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September 28, 2014 - Twenty Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time S L M C P E C 1971 ST. LAWRENCE DRIVE, SANTA CLARA, CA 95051 ● TEL. NO. 408-296-3000 • FAX NO. 408-296-3100 Website: E-Mail Address: Celebrating our Catholic Faith through Worship, Education, and Service MASS TIMES Sunday 8:00 AM 10:00 AM (Children’s Liturgy of the Word) 12:00 Noon 1:30 PM (Mass in Spanish) 6:00 PM (Youth Mass) “Complete my joy by being of the same mind, with the same love, united in heart, thinking one thing.” Philippians 2: 2 Saturday 8:30 AM 5:00 PM (Sunday Vigil) Monday – Friday 8:30 AM American Sign Language Mass First and Third Sunday of the Month 6:30 PM In the Parish Hall Reconcilia on Saturday ● 3:30 PM – 4:30 PM Or by appointment Eucharis c Adora on Thursday 9:00 AM – 8:45 PM Solemn Benedic on 8:45 PM Devo ons Fr. Ernesto Orci Pastor Fr. Gener Geronimo Parochial Vicar PARISH OFFICE 1-408-296-3000 Monday - Friday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Saturday 9:00 AM - Noon Therie Velasco-Gonzales Office Manager Vickie Wallace Office Assistant Rosary - Monday to Saturday A er the 8:30 AM Mass Novena to Our Mother of Perpetual Help Tuesday ● 8:15 AM Noel Fisico Music Coordinator 1-408-869-8254 Chapel Open Daily 7:00 AM – 7:00 PM Sr. Graciela Ramos, MESST Pastoral Minister CATECHETICAL OFFICE SUNDAY SCHOOL OF RELIGION ELEMENTARY AND MIDDLE SCHOOL (Pre-K - 8th Grade) 1-408-296-0208 M. Eleanor de Paz Catechetical Director 1-408-296-2260 Monica Argenti - Principal ADVANCEMENT OFFICE MIDDLE SCHOOL YOUTH MINISTRY 1-408-296-0208 M. Eleanor de Paz 1-408-841-4282 Janet Yamada - Director CHILDREN’S CENTER 1-408-296-8077 HIGH SCHOOL CONFIRMATION 1-408-893-9353 Elizabeth Sanville - Coordinator Teen Center 1-408-296-8077 highschoolconfirmation Extended Day Care 1-408-296-8077 HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH MINISTRY ACADEMY 1-408-893-9353 Elizabeth Sanville - Coordinator Sue Herbelin - Director 1-408-296-3013 Phil Dolan - President YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY Patrick Sylvester - Coordinator Bridgit McGarry - Principal Joyful Twenty - Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time September 28, 2014 Sunday Ezekiel 18: 25-28 / Philippians 2: 1-11 or 2: 1-5 / Matthew 21: 28-32 (136) Mysteries 8:00 AM + Fred Schwehr + Apolinario D. Pe Benito, Sr. The Annunciation + Maria Mendonca The Angel Gabriel asks Mary to be + Marceliano Dela Cruz the Mother of Jesus 10:00 AM Saint Monica Sodality 12:00 PM + Lina and Ofelia + Philippe Trong Bao The Visitation + Maria Nguyen Thi Dang Mary Visits her Cousin + Antonio Nguyen Kim Chung Elizabeth. Elizabeth’s baby + Maria Mendonca (St. John the Baptist) recognizes Mary’s Baby (Jesus) + Tatiana Pham - Nguy in the womb! 1:30 PM + Maria Jesusita Cruz 6:00 PM People of Saint Lawrence September 29, 2014 Monday Saints Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael, Archangels The Nativity Daniel 7: 9-10, 13-14 or Revelation 12: 7-12a / John 1: 47-51 (647) Mary gives birth to 8:30 AM + Bryanna Sanville Jesus in a manger September 30, 2014 Tuesday Saint Jerome, Priest and Doctor of the Church Job 3: 1-3, 11-17, 20-23 / Luke 9: 51-56 (456) 8:30 AM + Claire Jason October 1, 2014 Wednesday Saint Thérése of the Child Jesus, Virgin and Doctor of the Church The Presentation Job 9: 1-12, 14-16 / Luke 9: 57-62 (457) Mary and Joseph take Jesus 8:30 AM Manuel Resendez - Happy Birthday to the Temple, and Simeon and Anna recognize Jesus October 2, 2014 Thursday The Holy Guardian Angels as the Messiah Job 19: 21-27 (458) / Matthew 18: 1-5, 10* (650) 8:30 AM + Apolinario D. Pe Benito, Sr. October 3, 2014 Friday Weekday Job 38: 1, 12-21; 40: 3-5 / Luke 10: 13-16 (459) The Finding in the 8:30 AM Diana and Robert Kalt - Happy Anniversary Temple October 4, 2014 Saturday Saint Francis of Assisi Mary and Joseph fear Job 42: 1-3, 5-6, 12-17 / Luke 10: 17-24 (460) Jesus is lost. They find Him 8:30 AM teaching in the Temple. 5:00 PM People of Saint Lawrence Text Source: Our Sunday Visitor October 5, 2014 Sunday Twenty - Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time Isaiah 5: 1-7 / Philippians 4: 6-9 / Matthew 21: 33-43 (139) Únete a nosotros 11 de Octubre 11 de la mañana Misa con el obispo Daly seguida de una procesión por la Vida Iglesia de St. Leo 2 de noviembre 7:30 de la tarde-Procesión con velas Iglesia de St. Leo Join Bishop Thomas Daly for a Mass for the Sanc ty of Human Life and a Procession for Life at 11am on October 11th at St. Leo Church, 88 Race Street, San Jose, CA 95126. Our goal is to change hearts, to end abor on and to Help pregnant moms choose life through motherhood or adop on. Daily prayer vigils to end abor on from 8am to 7pm each day from September 24th to November 2ndh at 1691 the Alameda, San Jose 408-497-7270 September 28, 2014 — 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time — Page 2 September 28, 2014 – Day of Prayer for the Synod on the Family Prayer to the Holy Family Pope Francis Oración a la Sagrada Familia Papa Francisco Jesus, Mary and Joseph, in you we contemplate the splendor of true love, to you we turn with trust. Jesús, María y José en vosotros contemplamos el esplendor del verdadero amor, a vosotros, confiados, nos dirigimos. Holy Family of Nazareth, grant that our families too may be places of communion and prayer, authen c schools of the Gospel and small domes c Churches. Santa Familia de Nazaret, haz también de nuestras familias lugar de comunión y cenáculo de oración, autén cas escuelas del Evangelio y pequeñas Iglesias domés cas. Holy Family of Nazareth, may families never again experience violence, rejec on and division: may all who have been hurt or scandalized find ready comfort and healing. Santa Familia de Nazaret, que nunca más haya en las familias episodios de violencia, de cerrazón y división; que quien haya sido herido o escandalizado sea pronto consolado y curado. Holy Family of Nazareth, may the approaching Synod of Bishops make us once more mindful of the sacredness and inviolability of the family, and its beauty in God’s plan. The Holy Family with a Lamb Jesus, Mary and Joseph, graciously hear our prayer. Amen. The Lord is always there wai ng to give us his love: it is an amazing thing, one which never ceases to surprise us! Pope Francis @Pon fex Semana # 1: La Iglesia: Una, Santa, Católica y Apostólica Esta viernes, octubre 3, a las 7pm, comienza el curso, Catolicismo 201 y se basa en las cuatro "marcas" de la Iglesia, tomadas del Credo de Nicea: "Una, Santa, Católica y Apostólica". El tema trata con Santa Familia de Nazaret, que el próximo Sínodo de los Obispos haga tomar conciencia a todos del carácter sagrado e inviolable de la familia, de su belleza en el proyecto de Dios. Jesús, María y José, escuchad, acoged nuestra súplica. Amén 1. la auto-comprensión de la Iglesia Católica en el medio de la más amplia "Iglesia de Cristo", 2. el problema del pecado de los miembros de la Iglesia, 3. la naturaleza universal de la Iglesia y 4. el papel del Magisterio de la Iglesia. September 28, 2014 — 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time — Page 3 … From the Diocese of San Jose Plan beyond2000 2000 Plan now now to to attend attend FAITH FAITH beyond andgive giveyour yourministry ministryand andyour yourspirituality spiritualityaaboost! boost! and For more information please contact Eleanor de Paz, Catechetical Director at 1-408-296-0208 or September 28, 2014 — 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time — Page 4 Has someone you know and love lost the faith? On the last Sunday of each month, a Mass is offered for them. Please join our Saint Monica Sodality. There are no dues and no mee ngs, only your prayers are required. Send the names of loved ones to be remembered to Mary Ann Miller c/o The Saint Lawrence Parish Office. She will add these names to our special album and a prayer card will be given to you. Please pray each day that all of our loved ones will return to God. ¿Está usted viviendo en unión libre o casado por el civil solamente? ¿Desea usted estar bien con las enseñanzas de la Iglesia Católica y con Dios? Nuestra Parroquia de San Lorenzo, már r invita a todas las parejas que aún no han recibido el sacramento del Matrimonio y que viven en unión libre o solo casados por el estado civil, a par cipar en las Bodas Comunitarias que vamos a tener en nuestra parroquia el 14 de Febrero del 2015. Tendremos una reunión de orientación el día 7 de Sep embre después de la misa de 1:30 en el Children Center donde se proveerá más información. Necesitaran entre otros documentos la FE DE BAUTISMO reciente (Lo que significa que tendrá que mandarse pedir al lugar donde cada uno fue bau zado) Si desean mas información comunicarse con al Hna. Graciela Ramos al 408-869-8254 Eucharis c Adora on Adora on is homage of the spirit to the "King of Glory," respec ul silence in the presence of the "ever greater" God. Adora on of the thrice-holy and sovereign God of love blends with humility and gives assurance to our supplica ons. —Catechism of the Catholic Church, no. 2628 Source: h p:// ons/adora on/ index.cfm Every Thursday in Saint Lawrence the Martyr Chapel From 9:00 AM to 8:45 PM Solemn Benedic on 8:45 PM to 9:00 PM Friendship Club Luncheon Thursday, October 9, 2014 12 Noon Parish Hall Guest Speaker: Geraldine Madore, Financial Advisor and Autumn Engel, Estate Planning Attorney Speaking on: "How to make sure your $$$ is in good order" If you would like to commit to one hour of weekly Adoration, please contact the Parish Office at (408) 296-3000 or Leila Tabet at (408) 836-1211 Cost $10 - Salad Bar and Dessert RSVP only if coming: Mary Ann Miller (408) 887-3675 Ellen Navarra (408) 244-9659 The 2015 Mass Inten ons Book is Now Available! Breakdown for Mass inten ons is as follows: Monday - Saturday; 8:30 AM Mass: One inten on per Mass Saturday, 5:00 PM Mass: One inten on Sunday, 8:00 AM Mass: Six inten ons Sunday, 10:00 AM Mass: One inten on ffice O h s ri a P e Sunday, 12 Noon Mass: Six inten ons s in th Come visit u . s n o n Sunday, 1:30 PM Mass: One inten on Mass inte to offer your Sunday, 6:00 PM Mass: One inten on September 28, 2014 — 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time — Page 5 It’s Popcorn Time! Popcorn Sales 2014 Please come and support your favorite pack! Looking for an opportunity to share your me and talent? St. Lawrence Cub Scout Pack 54 will be selling their delicious popcorn on Saint Lawrence has a new commi ee that will brainstorm, review, and priori ze the major facili es improvement projects here in the Parish and schools. Saturday, September 27 after the 5:00 PM Mass and on Sunday, September 28, after the 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM and 12:00 PM Masses. Remember that the pack receives from 26 to 33% commission on all sales and another 31% goes directly to our local Scout Council to support scouting projects. Interest in building management, facili es, construc on, and maintenance, will be helpful although not necessary. Please join by contac ng Fr. Ernesto Orci, our Pastor, at: or 408-296-3000 Pancake Breakfast Considering To Be Catholic? Adults (18 years or older) / Children (7 - 17 years old) For more informa on, please call Eleanor De Paz Cateche cal Director at 408-296-0208 or E-mail Sponsored by the Knights of Columbus Sunday, October 12, 2014 A er the 8:00 AM and 10:00 AM Masses Parish Hall Thank you very much! Luck of St. Lawrence Lottery is Back! Tickets Are Available at the Parish Of ice. You can be The next Lucky winner The next drawing will be on October 31, 2014 for a $200 Prize. cket you Remember that each buy now gives you 9 chances to win. Please return your sold cket stubs with payment to the Parish Office since the sooner you turn in your sold ckets, the more chances you have to win the prizes money. Ticket must be returned to the Parish Office on October 29 before 4:00 PM for the drawing on October 31st. September 28, 2014 — 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time — Page 6 Saint Lawrence proudly presents…. ADULT FAITH FORMATION!! Sessions are offered in both English and Spanish every Sunday, 11:10AM-11:55AM led by Sr. Graciela Ramos and Steve Varnau. Come and explore your faith!! Drop-in basis; No registra on required. Class Loca ons: English Sessions - “Big Kid’s Room” next to Parish Hall. Spanish Sessions - Teen Center (Room 107 at the St. Lawrence For more informa on, contact Eleanor de Paz at (408) 296-0208; What does it mean to be an Altar Server?? Saint Lawrence the Martyr Parish and Education Center welcomes young Catholics, 4th grade and above, to participate in the Altar Server Ministry. This Ministry is a service to respond to our baptismal calling. God has given us a gift to serve one another. As an Altar server, you serve the assembly by helping the presider (priest) throughout the celebration of the Mass; you learn what it means to celebrate the Eucharist and to be a good steward of God’s gift at this Parish Community! All who are interested must have received First Holy Communion and can participate regardless of where they attend school. Please complete form and return to Parish Office or email to Anna Chitwood at Wednesday - School Mass Sunday - 8:00 AM Saturday - 5:00 PM Sunday - 12 Noon Sunday - 10:00 AM Sunday - 6:00 PM Sunday - 1:30 PM September 28, 2014 — 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time — Page 7 Office for the Protec on of Children and Vulnerable Adults Office of Financial Services If you suspect financial mismanagement or misconduct in your parish, school, Diocese of San Jose Anthony Gonzalez or in the Phone: 1-408-983-0113 Diocese of San Jose, Fax: 1-408-983-0147 please contact: Emergency line: EthicsPoint 1-408-983-0141 E-mail: or hotline protec 888-325-7863 Rommey Avila Stan Boben Paul Bose Eleanore Brennan Diane Byrd Marie Cote Mimi Eilrich Melanie Fischer Lincoln Groner Gabriela Guillen Mercedes Hardison Hubert Jansen Ann Lizotte Pat Naki Thanh Nguyen Barbara Orason Ernie Ortiz Hilda Peralta Rosalie Perez Arlene Thompson Please Pray For... Our Parishioners, Friends, and Family Beatrice Cueto Augustina Robert Carag Avelina Carrillo Phil Donahue James Donnelly Jessie Espinosa Clell Grimes John Hallett Mikey Hallett Brooks Levine Jubilee Liebich Anthony Ligot Kathy Mannina Marilyn Mara Mercedita Marticio Patrick McMahn Mackena Naki Peggy O’Donnell Luchie P. Qugana Arturo Presa Yolanda Romero Dale Roph Mark Roph Keiko Sakuma Larry Yates CATHOLIC Gate of Heaven Calvary CEMETERIES Cemetery Cemetery OF THE 22555 2655 DIOCESE Cristo Rey Drive Madden Avenue Los Altos, CA 94024 San Jose, CA 95116 (650) 428-3730 (408) 258-2940 OF SAN JOSE Please call ahead for Pre-Needs or At-Need Arrangements Kiss Me, Kate… A Benefit Performance for Birthright of San Jose October 2, 2014 Thursday 8:00 PM Saratoga Civic Theater 13777 Fruitvale Avenue Saratoga, CA 95070 Tickets: $40 each Doors open at 6:15 PM Complimentary hors d’oeuvres, champagne, and sparkling lemonade Raffle for wonderful prizes Silent auction items to grab your imagination For more information, please call Bernie at 408-268-2615. Birthright is a pregnancy support group dedicated to the welfare of all pregnant women. Our mission statement is: Every pregnant woman has the right to give birth, and every baby has the right to be born. 4th Annual Catholic Young Adult Pure Fire Retreat Reconnect : Come As You Are When : Oct 3-5, Fri evening-Sunday afternoon Where : Vallombrosa Center in Menlo Park Why : All young adults in their 20's and 30's are invited to this re treat focused on reconnecting with God. Information at : Facebook : Young Adult Catholics of San Jose and Santa Clara County Questions : September 28, 2014 — 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time — Page 8 Personal Responsibility (taken from commentary on today’s First Reading) By: Deborah Ferry At some point most of us have probably had the same thought expressed at the beginning of today’s First Reading: “The Lord’s way is not fair!” These words are followed by the Lord’s ques on, spoken through the prophet Ezekiel, and heard by us today, which calls the people to reflect on the nature of what exactly is unfair – the Lord’s way or human ways. The passage is taken from Chapter 18 of the Book of Ezekiel, which is devoted to the theme of personal responsibility. The chapter begins with the prophet speaking the Lord’s word, ques oning the meaning of the proverb that says that because fathers have eaten green grapes, their children’s teeth are on edge (18:1-2). The proverb expressed the wisdom of the day, which held that people are punished for the sins of their ancestors. In today’s reading, however, the prophet, speaking for the Lord, transforms that wisdom and teaches that individuals must assume responsibility for their own choices. When people choose iniquity or sin, they will suffer death because of that choice. On the other hand, when people choose to do what is right and just, they will live. The reading lays out the personal choice between sin and death and jus ce and life to each and every one of us. Today’s Gospel parable relates back to the First Reading. It is the first in a series of three parables on the judgment of Israel addressed to the chief priests and elders. It is the only one of the three unique to Ma hew, and through it, Jesus teaches a message similar to that spoken through the prophet Ezekiel in the First Reading: if you convert to the Lord and his ways, you will have life with him. All Saints Day 09/20/2014 - Saturday 5:00 PM 09/21/2014 - Sunday 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 12:00 PM 1:30 PM 6:00 PM Mail In ACH/CC Total Stewardship Offering Goal - Stewardship Variance Notes: $ 1.00 $ 1,508.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,174.50 Actual 1,415.00 1,264.02 810.93 735.37 520.00 Goal 7,428.82 6,800.00 $ 628.82 Year-To-Date Stewardship July 1, 2014 - September 22, 2014 $118,650 YTD Variance ($19,020) $137,670 $- $20,000 $40,000 $60,000 $80,000 $100,000 $120,000 $140,000 Stewardship is defined as the total collections from the regular weekly masses - Saturday 5:00 pm vigil, Sunday (8:00 am,10:00 am, 12:00 pm, 1:30 pm and 6:00 pm). Special Masses (i.e. Christmas and Easter) are also included and will be reflected in the chart during those specific weeks. Second collections and stipends are excluded from this data. The ”Goal" numbers reflect the approved Parish budget for the 2014/2015 fiscal year plus the increase to cover operating expenses without Summer Camp revenue. Twenty Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time September 28, 2014 Fund for Church Loan Payments and Maintenance October 5, 2014 Special Collec on for the Napa Earthquake The first son in today’s Gospel said he would do his father’s bidding, but did not. The second son balked at first, but then repented and did as he was asked.What service is God calling me to do? Which son am I more like? Excerpt from Stewardship By The Book by: Sharon Hueckel September 28, 2014 — 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time — Page 9 SLEMS Hosts New Parent Coffee A er students have been in school for a few weeks, new families have a more clear idea of how school procedures work, but may have ques ons about family commitment and the various obliga ons that are a part of that. The New Parent Coffee, held September 19, answers those ques ons for over forty families. Principal Monica Argen explained procedures and answered ques ons, along with support from Vice Principal Adrian Gardner and experts in each area of interest. Breakfast treats provided by the PTG made the event social, allowing new parents to get to know each other and staff members. Each first Friday of the month Mrs. Argen and Mr. Gardner host Coffee on the Commons for all parents of the school. Saint Lawrence Elementary and Middle School does not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of race, c olor, national or ethnic origin, age, sex, or disability in the admission of students, the administration of educational policies, scholarship, and loan programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs. September 28, 2014 — 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time — Page 10 P LEASE CALL THE P ARISH O FFICE Baptism of Infants At least two months in advance before the desired date of Baptism. Marriage At least six months prior to the desired date of the Wedding Ceremony. Anointing of the Sick A priest should be called to celebrate the Sacrament of Anointing when someone becomes seriously ill, is weakened by years, or is preparing for surgery. Communion is brought to all members of our community who are ill or homebound. WWW.SAINTLAWRENCE.ORG Bautismos para bebes y niños menores de 7 años Llamar por lo menos con dos meses de anticipacióna de la fecha para el Bautizo. Ministry AT 408-296-3000 Matrimonio Llamar por lo menos con seis meses de anticipación de la fecha que desean para la boda. Unción de los Enfermos Un sacerdote debe ser llamado a celebrar el Sacramento de la Unción cuando alguien llega a ser gravemente enfermo, es debilitado por años, o está preparándose para una cirugía. Comunión a los Enfermos La Comunión se puede llevar a los miembros de nuestra comunidad que están enfermos o no pueden salir de la casa o del hospital por edad o enfermedad. Presentación Lleguen a la misa del tercer domingo con los niños que quieren tengan su presentación. La ceremonia se llevará a cabo antes de terminar la Misa del tercer domingo por medio de una bendición especial. Coordinator F O R TH E F O L L O W I N G : Confirmación (Preparación en Ingles) Adolescentes en el 9º grado de escuela o más avanzados que desean recibir el Sacramento de la Confirmación, por favor de llamar al tel. 408-893-9353 o enviar un e-mail a Elizabeth Sanville: Para adultos católicos (mayores de 18 años) que desean recibir el Sacramento de la Confirmación, por favor llamar al tel. 408-869-8254 o enviar un e-mail a Sr. Grace Ramos: Quinceañera Misa para quinceañera debe ser programada por lo menos con cuatro meses de anticipación. Por favor llame a la oficina o envié un e-mail Intenciones para una Misa Si desea ofrecer una Misa por alguien en especial, por favor venir a la oficina, en horas avilés. E-Mail Address Altar Servers Anna Chitwood Art and Environment Margaret Haselden 408-296-3000 Bulletin Therie Velasco 408-296-3000 Children's Liturgy of the Word Anna Chitwood 408-241-0836 408-472-7864 Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Mike Piccardo Phone Number 408-241-0836 Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Jennie De La Cerda 408-296-3000 Hospitality Ministers and Ushers Stan Spence 408-245-1485 Hospitality Ministers and Ushers Jackson Chun 408-745-7328 Lectors Deborah Ferry 408-296-3000 Mass in Spanish Manuel Hernandez 408-410-9124 Mass Scrip Elia Morgan 408-718-9331 Ministry to the Sick and the Homebound Jessie Garibaldi 408-243-1975 Music Ministry Noel Fisico 408-869-8254 Parish Finance Council Mark Tarcha 408-668-5650 Parish Pastoral Council Joseph Raja Sacristans Vickie Wallace 408-984-1142 Social Concerns Terry Jelley 408-296-3000 St. Vincent de Paul Society Terry Jelley 408-296-3000 Stewardship Offering Counters Michelle Varnau 408-296-3000 Stewardship Offering Counters Nicole Chun 408-296-3000 September 28, 2014 — 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time — Page 11