edith Comito
Sandy Comito
Angelo Cristiano
Catherine Deenihan
Lisa & Lorenzo Diglio
Mark Dixon
Leon, Helen, Joann Falk
Patricia Falk
Pauline Frascella
Ronald Gillette II
Chris Gomez
Kimberly Griffin
Becky Higgins
Alice Hydell
Cecilia Iness
Bill Koenig
Edwin M. Maldonado, Jr.
James Mills
Stella Minneci
Cheryl Morse
Liz Mouzakes
Gloria Mirian Ochoa
Sheila O’Connell
Suzanne O’Conell
Brae Oquendo
Kevin Ouwerkerk
Cecilia Ouwerkerk
Bruce & Anna Petrie
Gilberto Reyes
Carmen Ramos
Mark Rivera
Dorothy Stevens
Jailene Almonte-Valerio
Louis Vavosa
Maryann Vavosa
Marvin Velasquez
Barbara & Tim Warfield
James A. Williams
Raymond Wolter
Barbara Zarcone
resorts CASINO
June 24th
(This Monday)
9:00AM (CIFD West Parking Lot)
Donation: $40.00 per person
$25.00 Casino Return
Must be 21 Years or Older
Tickets or Information:
Irene Miller at 234-8593
Benefit For: Society of Saint Vincent de Paul
Religious Education Office
Mrs. Maggie Martin, Director
Telephone: 631-234-4040 — Email:
The office of Religious Education is
CLOSED. We will re-open on
Saturday, August 24 for all NEW
La oficina de Educación de Religiosa
esta CERRADA. La oficina estará
abierta el sábado, 24 de agosto para
NUEVA registraciones.
Office hours will be:
Saturday, Aug. 24 10:00am – 12:30pm
Sunday, Aug. 25
Monday, Aug. 26
11:00am – 7:00pm
Tuesday, Aug. 27
11:30am – 7:00pm
Wednesday, Aug. 28 1:00pm – 7:00pm
Thursday, Aug. 29 4:00pm – 7:00pm
Friday, Aug. 30
Saturday, Aug. 31 CLOSED
Sunday, Sept.1
Monday, Sept.2
CLOSED (Labor Day)
Tuesday, Sept. 3
11:30am – 7:00pm
Horario de Oficina:
sábado, 24 de agosto
10:00am – 12:30pm
domingo, 25 de agosto
lunes, 26 de agosto
11:00am – 7:00pm
martes, 27 de agosto
11:30am – 7:00pm
1:00pm – 7:00pm
miércoles, 28 de agosto
jueves, 29 de agosto
4:00pm – 7:00pm
viernes, 30 de agosto
sábado, 31 de agosto
domingo, 1 de sept.
lunes, 2 de sept. (Labor Day) CERRADA
martes, 3 de Septiembre
11:30am – 7:00pm
Please bring Birth Certificate / Baptismal
Certificate when you come in to register.
Por favor traiga Certificado de Nacimiento/
Certificado de Bautizo cuando usted venga a
Profound Thank You To All the Individuals and Groups
that made the International Picnic &
Parish Appreciation Party a Great Success!
Jovenes, Danilo, Paul Gruner, and Jack Lafferty……..SET UP/CLEAN UP
CHARISMATIC PRAYER GROUP & Anton…..Purchasing and Cooking Food
Central Islip Fire Dept..………USE OF GRILLS, AND COOLER W/ ICE
CHRISTIAN MOTHERS………Providing Desserts
Mary Ann Gruner & Elva Guillen……Co-chairs of the Picnic
Ultreya & African American Ancestry……Ice, Water, Soda
Honorable Bag Pipers, Twin Shore Singers, Ballet Folclórico Salvadoreno,
SJOG English Choir, The Singing Dutchman, Show Stopper Medley by Zoe,
Ken Machin Guitarist, Las Huellas from St. Matthews Parish.
SR. CLAUDIA…….Organizing the Music
Carlos Leon……..the Sound System
Telephone: 234-6324
Visit us at:
Mrs. JoAnn Di Nardo, Principal
A Piece of Providence
News from Our Lady of Providence
the regional school for your parish!
Registration continues
during the summer. Forms
are available to download on
our website. Our Lady of
Providence offers a safe,
Catholic environment for
our students.
We offer
affordable, full day Pre-K and
Kindergarten at the cost of
$3700. for parishioners and
$4450. for non-parishioners
payable monthly. There is also a
before and after school program for
families that need it.
Documents Required:
* Birth and Baptism Certificate
* Proof of Immunization
* Copy of Latest Report Card (Gr.1-3)
* Copy of Last 3 Report Cards (Gr. 4-8)
We use the New York State
curriculum and take New York State
tests in grades 4, 6, and 8. Our students
Kindergarten through 8th all take Spanish
and have a choice of either French or
Spanish in grades 5 through 8. We offer
before and after school supervision
and have many school clubs, such as
band, glee club, dance, art, fitness and
technology clubs. Some of our 8th
graders are involved in a weekly math/
science program at New York Institute
of Technology.
Come in and see the difference a
Catholic education can make in your
child’s life. If you would like to visit
our School, please call: 631-234-6324.
Keep up to date
with current events and
individual class information by
visiting our school website at Our website
can be translated by scrolling
down to the bottom left corner.
You can also like us on Facebook
Did you know you can help Our Lady of
Providence Regional School without
spending extra money?
Here are three ways you can help:
1. Register your Stop and Shop card
in the A+ Program at . Click
on “Our Stores”, then click “A+”, and
follow directions for registering.
2. Cut out Box Tops For
Education from participating
products. Box Tops can be
dropped in the collection basket.
3.Register your Target credit card in
the Take Charge of Education Program
Click on “Enroll”, and follow
directions for registering.
Thank you for your support.
Mark Your Calendar
TELEPHONE: 234-1884
Ana Sullivan, Coordinator
Thank You , Lord
“Thank You, Lord, for loving us
no matter what our ways.
Thank You, Lord for staying near
until our end of days.
Thank You, Lord, for answering us
each moment that we call.
Thank You, Lord, for giving us
gifts both great and small…”
Eva M. Ippolito
Thank You, Lord for the
generosity of our Parishioners.
And Thank You, Lord, for all the
help from our volunteers during
our Appreciation Picnic.
Ana Sullivan
Food Pantry
Our Outreach Center is very low or out of the
following items:
–Pancake Mix & Syrup
-Canned Corn, Peas, Beans
Your consideration of the donation of any of
these items is very much appreciated.
Food Pantry Hours
6 PM – 7:15 PM
10 AM _ 12 Noon
10 AM –12 Noon
6 PM – 7:15 PM
Thrift Shop
We have beautiful
Wedding Gowns and
Communion Dresses
at a very good price.
Please stop and browse around
Thrift Shop Hours
Monday through Thursday:
10 AM to 2:00 PM
Monday and Thursday evening:
6 PM to 7:15 PM
Sunday: 10 AM to 2:00 PM
 June 24th — Resorts Casino Atlantic
City Bus Trip – Leaving 9:00AM from
C.I.F.D. West Parking Lot.
Vincent de Paul Society.
Sponsored by Saint
 June 26th — Adult Choir Rehearsal
7:30PM in the Chapel
Get your ticket for a chance to win $10,000.00 or
one of three $500.00 prizes. We are in need of
donations for Door Prizes and for our Auction Baskets. Drawing, Door Prizes & Auction
will be held at Knights of Columbus Hall .
 July 13th — Showboat Casino Atlantic City Bus Trip – Leaving 8:15am from Third
Avenue side of the Parish Center.
 July 15th — Society of St. Vincent de
Paul Monthly Meeting—12:30PM in Conference
Rm. of the Parish Center. All welcome.
 July 27th & 28th — SOCIETY OF SAINT
Collection to help the poor.
Comunidad de Oración
“Jesús y María Nos Aman”
Le invitamos a celebrar nuestros
39 años de Oración. Ven y únete
con nosotros a celebrar este gran
aniversario para la gloria de Dios.
Parroquia de San Juan de Dios
Domingo, 30 de junio de 2013
2:00pm a 7:00pm
Proclamando la Palabra de Dios:
el Diacono Jony Días.
Belong More Deeply
Pertenecer Más
Heavenly Father,
Pour forth your Holy Spirit to inspire me with
these words from Holy Scripture.
Padre Celestial,
Derrama tu Espíritu Santo y sea yo inspirado con
estas palabras de la Sagrada Escritura.
Stir in my soul the desire to renew my faith
and deepen my relationship with your Son,
our Lord Jesus Christ so that I might
truly believe in and live the Good News.
Llena mi alma del deseo de renovar mí fe
Y profundizar mi relación con tu Hijo,
nuestro Señor Jesucristo para que yo pueda
verdaderamente creer y vivir la Buena Nueva.
Open my heart to hear the Gospel
and grant me the confidence to proclaim
the Good News to others.
Abre mi corazón para oír el Evangelio
y concédeme la confianza de proclamar le
Buena Nueva a otros.
Pour out your Spirit, so that I might be
strengthened to go forth and witness to
the Gospel in my everyday life
through my words and actions.
In moments of hesitation, remind me:
If not me, then who will proclaim the Gospel?
If not now, then when will the Gospel
be proclaimed?
If not the truth of the Gospel,
then what shall I proclaim?
Derrama tu Espíritu, para que yo pueda ser
fortalecido para seguir y ser testigo del Evangelio
en mi vida diaria a través de mis palabras y
En momentos de vacilación, recuérdeme:
¿Si no soy yo, entonces quién proclamará el
¿Si no es ahora, entonces cuándo será
proclamado el Evangelio?
¿Si no proclamo la verdad del Evangelio,
entonces qué proclamaré?
God, our Father, I pray that through the Holy
Spirit I might hear the call of the New
Evangelization to deepen my faith,
grow in confidence to proclaim the Gospel
and boldly witness to the saving grace
of your Son, Jesus Christ,
who lives and reigns with you,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God,
forever and ever. Amen.
Dios, Padre nuestro, rezo que a través del
Espíritu Santo yo pueda oír la llamada de la
Nueva Evangelización a profundizar mi fe, crecer
en confianza para proclamar el Evangelio y
vigorosamente atestiguar a la gracia salvadora
de tu Hijo, Jesucristo,
quien vive y reina contigo, en la unidad del
Espíritu Santo, y es Dios,
por los siglos de los siglos.
Society of St. Vincent de Paul
In the Gospel today, Jesus tells us that “whoever wishes to save his life
will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will save it.”
Prayer is very important to Christians. It reassures us who we are and gives us
the strength to deny ourselves, take up our daily cross and lose ourselves in Jesus.
Following Jesus has its cost. We save our lives by losing them. We know this is true
because Jesus showed us the way.
This week, know that your generous gift to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul will
bring hope and a sign of God’s love, generosity, and service in a special way to the
poor. Consider joining us. We meet on the third Tuesday of every month at 12:30PM in
the Conference Room of the Parish Center. New Members are always welcome.
Drawing: JULY 12th—7:00PM
~ Fewer than 60 Tickets Left ~
Knights of Columbus Hall
It is Super Raffle time again. This is
the largest fundraiser of the year for
our Parish. Last year we raised just
over $20,000.00 for the parish.
We could not have done this
Without your support.
Reserve your lucky number now.
Call or stop at the Parish Office
to purchase your Super Raffle ticket
or reserve your lucky number.
We will be selling 325 tickets again this year.
Tickets are $100.00 each
First Prize is $10,000.00 plus 3 -$500.00 prizes.
We are also looking for donations
of NEW items for door prizes and
our auction baskets. Or if you
would consider making a basket
for the Auction table, it would be
greatly appreciated.
12 de julio—a las 7:00PM
~Quedan menos de 60 boletos ~
¡Venga Pronto y Compre el suyo!
Salón de los Caballeros de Colón
Otra vez, es tiempo para la Súper Rifa.
Este evento para recaudar fondos para
nuestra parroquia es el más grande del
año. El año pasado recaudamos más
de $20,000.00. No podríamos
Haber hecho esto sin su apoyo.
¡Reserve su número
de la buena suerte ahora!
El primer premio es $10,000.00
más tres premios de $500.00.
Boletos $100.00 cada uno
También, buscamos donaciones
de artículos NUEVOS para premios
de la puerta y nuestras canastas
de subasta. Si puede hacer una
canasta para la mesa de la
subasta, estaremos muy
Somos La Parroquia de San Juan de Dios - Comprometidos a La Fe, La Familia, y La Comunidad!
Nuestra parroquia tiene la suerte de tener personas interesadas en crecer en su fe por
medio de los estudios teológicos. El jueves, 20
de junio en la Catedral de Santa Inés y el viernes
el 21 de junio en la Iglesia San Mateo dos grupos
de nuestra parroquia recibieron sus diplomas.
La esperanza de nuestra parroquia es tener feligreses educados que puedan transmitir la fe a
los otros con una base sólida, radicada en las
Sagradas Escrituras y las enseñanzas del Magisterio de la Iglesia Católica.
Después de pasar la Cuaresma, la Pascua y los
días posteriores a esta fiesta, entramos de nuevo
en el Tiempo Ordinario. Este año las lecturas del
Evangelio son tomadas de San Lucas, comenzando hoy con una conversación con la que Jesús comienza su camino a Jerusalén –y a la cruz. Como
seguidores de el, procuramos marchar con él, incuso hasta la cruz.
La carta de Pablo a los Gálatas nos dice que
nosotros los bautizados debemos “revestirnos” de
Cristo. Al ser uno con Cristo, no debemos hacer
discriminaciones de raza, nacionalidad, clases social o género.
El profeta Zacarías, muchos siglos antes de
que nadie oyera hablar de Jesús, explicaba cómo
el pueblo iba a rechazar el mensaje de Dios, encontrándolo incómodo, y se volverían contra los
mensajeros. Sin embargo, luego la gente se daría
cuenta de lo que habían hecho y se arrepentirían.
Y Dios los acogería de nuevo, pues siempre nos
concede la gracia para hacer lo correcto, sin importar lo difícil que sea.
Vigilia: Jer 1:4-10; Sal 71 (70):1-6, 15, 17;
1 Pe 1:8-12; Lc 1:5-17
Día: Is 49:1-6; Sal 139 (138):1-3, 13-15;
Hch 13:22-26; Lc 1:57-66, 80
Gn 13:2, 5-18; Sal 15 (14):2-4ab, 5;
Mt 7:6, 12-14
Miércoles: Gn 15:1-12, 17-18; Sal 105 (104):1-4, 6-9;
Mt 7:15-20
Gn 16:1-12, 15-16 [6b-12, 15-16];
Sal 106 (105):1b-5; Mt 7:21-29
Gn 17:1, 9-10, 15-22; Sal 128 (127):1-5;
Mt 8:1-4
Vigilia: Hch 3:1-10; Sal 19 (18):2-5;
Gal 1:11-20; Jn 21:15-19
Día: Hch 12:1-11; Sal 34 (33):2-9;
2 Tim 4:6-8, 17-18; Mt 16:13-19
Domingo: 1 Re 19:16b, 19-21; Sal 16 (15):1-2, 5, 7-11;
Gal 5:1, 13-18; Lc 9:51-62
Muchas personas piensan que fueron bautizados
en la Iglesia Católica y por eso, pueden asistir a
cualquier Iglesia Católica los domingos. Parte de este
pensamiento es correcto y la otra parte es equivocada.
Como personas humanas necesitamos dar nuestra
lealtad a una familia, a un país, a un club. Si me gusta
jugar fútbol en serio, necesito un equipo particular.
Si quiero bautizar a mis hijos, casarme en la Iglesia
Católica, recibir una carta de referencia de la Iglesia, o
participar en algunas reuniones de la Iglesia, vale la
pena que esté inscrito en tal Iglesia. Claro, si estoy de
viaje o estoy visitando a alguien en otro lugar, es valido asistir a la misa el domingo en otra Iglesia Católica.
Sin embargo, yo debo pertenecer a una Iglesia Católica
particular y puedo hacerlo inscribiéndome en tal Iglesia. Puede obtener las formas de inscripción en la Oficina Principal.
Para los que tienen 18 años en adelante puedan
recibir los Sacramentos de Bautismo, Confirmación y
Comunión, nuestra iglesia, San Juan de Dios, tiene un
programa en el cual estas personas pueden recibir los
sacramentos que les falten. El primer paso para hacer
esto es llamar a la Iglesia para inscribirse y recibir más
información del proceso. Puede llamar a la Hermana
Claudia 234-6535 x 106 para la entrevista.
¿Cuándo? 13 de Julio
¿Salida? 8:15 de la 3ra avenida,
frente al Citibank
¿Quién? Adultos de 21 años + ( I.D.
mostrando edades importante)
¿Donación? $35 cada boleto
Boletos disponibles en la Oficina
Beneficio para la Iglesia San Juan de Dios
St. John of God Outstanding Service Awards
Thank Yo
For Your
The true wealth of a parish is not in its bank accounts
but in its volunteers. This is especially true when the
volunteers are open to the movement of the Holy Spirit
in their lives prompting them to offer their time and
abilities to build up the Kingdom of God.
St. John of God, as a parish, is truly blessed to have so
many volunteers. The following names have been put
forth by the leaders in the parish community as
individuals who have given Outstanding Service and Dedication to St. John Of God
Dinah J Liguidi-Dixon
Julian Middleton
Mary Bassett
Chris Gladle
Mary Moucha
Richard Watkins
Josephine Seymour
Jeanne Milone
Christian Brown
Thomas Walsh
Carmelo Artusa
Esther Alpers
Patricia Mallon
S. Valerie Scholl, CSJ
Irene Miller
Paul Gruner
Daniel Devine
Maureen Esposito
Anna Marie Schulz
Mary Ann Gruner
Julissa Santiago
Grabriel Rivera
Catherine Brennan
Jack Lafferty
Suzanne Lafferty
Iris Santiago
Virginia Daus
Bernadette Romano
Pat Edwards
Andrew Antonawich
Carol Antonawich
José Orellana
Patricia Spiegel
James Byrne
Dolores Marte
Dcn. René Alvarado
Guillermo Maravilla
Yanira Copland
Olga Barahona
Claudia González
Digna Sandi
José Medrano
Beatriz Valdez
José Valdez
Estela Barahona
Juanita Flores
Heriberto Reyes
German Bonilla
Sonia Alvarado
Ana Amaya
María Reyes
Francisco Canales
Máxima Duran
Verónica Reyes
Ramón G. Suriel
Hilda Berrroa-Colón
Tito Reto
Hidardo Cabral
Daysi Canales
Cristóbal Benítez
Mario Morales
Ricardo Barahona
Mayra Fuentes
Orbelina Reyes
Sr. Marie de Montfort Shields, CSJ
Sr. Catherine Cunningham, CSJ