Download September 13, 2009 128 S. Third Street Buckeye, AZ 85326 (623
September 13, 2009 Parish Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 9:00a.m. - 4:00p.m. Friday: 9:00a.m.—1:00p.m. Mass Times/Hora de Misas Saturday (at St. Henry Church) Sunday (at Sundance Elementary School) Monday Wednesday Thursday Friday 5:00 p.m. English 9:30 a.m. English 11:30 a.m. Español 8:30 a.m. 12:00 noon (followed by Exposition & Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament) 8:30 a.m. 8:30 a.m. Fr. William J. Kosco, Pastor Deacon George Cameron Deacon Victor León Deacon Mark Gribowski Ministerial Staff R. E. Director RCIA Español RCIA English Jr. High Frances Garcia Adela & Alan Gaxiola Terry Ann Chavez Dolores Sandoval Administration Secretary Office Assistant Maintenance Supervisor Nancy Vela Flor de liz López Deacon Victor León Sacraments Baptisms Call the office for an interview. Llame a la oficina para una entrevista. Confessions Wednesday 4:00 - 5:00 p.m. Saturday 3:30 - 4:30 p.m. Marriage Call the office one year in advance Llame a la oficina con un año de anticipo. St. Vincent de Paul 623-386-6553 Welcome New Parishioners/Bienvenidos Nuevos Feligreses Registration forms available on Sundays after every Mass./Formas para registrarse disponibles los domingos después de cada Misa. 128 S. Third Street Buckeye, AZ 85326 (623) 386-6407 September 13, 2009 Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Welcome to St. Henry, Deacon Mark! The Son of Man must suffer greatly. I would like to thank everyone for the warm welcome and support my family and I have received since moving to the Buckeye area. I would like to share a little of my background with you. My wife Cindy and I have lived in Wisconsin our entire lives. We have been married for 28 years. We have two daughters’ age 27 & 24 and one son age 23. I have worked in manufacturing and administration for the past 35 years. I also served in the Wisconsin National Guard for 20 years. I was ordained May 8, 1998 in the Diocese of Green Bay. I served as a deacon at Holy Family Parish in Marinette, Wisconsin. Some of the areas I have worked in include: religious education, prison ministry, pastoral care, social concerns and parish administration. I look forward to serving the parish community of St. Henry. Deacon Mark Gribowski Marriage Preparation Sept. 12, - Sept. 20, 2009 Saturday, September 12 5:00 p.m. — +Robert Saide Sunday, September 13 9:30 a.m. — People of the Parish 11:30 a.m. —+ Francisco Javier Bello Are you engaged, or civilly-married with hopes to marry in the Church? The next "Introduction to Marriage Preparation" session is this Saturday September 19 at 10am. At this gathering we will give you all the information you will need to begin the process of entering into sacramental marriage. Please call the office to register for this session. Advertiser of the Month NO MASS This month of September we salute our bulletin advertiser TOM JONES FORD located on Highway 85 east of downtown Buckeye. Our advertiser make this bulletin possible. NO MASS September Wedding Anniversaries Monday, September 14 8:30 a.m. —+Cecco Conrad Tuesday, September 15 Wednesday, September 16 Thursday, September 17 NO MASS Friday, September 18 NO MASS Saturday, September 19 5:00 p.m. — +Gail Duncan Sunday, September 20 9:30 a.m. — People of the Parish 11:30 a.m. —+Hector Zapata Sanctuary Lamp Our Sanctuary Lamp is burning this week of The Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time, for the intention of: + Marcelo Valdez + By Alicia Valdez SUNDAY OFFERINGS OFRENDA DOMINICAL September 06, 2009 Regular collection Building Fund $4,096.00 $948.00 Antonio & Flor de liz Lopez 30th anniversary Juan & Angelina de al Torre 41st anniversary Rich & Cathy Haydusko 45th anniversary Congratulations and thank you for your witness to married life! If you are a St. Henry parish couple celebrating the anniversary of your entrance into the sacrament of holy matrimony, contact the office to be listed in our bulletin. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults R.C.I.A. starts today, Sunday, September 13th after 9:30am Mass at Sundance in the Conference Room. Please come if your are interested, even if you have not signed up yet. For more information call Terry Ann Chavez at 602-881-4179. Thank you. Children’s Religious Education Religious Education for children in Kindergarten through 8 th grade begins this week! K - 3rd grade Monday 4:30 - 6:00pm 4th & 5th grade Tuesday 4:30 - 6:00pm 6th - 8th grade Wednesday 4:30 - 6:00pm Students must have already registered for classes to attend. Enrollment has closed. Single Catholic Retreat The next Catholic Retreat for Young Singles (CRYS) is coming soon: September 25-27. This retreat is for single Catholics 18-40 years of age. Join singles from throughout the diocese to share faith & friendship. To register, call Veronica (602) 909-3459 or Eric (602) 369-8018. Septiembre 13, 2009 24º Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Aniversario de Bodas en Septiembre Antonio & Flor de liz Lopez 30 aniversario Juan & Angelina de al Torre 41 aniversario Rich & Cathy Haydusko 45 aniversario Felicidades y gracias por ser testigos de la vida matrimonial. Si son una pareja de San Enrique celebrando haber contraído el santo sacramento de matrimonio, comuníquese a la oficina para anunciarlo en el boletín. Next Sunday Scripture Readings Wis./Sab…….. 2:12, 17-20 James/Santiago..3:16—4:3 Mark/Marcos….9:30-37 Estudio Bíblico ¿Si desea estar mejor preparado para celebrar y entender mejor la Misa del Domingo? Entonces lo invitamos al Estudio Bíblico que se esta llevando a cabo los viernes a las 7:00PM en la Iglesia San Enrique. Lo único que tiene que traer es su Biblia y un corazón abierto al Señor Jesús. ¿Desea Casarse por la Iglesia? ¿Esta comprometido, o casado por el civil con deseos de casarse por la Iglesia? La siguiente sesión "Introducción Para Preparación Matrimonial" es el sábado 19 de septiembre a las 10:00AM. En esta reunión les daremos toda la información que necesitará para iniciar el proceso para entrar a el matrimonio sacramental. Para registrarse a esta sesión, favor de llamar a la oficina. Aplicaciones Para Confirmación Disponibles Las formas de inscripción para la Confirmación de los jóvenes (edad 14-18) estarán disponibles después de Misa y en la oficina durante el mes de septiembre. Las inscripciones deben regresarse a FINES de septiembre. Una vez iniciando las clases no se admitirá a nadie mas. Se requiere una cuota de $10.00 por las clases que darán comienzo el jueves 1 ro de octubre. Las Confirmaciones serán el jueves 10 de diciembre en la Iglesia Católica de St. Thomas Aquinas en Avondale. Las clases son en Ingles. Si su joven no habla Ingles, el/ella debe inscribirse en el programa de RICA. ¡La doctrina para los niños de Kindergarten al 8 grado comienza esta semana! K - 3 grado…………….lunes 4:30-6:00pm 4 & 5 grado……….….martes 4:30-6:00pm 6 - 8 grado……….. miércoles 4:30-6:00pm Los estudiantes deben estar ya registrados para asistir a clases. Las inscripciones se han cerrado DEBIDO A LA CONVOCACION DE SACERDOTES EN FLAGSTAFF ESTA SEMANA SOLO HABRA MISA DIARIA EL LUNES. NO HABRA CONFESIONES EL MIERCOLES. BODAS MULTIPLES 2010 Si esta casado por el civil y des ea casarse por la Iglesia, esto es para usted. La Iglesia esta planeando celebrar Bodas Múltiples en el mes de febrero. Para iniciar con los preparativos, necesita asistir a la sesión "Introducción de Preparación Matrimonial" el sábado 19 de septiembre a las 10:00AM. En la sesión se le dará a saber los requisitos para comenzar. Es muy importante que asista a esta reunión para tener suficiente tiempo de adquirir los documentos y requisitos necesarios para febrero 2010. Favor de Llamar a la oficina para registrarse. Teen Confirmation Forms Available Registration forms for teen confirmation (ages 14-18) can be picked up after Masses in September or at the office. Application forms must be turned in BEFORE the end of September. There will be no new admissions once classes begin. There is a $10 fee for the classes which begin on Thursday October 1st. The Confirmation ceremony will be Thursday December 10th at St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church in Avondale. Daily Mass Schedule There will be no daily Mass or confessions this week except for Monday morning due to the priest convocation in Flagstaff. Ministros de Eucaristía Habrá una junta para los ministros activos y para aquellos que deseen ingresar a este ministerio. La junta será el lunes 14 de Sept. 7:00PM en el salón. No falte, lo esperamos. Gran Cena Baile Con Los Búhos de Mexicali Cuando Hora Donde Cena Boletos 26 de Septiembre, 2009 7:00PM-12:00AM Escuela de Liberty 19818 W US Hwy. 85 8:00 - 9:00PM $25.00 No bebidas alcohólicas Por favor no niños Información a los teléfonos: 623-251-4160, 623-882-9257 Y 760-715-6707. Los fondos serán destinados para la construcción de la nueva Iglesia. Abogados de Inmigración/ Immigration Attorneys Frausto & French, PLLC BUCKEYE LOCK AND KEY Commercial and Residential DIOCESE OF PHOENIX CATHOLIC CEMETERIES & MORTUARIES 115 W. McDowell Rd. #2-B Phoenix, AZ 85003 • 602-368-5650 Featuring The Catholic Heritage Plan Reserva su cita hoy/ Make an appointment today (602) 267-1329 Wisteria Hair Nails Etc ED’S FISH & CHIPS CORP. Jean T. (Ted) Francis–Owner/Locksmith BEFORE NEED PLANNING Avondale Full Service Salon & Spa 25560 W. Highway 85 Suite 26 Buckeye. AZ 85326 Office 623-327-3489 Cell 623-256-9475 Hours: 8-6 MON.-FRI. 9-4 SAT. CTI ELECTRIC, LLC. Palo Verde Rentals Residential & Commercial Chris Ivankovich 623-386-5399 623-932-5043 CHARITY- UNITY - FRATERNITY 306 N. Central Frank Bon, Jr., Parishioner “Arizona’s Best” Se Habla Español 23454 W. Hwy 85 • Buckeye No city sales tax New & Used Car Quotations Available ROC #221871 • Owner 623-386-4429 • FAX 623-386-2373 Quality Equipment for Homeowners & Contractors 623-386-5000 LICENSED • BONDED • INSURED It’s a Celebration! 3409 S. 256th Ave. • Buckeye, AZ 85326 (623) 327-3180 Office/FAX • (602) 400-2728 Cell Tables • Chairs • Linen • China • Heaters • Party Accessories Event & Party Rentals 623-386-5491 Enrique Gomez • New & Used Tires Low Pro Tires • New Chrome Wheels Catholic men serving the needs of the St. Henry Community Meeting 1st Sunday each month, St. Henry Church Hall At 11:30 AM Tire Shop & Mechanic Electrical 8am-7pm Mon-Sat. • Sun 8am-1pm 213 S. 4th Street Buckeye, AZ 85326 Membership Info: Don Davis 386-4079 LA LOMA CARE CENTER HIRING NOW!!! Advertising Sales Opportunities Liturgical Publications Inc “PROVIDING SOLUTIONS FOR RESIDENTS & FAMILIES” ***OPEN TO THE PUBLIC*** 96 BED SKILLED NURSING FACILITY MEDICAL ASSISTED LIVING, MEMORY CARE AND SKILLED NURSING ■ RESTORATIVE NURSING CARE ■ REHABILITATION SERVICES (Physical, Occupational, Speech) ■ ACTIVITIES ■ ON-SITE MEDICAL SOCIAL SERVICES ■ CHEF AND ON STAFF DIETICIAN ■ HOME LIKE ENVIRONMENT ■ RESPITE STAYS WELCOME ■ ■ Tye Green • Tony Roer Dorothy Roer Lockard Auto • Home • Life • Farm/Ranch • Business • Annuities • IRAs 311 North Miller Road • Buckeye, AZ 85326 (623) 935-6209 • Fax (623) 935-6340 Farm Bureau Life Insurance Company, West De Moines, IA Western Agricultural Insurance Company, Higlay, AZ 623-537-7400 or 623-537-7401 without discount service Cakes For All Occasions St. Henry Parishioner Licensed - Bonded - Insured FREE Estimates It’s no accident more people trust State Farm. Brent Huddleston, Agent Historic Downtown Buckeye 713 E Monroe Ave Bus: 623-386-4432 • Hablamos Español Sell Adsis Like Th! 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Call Dave Walker First 602-989-1573 We work with all insurance companies Real Estate Redefined Gerardo “Gerry” De Guzman Designated Broker/Owner Your Foreclosure & Short Sale Specialist Cell: 623.606.5144 Fax: 623.386.6975 email: • own o m e&t Rental HHardware BUCKEYE 623-386-2833 Mon-Fri: 7-6:30 Sat: 7-6 • Sun: 9-4 GILA BEND 928-683-2758 Mon-Fri: 7-6 Sat 8-4 • Sun: Closed Please support these advertisers. For information on advertising call Jerry Bachand 1-800-950-9952, Ext. 2497 email: ©2009 FOR AD INFO CALL 1-800-950-9952 • WWW.4LPi.COM A 2C 05-0279 HENRY–BUCKEYE 08-31-2009 09:33:05