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St. Paul Catholic Church and Missions Iglesia Católica San Pablo y Misiones 4178 Highway 441 South, Douglas, Georgia 31535 Parish Office Office phone: 912-384-3560 In case of extreme emergency only call: 912-278-1567 Church email: Parish Website: St. William Catholic Church, P.O. Box 861, 807 S. Merrimac Dr., Fitzgerald, Holy Family Catholic Church, Atkinson County, Off Hwy 135 Administration ¤ Administración Pastor: Rev. Paul O’Connell MASS SCHEDULE AND INTENTIONS November 2 - November 8 Pastoral Assistant: Bertha Capetillo (Email: Monday: Mass-12:00pm Church Secretary: Janet Benton Adoration: 11:00-noon, Rosary-11:30am A PLACE FOR EVERYONE Tuesday: Mass-12:00pm Adoration: 11:00-noon, Rosary-11:30am Wednesday: Mass-12:00pm, Rosary-11:30 Adoration: 11:00-noon Thursday: Mass-12:00pm, Rosary-11:30am Adoration: 11:00-noon God and Community. First Friday: Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament: 5:00pm-6:00pm, Mass: 6:00pm, in honor of the Sacred Heart Saturday-Confessions: 5:00pm-6:00pm, at St. Paul, Douglas Sunday Masses: 8:00am English, Holy Family 9:30am English, St. Paul 11:45am Misa Español, St. Paul 5:00pm English, St. William 7:00pm Misa Español, St. William “The Church is a Field Hospital at the scene of a Battle.” --His Holiness, Pope Francis “The Church is called to be the house of the Father, with doors always wide open. One concrete sign of such openness is that our church doors should always be open, so that if someone, moved by the Spirit, come there looking for God, he or she will not find a closed door. There are other doors that should not be closed either. Everyone can share in some way in the life of the Church: everyone can be part of the community, nor should the doors of the sacraments be closed for simply any reason. This is especially true of the sacrament which is itself “the door”: Baptism. The Eucharist, although it is the fullness of sacramental life, is not a prize for the perfect but a powerful medicine and nourishment for the weak. The convictions have pastoral consequences that we are called to consider with prudence and boldness. Frequently, we act as arbiters of grace rather than its facilitators. But the Church is not a tollhouse; it is the house of the Father, where there is a place for everyone, with all their problems.” --His Holiness, Pope Frances, The Joy of the Gospel (Evangelii Gaudium) Our Mission Statement Declaración de Misión "La Iglesia es un hospital de campaña en el escenario de una batalla." --Su Santidad, el Papa Francisco FIRST FRIDAY MASS & ADORATION 5:00pm-6:00pm--Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 6:00pm--Mass in Honor of the Sacred Heart MONDAY, NOVEMBER 2 COMMERATION OF THE FAITHFUL DEPARTED ALL SOULS DAY Mass Times: 12:00 noon (English) 6:30pm (bilingual) FAMILY MOVIE NIGHT St. Paul’s Youth Group, CHAOS (“Christ Has All Our Solutions”) is planning Family Movie Night on Wed., Nov. 4, at St. Paul Church, 6:30- 8:30pm. Cost per person: $10.00, which includes dinner & movie. If parents are not accompanying their child on Movie Night, they must complete a permission slip for their child(ren). Money & permission slips will be collected by a member of the Youth Group that evening. The movie: The Nightmare Before Christmas. SOUTHERN CROSS SUBSCRIPTION DRIVE There’s still time to make your donation ($10.00 suggested) to the Southern Cross Subscription Drive. St. Paul & Missions is responsible for the cost of all subscriptions, so make out your check to the church which you attend each Sunday. Thank you. ROSARY AFTER MASS Some parishioners have voiced an interest in praying the Rosary after the 9:30 Mass each Sunday in honor of the Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary--please join us! Families will sign up and take turns to lead this Rosary: on November 1, Isidro and Apolonia Ortiz; Matthew Jarrard for November 8. Georgia Retired Educators Day is observed today. Nelson Mandela said, "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." Please join over 25,000 members of the Georgia Retired Educators Association in celebrating those who have given so much to so many. Teaching is the profession that teaches all other professions. HOLY FATHER’S PRAYER INTENTIONS FOR NOVEMBER Universal: That we may be open to personal encounter and dialogue with all, even those whose convictions differ from our own. Evangelization: That pastors of the Church, with profound love for their flocks, may accompany them and enliven their hope. WISE WORDS: “Do not fear; you are walking on the sea amidst the wind and waves, but you are with Jesus. What is there to fear? But, if fear takes you by surprise, pray, ‘Oh Lord, save me!’ He will stretch out His hand to you. Squeeze it tightly and walk joyfully.” --St. Padre Pio Conmemoración de Todos Los Fieles Difuntos (Día de Muertos) Lunes, 2 de Noviembre El Primer Viernes Misa y Exposición del Santísimo Sacramento A partir del Viernes, 6 de Noviembre tendremos la Exposición del Santísimo Sacramento en la Iglesia 5:00pm-6:00pm, y Misa a las 6:00pm. ¿Sabías? Las Pláticas de Bautismo serán el Primer Domingo de cada mes a las 9:30am. Para más información, favor de comunicarse con María García, despear de Misa o llamar a la oficina parroquial al 912-384-3560. Gracias. Los Bautismos se pueden programar los Sábados, a las 12:00 Mediodía o durante las misas del fin de semana. Bodas y Quinceañeras pueden ser programados a las 2:00 pm los sábados. Por favor llame a la oficina parroquial para discutir y programar. 832-810-9030 Aviso Reten. Este teléfono de Avisa de Retenes en el area. PREPARACIÓN PREMATRIMONIAL La parroquia de la Sagrada Familia (Holy Family Church) ofrece el curso de preparación prematrimonial “Y Serán los Dos Uno Solo” para el sacramento del matrimonio. El retiro de preparación prematrimonial será el día sábado, 7 de Noviembre del 2015 en la parroquia de la Sagrada Familia, 1110 South Lewis St., Metter, Ga. 30439 Si ya has hablado con tu sacerdote primero y estas preparándote para celebrar el sacramento del matrimonio, y deseas registrarte para el próximo retiro. Entonces por favor envía un correo electrónico a Dora Uscanga al o llama a Maria G. Ramos-Hibbs Directora de la oficina Vida Familiar para más información 912.201.4068. Misas: 12:00pm Ingles 6:30pm Bilingüe Iglesia de San Pablo Intenciones de Oraciones del Santo Padre Para Noviembre Universal. Diálogo. Para que nos abramos al encuentro personal y al diálogo con todos, también con quienes piensan distinto de nosotros. Por la Evangelización. Los pastores de la Iglesia. Para que los pastores de la Iglesia, con profundo amor por su rebaño, acompañen su camino y animen su esperanza. El Rosario de la llama del amor del Inmaculado Corazón de María Familias participantes después la 11:45 Misa 1 de Noviembre: José y Isabel Figueroa, y Francisco y Juana García. 8 de Noviembre: Claudia Bardomiano También, trae por favor, a Misa próxima la semana copias del Retiro 33 Días de que vamos a empezar de nuevo—18 de Octubre. Por favor, hable con María Brigmond para más información. THE USUAL ANNOUNCEMENTS… FYI ~FOR YOUR INFORMATION~ PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR ARMED FORCES ORAR POR NUESTROS SOLDADOS St. Paul’s ushers: Betty Sears, Judy Hackett, Toby & Lee Ann Cash Coffee & donuts sponsors: Holland, McKinnon & Jarrard Families Christmas Card Orders The Knights of Columbus are will be taking orders for Christmas Cards; they will have a display and order forms in the narthex (entryway) of the church. You’ll find some beautiful Catholic Christmas cards that portray the true meaning of the season. AN ACCOUNT OF OUR STEWARDSHIP St. Paul--Weekly Required Offertory: $4,607.00 Monthly Required Building Fund: $2,316.00 St. Paul Week of 10-25-15 Annual Budgeted Received to date Received (10-25-15) Southern Cross: $30.00 Offertory $190,000.00 66,749.59 3,521.57 Offertory: Holy Family Sunday (10-25-15): $391.00 Offertory: St. William Sunday (10-25-15): $492.00 CAPÍTULO DEL OBISPO PARA LA PROTECCIÓN DE NIÑOS Visite la página Web de la diócesis para leer el código: (912) 201-4073/4074. CHARTER FOR THE PROTECTION OF CHILDREN Visit diocesan Or call (912) 201-4073/4074. Captain Christopher Benson (California), Sgt. Adam Carson (Japan), PFC Miguel Contreras (Hawaii), Sgt. Blake Downs (N. Carolina), S.Sgt. Emmanuel Gamboa (Arizona), Vincente Guerrero, Kristopher Lentz, April Marten (Quatar), WO1 Jeb S. McKinnon (Alabama), Martin Rios, Candise Rolerson (Kansas), Juan Vargas (Afg.), Erick Vilches, Octavio Rodriguez (Japan), Leo Rodriguez (S. Carolina), Rolando Chavez (San Diego). Please phone or email the office to let us know if there is anyone who should be removed from our Prayer List. Pray for us that we may be healed Orar Por Nuestros Enfermos Colby Batten, Marcia Beasley, Timothy Benton, Brian Bice, Ashley Bowen, Joel Brigmond, Helen Casey, Stephanie Beecher Chambers, Ed Chybicki, Cecilia Deen, James Drexler, Jon Elgin, Nancy Espinoza, Mary Gafnea, Anselma Gomez, Tony Grantham, Aretha Green, Isabela Perez Guzman, Louise Hanna, Barbara Harper, Tillman Hattaway, Silvia Hernandez, Sarah Hinson, Rhoda Hunter, Ronald Hunter, Trish Irving, Diane Jackson, James Johnson, Neal Jordan, Rose Marie Klinger, Tim Kloer, Tara Harden Lee, Jenney Lindsey, Sharon Lizon, Cloteal Lott, Slade Lott, Anna Lucas, Hazel Mancil, Ernie Maxwell, Laura Martinez, Gail McDonald, Anthony McClelland, Karl McDonald, Henry McKinnon, Karen McKinnon, Joy McLelland, Debra Meeks, Danver Milkas, Ruth Miller, Margaret Mizel, Carol Ann Moody, Diane Moore, Carlene Murray, Tommy Newbern, Hazel Newell, Ken Newman, Marie Nipper, Nancy Overstreet, Don Ray Paulk, Mike Pearce, Barbara Purvis, Abbot Denis Quinkert, Pat Quinkert, Janet Reed, Darcile (Dot) Roney, Johnny Spell, Barron Thomas, Samantha Tolley, Diego Trejo, Rudolph Walker, Greg White, Richard White, Jeffrey Williams, Nick Williams, Tony Williams, Geneva Youngblood