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St. Paul Catholic Church and Missions Iglesia Católica San Pablo y Misiones 4178 Highway 441 South, Douglas, Georgia 31535 Parish Office Office phone: 912-384-3560 In case of extreme emergency only call: 912-278-1567 Church email: Parish Website: St. William Catholic Church, P.O. Box 861, 807 S. Merrimac Dr., Fitzgerald, Holy Family Catholic Church, Atkinson County, Off Hwy 135 Administration ¤ Administración Pastor: Rev. Paul O’Connell MASS SCHEDULE AND INTENTIONS August 8 – August 14 Pastoral Assistant: Bertha Capetillo (Email: Monday: No Mass Church Secretary: Janet Benton Tuesday: Mass-12:00pm A PLACE FOR EVERYONE Adoration: 11:00-noon, Rosary-11:30am Wednesday: Mass-12:00pm, Rosary-11:30 Adoration: 11:00-noon Thursday: Mass-12:00pm, Rosary-11:30am Adoration: 11:00-noon and Community. Friday: God No Mass Saturday-Confessions: 5:00pm-6:00pm at St. Paul, Douglas Sunday Masses: 8:00am English, Holy Family 9:30am English, St. Paul 11:45am Misa Español, St. Paul 5:00pm English, St. William 7:00pm Misa Español, St. William “The Church is a Field Hospital at the scene of a Battle.” --His Holiness, Pope Francis “The Church is called to be the house of the Father, with doors always wide open. One concrete sign of such openness is that our church doors should always be open, so that if someone, moved by the Spirit, come there looking for God, he or she will not find a closed door. There are other doors that should not be closed either. Everyone can share in some way in the life of the Church: everyone can be part of the community, nor should the doors of the sacraments be closed for simply any reason. This is especially true of the sacrament which is itself “the door”: Baptism. The Eucharist, although it is the fullness of sacramental life, is not a prize for the perfect but a powerful medicine and nourishment for the weak. The convictions have pastoral consequences that we are called to consider with prudence and boldness. Frequently, we act as arbiters of grace rather than its facilitators. But the Church is not a tollhouse; it is the house of the Father, where there is a place for everyone, with all their problems.” --His Holiness, Pope Frances, The Joy of the Gospel (Evangelii Gaudium) Our Mission Statement Declaración de Misión "La Iglesia es un hospital de campaña en el escenario de una batalla." --Su Santidad, el Papa Francisco If you haven’t yet made your pledge to the Bishop’s Annual Appeal, it is not too late to contribute to our Diocesan family. Thank you for your generosity. Our Parish Progress Reports (7-29-16): St. Paul Target: $19,997 Pledged: $4,330 Paid on Pledge: $1,957 Pledge Balance: $2,373 One-time gift: $11,482 Paid toward Target: $13,439 % of Target Paid: 67% Number of Families: 122 Number of Donors: 52 % of Participation: 43% COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN In honor of the Year of Mercy, the CCW is helping to plan and organize a pilgrimage to St. Augustine. Be on the lookout for more information as we gather numbers and determine interest, in order to make specific plans for the excursion in late October, 2016. Also, the CCW will not meet this summer but will resume meetings in September. MASSTIMES.ORG Planning a summer trip? Check out the website for times and locations of Catholic Masses in the United States and worldwide. Directions are available so that you can find a Catholic church in the area you are visiting. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION REGISTRATION We are currently registering children for Religious Education (grades k - high school) after the 9:30am & 11:45am Masses: $50 per family for the whole year Classes will begin after Labor Day (which is September 5). “GUN CONTROL IS A PRO-LIFE ISSUE” By Fr. James Martin, S.J. “Religious people need to be invited to mediate on the connection between the more traditional ‘life issues’ and the overdue need for stricter gun control. The oft-cited argument, ‘Guns don’t kill people, people do,’ is unconvincing. Of course people kill people; just as people also procure abortions, decide on euthanasia and administer the death penalty. Human beings are agents in these matters. The question is not so much how lives are ended, but how to make it more difficult to end lives. Over the years the government has legislated minute instructions on safety features for automobiles, to increase their safety for the driver, passengers, and others on the road. Surely it is not beyond us to summon up the moral courage to intelligently regulate guns and rifles.” The Reality: Mass shootings have gone from shocking to commonplace: according to the FBI, 160 active-shooter incidents took place between 2000 & 2013, an average of 12 per year. What to Do: If you’re in a building under siege by a gun-wielding maniac, don’t just hide and wait for help, says counter-terrorism and security expert Alon Stivi. Most deaths happen in the first 5 or 10 minutes, before police arrive; Stivi suggests hiding with others next to the door, ready to act together to disarm the shooter as the door opens. --in America (publication of the Jesuits) Les rogamos que no se demoren en hacer su contribución. Queremos mostrar nuestro apoyo a la familia diocesana superando la meta de este año. ¿Sabías? Las Pláticas de Bautismo serán el Primer Domingo de cada mes a las 9:30am. Para más información, favor de comunicarse con María García, despear de Misa o llamar a la oficina parroquial al 912-384-3560. Gracias. Los Bautismos se pueden programar los Sábados, a las 12:00 Mediodía o durante las misas del fin de semana. Bodas y Quinceañeras pueden ser programados a las 2:00 pm los sábados. Por favor llame a la oficina parroquial para discutir y programar. NUEVOS MIEMBROS Se pide a los feligreses a inscribirse en la iglesia, llenando un formulario de inscripción que se puede encontrar en la mesa en el centro del vestíbulo. ENFERMO O EN EL HOSPITAL Si usted o un miembro de la familia está en el hospital o confinado en casa, por favor llame a la oficina de la iglesia (912-384-3560). Hay varias personas que hacen rondas en casa /hospitales y le gustaría visitar a todos. CAMBIO DE NOMBRE, DIRECCIÓN, Y TELÉFONO Por favor notifique a la oficina de la iglesia (912-384-3560) de cualquier cambio. REGISTRACIONES Catecismo y Educación Religiosa Todo el mes de Agosto se estará registrando para la Educación Religiosa después de las misas de 9:30 y 11:45am. $50 por familia por todo el ano Clases comenzarán después del Día del Trabajo (5 de Septiembre) Oración a la Sagrada Familia (Santo Padre Francisco) Jesús, María y José en vosotros contemplamos el esplendor del verdadero amor, a vosotros, confiados, nos dirigimos. Santa Familia de Nazaret, haz también de nuestras familias lugar de comunión y cenáculo de oración, auténticas escuelas del Evangelio y pequeñas iglesias domésticas. Santa Familia de Nazaret, que nunca más haya en las familias episodios de violencia, de cerrazón y división; que quien haya sido herido o escandalizado sea pronto consolado y curado. Santa Familia de Nazaret, haz tomar conciencia a todos Para La Familia del carácter sagrado e inviolable de Websites Católica de su belleza en el la familia, proyecto de Dios. Jesús, María y José, escuchad, acoged nuestra súplica. Amén. . THE USUAL ANNOUNCEMENTS… FYI ~FOR YOUR INFORMATION~ PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR ARMED FORCES ORAR POR NUESTROS SOLDADOS Donut & coffee sponsors for August: Brigmond, Navarro, Ferguson & Ellis Families Ushers for August: Gary Holland, George Keaveney AN ACCOUNT OF OUR STEWARDSHIP St. Paul--Weekly Required Offertory: $4,607.00 Monthly Required Building Fund: $2,316.00 St. Paul Week of 7-31-16 Annual Budgeted Received to date Received (7-31-16) Building Fund: $86.00 Church in Africa: $50.00 Offertory $190,000.00 20,823.06 3,976.40 Offertory: Holy Family Sunday (7-31-16): $615.00 Offertory: St. William Sunday (7-31-16): $1,016.00 Memorial Gift: $100.00 Captain Christopher Benson (Italy), Sgt. Adam Carson (Japan), PFC Miguel Contreras (Hawaii), Sgt. Blake Downs (N. Carolina), TSgt. Emmanuel Gamboa (Arizona), Vincente Guerrero, Kristopher Lentz, April Marten (Quatar), CW2 Jeb S. McKinnon (South Korea), Martin Rios, Candise Rolerson (Kansas), Juan Vargas (Afg.), Erick Vilches, Octavio Rodriguez (Japan), Leo Rodriguez (S. Carolina), Rolando Chavez (San Diego). Pray for us that we may be healed. Orar por nuestros enfermos. Larry Benton, Sr., Kellie Corbin, Anselma Gomez, Bonnie Loyless, Tommy Newburn Please phone the church office (912-384-3560) to give us the name of someone you would like remembered on the prayer list. The St. Paul Food Pantry, organized by our Knights of Columbus, is in great need of gifts of nonperishable foods. Please remember that summer is also a time of need for some families, especially those with children. Christmas cards are now available from the Knights—purchase now, no waiting. The Knights will again sponsor a Blood Drive, scheduled for this September. HELP FOR TROUBLED MARRIAGES CHARTER FOR THE PROTECTION OF CHILDREN Visit diocesan Or call 888-357-5330 to report knowledge of abuse. CAPÍTULO DEL OBISPO PARA LA PROTECCIÓN DE NIÑOS Visite la página Web de la diócesis para leer el código: o 888-357-5330. These are helpful websites for married couples: