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Holy Family Catholic Church
The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph
December 27, 2015
“As a family of many families, Holy Family Catholic Church nurtures our universal commitment to
celebrate our faith, to love our families and to serve communities.”
“Como una familia de muchas familias, La Iglesia Católica de la Sagrada Familia nutre nuestro compromiso
universal para celebrar nuestra fe, para amar a nuestras familias y para servir a las comunidades.”
Jueves (Capilla)……….....6:00pm
Sábado (ingles)…….…….5:30pm
Capilla (español)…….…..8:00am
Iglesia (ingles)…...……..10:00am
Iglesia (español)……..…12:00pm
Spanish (Chapel)……...…8:00am
Children’s Liturgy is available
during the Sunday 10:00am Mass.
Iglesia de Modesto
Viernes………9:00am - 5:00pm
Holy Family Church
Friday…..….9:00am - 5:00pm
Bautismo: Necesita una clase
Baptism: A pre-baptismal class
is required. Call the Parish Office
for more information.
Marriage: Couples intending to
marry should contact the Parish
Office six (6) months prior to the
marriage date to begin the process
of paperwork and pre-marriage
preparation classes.
Reconciliation: Saturdays at
4:00pm at the Church in Modesto.
Celebración de Quinceañeras
La joven o los familiares deberán
contactar la parroquia con un
mínimo de nueve (9) meses para
acordar una fecha según el
calendario parroquial.
Rev. Fr. Juan Serna S.T.L.
Hospital Chaplain
Rev. Fr. Edwin Musico
Rev. Mr. Felipe Vallejo
pre-bautismal. Favor de llamar a
la Oficina Parroquial para mas
Matrimonio: Parejas que desean
casarse deben llamar a la Oficina
Parroquial seis (6) meses antes del
día del matrimonio.
Reconciliación: Sábados a las
4:00pm en la Iglesia de Modesto.
Holy Family Pastoral Staff
Parish Administrator
Ed Dyrda
Administrative Assistant
Vickie V. Gibson
Religious Education
Roselia Vargas
Open Monday through Friday,
from 9:00am until 5:00pm.
Phone #..................(209) 545-3553
Fax #......................(209) 545-3332
Holy Family Catholic Church - 4212 Dale Road, Modesto, California 95356
Our Lady of San Juan de Los Lagos Chapel - 4643 Flint Avenue, Salida, California 95368
The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph
“Pastor’s Weekend Message”
“The shepherds went in haste and found Mary
and Joseph and the Infant lying in a manger” Luke 2:16
Congratulations Holy Family! Today is our Holy Family
Feast Day! It has been nine years since our Parish was
established! What a blessed time! This coming year, I
pray God will bless each one of your families, friends and
loved ones. During this Year of Mercy, God’s mercy
brings us together to be the heart of Jesus as a family and
the healing hands in our community. I am grateful to all
of you for working so hard and praying constantly
throughout this past year. You are a blessing to our parish.
Let us give thanks to God for who we are; a Parish with
over 1,000 families - Holy Family. With your faithful
commitment, we will continue our pastoral and spiritual
journey. As a family of many families, it is my hope and
prayer for all of us to continue to grow in understanding
of God’s mercy and live our faith by becoming better
servants of God as a Catholic Community. These coming
years will be very essential to form one single spiritual
catholic community. Thank you for “Building Our Future
Together”. You know that Holy Family always needs
your prayers, support and commitment. This year we hope
to achieve many of our goals and initiatives. Let us continue the “good Spirit” started nine years ago in order to
lead and accomplish our future goals. May the Holy
Names of Jesus, Joseph and Mary bless us today. I thank
you for being my spiritual “family” and to one another.
From the bottom of my heart, I thank all of you who keep
Holy Family Parish as your priority. Our Parish is a central part of our faith and commitment. Thank you for
working with me for these past years. May God bless you
in this 2016 New Year! Receive many blessings in the
Blessed Names of the Holy Family.
Fr. Juan, your Pastor
Merry Christmas! Thank you for all of
the delicious goodies and beautiful cards.
United States Armed Forces from Holy Family
We have a bulletin board in the Church Lobby displaying photos of our loved ones in the service. You are invited to bring a
photo to the Parish Office of your loved ones in the service.
Fuerzas Armadas de Estados Unidos de Holy Family
Si tiene a un ser querido sirviendo para nuestro país, por
favor traiga una fotografía a la oficina parroquial para que
podamos agregarla a nuestra cartelera en el la entrada de la
Iglesia en Modesto.
St. Frances of Rome Parish in Riverbank is looking for a
licensed building contractor. If you are interested or know
of someone, please call 869-2996 before January 12th.
“Mensaje Pastoral del Parroco”
“Fueron los pastores a toda prisa y encontraron
a María y a José y recostado en un pesebre,
al niño” -Lucas 2, 16
¡Felicidades Sagrada Familia! Pues en este fin de semana
celebráremos nuestro día patronal. ¡Que tiempo tan
bendito! Este año nuevo, roguemos a Nuestro Dios que
bendiga cada una de nuestras amistades y familias reunidas en nuestras liturgias. Es la y gracia de Dios que nos
reúne para ser familia y formar comunidad. Estoy muy
agradecido con todos ustedes por trabajar tan arduamente
y orar constantemente durante este año pasado 2015. Gracias por su compromiso, amor al ministerio y misión de la
Iglesia. En cada bendición tenemos que estar agradecidos.
Nuestras Fiestas anuales son muy importantes. ¿Puede usted créelo? Ya han pasado nueve años desde el establecimiento de nuestra parroquia. Mis queridos parroquianos,
amigos, y familia de la Sagrada Familia, este año nuevo
2016 continuamos otra fase muy importante y crucial para
nuestra parroquia – celebraremos el Año Jubilar de la Misericordia. Con la bendición de Dios y haciendo la voluntad de Dios, es mi esperanza y oración crecer en las siguientes áreas: reconocer, enseñar y celebrar la misericordia de Dios, formar puentes de gracia en las familias y
también ser una iglesia servidora para la comunidad entera. Los próximos cinco años son muy esenciales para
nuestra comunidad puesto que la Sagrada Familia necesita
de su oración, entrega y compromiso. Sigamos
“Construyendo Nuestro Futuro Juntos”. El buen trabajo
que hemos comenzado, ahora lo tenemos que continuar y
terminar. Que lo Santos Nombres de Jesús, Maria y José
nos ayuden. Quiero agradecerles por ser “familia” el uno
para otro. Desde el fondo de mi corazón, quiero agradecerles a todos aquellos que estuvieron involucrados en diferentes ministerios durante el año y de hacer cada liturgia y
celebración algo muy especial y bonito. Gracias feligreses
de la Sagrada Familia. Que este Año Nuevo 2016, el Señor
los bendiga. Reciban muchas bendiciones en los dulces
Nombres de la Sagrada Familia siempre.
Padre Juan, su Párroco
There will be no Religious Education classes
until January 11th . Merry Christmas!
No habrá clases de Educación Religiosa hasta el
11 de enero de 2016. ¡Feliz Navidad!
The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph
Holy Family Ministry of
Prayer, Healing and Hope
Please pray for the healing of our sick:
Por favor de orar por los enfermos:
Guadalupe Acosta Perez, Helen Martinez,
Don Elder, Luis Manuel Vazquez, Itzel Hernandez,
Tamara Nena Perez, Becky Padrón, John Álvarez,
Georgiana Martin, Dustin Babb, Angie Rodrígues,
Faythe Meninga, Paula Perez, Eduardo Escamilla,
Richard Taylor, Monica Montes, Elidia Fernandez,
Alfredo Carrillo, Paul Graham, Bob & Mary Boten,
Deseree Torres, Luz Nevarez, Manuel J. Estrada,
Teresa Davis, Leigh Woycheshin, Sherri & Denis
McGue, Steve Nelson, Maureen Munroe, Andrew
Hart, Gwen Schroeder, Julia Johnson, Richard
McMullen, Karen Álvarez, Marco Vilenti, Juan
Carlos Castillo, Alyce Souza, Bernadette Vierra,
Mary Ochinero, Pamela Hoffarth, Carlos Iglesias,
Dennis Rathbun, Chris Misuraca, Guadalupe Velez,
Mary Ann Silva, Joshua Varni, Patricia Begay,
Sarai Barajas, Barbara Ortman, Jerry Romero,
Monica Faraone Lobo Family, Jerry Markuson,
Pat Krebs, Ryker Kiggins, Javier Muñoz, Laura
Estrada, Janice Parody, Mike Muñoz, Silvia Funes,
Marie Faraone Otsuka Family, Ken Burgess, Helen
Moya, Bernie Dyrda, John Burt and Kayla Atwell.
“The Bible through the Eyes of Young Latinos”
January 9 & 10, 2016—St. Frances of Rome, Riverbank
For information contact Jose Lopez at: or Liliana Bobadilla at or by phone at 466-0636.
Mass Intentions / Intenciones de Misa
December 26th & December 27th, 2015
 Dan Gonsalves
Thanksgiving for Dionicio
 Marie Fiscalini
 Mario Medina
 Rogelio Quintero
Daily Mass Readings - Week of December 27 th
1 Jn 1:5—2:2 / Ps 124:2-5, 7-8 / Mt 2:13-18
1 Jn 2:3-11 / Ps 96:1-3, 5-6 / Lk 2:22-35
1 Jn 2:12-17 / Ps 96:7-10 / Lk 2:36-40
1 Jn 2:18-21 / Ps 96:1-2, 11-13 / Jn 1:1-18
Nm 6:22-27 / Ps 67:2-3, 5, 6, 8 / Gal 4:4-7 /
Lk 2:16-21
1 Jn 2:22-28 / Ps 98:1-4 / Jn 1:19-28
Is 60:1-6 / Ps 72:1-2, 7-8, 10-13 / Eph 3:2-3,
5-6 / Mt 2:1-12
LET US KNOW………………….
Are you a registered parishioner?
Have you moved, changed phone
numbers or had any other changes
since you registered with the Parish?
Help us keep our records up-to-date by letting us know
when changes happen—call the Parish office (545-3553).
Do you consider yourself a member of the Parish? If you
do, but have not registered, please do so. Periodically, we
mail out information and would hate to have you miss out
on what is happening in our Parish. Thank you for helping us to be a more welcoming Parish.
MARRIED COUPLES—Are you willing to spend a few
minutes to find out about an experience that can make
your good marriage even better? February 12-14, 2016 is
the date for the next Marriage Encounter Weekend. It will
be in Modesto. Early registration is highly recommended.
Contact John & Angelica Angarita for more information
visit the website at:
El Fin de Semana del Encuentro Matrimonial Mundial
es un programa de 44 horas lejos de las distracciones de
St. Stanislaus Catholic School Open House
nuestra vida, impartida por un Sacerdote y tres parejas
Give your child the gift of a well-rounded education. St.
Católicas, donde se nos enseña una técnica nueva de coStanislaus Catholic School is now accepting applications
municación. Es una experiencia para parejas buenas que
for the 2016/2017 academic year. Mark your calendar for quieran mejorar su relación y es una experiencia personal
St. Stanislaus Catholic Schools Open House, which will
y privada entre Esposo y Esposa. Para mas información,
be held on January 31st (immediately following the 10am comuníquese con Javier ♥ Amelia Duran al (510) 875Mass). For inquiries, please call Julie at (209) 524 9036.
9326 o (510) 410-7369.
All bulletin requests must be submitted by the Tuesday before the
weekend requested. All requests must be approved by Father. We
reserve the right to edit any requests submitted for the bulletin.
Peticiones del boletín deben ser sometidas el martes antes de el fin
de semana solicitada. Las peticiones tienen que ser aprobadas por el
Padre. Reservamos el derecho de editar cualquier petición sometida.
The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph
Walk for Life—West Coast
Saturday, January 23rd
Come be a witness for life! We have chartered a bus and are looking for people to join us.
The seats on this bus are $30 each and we would love to have you along. You do not want
to miss out on this great opportunity! Reserve your seat today! Tickets are available in the
Parish Office. Contact Deacon Phil at (209) 380-2677 for more information.
Caminata para la Vida—sábado, 23 de enero
Ayúdanos a salvar una vida. Acompáñanos en la Caminata para la Vida en San Francisco.
Hemos reservado un autobús y esperamos que nos puedan acompañar. Se pide solamente
$30 por persona. Llame a la Oficina Parroquial (209) 545-3553 y reserve su lugar.
Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God
Friday, January 1, 2016
Although this is not a holy day of obligation,
all Catholics are strongly encouraged to
begin the New Year by attending Mass.
8:00am - English Mass (Church)
6:00pm - Spanish Mass (Chapel)
Solemnidad de Santa María,
La Santísima Madre de Dios
viernes, 1° de enero
Aunque El Obispo Blaire ha dispensado la obligación,
es un día santo y todos los católicos deben de comenzar
el Año Nuevo asistiendo a Misa.
Did you see our beautiful Nativity? Our
Church and Chapel look wonderful. Thank
you to all of the Parishioners who took time
out of their busy schedules and spent hours
decorating and preparing for Christmas. Thank you for all
of the Poinsettias donations. We wish you and all of your
families a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
On Thursday, December 31, the Parish Office
will be open from 8:00am to 12:00 noon.
We will be closed on Friday, January 1st.
Happy New Years!
Holy Family Church Holiday Food Drive
Please bring non-perishable food items to the
Church and place them into the blue barrel in
the lobby. This is our opportunity to reach
out and bring Christmas to needy families. It
is a chance for us to perform a corporal work
of mercy, feeding the needy. The food will
be given to one of our local agencies that provide food for
those in need. Thank you for your generosity.
Por favor traiga alimentos no perecederos a la Iglesia
y colocarlos en el barril azul en el vestíbulo. Esta es
nuestra oportunidad para llegar y llevar la Navidad a
familias necesitadas. Es una oportunidad para realizar
una obra de misericordia corporal, alimentando a los
necesitados. Gracias.
Exposición del Santísimo Sacramento
Todos los viernes de 8:00am a 5:00pm.
Orad siempre en mi Presencia.
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
Every Friday from 8:00am until 5:00pm.
Pray always in my Presence.
El jueves, 31 de diciembre, estaremos en
la oficina de 8:00 a 12:00pm. El viernes,
1° enero, la oficina estará cerrada.
¡Feliz Año Nuevo!
Knights of Columbus 5th Annual Crab Feed - Saturday, January 16, 2016
6:00pm - Social / 7:00pm - Dinner
Silent & Live Auction
50-50 Opportunity Drawing
This year’s Crab Feed will be held in the gym at Our Lady of Fatima Parish in Modesto. Please
invite family and friends for a great time. Cost is $50 per person. Tickets are available in the
Parish Office. See you there!!!!! The crab we are going to use is coming from the waters of Washington
State. Tickets available in the Church Office. For more information please call 523-9403.
Cena Anual de Jaiba de Los Caballeros de Colon—sábado, 16 de enero
Hora Social a las 6:00pm / Cena a las 7:00pm
Salón de la Iglesia, Our Lady of Fátima en Modesto (505 W. Granger Avenue)
Los boletos están a $50.00 por persona y están disponibles en la Oficina Parroquial.
Nuestro proveedor obtiene la jaiba en el Noroeste del Pacifico. Favor de llamar a la Oficina
Parroquial (209) 545-3553 para mas información.