Download From Ashes to Easter Desde Cenizas Hasta Pascua

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Cycle A
San José Church, Austin, Texas
May 07
6:00pm....... All Mothers
SUN. May 08
7:30am....... Todas Las Madres
3rd Sunday
9:30am....... All Mothers
of Easter
11:30am..... All Mothers
1:15pm....... Todas Las Madres
Mon. May 09
5:45pm....... All Mothers
Tues. May 10
5:45pm....... All Mothers
Wed. May 11
5:45pm....... All Mothers
Thu. May 12
5:45pm....... Elena Sanchez- In Honor of Her Birthday
7:00pm....... † Carlos Manso- En Su Memoria
Fri. May 13
5:45pm....... † Roberto Ramirez, Sr
SAT. May 14
8:00am....... For Friends of San Jose
6:00pm....... Sandra Lawson & Family- Birthday Blessings
SUN. May 15
7:30am....... † Leticia Sanchez- In Memory of Her Birthday
4th Sunday
9:30am....... † Matt Martinez, Jr.
of Easter
11:30am..... † Ricardo Longoria- In Memory of His 4th Anniversary
1:15pm....... † Jose Aguilar Vargas
* designates a change in Mass times
† designates a deceased person(s)
Weekday Masses held in Sacred Heart Chapel
From Ashes
to Easter
New Fire, New Water,
New Light and New
Life- we will provide
some newness and
joy to our missions
through the Lenten Mission Project. If you
did not return your lent container today, please
bring it during this week or by next Sunday.
Desde Cenizas Hasta Pascua
Nueva Lumbre, Nuevo Agua, Nueva Luz,
Nueva Vida- compartiremos algun novedád y
alegria con nuestras misiones por el Proyecto
de Cuaresma. Si no ha entregado su Caja de
Cuaresma hoy, por favor entrégela entre semana o el proximo Domingo. Gracias.
Casita Esperanza News
We would like to congratulate the following
students for completing the 1st session of
ESL Classes:
Felicidades a los siguentes estudiantes por terminar la primera sesion de las Clases de ESL:
Laura Bueno
Laura Euelia Bermudez
Maria Cruz
Florina Ibanez
Dinora Leyva Izquierdo
Claudia Gonzalez
Maria Candelaria Mendez
Jesus G. Rodriguez
Sylvia H. Rodriguez
Araceli Vargas
If you are interested in teaching these classes,
training is provided. Please contact Delia Anguiano at 447-7306. Thank you.
A Big “Thank You” to Anita Perez and the
Ven Con Migo Students for their contribution
of canned goods for the needy during Lent.
Breakfast and Lunch Sales Schedule for May, 2011
Lista de Desayunos y Almuerzos para Mayo, 2011
Date/Fecha... Breakfast Group/Grupo del Desayuno......... Lunch Group/Grupo de Almuerzos
May 08.......... Nicaraguan Community................................ Nicaraguan Community
May 15.......... Matachines- Felix B......................................... Matachines- Felix B.
May 22.......... Grupo de Oración............................................. Grupo de Oración
May 29.......... Movimiento Familiar Cristiano........................ Movimiento Familiar Cristiano
Come enjoy a delicious breakfast or lunch, visit
with fellow parishioners and visitors and support your parish. Lunches are served after the
11:30am and 1:15pm Masses.
Venga a disfrutar de un desayuno o almuerzo delicioso, visite con feligreses y visitantes y soporte
su parroquia. Las comidas son servidas despues de
las misas de 11:30am y 1:15pm.
Office Hours:
Monday - Friday - 9:00 am - 6:00 pm
Closed Saturday and Sunday
Horario de oficina:
Lunes-Viernes de 9:00 am - 6:00 pm
Cerrado los Sabádos y Domingos
Sacrament of Reconciliation
(Confession) English/Spanish
Saturday, 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm, Main Church
Wed., 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm, Main Church
Sacramento de Reconciliación
(Confesión) Inglés y Español
Sábados de 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm,
Iglesia Principal
Miercoles de 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm pm,
Iglesia Principal
Grupo de Oración - Español
Salón Parroquial
Cada Martes - 7:00 pm
(located next to the Grotto)
(a un lado de la Gruta)
Sat............................. 10:30 am - 7:30 pm
Sun.............................. 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Wed., Thu. & Fri.......12:00 noon - 7:00 pm
Lupe Velasquez - Director
Office - 444-4664
Mon.-Thu...................... 10:00 am-6:00 pm
Closed Friday, Saturday & Sunday’s
Baptismal preparation classes and Baptisms
for children up to 4 yrs. of age are available in
English or Spanish. Contact the office for applications and information.
Se ofrecen clases para la preparación del
Bautismo en Inglés y en Español para niños
que tengan hasta 4 años cumplidos. Favor de
comunicarse a la oficina para obtener las formas
de solicitud y más información.
Please contact the Church Office (444-7587) 9
months prior to the celebration. The parents
must be registered in the parish and
the youth participating in the appropriate level of religious education.
Favor de ponerse en contacto con la Oficinia
de la Iglesia (444-7587) nueve (9) meses antes de la celebración. Los Padres de los
jovenes deben estar registrados en la
parroquia y los jovenes participando
en el nivel apropiado de educación
Our secretaries Mary Morris, Rachel Sanchez
and Rosario Tristan can provide this service for
you. Please call before coming by the office to
get something notarized.
3rd Sunday of Easter
May 8, 2011
Please say a prayer this week for/Por favor, esta semana digan una plegaria por:
Very Rev. Edward Karasek, St. Mary, Church of the Assumption, West
Rev. John Kelley, Sacred Heart, Lott & St. Joseph, Marlin
Sister Maria Purificacion Izquierdo, FHM, St. Francis on the Brazos, Waco
Sister Barbara Janda, SSND, Austin
Brother George Klawitter, CSC, Br. Vincent Pieau Residence, Austin
Deacon Romeo Sanchez, San Jose, Austin
Deacon Raymond Sanders, Canonical & Tribunal Services, Austin
Pray also for Seminarians, Sister Maria Catherine (Laura) Toon, and for ALL those thinking
about a vocation to the priesthood, religious life or diaconate.
PRAY FOR our known hospital and homebound patient(s)/OFRECE ORACIONES PARA nuestros
paciente(s) internados en el hospital y confinados en casa: Dora Cena, Nick Shoon, Guadalupe Diaz,
Netti Rocha, Jose Campos, Licha Lemus, Jessica Villanueva, Jamie Soto Coy, Gulmara Castellan,
Jose Zavala, Fred Arismendez, Angel Nabours, Susie Briones, Timothy Gutierrez, Bill Tarpley, Esther Baltierra, Daniel Bush, Paula Amaro, Bruno Castillo, Salomon Lesa, Georgina Buesing, Mary
Molina, Al Lloyd, Tina Vielma Morales, Abundio Izaguirre, Valentin Orozco, Humberto Fernandez,
Kayla Giselle Bernal Aguilar, Mary Vasquez, Elvira Carlin, Gil Ortiz, Jr., Susie Moreno Canizalez,
Maria Natividad Saldaña, Marcelino Suniga, Carolina Medrano, Jeanette Gonzales, Jesse Juarez, Ava
Saucedo, Eloy Espinosa, Sr., Karim Santamaria, Jennifer Galvan, Helen Camarillo, Maria Noriega,
Becky Reyna, Hilario Herrera, Sr., Mary Rangel, Tom Longoria, Joel Santamaria, Jesse Pompa, Matias
“Sonny” Limon, Teresa Teran Rodriguez, Rosie Garcia, Nat Limon, and/y Pete Botello,
Please pray for those who have recently passed away /
Por favor ore por los que fallecieron recientamente:
Luis Alejandro Lopez Zavala, Elizabeth Gamboa, Leonardo Arana Mendoza,
Dora Garza and/y Jose DeHaro
We would like to extend our deepest sympathy to their families.
Deseamos Ofrecer nuestra simpatía más profunda a sus familias.
The Diocese of Austin publishes a Friday E-pistle,
on their website. The e-pistle is a web-site weekly
newsletter sent to parishes and those serving the
Catholic Church in Central Texas every Friday at
mid-day. As recent as Friday, April 29th the following information was published that recognizes
the San José website:
The Diocesan Pastoral Plan, 2009-2013, calls
for the implementation of five strategies. One of
the strategies is to foster Welcoming Communities. In today’s world of technology and social
communication, many people routinely access
websites to learn about an organization, what it
has to offer, and how they can become involved.
The websites of three parish communities have
been identified as very attractive, welcoming,
inviting, and easy to navigate.
One of these three parishes is our very own SAN
JOSÉ!! The other two parishes are Holy Cross in
Austin and Christ the King in Belton. We owe
this great achievement to
Fr. Charlie Garza
our Associate Pastor and Erik Diaz our Director of Youth Ministry for giving NEW Life to
our website. You can view our website at www.
La Diócesis de Austin publica una EPISTOLA del
viernes, en su sitio web. La epístola es un boletín
semanal enviado a parroquias y esas porción la
Iglesia Católica en Tejas Central todos los viernes en
mediodía. Tan reciente como el viernes, 29 de abril la
información siguiente que reconoce nuestra parroquia
fue publicada:
El Plan Pastoral Diocesano, 2009-2013, llaman
para la implementación de cinco estrategias. Uno
de las estrategias es de fomentar las Comunidades
Acogedoras. En el mundo de hoy de la tecnología y
comunicación social, muchas personas conseguir acceso a rutinariamente sitios web para aprender acerca
de una organización, lo que tiene que ofrecer, y cómo
pueden liarse. Los sitios web de tres comunidades de
parroquia han sido identificados como muy atractivo,
dar la bienvenida, invitar, y fácil de navegar.
¡Uno de estas tres parroquias es nuestro muy propio
SAN JOSE!! Las otras dos parroquias son Holy Cross
en Austin y Christ the King en Belton. Debemos este
gran logro al Padre Charlie Garza nuestro Pastor
Asociado y Erik Diaz nuestro Director del Ministerio de Juventud por dar NUEVA Vida a nuestro
sitio web. Puede ver nuestro sitio web en www.
Pray for our loved ones in the military,/
Ore por nuestros seres queridos en el ejército,
SPC. Justin Fisher, Iraq, nephew of Lorena Gonzales
“May the hand of the Almighty protect and bring each one safely home.”
“Que la mano del Todopoderoso, proteja y regresa con toda seguridad a casa a cada uno de ellos.”
The following intentions have
been presented to the Blessed
Sacrament/las siguientes peticiones fueron presentadas al
Santísimo Sacramento: Para dar
gracias: Para que salga bien en
mis exámenes de salud, que no tenga que ir a
cirugía: For blessings of our employees and
business, Don Juan Terraza Marisco: Por toda
la familia Hernandez, para que se una: En
memoria de Maria Hernandez:
The person/s presenting these petitions
are/las persona/s que presenta
estas peticiones son:
Irene Jaimes: Sr. Guadalupe Diaz:
Unknown: Sus Hijos y Nietos:
Altar Flowers
are in Honor of
our Blessed Mother Mary and
all Mothers in our Parish.
Wedding Celebrated
Saturday, April 30
Dedications of ALTAR FLOWERS for our
Lords Altar are being accepted for SEVERAL
weekends in May, June, July, August, September and October 2011.
Your dedication is a special way to honor
a loved one on their special day or in their
memory; give thanksgiving for blessings
received; or in recognition of a special event,
a ministry or an organization. Donations can
be made at the Church Office.
If shopping at Randall’s, take your
Remarkable Card to Customer Serviceask credits to go to San Jose Church – 226479
– and San Jose will receive a donation based
on your purchases. Thanks!
Graduating seniors
Jerry Wolverton Memorial Scholarship
We are happy to announce that we will be
awarding the Jerry Wolverton Memorial
Scholarship on May 29, 2011. This scholarship
will be awarded to an Austin area High School
graduating senior, whose family is registered
at San Jose Parish and who is active in 2 or
more ministries at the parish.
Applications may be picked up at the San Jose
R.E. Office or you may call Nelli Wolverton
at (512)736-3252.
Applications must be turned in by Monday,
May 16, 2011.
Cycle A
San José Church, Austin, Texas
The disciples on the road to Emmaus walked and talked with Jesus
all day long, but it was not until they offered Him hospitality and He
blessed and broke the bread that they recognized Him. Simple acts
of loving kindness still reveal the presence of God in our midst.
En el camino a Emaus, los discípulos caminaban y hablaban con Jesús
todo el día, pero no fue sino hasta que ellos Le ofrecieron hospitalidad
y Él bendijo y repartió el pan cuando lo reconocieron a Él. Los actos
sencillos de amorosa bondad todavía revelan la presencia de Dios entre
Thanks to the 492 parishioners utilizing the
contribution envelopes. We thank everyone
for your support and commitment to San
José Parish!
Next Sunday’s special collection will be for
the Parish Development Fund. This fund
will help with current and future projects and
improvements that are needed in our Parish.
THANK YOU for your continued support and
Please use your personalized envelopes to
receive a record of your donations to San
José Parish.
THANK YOU for your donations of
$3,491.00 for the St. Vincent de Paul Collection.
Collections of April 30th & May 1st
Gracias a los 492 feligreses que utilizaron sus
sobres. ¡Damos gracias a todos por su apoyo
y compromiso con San José!
El próximo Domingo, la colecta especial
será para el Fondo del Desarrollo Parroquial. Este fondo ayudará con proyectos y
mejoramientos que son necesarios en nuestra
Parroquia. ¡GRACIAS POR continuar con su
soporte y por generosidad!
Favor de usar sus sobres para poder anotar
su donativo a la Parroquia de San José.
GRACIAS por su donaciones de $3,491.00
para la colecta
de St. Vincent de Paul.
Mail Ins..................................................547.00
May, 2011 Special Collections
May 15.........................Parish Development
May 22................................... Seminarians &
Priest Education and Formation
Las Colectas del día 30
de Abril y 1 de Mayo
“Get Out the Vote”
Charity Softball Match:
Sunday, May 15th at Dell Diamond
All are welcome to this family event to watch
priests, (our own Fr. Charlie Garza), seminarians and religious take on the youth of the Austin
Diocese in a friendly game of baseball.
Doors open at 1:30pm, game starts at 2:00pm,
followed by a concert with the Catholic Band,
Soundwave. Ticket proceeds benefit San Jose
Youth Ministry and World Youth Day Pilgrims.
For tickets and pricing, please contact Erik Diaz,
Youth Minister of our Religious Education program at (512) 444-4664.
Faith, Health and Hope
A healthy mind and body for a life with dignity
that leads us to honor and glorify our God of
life. We invite everyone who is interested in
participating in our Parroquial Health Ministry
to join us for walks every Saturday morning at
8AM in front of the church. In particular, we
welcome the participation of those whose doctors have recommended exercise for their health
care. The coordinator of this program is Father
Melesio Peter Espinoza. Please call the Church
Office to register.
Praise & Worship
Please get out to vote on Saturday, May 14. Who you vote for will make a difference on issues of healthcare, education, Immigration, affordable housing.
Make the small effort, see a big result. More info at 669-0809. A table in the
entrance this Sunday will help you study the issues.
Monday night PRAISE AND WORSHIP will
not be held the 2nd Monday of May. Please
also note there will not be an English healing
mass the last Monday of May. So sorry but
we hope to see you in June! To God be All
the Glory! Amen!
We give a warm welcome to all new parishioners.
New parishioners and anyone over 18 years of age
should register at the Parish Office. Also, please notify
us of address changes and or personal changes that
affect your registration.
Couples are asked to call Sr. Nancy at least
9 months before setting a wedding date.
They should be registered and participating in
the parish.
Alcohol and Drug Assistance Ministry
Please call the ADAM Team at 1-866-203-4087.
Leave your first name and a phone number and
time where you can be reached. All calls are
Para casarse por la iglesia aqui o en otro país
(especialmente si desea casarse en México) necesita
llamar a la Hna. Nancy de 9 meses antes de
fijar la fecha de la boda porque la iglesia
tiene ciertos trámites que cumplir.
Por favor llame al Equipo MAAD, al 1-866-2034087. Deje su primer nombre, un número telefonico
y horario a donde le podamos llamar. Todas las
llamadas son confidenciales.
Les damos la más cordial bienvenida a todos los
nuevos feligreses. Todos los feligreses y cualquiera
persona que sea mayor de 18 años, debe registrarse
en las oficinas de la Iglesia. Así también, les rogamos
nos hagan saber cualquier cambio en sus datos que
afecte su registro.
3rd Sunday of Easter
May 8, 2011
Religious Education Corner / Esquina De Educación Religiosa
“Be Still and know that I am God”
Psalm 46:11 NAB
“Paren y Reconozcan que Soy Díos”
Salmo 46:11 NAB
Spanish: 8:45am Session, Thursday, May 12 at 7:00pm in the main
English: Thursday, May 19 at 7:00pm in the main church
Español: Sesion de 8:45am, Jueves, 12 de Mayo a las 7:00pm en la Iglesia
Ingles: Jueves, 19 de Mayo a las 7:00pm en la Iglesia Principal
Spanish Mass: 8:45 Session, Saturday, May 14 at 10am in the main
English Mass: Saturday, May 28 at 10am in the main church
All students are to report to the Parish Hall at 9:30am promptly the day
of the ceremony.
Misa Español: Sesion de 8:45am, Sabádo, 14 de Mayo a las 10am en la
Iglesia Principal
Misa Ingles: Sabádo, 28 de Mayo a las 10am en la Iglesia Principal
Todos los estudiantes deben reportarse en el Salon Parroquial a las 9:30am
en punto el día de la ceremonia.
Fish Fry!
The Religious Education office would like to thank everyone who helped
with our Fish Fry’s. A special Thanks to our cooks for all their hard work,
to all those who brought their delicious cakes and pastries. These people
volunteered their time and talents to make this a success. To our customers who helped us profit $5,459.17. May God grant you many blessings
for all you do.
Palm Sunday
The Youth Ministry Program presented the re-enactment of the Lords’
passion entitled: What a Week for Jesus. Thank you to the youth for their
participation, hard work, and dedication. A big thank you goes out to the
director Anna Sabana and assistances Maria Gonzales and Mary Morris.
Pre-Registration for Religious Education Classes
Students currently in Religious Education classes have been given the
pre-registration packets to take home. The packets were given to the oldest
child in each family. Please let us know if your family did not receive one
by calling the R.E. Office at 444-4664.
Please take this opportunity to pre-register your children for next year. Preregistration allows families to register without having to wait in the long
lines at registration in August. To qualify for pre-registration your 20102011 fees must be paid in full and next years (2011-2012) fees also.
Palm Sunday BBQ
The Religious Education office would like to thank everyone who helped
with the Youth Ministry Barbecue especially the cooks, Eddie Guillen Sr.
and friends. We made a profit of $2090.08. Many blessings to all the people
who volunteered their time and talents to make this a success.
Don’t Wait, Start Now!!
If you will be registering your children for a Sacramental Class this upcoming year NOW is the time to get those baptismals ready. If your child
was baptized here at San Jose you may request a copy from our main
church office for just $5.00. If your child was baptized at another parish
or in another country you need to contact the parish in which they were
baptized for a copy. We will not be registering anyone for a Sacramental
Class without a copy of his or her baptismal. Also if your child will be
entering their 2nd year for Confirmation we will need a copy of their 1st
Communion Certificate. Registration will come up soon!
Attention all Graduates from High School and College
The Graduation Mass will be on May 29th at the 9:30AM Mass. Please
stop by the Religious Education Office to pick up a registration form.
Deadline to return forms is by May 17th.
¡Pescado Frito!
La oficina de Educación Religiosa quiere darle las gracias a todos los que
ayudaron con la venta de Pescado Frito. Gracias especialmente a los cocineros por su trabajando tan duro, a todas las personas que trajeron deliciosos
pastels y pastelitos. Estas personas dieron su tiempo y talento para asir este
evento un éxito. A todos los clients que nos ayudaron hacer $5,459.17. Que
Díos les conceder muchas bendiciónes por todo lo que hacen.
Domingo de R amos
El Programa de Ministerio de Jovenes presento la passion de Cristo
titulado: Que Semana para Jesús. Gracias a los jovenes que participaron,
trabajaron muy duro, y su dedicación. Unas gran gracias para la directora
Anna Sabana y asistentes Maria Gonzales y Mary Morris.
Pre-Registración para Clases de Educación Religiosa
Estudiantes que esta en Educación Religiosa a este tiempo han recibido
el paquete para pre-registración para llevar a casa. El estudiante mayor
de edad de cada familia es el que recibio el paquete. Por favor llame a
la oficina de Educación Religiosa si su familia no recibio un paquete al
Por favor tomen esta oportunidad para pre-registrar sus niños para el
próximo año. Pre-registración le da a las familias oportunidad para
registrarse sin tener que esperar en las líneas largas en la registración en
Agosto. Para cualificar para pre-registración el costo del año 2010-2011
debe estar pagado en completo y el costo del próximo año tambien.
Palm Sunday BBQ
La oficina de Educación Religiosa quiere darle las gracias a todos los que
ayudaron on la venta de Pollo Asado para el Ministerio de Jovenes especialmente a los cocineros, Eddie Guillen Sr. y amigos. Hicimos $2090.08
de beneficios. Muchas bendiciónes a todas las personas que dieron su
tiempo y talento para asir este evento un éxito.
¡¡No Espere, Empiece Ahora!!
Si usted desea inscribir sus niños(as) para un Clase Sacramental este
próximo año HOY es el tiempo para preparar sus certificados de bautismos.
Si su hijo(a) fue bautizado aquí en San José puede pedir una copia en la
oficina principal por nomas de $5.00. Si su hijo(a) fue bautizado en otra
iglesia o en otro país usted necesita llamar a esa iglesia para obtener una
copia. No estaremos inscibiendo a ninguno para un Clase Sacramental sin
la copia del certificado de bautismo. Tambien, si su hijo(a) estara entrando
al Segundo año para Confirmación necesitaremos una copia del certificado
de primera comuión. ¡Las inscribciónes se llegaran pronto!
Iglesia San José, Austin, Texas
Cycle A
Intercessions for Life
For mothers:
that their many sacrifices
will be rewarded
by the gratitude of their husbands
and children in this life,
and by God in the life to come;
We pray to the Lord:
Intercesiones por la Vida
Por las madres: para que sus muchos
sacrificios sean recompensados
con la gratitud de sus esposos e hijos
en esta vida,
y Dios en la vida que vendrá;
Roguemos al Señor:
The Diocese of Austin Prayer Vigil for Life will be hosted by St. Paul Parish, 10000
David Moore Rd., Austin on Sat., May 21st. Mass at 7:00am, followed by Adoration and car caravan to Planned Parenthood to pray the Mysteries of the Rosary.
Benediction at 10:30am in Church followed by refreshments. For more info call
Bob Christiansen at (512) 255-8551.
notes from fr. tom
Voices from the Church
Fathers on the Eucharist
Voice Six- Irenaeus of Lyons - 180 A.D.
…Our bodies, when they receive the Eucharist,
are no longer corruptible, having the hope of
the Resurrection to eternity.
Four transitional Deacons will be ordained on May 21 at St. William Parish
in Round Rock and two new priests will be
ordained on June 11 at St. Mary’s Cathedral.
Both ceremonies are at 10:30am and all are
Ashes to Easter Lent Boxes. We have
received 362 Lenten Boxes with a total of
$4,677.20. Please return your little Lent Box
this week.
Fr. Kevin will be going to Cape Town on
May 10th and returning on June 7th.
Desde Cenizas hasta Pascua Cajitas
de Cuaresma- Hemos recibido 362 Cajitas
de Cuaresma con una suma de $4,677.20.
Por favor regrese su Cajita de Cuaresma esta
We have some 300 children receiving
their 1st Eucharist this year- on May 7,
14 and 28- all ceremonies are at 10am. Please
pray for and rejoice with us for these great
events of our Faith.
I will be filling in next Sunday for the
Pastor of Saint Julia Parish. He is recovering
from an operation.
Fr. Brian Mc Master will be our guest for
the 7:30 and 9:30 Masses on Sunday, May
22nd. Fr. Brian is the Vocation Director for
our Diocese.
El Padre Brian Mc Master estará con
nosotros para las Misas de 7:30 y 9:30 el Domingo, 22 de Mayo. Padre Brian es el Director
de Vocaciones para nuestro Diócesis.
Happy Mother’s Day
Feliz dia de Madres
-Fr. Tom
Sat. May 07.......Acts 6:1-7, Ps 33:1-2,4-5,18-19, Jn 6:16-21
Sun May 08.......Acts 2:14,22-33, Ps 16:1-2,5,7-11, 1 Pt 1:17-21,
..........................Lk 24:13-35
Mon. May 09.....Acts 6:8-15, Ps 119:23-24,26-27,29-30, Jn 6:22-29
Tues. May 10.....Acts 7:51-8:1a, Ps 31:3cd-4,6-7b,8a,17,21ab, Jn 6:30-35
Wed. May 11.....Acts 8:1b-8, Ps 66:1-3a,4-7a, Jn 6:35-40
Thu. May 12......Acts 8:26-40, Ps 66:8-9,16-17,20, Jn 6:44-51
Fri: May 13........Acts 9:1-20, Ps 117:1bc,2, Jn 6:52-59
Sat May 14........Acts 1:15-17,20-26, Ps 113:1-8, Jn 15:9-17
Sun May 15.......Acts 2:14a,36-41, Ps 23:1-6, 1 Pt 2:20b-25, Jn 10:1-10
City Elections will take place on
Saturday, May 14, 2011.
YOUR VOTE has potential to bring positive change to Austin; to your neighborhood;
and to your family.
A Catholic Call to Political Responsibility
Politics…should be about an old idea with
new power The common good.
The central question should not be, “Are you
better off than you were four years ago?”
It should be, “How can ‘we’—all of us,
especially the weak and vulnerable
Be better off in the years ahead?
How can we protect and
promote human life and dignity?
How can we pursue
greater justice and peace?”
-USCCB Administrative Committee
Faithful Citizenship: A Catholic Call to Political Responsibility, P.2
Las Elecciones de la ciudad sucederán el
sábado, el 14 de mayo de 2011.
SU VOTO tiene potencial para traer el cambio
positivo a Austin; a su vecindario;
y a su familia.
Una Llamada Católico para una Política
La política... debería ser de una idea antigua
con un poder Nuevo el bien común.
La pregunta central no debería ser,
“¿Ha mejorado Usted en comparación
de cuatro años pasados?”
¿ Debería ser “ Cómo podemos
‘ nosotros ‘ - todos nosotros,
‘y especialmente los débil y vulnerables,
Ser mejor en los años que siguen?
¿Cómo podemos proteger y defender la vida
humana y la dignidad humana?
¿Cómo podemos dedicarnos a
conseguir más justicia y paz?”
-Comite Administrativa de USCCB
Ciudadanos Fieles: Una Llamada Católica para
una Política Responsable, p.2
3rd Sunday of Easter
May 8, 2011
A STUDY of Influences o
Mobility Impairment Among Hispanic Men
The University of Texas at Austin School of Nursing is conducting a study of how
Mexican-American men experience difficulties with mobility. They are looking
for men between the age of 55 to 80 years of age who have a limitation in ability to
walk, climb steps or stand. Participants will receive $50.00 per interview. If you are
interested in participating in this study, please stop by the San José Church office
and pick up an application. Please contact Tracie Harrison at (512) 471-9085 or at for more information.
“Special” pilgrimage at a below cost price to Fatima for 7 days,
with air included from Newark, NJ, 4 star hotel, motorcoach, escort,
and 2 meals per day for only $799.00. This price does not include your
taxes, surcharges, lunches or drinks. Call 1-877-627-4268 toll free for
further information and availability.
ANNULMENT HELP: The Diocesan Pastoral Center is hosting
an Annulment Writing Workshop on May 13 & May 14. The Workshop will
give participants a step-by-step explanation of annulment procedures including how to tell one’s story and how to find witnesses to back up one’s story.
By the time the workshop is complete, participants have written a first draft
of their annulment case. The sessions incorporate prayer breaks throughout
with an emphasis on healing the pain that often surfaces during the annulment
process. The cost of the workshop is $20. For more information or to register
contact Pat Thompson at (512) 261-8500 or (512) 970-7063.
Dolores Catholic Church, 1111 Montopolis Dr.
Jamaica 2011
Sunday, May 15th from 11:00am-10:00pm
Best of all foods, Raffle, Bingo, Silent Auction, Pony & Train Rides, Lots of
kid games, Free Live Music and Free Parking.