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Anthropology Department
John Jay College of Criminal Justice, CUNY
And, Anthropology Ph.D. program at the CUNY Graduate Center
Spring 2015
1 | P. T o v a r C V
Professor, Anthropology Department
John Jay College of Criminal Justice/ Graduate Center, CUNY
899 Tenth Avenue, NY, NY 10019. Tel 646 557 4890
DOCTORATE: Ph.D. Anthropology Department, The Graduate Center, City University of New
York, CUNY – 1995. Thesis title: “Tales of Love and Death: The Lives of Portuguese Widows.”
MASTER'S DEGREE: The City College of New York, CUNY. M.A. in Applied Anthropology,
1987. Thesis Title. "A Study of Immigrant Families Reported for Child Abuse and Neglect in New
B.A. Anthropology. Universidad Nacional de Colombia. 1983.
Teaching Positions
John Jay College, Anthropology Department. August 2008- Present.
Graduate Center, CUNY. Doctoral Program in Anthropology. January 2015.
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, PUJ. Bogotá. Associate Professor. 2006 -2008.
Universidad Nacional de COLOMBIA. Fall 1998, Fall 2000, Spring 2001, and 2002. Visiting
Professor, Adjunct Professor.
The City College of New York. M.A. Program, Urban Applied Anthropology. Spring 1998. Adjunct
Assistant Professor
Bronx Community College. Department of Social Studies. Spring 1997. Visiting Assistant Professor
LaGuardia Community College. 1995-1996. Adjunct Assistant Professor.
Research Positions
Colombian Institute of Anthropology and History (ICANH). Coordinator Social Anthropology Area.
June 2005-September 2006. Researcher. October 1998 – Sept. 2006.
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The Graduate Center, CUNY. Office of Educational Opportunity and Diversity Programs, PIPELINE
Program. Assistant to Higher Education Officer. Sept. 1996 –June 1997.
The New York Urban League/Columbia University. Harlem BirthRight Project. Research
Coordinator. 1994-1998.
New York City Board Of Education/OREA. September 1990- August 1991. Evaluation Consultant.
The Frick Library. “Iberian Art Project.” Research Assistant. Summer of 1992.
Hunter College. IV International Congress on Women. Fundraising Committee Assistant. 1989-1990.
The Graduate Center, CUNY. Research Assistant to Professor Leith Mullings. Sept. 1987-May 1990.
Bank Street College. "The Homebuilders Program" Research Associate. May 87-Sept. 89.
N.Y. Institute For Human Development. Research Assistant. 1986-1987.
The Mayor's Task Force On Child Abuse And Neglect. Research Assistant. 1985-1987.
Honors, Prizes, and Awards:
2015 Mid-career Research Award. John Jay College of Criminal Justice, CUNY.
2014 Distinguished Fellow. The Advanced Research Collaborative, ARC CUNY Graduate Center.
2013 PSC-CUNY Summer Research Award.
2009 John Jay College. Grant. Research Assistance program
2008 CODHES-Javeriana University – Documenting Displacement in Colombia. National Process of
Verification of the Sentence T-025.
2006. U.S. Ambassador´s Fund for research on Afrocolombian Culture in the Pacific - Colombian
Institute of Anthropology.
2000 and 2005. Organization of Iberomerican States (OEI/UNESCO). Study of Science, Technology
and Gender in Colombia. Collection of statistical indicators and ethnographic research.
2000-2003. Colombian Institute for the Advancement of Development, Science and Technology,
COLCIENCIAS. Grant to conduct research on war widows.
1996-1997. Chancellor’s Postdoctoral Fellow, CUNY Graduate Center.
1994-1995.New York City Council for the Humanities. Speakers in the Humanities.
1994-1996.The Humana Foundation/Magnet Program. Dissertation Grant.
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1994. Abigail Quigley McCarthy Center. The College of Saint Catherine. Dissertation Grant.
1992-1993. Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research. Fieldwork Grant.
1991-1992. Institute of Language and Portuguese Culture. (ICALP) Lisbon, Portugal. Fieldwork
Las viudas del conflicto armado en Colombia. (“The Widows of the Armed Conflict in Colombia”)
Bogotá, ICANH, 2006.
Familia, Género y Antropología: Desafíos y Transformaciones. (“Family, Gender and Anthropology:
Challenges and Transformations”). Patricia Tovar, ed. Bogotá: ICANH. 2003.
Peer Reviewed Articles:
Una reflexión sobre la violencia y la construcción de paz desde el teatro y el arte (A reflection about
Violence and Peace Construction from the Theater and the Arts). Universitas Humanistica 80 (80:
348-369). 2014.
“La mujer colombiana en la ciencia y la tecnologia; se está cerrando la brecha?” [Colombian
women in science and technology: Is the gender gap closing?], Vol CLXXXIV (No. 733), Revista
Arbor, September-October issue, CSIC, Spain. 2008. Pp. 835-844.
La ciudad como teatro: Construcciones, actores y escenarios. Revista Papel Político. Vol 12 ( 1): 93116. 2007
Encuentros y desencuentros entre el Norte y el Sur: realidades y opciones alrededor de la
Antropología y el Género. Revista Arbor: Ciencia, Pensamiento y Cultura. N° 716: 471-478. Madrid:
Spain. 2005.
“A Critical Reflection on gender and Medical Anthropology from the Perspective of Women´s
Bodies.” Revista Colombiana de Antropología, N° 40, 2005.
“Women of Science: Some Moments in History.” Colombian Association for the Advancement of
Science ACAC. Innovación y Ciencia Vol XII, N° 1-2: 106-114, 2005.
“Gender and Science in Colombia: Some Indicators.” (Género y Ciencia en Colombia: Algunos
indicadores). Colombia, Ciencia y Tecnología. Vol 20, N° 2. Pp3-10. 2002.
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Muertos heroicos y muertos anónimos: rituales de duelo y viudez en la violencia. (“Heroic Deaths and
Anonymous deaths: Rituals of Mourning and Widowhood”). Desde el Jardín de Freud, Universidad
Nacional de Colombia. Pp. 278-289. 2004.
Emociones desnaturalizadas: Cuando las madres matan a sus hijos (“Unnatural emotions: When
mothers Kill their children).” Pensamiento y Vida Vol. 5, Pp.50-56. 2002.
Quiénes son las viudas de la violencia en Colombia? (“Who are the widows of violence in
Colombia?”). Revista En otras palabras. Vol. 8. 2001.
Procreación postmoderna o adopción global: Encrucijadas entre el género, el poder y el parentesco.
(“Postmodern procreation or global adoption? The crossroads between gender, power and kinship.”)
Revista Colombiana de Antropología. Vol. 34. 1999.
"Matrimonio y Mortaja del Cielo Bajan: Un Pequeño Ensayo Sobre el Matrimonio y la Viudez."
Enfoques. Universidad de Caldas. Colombia. No. 10. Pp 52-63. 1995.
Book chapters:
Histories, hysterias and hysterectomies: Medical discourses and imaginaries on female reproduction.
In Sexuality, Culture and Politics - A South American Reader. Latin American Center on Sexuality
and Human Rights (CLAM) – 2013.
“Maria Sybilla Merian: Between Art and Science” and “Ana de Ayala: A tragedy in the Amazon
River”. In Mulheres Pan-Amazonidas: Eciclopedia Cooperativa de Biografias. Ligia Simonia, ed. P.
NAEA 2012. 212-233.
Viajeras, exploradoras y sus contribuciones a la ciencia. (Female Travelers, Explorers and their
Contributions to Science. In Ciencia, Tecnología e Genero: Abordagens Iberoamericanas. Marilia
Gomes de Carvalho(org). Curitiba, UTFPR. 2011. Pp: 81-98.
“Memories of violence: The Widows of the armed Conflict in Colombia.” In Cátedra Democracia y
Ciudadanía. Adrian Serna Dimas, comp. Bogota: Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas. 2008,
Pp. 256-269.
“Supervivencia a la fuerza: la experiencia de familias afrocolombianas en Bogotá”. In: Las Familias
en Bogotá, Realidades y Diversidades. Martha L. Gutiérrez, ed. Bogotá, PUJ, 2008. Pp.183-205.
“Qué pasa con los proyectos de género? ¿Por qué algunos fracasan y otros son exitosos? Memorias,
II Coloquio de Profesores de la Facultad de Ciencia Política y Relaciones Internacionales. Bogotá,
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. Pp. 95-112.
“El cementerio africano en Nueva York: enseñanzas de un ejercicio en reconciliación”. Afroreparaciones: Memorias de la Esclavitud y Justicia reparativa para negros, afrocolombianos y raizales.
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Claudia Mosquera y Luíz Claudio Barcelos, eds. Centro de Estudios Sociales – CES. Universidad
Nacional de Colombia. Bogotá, 2006. Serie Estudios Afrocolombianos. P. 433-446.
“Of Histories, Hysterics and Hysterectomies: The construction of medical discourses and the
representation of female reproduction”. In: Towards an Agenda on Sexuality and Human Rights in
Colombia. Bogotá: Universidad Nacional/CES7CLAM, Grupo TM, 2006. Pp. 345-61.
"The Portuguese Way of Death". In "Death and Bereavement around the World” Volume III, New
York: Baywood Publishing. John Morgan, ed. 2004. Pp. 141-158.
“The Family in Times of War and the War in the Family.” (La Familia en Tiempos de Guerra y la
Guerra dentro de la Familia). In “Family, gender and Anthropology: Challenges and Transformations.”
Patricia Tovar, ed. ICANH, 2003. Pp.170-197.
“The Unusual World of Pets” (El Insólito mundo de las mascotas). In “Rostros culturales de la
fauna,” Astrid Ulloa, ed. 2002. Instituto Colombiano de Antropología e Historia Pp.241-258.
“Displacement and Gender” (Desplazamiento y Género). In: Éxodo, Patrimonio e Identidad.
Memorias, V Cátedra Anual de Historia Ernesto Restrepo Tirado, Bogotá: Museo Nacional de
Colombia, Ministerio de Cultura. 2000.
“Women, Rebellion, Consciousness, and Human Rights at the end of the Millennium in Colombia.”
(Las Policarpas de fin de Siglo, mujeres, rebelión, conciencia y derechos humanos). In: Movimientos
Sociales, cultura y Estado en Colombia. M. Pardo y M. Archila, eds. CES / ICANH. 2000.
Other Scholarly articles published in non-refereed journals and magazines:
“Hasta que la muerte nos separe. Notas sobre la viudez y la vejez”. Revista Javeriana. May 2008. No.
742. Tomo 144. Year 75.
¿Y cómo está la familia? Analizando e imaginando nuevas formas de relacionarnos. Revista Javeriana.
No. 737 Vol. 143. Pag. 9-15. August 2007.
Mujeres que han brillado en el firmamento de la astronomía. (“Women who have Shined in the
Firmament of Astronomy.”) Innovación y Ciencia Vol. XII, N°3. 2005.
Mujeres de Luto: El Legado de la Violencia en Colombia (“Women in Mourning: The Legacy of
Violence in Colombia). Revista de la Fundación Dos Mundos. Boletín N° 13, 2004.
"Lo que las voces de sabiduría popular nos enseñan sobre la viudez, el amor y el casamiento". Hybrido
Vol. 1(1): 15-17. 1998.
Book Reviews:
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Revista Colombiana de Antropología, Vol. 42. 2006: Decolonizing the Sodomite: Queer Tropes of
Sexuality in Colonial Andean Culture. Michael J. Horswell
American Anthropologist. Colombianas en la vanguardia de Lucy Cohen. Vol. 106 (2): 403. 2004.
Boletín Cultural y Bibliográfico. Biblioteca Luis Ángel Arango. Vol. 57: Pp. 77-78. 2001. Estructura,
función y cambio de la familia en Colombia. Virginia Gutiérrez de Pineda.
Portuguese Studies Review. Vol. 8, 1999. Romances du Trás-os-Montes: Mélodies et Poésies by Anne
SIGNS. Vol. 24 (1):232-236. 1998. Current Widowhood Myths and Realities, by H. Znaniecka; A
World of Widows, by Margaret Owen; Between Poverty and the Pyre: Moments in the History of
Widowhood, J. Bremmer and L. Van den Bosch.
Revista Colombiana de Antropología. Vol. 34. 1999. Death without Weeping: Violence and Everyday
Life in Brazil. Nancy Scheper-Hughes.
Publications in popular media:
Innovadoras: El lado femenino de la ciencia. Revista Dinero 31-03-2005
¿Áreas laborales vetadas para las mujeres?. Periodico El Tiempo, Bogotá, p. 4-1-4-1, 10 July. 2005.
Alicia Dussán. Revista Semana. Edición Especial, Bogotá, v. 1224, p. 65-65, 17 Oct. 2005.
Juegos, educación y estereotipos separan a las mujeres de profesiones como matemáticas e
ingenierías. Periódico El Tiempo, Bogotá, 29 Jan. 2005.
Nina S. de Fridemann. Revista Semana. Edición Especial, Bogotá, v. 1224, p. 71-71, 17 Oct. 2005.
Insólitas mascotas. Revista Alo, Bogotá, 24 Jun. 2005.
En la Universidad más mujeres que hombres terminan sus carreras. El Nuevo Siglo. August 13 2004.
Las policarpas de fin de siglo. UN Periódico, Bogotá, 01 Feb. 2002.
Other Scholarly Work:
El arte de la no-violencia y la construcciόn de paz: Enseñanzas desde los títeres y otras formas
artísticas y rituales.” (The art of no violence and the Construction of Peace: Teachings using
puppets and other artistic and ritual forms). Educarte para la no-violencia. Fundación Guiño del
Guiñol. AECID
Drug Use and Abuse: A View from the Other Side." Anthropology News. Vol 50 (5): 19. May
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Translation of the book: Achik Ñan: The Sexual and Reproductive Health of Chimborazo WomenEsar Foundation. 2009.
Works in Progress:
Book manuscript: Chronicles of Women of the New World.
Book manuscript, “Stories of women and War in Colombia”.
Article: “Gender inequalities in science and technology in Colombia,” In the process of being
submitted to the Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering.
Article: “Ethnography with tears: A methodology to study gender and violence in Colombia.” To
be submitted to GPID, Working Papers Series. Gendered perspectives on International
development. Michigan State University.
Papers Presented:
“Illustrious Women of the Early Spanish Conquest”. Seminar presentation, Advanced Research
Collaborative, ARC. CUNY Graduate Center. September 11 2014.
Memory and Violence: Narratives of Death in the Colombian Armed Conflict.
Athens, Greece. June 9-11 2014. John Jay International Conference “The Rule of Law in an Era of
From Mafia Dolls to Drug Queens: Realities and Representations of Colombian Women in the Drug
Cartels. MAFIAs realities and representations of organized crime. Calandra Italian American institute.
April 24-26 2014.
Gender Citizenships and Agencies: Politicizing Memory, Contesting Tradition, and Reinventing
Identity. Panel chair and organizer. American Anthropological Association Meetings. Chicago,
November 2013.
“One day of horror and a lifetime of sorrow” The Siege of the Palace of Justice. Third Congress of
Latin American Anthropology- Santiago de Chile. Nov 5-9, 2012.
Discussant in the panel “Herstories of Violence.” American Anthropological Association Meetings.
Montreal, November 19 2011.
Women in Scientific Expeditions. Keynote speaker. “I Simposio Mujer y Ciencia en Colombia.
Universidad de los Andes. November 2011
Women and Anthropology in Colombia. A Contribuição das mulheres à antropología do Século XX na
América Latina. IX RAM, Reunião de Antropología do Mercosul. Curitiba, Brazil. July 10-13, 2011.
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The Dangers of Nostalgia. LOVA International Conference: Ethnographies of Gender and
Conflict. Amsterdam July 6-8, 2011
Mafia Dolls, Tragic Realism, and Body Esthetics in Colombia. International Conference on Body
Image and Identity in Contemporary Society. April 2011, CUNY Graduate Center
“Looking Back at the Past: Narratives of death, Landscapes of Sorrow, and the perils of Nostalgia.”
In the panel, Women Narrating Violence in Colombia: Reflections on Trauma, Memory and the Body.
Latin American Studies Association. Toronto. September 2010.
"Is there anyone listening? Ethnic Minorities, Women and the Human Rights Crisis in Colombia."
Human Rights: Theory and practice, an interdisciplinary symposium. April 23, 2010, New York. The
CCNY Center for Worker Education.
“Mujeres viajeras y exploradoras y sus contribuciones a la ciencia” (Women Travelers, Explorers and
their Contributions to Science). VIII Iberoamerican Congresso of Science, Gender and Technology.
Curitiba, Brazil April 5 – 9, 2010.
“Ethnography with tears: A methodology to study gender and violence in Colombia.” Paper presented
at the American Anthropological Association, AAA Meetings, Philadelphia, December 2, 2009.
Looking Back at the Past: Narratives of death, Landscapes of Sorrow, and the perils of NostalgiaPaper presented at the conference: Women Narrating Violence in Colombia: Reflections on Trauma,
Memory and the Body. GC, CUNY. October 16, 2009.
Las mujeres en la economía de las drogas (Women in the Drug Economy). 13 Congreso de
Antropologia en Colombia. Bogota, Universidad de los Andes. September 30 – October 3 2009.
Individual Memory, Collective Truth, or whatever that might be: Colombian Female Ex-combatants in
Search of a Meaningful Existence. XVI Biennial Congress of the Association of Colombianists.
University of Virginia , Charlottesville, Virginia, USA. August 4-7, 2009
Served as a chair for the panel “Memory, Violence and transitional Policy in Colombia”, and
presented the paper: The Things we do for Love: Narratives of Women and War. XXVIII. LASA,
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, June 11-14, 2009.
“Ethnography with Tears.” Brown Bag Seminar, Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies
at NYU, CLACS. March 25, 2009.
"Gender and Ethnicity: Two Categories to Keep in Mind in the Analysis of Armed Conflict in
Colombia." LASA 2007. Montreal.
Colombian Families in Times of War: The experiences of widowed and displaced Black and
indigenous women. Seattle University-Wismer Center. (Re)Imagining the Family Interdisciplinary
Conference. April 2007.
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Present and Future of Iberoamerican Networks in Gender, Science and Technology. Closing
roundtable. VI Congreso Iberoamericano de Ciencia, Tecnología y Género, University of Zaragoza,
Spain, Sept. 2006.
Writing the war in feminine: Experiences of widowhood, resilience and resistance in Colombia.
Meetings of the Latin American Studies Association, LASA. San Juan, P. R., March 15-18, 2006.
The Intersection of Ethnic and Gender Issues in the Colombian Armed Conflict. Seminar: Ethnic
Minorities in Armed Conflict and Production of Illicit Drugs in Colombia. Collegium for Development
Studies, Uppsala University. March, 2006.
¿La mujer colombiana en la ciencia y la tecnología: ¿se está cerrando la brecha? ESOCITE, VI
Jornadas Latinoamericanas de Estudios Sociales de la Ciencia y la Tecnología, Bogotá, Universidad
Nacional. April 2006.
“Algunas notas sobre la producción antropológica en Colombia, a través de la Revista Colombiana de
Antropología.” Notes about the Production of Anthropological Work in the Colombian Journal of
Anthropology. Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, INAH. Sept. 8 – 11, 2005. Mexico City.
War methodologies: It is possible an ethnography without tears when widowhood is studied? XI
Congress of Anthropology in Colombia. Santafé de Antioquia, August 23-26 de 2005.
“¿Mujeres Ciéntificas: Si son tan pocas? Women Scientists: Are they really so few? Asociación para
el avance de la ciencia, ACAC, UNAL, Colombia. Sept. 11, 2004.
“Entre la escasez, la visibilidad y el reconocimiento: La mujer colombiana en la ciencia y la
tecnología.” Colombian Women in Science and Technology: Obstacles and Achievements. Bog,
Museo Nacional, Aug. 10, 2004”.
“Gender and Armed Conflict.” X Congress of Anthropology in Colombia. Manizales, Sept. 22-26,
“Women and Armed Conflict in Colombia.” Conference on Women, Gender and Development on the
Pan-Amazon. Belem, Brazil, May 26-29, 2002.
“The Colombian Constitution of 1991: What generated or degenerated in Terms of Gender?” (Qué
generó o degeneró la Constitución del 91 en términos de género?) “La Nación Multicultural, El Primer
Decenio de la Constitución Incluyente.” Bogotá, Nov. 8 - 10 2001. CES, UNAL.
“Displacement, Death and Gender”. (Desplazamiento, Muerte y Género). Éxodo, Patrimonio e
Identidad. V Cátedra Anual de Historia, “E. Restrepo Tirado.” Bogotá, Museo Nacional. Dec. 2000.
Encounters and Dis-encounters between North and South: Realities and Options around Anthropology
and Gender. (Encuentros y Desencuentros entre el Norte y el Sur: Realidades y Opciones alrededor de
10 | P. T o v a r C V
la Antropología y el Género. ESOCITE, “Ciencia, tecnología y sociedad y el futuro de América
Latina” Oct 23 – 26, 2000, Campinas-Sao Paulo, Brazil.
“The Contributions of Anthropology to the Study of Family Violence”. (Contribuciones de la
Antropología al Estudio de la Violencia Intrafamiliar). IX Congreso Colombiano de Antropología.
Popayán, July 19 – 24, 2000.
“Widowhood and Human Rights: Global Perspectives.” Dublin, Ireland. International Federation of
Widow and Widower Associations. June 1998.
“Delivering Bereavement Care to Persons of Portuguese Ancestry.” Kings College, London, Canada.
May 1997.
“Grief and Bereavement in the Latino Community.” University of South Florida, February 1997.
“Ancient and Modern Jewish Widows.” Rabbi Simon Hevesi Jewish Heritage Library. N.Y. Nov. 1996.
“Women without Men: The Lives of Widows in Many Cultures.” N.Y. Speakers in the Humanities.
“The Household Arrangements and Survival Strategies of Portuguese Widows.” Twentieth Annual
Meeting of the Social Science History Association. Chicago, Illinois. November 1995.
“Experiences and Traditions of Widowhood in Different Cultures.” 7th International Conference,
International Federation of Widow and Widower Associations-AARP. Chevy Chase, MA. Oct. 1995.
“The Lives of Portuguese Widows.” IV International Meeting of the International Conference Group
on Portugal. Durham, New Hampshire. October 1995.
“Global Feminism in a Time of Crisis: The Case of Portugal.” The Graduate Center, CUNY. March,
“Love is Stronger than Death. The Meaning of Marriage and Remarriage for Portuguese Widows.”
93rd Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association. Atlanta, Georgia. November
“Contributions to the Study of Single Families.” (Contribuciones para el Estudio de la Familia
Monoparental: Los Casos de Estados Unidos, Portugal y Colombia).” Congreso Latinoamericano de
Familia Siglo XXI. Medellín, Colombia. April, 1994.
Tales of Love and Death: Portuguese Widows Speak. Second Graduate Conference on Peninsular and
Latin American Literatures. “Writing Cultures: Voices and Texts.” University of Maryland. April,
“Women in Widowhood: Are There Any Choices?” Paper presented at the IV International
Interdisciplinary Congress on Women. New York City. June, 1990.
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Professional Activities:
 1993- Present. American Anthropological Association (AAA)
 2007-2010. Latin American Studies Association, LASA, Co-chair, Colombia Section.
Council Member 2010-2011
 2008-2011.CLACS, Center for Latin American Caribbean and Latino Studies
 1990-1994. Member of Working Group in Feminism, Third World and Postmodernism,
 1994-1995. Student member of ICLAS, Interdisciplinary Committee for Latin Am. Studies,
 1990-1995. Founding member of AELLA, the Association of Latino and Latin American
Students at the Graduate Center, CUNY.
Member of Editorial Boards and Peer Reviewer:
Revista Colombiana de Antropología, Revista Antipoda, and Papel Político Internacional. 1998
to 2008. Revista Colombiana de Enfermería.
 Reviewer of project proposals, Wenner Gren Foundation, PSC-CUNY, Colciencias, Banco de
la Republica, Universidades Javeriana, Andes, Antioquia and Nacional.
 Co-Editor, Colombian Journal of Anthropology (Revista Colombiana de Antropología), 19982002.
 Panel reviewer of projects for funding for SENACYT, National Science and Technology
Institution of Panama.
Other Activities:
Consultant to community-based organizations:
Asomujer y Trabajo, Organization of displaced Afrocolombian women. Bogota. 2004-2008
Codhes, Consultoria para los Derechos Humanos y el Desplazamiento. 2006.
Translator and Interpreter of Spanish and Portuguese.
Media Mentions (selected):
Interview for Colombian radio program Universidad Diversa: Challenges Faced by women in science.
April 06, 2011.
Guest in TV Program Señal Colombia. A Calzon quitao: Body size and discrimination. 01-12-2011
Interview for the Hispanic Channel Telemundo. April 2010. Anthropology Expert –Consumption
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Review of my book “The Widows of the Armed Conflict. “El rincón de la academia” El Espectador.
Sunday, December 21, 2008.
Review of my book “The Widows of the Armed Conflict” by Luz Teresa Gómez. Tabula Rasa,
Number 6. June 2007. Page 207.
“Widows and Tradition.” The New York Times, Westchester Guide. March 24, 1996.
Current Research Agenda
Women in the Age of Discovery
Latina Women in Higher education in the US.
Participant in project about Honor Killings/FGC/Forced Marriage. Ric Curtis, PI. Anthropology
Department, John Jay College. Spring 2012
Other Projects:
Gender and Armed Conflict in Colombia
Family, Gender and Anthropology
Women in Science/ Women Travelers
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