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Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time June 23, 2013 ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA 5770 N. Maroa, Fresno Ca 93704-2038 (559) 439-0124 Fax: (559) 439-3050 Parish Office Hours Monday - Thursday: 8:00am - 4:30pm (open during lunch) Friday: 8:00am - 12:00pm Mass Schedule Saturday: 8:00am., 5:15pm (Vigil Mass), 7:00pm (Spanish) Sunday: 8:00am, 9:30am, 11:00am, 1:00pm (Spanish), 3:30pm (Latin), 6:00pm Daily Mass Schedule (June - August) Monday - Friday: 6:45am, 8:00am First Friday: 5:30pm (Chapel) Misa en español del Primer Viernes: 7:00pm (Capilla de Guadalupe) Perpetual Adoration 24 hours a day, 7 days a week located in the Parish Office Sacrament of Reconciliation (confesiones) Saturday: 11:00am - 12:00pm AND 2:30pm - 4:30pm St Agnes Mission Church 111 W. Birch St., Pinedale, Ca 93650 (559) 439-2100 Office Hours: Monday - Friday: 9:00 - 4:00pm (Closed for lunch 12:30 - 1:30pm) (Closed Wednesdays) Mass Schedule Sunday: 9:00am, 10:30am (Spanish) No Daily Mass Sacrament of Reconciliation Confessions will be held at St. Anthony's Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Tuesday: 7:00 - 8:00pm St. Anthony’s School 5680 N. Maroa, Fresno, Ca 93704 (559) 435-0700 Fax: (559) 435-6749 Principal: Mrs. Kim Cochran Welcome to St. Anthony’s page 2 June 23 2013 Clergy Pastor Parochial Vicar Parochial Vicar, St. Agnes Mission In Residence Parish Deacon Parish Deacon Mission Statement Rev. Msgr. Rob Wenzinger Rev. Fr. Loren Blessing Rev. Ricardo D. Magdaleno Rev. Msgr. Myron J. Cotta, V.G. Rev. Mr. Edward C. Valdez Rev. Mr. Ricardo DeLeon The Catholic Christian Community of St. Anthony of Padua welcomes all to our celebrations of God’s love. Through prayer, education, sacraments, caring and stewardship, we strive to serve the needs of God’s people and Religious Parish Sister Parish Sister Parish Sister to gain a richer understanding of the gospel Sr. Flor Azevedo, FHIC Sr. Rosa Maria Branco, FHIC Hna. Teresa de Jesús, MCSTNJ Religious Ed. Secretary Sunday Pre-School Youth Group Ministries Youth Group Assistant Contact Person Rev. Msgr. Rob Wenzinger Mary Mosier Chris Shiveley Teri Lóera Lilli Angela Antonio Sherry Otero Martha Danks-Ferguson Jan Spraggins Mary Socorro Briseño Tom Neumeier Teri Lóera Sharon Christison Edgar Briseño Hermana Teresa de Jesús Lynn Medeiros David Sarkisian Norma Jean Liscano Sister Flor Sister Rosa Maria Aida Bolton Martha Danks-Ferguson Sharon Christison Sarah Moreno School Principal Mrs. Kim Cochran Pastor Administrator, Parish Administrative Asst. Administrative Asst. Accts. Receivable Bookkeeper Adult Religious Ed. Bulletin Editor Children's Religious Ed. Finance/Facilities Infant Baptisms High School Sacraments Hispanic Ministries Hispanic Ministries Asst. Marriage Coordinator Music Ministries Parish Ministries message of love. Phone ext. ext. 104 ext. 103 ext 101 ext 102 ext 172 ext 120 ext 114 ext 115 ext 119 ext. 243 ext 102 ext 111 ext 173 ext. 113 ext 116 ext 222 ext 105 ext 122 ext 112 ext 121 ext 114 ext 111 ext 110 E-mail address St. Anthony’s School ~ 435-0700 ext 233 St. Agnes Mission Church ~ 439-2100 Parish Administrator Director of Religious Ed. Hispanic Ministries Annette Amparano Phyllis Carmona Miguel Mireles 394-5058 299-5549 259-4205 Welcome to St. Anthony’s We at St. Anthony of Padua Church extend our heart in a warm welcome to you. Whether a long term resident or newly arrived in the Parish, we are so grateful you are with us. If you have not registered, or would like to update registration information, please fill out this form; you may place it in the collection basket or mail/drop off at the Parish Office. Name_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City____________________________________ Request Registration Information State___________________ Change of Address Zip________________ New Phone Number Phone_________________________ Monthly Envelopes Sacraments page 3 READINGS CAN BE FOUND AT #963 Banns of Marriage The following couples will marry in the coming weeks: Brian Fuentes and Amy Huerta Matthew Morales and Cynthia Paz If you know of any canonical reason for them not to be married, please contact the Parish Office. CONFIDENCE Confidence comes not from always being right but not fearing to be wrong. ~ Anonymous Pray for the Sick: We pray for Ray Maranian and all those who are sick. May they feel the healing power of our prayers. Condolences: We pray for Julie Marchese, Charlotte Girado, Alfred Torres, Frances (Frankie) Kolmanir, Virginia Esqueda, Sophia Cunningham and all the faithful departed. Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine For the weekend of Readings and Mass Intentions (June 23 - June 30, 2013) Sunday 6/23 #963 8:00 am 9:30 am 11:00 am 1:00 pm (Spanish) 3:30 pm (Latin) 6:oo pm Monday 6/24 6:45 am 8:00 am Tuesday 6/25 6:45 am 8:00 am Wednesday 6/26 6:45 am 8:00 am Thursday 6/27 6:45 am 8:00 am Friday 6/28 6:45 am 8:00 am Saturday 6/29 June 16, 2013 This week’s plate income: $21,576.00 Last year’s plate income: $20,500.00 Difference: + $ 1,076.00 Year to Date Plate Collection: 7/1/2011 – 4/30/2012 $ 1,164,754.21 7/1/2012 – 4/30/2013 $ 1,182,826.77 Difference + $ 18,072.56 Thank you for your generosity! VISIT OUR WEBSITE ( E-mail Lisa Hendey at: Don’t forget to us on Facebook and “check in” (on your mobile device) before Mass to let others know about our wonderful Parish. 8:00 am 5:15 pm 7:00 pm (Spanish) Sunday 6/30 8:00 am 9:30 am 11:00 am 1:00 pm (Spanish) 3:30 pm (Latin) 6:oo pm Zec 12:10-11; 13:1; Ps 63:2-6, 8-9; Gal 3:26-29; Lk 9:18-24 † Peggy Samson by Francis Samson † Elise Ruehlman by Alice Brechmann † Frank Vitucci by Nikk, Giuliano, Evangelea, Evenia Pro Populo † David Tuttle by The Lamb Family † Elliot Chielpegian Vigil: Jer 1:4-10; Ps 71:1-6, 15, 17; 1 Pt 1:8-12; Lk 1:5-17 Day: Is 49:1-6; Ps 139:1-3, 13-15; Acts 13:22-26; Lk 1:57-66, 80 † Carl Orlando by Mike & Sara Orlando † Eleanor M. Stittich by Elizabeth Stittich Gn 13:2, 5-18; Ps 15:2-4ab, 5; Mt 7:6, 12-14 † Christian Ogbodo by Austin Ogbodo † Ernestine Agnew by Anne Agnew–Rodriguez Gn 15:1-12, 17-18; Ps 105:1-4, 6-9; Mt 7:15-20 † Charles Stenzel by Paul & Kelly Lilles † Deceased Members of the I.C.F. Branch #308 Gn 16:1-12, 15-16 [6b-12, 15-16]; Ps 106:1b-5; Mt 7:21-29 † Andy Solomon by Paul & Kelly Lilles † Ida Montalbano by SA- Q.H.F.G. Gn 17:1, 9-10, 15-22; Ps 128:1-5; Mt 8:1-4 † Andy Solomon by Pat & Marina LaRocca † Emily Dungee by Jenny Sherrill Vigil: Acts 3:1-10; Ps 19:2-5; Gal 1:11-20; Jn 21:15-19 Day: Acts 12:1-11; Ps 34:2-9; 2 Tm 4:6-8, 17-18; Mt 16:13-19 † Manuel Gonsalves by Manuel & Virginia Pacheco † Don Frey by The Hernandez Family Intentions of Carmen Rita by Ernesto Balleste 1 Kgs 19:16b, 19-21; Ps 16:1-2, 5, 7-11; Gal 5:1, 13-18; Lk 9:51-62 † Ida Montalbano by Knights of Columbus, Council #6092 Intentions of Tom & Mary Mascarenaz by MaryJane Weaver † Victor DeLuca by The DeLuca Family † Marie & Victor Nattali by J. Silva Pro Populo † Elliot Chielpegian by The Cantelmi Family “The procreative capacity of man and woman should not be treated as just another means of technology, as also happens with in vitro fertilization (IVF) or cloning. When that happens, human life itself is degraded because it becomes, more and more, something produced or manufactured in various ways, ways that will only multiply as science advances. Children begin to be seen less as gifts received in a personal communion of mutual self-giving, and increasingly as a lifestyle choice, a commodity to which all consumers are entitled.” (Excerpted from the U.S. Bishops’ Pastoral Letter entitled Marriage: Love and Life In The Divine Plan. To read the document go to Religious Education Page 4 June 23, 2013 If you are a Junior or Senior in High School and would like to be a youth leader for either Edge on Tuesday evenings or LifeTeen on Sunday evenings, please contact Sharon Christison. You can download a volunteer application at on the LifeTeen page. For more info email me at or 439-0124x111. Training will take place during the summer. Do you play a musical instrument or sing? Come talk to Brandon Christison after the 6:00pm Mass. Reflection…. • Suffering is not a sign of God’s abandonment of us, but an invitation to abandon ourselves to Him. • “God had one son on earth without sin but never one without suffering.” St. Augustine • Jesus Christ is not merely a promise of redemption, but the fulfillment of God’s greatest promise to love us perfectly, forever. • “God doesn’t promise to shield us from every one of life’s storms, but to shelter us within them.” THANK YOU FOR YOUR DONATIONS AND PRAYERS!! STEUBENVILLE SAN DIEGO is an amazing annual gathering of Catholic teens held at the University of San Diego. Join over 4,000 Catholic teens and their chaperones for a weekend FULL of fun, friendship and faith. There's great music, incredible speakers, time for prayer and really good food! It’s not to late to sponsor a teen. CATCHING FIRE, BECOMING FLAME, A GUIDE FOR SPIRITUAL TRANSFORMATION You are invited to join us for our summer Year of Faith series based on this book and DVD by Fr. Albert Haase OFM. We will meet at 7:00pm in the Conference Room on Tuesdays for six weeks beginning July 2nd. If you’d like to reserve a copy of the book ($15) please contact Martha (439-0124 ext. 114 or email: Fr. Albert is an award-winning author, preacher of parish missions, presenter of spirituality workshops, spiritual director, and co-host of “Spirit and Life” on the Relevant Radio Network. Visit his website at WE STILL NEED YOUR HELP If you or your business would like to make a tax-deductible donation to help cover the cost of our Summer Bible Camp t-shirts, please contact: Mary Briseño at 439-0124 ext. 119 or Any amount is GREATLY appreciated! We would like to at least cover the t-shirt cost for our volunteers! Edge All incoming 6th, 7th, & 8th graders WELCOME! Tuesdays, 6:30 - 8:00pm in Room 24 Summer Nights July 9th, 16th, 23rd and 30th Sharon Christison at 439-0124 ext. 111 or YOU MAY STILL PICK UP A REGISTRATION FORM • • Church Entrances Or download from website: • Register in person at St. Anthony’s School on Monday, June 24th at 7:50am RADIANT JOY Life Teen All teens in High School are welcome to attend our 6:00pm Mass. Come sit up front in the Main Section of the Church. Bring a friend!! Summer scripture and sports nights 7pm till 9pm June 23rd, July 7th, July 14th, July 26th For more information call, Sharon @ 439-0124 ext 111 Parish Ministries www.stanthonyfresno. TAIZÉ PRAYER SERVICE Monday, June 24th from 7:30pm - 8:30pm in the Main @ St Anthony of Padua Church All are welcome to join us & as we listen in silence to God. ST. ANTHONY FOOD DRIVE THIS WEEKEND! We thank you in advance for serving those in need at this time! Monetary donations are greatly appreciated; please send checks to: Catholic Charities 149 N. Fulton Street Fresno, CA 93701 “When you are called from your prayers or the Eucharistic celebration to serve the poor, you lose nothing, since to serve the poor is to go to God. You must see God in the faces of the poor.” - St Vincent de Paul Jacob’s Ladder This Ministry is a prayer chain those in need of special intentions, such as: serious illness, emergency or crisis situations, major changes or decisions, etc. If you would like us to add a name to this prayer chain or are in need of prayer, please contact the Office of Ministriesat:439-0124,x,105. “We must pray without tiring, for the salvation of mankind does not depend upon material success… but on Jesus alone.” ~ St. Frances Xavier Cabrini FATIMA’S FAITHFUL MONTHLY MEETING This group will meet on Thursday, June 27th from 6:30pm to 8:30pm in the Conference Room. We will be discussing Chapter 1 from the book “Fatima for Today” by Fr. Apostoli. New members are always welcome; bring a friend. Questions? Call Sr. Rosa in the Office of Ministries at: 439-0124, ext., 112. Page 5 FIRST FRIDAY MASS † JULY 5th @ 5:30PM Everyone is welcome to join the St. Padre Pio Devotees as they Gather for Mass at 5:30pm in Our Lady of Guadalupe Chapel followed by Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament & Benediction, immediately following a conclusion of prayers for the intercession of St. Padre Pio. “If we only knew how God regards this Sacrifice, we would risk our lives to be present at a single Mass.” ~ St. Pio of Pietrelcino FILIPINO CATHOLIC LEAGUE These members are called to the Christian message of spiritual growth and fostering service to others through the application of the Gospel values in the Filipino Catholic tradition. They meet every second Monday of the month at 7pm in the Parish Office Boardroom. Questions? Call the Office of Ministries at: 439-0124, ext.112 or 105. (QHFG) QUEEN OF THE HOLY FAMILY GUILD GROUP WILL BE ON A SUMMER BREAK UNTIL AUGUST. HAVE A GREAT SUMMER & MAY GOD BLESS YOU ALL! TUESDAY NIGHT ‘FAITH BIBLE STUDY’ Deacon Ed Valdez’s bible study will be on a summer break until September. Have a safe & wonderful summer! “Preach the Gospel at all times, when necessary use words.” ~ St. Francis of Assisi PILGRIM VIRGIN STATUE At Fatima in Portugal in 1917 Mary appeared to three children several times. She urged them to pray the Rosary in sorrow for sin, and for the conversion of sinners to a better way of life. In the reign of Pope Pius XII, the custom developed of having a statue of Our Lady of Fatima carried from place to place to encourage people to respond to Mary’s request, we have such a statue. If you’d like to have her in your home for a week, contact the Office of Ministries at: 439-0124 ext.105 or 112. Perpetual Adoration Chapel need Adorers & 2nd Adorers to Cover Hours Below… Please check the schedule in Adoration & call: 439-0124ext., 105 or 112 if you are interested. Thank you & God bless…. 12am Saturday/3am Wednesday, Friday & Saturday/11am Thursday/2pm-Saturday 3pm Thursday & Saturday/Thursday & Saturday/4pm Thursday & Saturday/6pm Saturday/8pm Sat. Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus: It was the special desire of our Lord Jesus Christ, revealed to Blessed Margaret Mary, that the first Friday of each month be consecrated to the devotion to and adoration of His most Sacred Heart. In order to better prepare for it, it would be well to read, the evening before, some book treating of this devotion, or of the Passion of Our Lord, and to make a short visit to the Blessed Sacrament. On the day itself we should, on awaking, offer and consecrate ourselves, with all our thoughts, words, and actions, to Jesus, that His Sacred Heart may be thereby honored and glorified. Page 6 Cathlic Charities June 23, 2013 SERVICES PROVIDED BY CCDOF: Mon - Fri 8:30am – 3:45pm (Closed 12:30pm - 1:00pm) Catholic Charities Diocese of Fresno (CCDOF) has been serving low-income Fresno County residents for over 45 years. Clients are required to PROVIDE IDENTIFICATION: (Adults- State Issued ID, Drivers License, Parole Card, DMV Receipt, Immigration Card, Children- Birth Certificates, Medi-Cal Cards, Soc Sec Cards, School Ids) for all household members. PROOF OF ADDRESS: (PGE Bill, SSI Letter, Lease/Rental Agreements, Utility Bills, Bank Statement, WIZ Report) PROOF OF INCOME: (Paycheck Stub, SSI Letter, Bank Statement, Unemployment Print Out, WIZ Report). A WIZ Report is provided to all clients free of charge from the Welfare Office- this document reports monthly income such as Food Stamps, CalWorks, Cash Aid, etc. Income is then measured against the Federal Poverty Income Guidelines. If a client is homeless and only has an ID (which most homeless do have) then a special travel pack will be provided for him/her. A travel pack consists of items that an individual can eat on the go- bread, peanut butter, granola bars, fruit, etc. Otherwise, once eligibility is determined, clients can receive the following services: Food Services- 8 Food Pantry Services a year- each food service covers approximately 5 days of meals. Fresh produce and vegetables (when in season) are distributed along with staple items (peanut butter, canned vegetables, spaghetti, tomato sauce, cereal, rice, beans and a meat product). USDA Commodities and Healthy Neighborhood Market- Commodities is 2nd Mon of each month, Market is last Thursday of each month. USDA Commodities is government food that is distributed to clients who meet the USDA income guidelines. Clients do not go through a regular Intake process for this distribution. One to two food bags are distributed to each family depending upon the household size. Healthy Neighborhood Market is a collaborative program with the Community Food Bank that allows CCDOF to distribute fresh fruits and vegetables “farmer’s market” style. Clothing Referral- Every 3 months clients can receive 3 outfits per family member. In addition, each member can receive shoes and undergarments. Blankets and coats are available with clothing referrals during the cold winter months, when there is adequate stock supply through community donations. DMV Reduced Fee ID Vouchers- Upon showing proof of income, clients can receive an application for a $8 DMV Reduced Fee ID Card. The client fills out the form, a CCDOF staff member signs and verifies income, and then the client brings the completed form to the DMV for assistance (Normal cost would be $27). Cal Fresh applications- Clients can be pre-screened for Cal Fresh (food stamp) assistance by completing a 10-15 minute application. This application is then sent to the county office where final eligibility is determined. CA Lifeline Program- Brief education trainings are completed with each client explaining the CA Lifeline Program. Brochures are then given to the client with contact information if they are interested in applying for a $7 a month landline. Hygiene, Diapers, Wipes, Baby Food- When product is available based upon community donations. Rent/Mortgage Assistance- When funding is available through the EFSP (Emergency Food and Shelter Program). This program provides us with a limited amount of funds for rental/mortgage assistance. PGE Assistance- On occasion, we do receive limited donations to assist clients with their PGE Bill. This is not a standard program for us, but one that is available through the generosity of donors. Representative Payee Program- The program is a very basic service structured to assist any person needing help with the management of their monthly resources. A budget is created for each case and benefits are received and then paid out for monthly living expenses. Senior Companion- The Senior Companion Program consists of low income seniors who volunteer to assist other frail seniors. Senior Companion Volunteers must be at least 55 years of age and meet income guidelines. Adult Protective Services-The Adult Protective Services Program focuses on protective services aimed at the elderly and disabled population. The service deals with the issues involving emergency shelters, emergency home care, emergency prescription assistance, emergency utilities assistance, transportation services or emergency food services. Around our Diocese page 7 CENTERING PRAYER RETREATS: 3 AND 7-DAY RETREATS IN JULY ST. ANTONY’S RETREAT CENTER, THREE RIVERS Would you like to learn how to pray like Teresa of Avila, John of the Cross, Meister Eckhart, Thomas Merton, Therese of Liseaux, Mother Theresa and other Christian saints and mystics? Would you like to develop a relationship of deeper intimacy with God? Feeling stressed? "Come aside and rest a while," as Jesus says, and join us in a 3 or 7-day Centering Prayer retreat at beautiful St. Anthony's Retreat Center in Three Rivers, California. Centering Prayer is a method of prayer designed to facilitate the grace of contemplative prayer by preparing our body, mind and spirit to receive this gift. Take action now and save. 3-Day retreat (July 5 - 7): $210 for a shared room and $245 for a private room. 7-Day Retreat (July 5 - 11): $545 for a shared room; $595 for a single room. Email: for a flyer. $25 late fee if you register after July 3rd. Call or email now to register for this special retreat. Please make check payable to "Everardo Pedraza" and mail to Centering Prayer Retreat, 2243 S. Bundy Drive, Fresno, CA 93727. Contact: Everardo Pedraza at 559-230-9736. Thank you. Come Celebrate St. Anthony’s School Grounds 9:00am - 3:00pm 75th Anniversary with Bishop Armando X. Ochoa, D.D. and Fr. Victor Dinh Sunday, July 7 ~ 10:30am Mass at St. Genevieve’s (1127 Tulare St., Fresno) Everyone is invited to join us after Mass for a reception downstairs in our Social Hall, hosted by David and Arlene Cornelius. The Anniversary Dinner will be held that same evening at 5:30pm at Imperial Garden Restaurant; dinner tickets at $20/person. For more information, please call Paul Loo at 559-313-0626. ALL proceeds will go to St. Agnes Mission Church. We will be selling T-shirts after ALL Masses at St. Anthony’s the weekend of June 1 $ 2 outside the Conference Room. Franciscan Family Vacation Retreat "FaithFULL Family" July 8 - 12, 2013 This affordable vacation is for the entire family which includes 5 nights lodging, all meals, Faith Formation for the youth, free time each afternoon. Check-in: Monday, July 8, 3:00 - 5:00pm. Retreat begins with a gathering on Monday, July 8 at 5:30pm followed by dinner and ends Friday, July 12 with lunch. A schedule will be available once your registration is confirmed. Cost Overnight Rates: Adults & Teens: $275 pp; Children 7-12: $150pp; Children 4-6: $125pp; Under 3 yrs old Free. Commuter Rates: Day begins at 9:00am, Monday - Friday. Includes: Lunch & Dinner and all activities, plus after dinner fun (which ends between 8:30- 9pm). Adults & Teens: $50 per day; Children 7-12: $25 per day; Children 4-6: $20 per day; Accompanied Children under 3 are free! Please note this retreat is for the entire family and it is not a kids' camp or day camp, an adult must accompany all commuter children. A schedule will be available when registration is confirmed. For information or to register Call Pat Julian at (760)757-3659, ext. 123 or email: or visit our website at: HISPANIC MINISTRIES / MINISTERIOS HISPANOS Pagina 8 El Evangelio de hoy presenta la escena perfecta para la celebración del Rito de Aceptación en el Catecumenado. Escuchamos la pregunta de Jesús: “¿Quien dices tu que soy Yo?” Esta es una oportunidad para la reflexionar sobre ¿QUIEN como hemos evangelizado nosotros, que DICES TU decimos de Jesús y que hacemos para QUE SOY atraer a los fieles y ayudarlos a escoger el buen sendero. Nosotros no cargamos YO? solos con nuestra cruz, ¿Qué testimonio da nuestra vida? Maria D. Maritnez 23 de junio, 2013 SOLEMNIDAD DE SAN PEDRO Y SAN PABLO 29 de junio La solemnidad de los santos apóstoles Pedro y Pablo, fundadores de la Iglesia de Roma es la fiesta de «la unidad y la catolicidad de la Iglesia». Cada 29 de junio, en la solemnidad de San Pedro y San Pablo, apóstoles, recordamos a estos grandes testigos de Jesucristo y, a la vez, hacemos una solemne confesión de fe en la Iglesia una, santa, católica y apostólica. Ante todo es una fiesta de la catolicidad. Pedro, el amigo frágil y apasionado de Jesús, es el hombre elegido por Cristo para ser “la roca” de la Iglesia: “Tú eres Pedro y sobre esta piedra edificaré mi Iglesia” ( Mt 16,16). Aceptó con humildad su misión hasta el final, hasta su muerte como mártir. Su tumba en la Basílica de San Pedro en el Vaticano es meta de millones de peregrinos que llegan de todo el mundo. Pablo, el perseguidor de Cristianos que se convirtió en Apóstol de los gentiles, es un modelo de ardoroso e evangelizador para todos los católicos porque después de encontrarse con Jesús en su camino, se entregó sin reservas a la causa del Evangelio. Misión Estudiar las enseñanzas de la Iglesia sobre la Eucaristía; prepararse con oración para la Misa dominical (o cada día de la semana); y dedicar un tiempo cada semana a la adoración eucarística. Peter Scagnelli, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Vivamos la Palabra de Dios Oremos para que se nos conceda caminar por el camino de Cristo y junto a él, cargando nuestra cruz de cada día. Oremos para que podamos entender lo que significa “revestirnos de Cristo” y vivir “en Cristo”, y que tengamos una fe que nos permita conocer a Dios como un Dios amoroso y bondadoso. Derechos de autor © 2012, World Library Publications. Todos los derechos reservados. AÑO DE LA FE - SERVIDORES Te gustaría compartir tus dones y tus talentos al servicio de la comunidad de San Antonio de Padua? Te gustaría ser un lector/ra, un ministro de la Santa Eucaristía o ofrecer tu servicio como ujuir. El Papa Francisco nos dice que seamos valientes ya que la Iglesia espera grandes cosas de tengas miedo y únete al servicio del Señor. Para mas información habla con Hna. Tere o Edgar al 439-0124 o después de misa. MISAS EN ESPAÑOL: SÁBADO 7:00PM Y DOMINGO 1:00PM - AÑO DE LA FE MINISTERIOS HISPANOS / HISPANIC MINISTRIES 23 de junio, 2013 Pagina 9 Bienvenidos! NUEVOS FELIGRESES. Le damos la más cordial bienvenida a todas las familias y personas que nos acompañan en nuestras celebraciones litúrgicas, o que se han mudado recientemente a este vecindario y ahora son parte de esta comunidad de fe. Los invitamos a pasar por la oficina y se inscriban como miembros de St. Anthony of Padua. Es importante que estén registrados en la parroquia, como miembros, para poder servirles mejor! INSCRIPCIONES PARA LOS PROGRAMAS DE CONFIRMACIÓN EN ESPAÑOL CATECISMO y EDUCACION RELIGIOSA. Las clases en español de catecismo y formación religiosa para el año 2013 comienzan en el mes de octubre y se dan los domingos de 3:30 a 4:45 pm. en los salones de la escuela (St. Anthony of Padua). Pueden matricular a los niños desde kindergarten hasta 8º grado en español en el mes de agosto, 2013. Para más información llamar a Mary Briseño al (559) 430-0124 ext.1106. BAUTISMOS: de niños en español se celebran los sábados a las 9am en la Iglesia. Se requiere que los padres y los padrinos del niño/a asistan a una charla de preparación bautismal. Los padrinos de bautismo deben ser católicos practicantes que asisten regularmente a la misa y comulguen para proveer el ejemplo necesario al niño/a. Los padrinos pueden ser personas solteras; pero si es un matrimonio deben estar casados por la Iglesia. Se les recuerda a los padres que no deben posponer el bautismo de sus hijos. La enseñanza de la Iglesia Católica es que los niños deben ser bautizados a pocas semanas después de haber nacido. BODAS: Parejas que desean recibir el Sacramento de Matrimonio en St. Anthony of Padua necesitan recoger el folleto de información y después comunicarse con la coordinadora de este sacramento por lo menos 6 meses antes de la fecha deseada para su boda. PRESENTACIONES: Las familias que desean presentar a sus hijos recién nacidos, de 40 días, o 3 años en la iglesia, necesitan pasar antes a la oficina de la parroquia para reservar y registrar la fecha de presentación durante las misa de 7:00pm o 1:00pm. NOTA: Si la familia no anota a sus hijos para la presentación no podrá hacer la presentación en la misa. HOMEBOUND (VISITAS A LOS ENFERMOS) informe a la Hna. Tere al 439-0124 x. 113 de cualquier persona, familiar o vecino que esta en el hospital, asilo de ancianos o en casa para que sean visitados por un miembro del Ministerio de Enfermos. A la misma vez invitamos a personas que les gustaría ser parte de este importante ministerio. AÑO DE LA FE - HOY DÍA DE INSCRIPCION Para jóvenes de High School del 9 al 12 grado ATENCIÓN: El programa de confirmación en español ha extendido las inscripciones Tempranas hasta el día domingo 23 de junio. Después de esta fecha se aplicara la cuota de inscripciones regulares. No excepciones! PRE CONFIRMACIÓN Y CONFIRMACIÓN. Todos los jóvenes desde el 9º hasta el 12º grado de High School están invitados a crecer en la fe, animando en ellos un renovado entendimiento del espíritu en sus vidas, conduciéndolos para que encuentren su propia identidad cristiana. Las clases se ofrecen todos los domingos de 3:00 a 4:45pm. Comunicarse con Edgar Briseño para obtener mas información al (559) 439-0124. PROGRAMA DE SACRAMENTOS PARA ADULTOS Este programa esta abierto para todos los adultos que aun no han recibido su Iniciación Cristiana: Bautismo, Primera Comunión, o Confirmación o que no han sido bautizados. Si tu o alguien que tu conoces está interesado en saber cómo completar sus sacramentos de iniciación o si desea saber más acerca de la Iglesia Católica, Hna. Tere al 439-0124 ext.113. o con Edgar a la extensión 173 GRUPO DE ORACIÓN El Grupo de Oración se reúne los miércoles a las 7:00pm en el Salón #24 de la escuela. Acompáñanos ESTUDIO DE BIBLIA Los Jueves a las 6:30pm—8:00pm Salón #21 Acompáñanos y trae tu Biblia! La Corresponsabilidad Vivida Ahora ¿Es Jesús el centro de tu vida? Si no es así, ¿por qué no? Copyright © 2009, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. MISAS EN ESPAÑOL: SÁBADO 7:00PM Y DOMINGO 1:00PM - AÑO DE LA FE Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time For the Ride Home Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time June 23, 2013 SCRIPTURE • On that day there shall be ... a fountain to purify from sin and uncleanness. (Zechariah 13:1) • you are my God whom I seek; for you my flesh pines and my soul thirsts (Psalm 63:2) • you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. (Gal 3:27) • "But who do you say that I am?" Peter said in reply, "The Christ of God." (Luke 9:20) REFLECTION • How do you cloth yourself in Christ? • “Who do you say that I am?” What do your words and actions say? • For what do you thirst? We have the choice of two identities: the external mask which seems to be real and which lives by a shadowy autonomy for the brief moment of earthly existence, and the hidden, inner person who seems to us to be nothing, but who can give himself eternally to the truth in whom he subsists. It is this inner self that is taken up into the mystery of Christ, by His love, by the Holy Spirit, so that in secret we live “in Christ.”1 1Thomas Merton, New Seeds of Contemplation, p. 295 For the Ride Home by Ted Bergh © ParishVision LLC 2013 June 23, 2013 WHO DO YOU SAY? In today’s Gospel Jesus asks his disciples, “Who do you say that I am?” (Luke 9:20). Only Peter has the courage to state outright that Jesus is the Messiah—the anointed one—of God. Jesus’ question is one that we have to answer at some point for ourselves if we are to truly live as his disciples today. It is easy to avoid a direct answer, to rely on what someone else has said about Jesus, or just to follow the rules and say the right prayers for years on end, without ever stopping to face this question squarely. Marianne lives in a small-town parish. She says she never thought this question was for her until one day it came up in a Bible study group. “I’d read or heard this passage so many times before, but on this particular day it was as if I were hearing it for the very first time. As I drove home, I knew deep in my heart that I had to acknowledge Jesus as the one whom God had sent into this world for me.” And, she continued, “I knew that if I accepted Jesus as the Lord of my life, there would be consequences!” This started Marianne on a new path. She found a wise and experienced spiritual director and began reviewing her life. “I used to tease one of my friends who wore a ‘What would Jesus do?’ bracelet,” she said, “but suddenly I knew that this is a question that I’ll be asking myself all the time now.” Her life’s challenges haven’t vanished overnight: Marianne cares for her elderly mother and copes with diabetes, but she says, “I trust in God much more these days, and God’s blessing is that I’m so much more openhearted and openhanded with other people than ever before.” Copyright © 2009, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. REFLECTING ON GOD’S WORD The apostles were probably not very different from the rest of their families or their friends. They were not very different from any other Jew of their day. Indeed, given our expectations and hopes for our own leaders, we would not have answered Jesus much differently ourselves. They were waiting for the Messiah to come, and once he came, happy days would be here again. They expected the Messiah or “Anointed One” to come in power and might. He was going to be a liberator like Moses who led God’s people out of slavery, and he was going to be a great king like David, who brought the people of the northern kingdom of Israel and the people of the southern kingdom of Judah into one nation. The Messiah would usher in a new era. It was going to be great! Imagine their surprise when Jesus rebukes Peter for saying that he is “The Christ [Messiah] of God” (Luke 9:20). Then Jesus goes on to say that he must suffer greatly, be rejected by their religious leaders, and be killed—“and on the third day be raised” (9:22). (I wonder if they even heard the last part about being raised.) But worse yet, he goes on to say that they must be willing to deny themselves, take up their cross daily, and follow him. This Messiah would not get many votes, even now. But it is through faith in Christ Jesus, Anointed One of God, that we have become children of God. And we are called to “clothe ourselves with Christ” (see Galatians 3:27). Which is a more pleasant way of saying, “take up [your] cross daily” (Luke 9:23). ~ James A. Wallace, C.SS.R. LIVING GOD’S WORD We pray that we may walk the way of Christ together with Christ, taking up our cross today. We pray to understand what it means to “put on Christ” and to live “in Christ,” and to have that faith that allows us to know God as a loving, gracious God. Copyright © 2012, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. DR. THOMAS PENMAN VAL DORNAY Podiatrist – Foot Specialist ATTORNEY AT LAW (559) 226-5860 Father & Daughter Team and St. Anthony of Padua Parishioners CATHOLIC BOOKS AND GIFTS 4820 N. First St., #104 LEGAL SERVICES FOR: FUNERAL DIRECTORS FD-385 Wayne Gomes Mgr., FDR-171 559-432-8814 1121 Roberts Ave., Madera RAMIREZ & RAMIREZ LAW OFFICES Former DEP. D.A. & Vietnam Vet. Knight of Columbus For 35 Years AUTO ACCIDENTS • PROBATE WILLS • LIVING TRUSTS FREE Consultation • Se Habla Español (559) 299-5300 or (888) 214-1000 211 N. J Street, Madera DISCOUNT OF 50% FOR PROBATE, WILLS & TRUSTS FOR PARISHIONERS 6011 N. Fresno St., Suite 120 Fresno, CA 93710 (Bullard & Fresno Street) OPEN EVERYDAY ONLINE AT MARELLOBOOKSTORE.ORG (AT ST. JOACHIM’S CHURCH) 559-662-0682 (559) 437-9400 Free Consultations on Auto Accidents and Personal Injury HABLAMOS ESPAÑOL • RAMIREZANDRAMIREZLAW.COM Rufino Paguio, Agent Insurance Lic. #: 0B04309 5637 N. Figarden Drive Suite 108 Frenso, CA 93722 Bus: 559-277-1903 Please stop by and say, “Hi!” I’m looking forward to serving your needs for insurance and financial services. Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there.® CALL ME TODAY. 1001013 State Farm, Bloomington, IL Frank Huerta Jr. Tax Attorney Serving the Central Valley Hanford, CA Maurice Cameron & Bill Warmerdam SEWER & DRAIN CLEANING EMERGENCY 24-HOUR SERVICE 7 DAYS A WEEK LIC. NO. 618155 DeMera Certified Public DeMera Accountants Cameron LLP Suite 101, 5080 North Fruit Fresno, CA 93711 559.226.9200 Call 449-1985 FOR EXPERT SERVICE Compliments of CRIBARI VINEYARDS Serving the Clergy for Four Generations Abogado de impuestos local quien tambien sirve a todo el Valle Central. Hablamos Español • IRS, Franchise Tax Board, Board of Equalization and EDD • Tax Litigation & Tax Controversy Cases • Audit Defense & Audit Reconsiderations • Appeals • Offers in Compromise • Collection & Penalty Abatement • Refund Claims • Unfiled Returns • Payroll Tax/Trust Fund Recovery Defense (559) 224-1600 Fresno Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1175 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 JK DENTAL CLINIC General Dentistry & Orthodontics Most Insurance & Medi-Cal Welcome HENRY FAJARDO, D.M.D. Open Mon-Sat: 9am-6pm • Se Habla Español 2100 E. Clinton (between Fresno/Blackstone) 224-5988 • 224-5989 ADOLPH’S A-1 TREE SERVICE TREES AND STUMPS REMOVED Trimming • Topping • Transplanting Shrubs Trimmed & Removed Chipping • Pruning Stump Grinding General Clean-up • Hauling Bankruptcy PROFESSIONAL SERVICE A Debt Relief Agency AT REASONABLE RATES Lic & Insured • Lic. # 737958 7 DAYS A WEEK STOP BILLS - GET A FRESH START Senior Citizen Discount FREE ESTIMATES 275-2700 KENNETH JORGENSEN LAW Catholic Owned and Operated 222-0815 Free Consultation Faces! CENTER FOR FACIAL AESTHETICS AND REJUVENATION 431-5555 PETER T. TRUONG, M.D. Surgeon & Parishioner 2150 E. McKinley Ave. Fresno CA 93703 (559) 268-7646 The Salcedo Family DALENA/BENIK & ASSOCIATES Insurance Service Inc. For All Your Insurance Needs 6740 N. West Ave. #108 Fresno Parishioners A FACILITY SPECIALIZING IN SHORT-TERM REHABILITATION SERVICES 668 E. BULLARD (559) 320-2220 062360 St Anthony of Padua Church (B) 448-9580 434-9497 Ft. Washington & Friant Rd. GRAND OPENING T A Q U E R I A 1 DOZEN tAMALES $18 4 3 7 - 9 6 1 4 5730 n. first #114 (near bullard) BULLARD PHARMACY The Finest in Banquets (559) 222-2453 Hours M-F 8:30-7, Sat. 9-5 2026 W. Bullard at West 438-0111 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 Whitehurst Family and Cosmetic Dentistry Call 222-9923 1525 E. Saginaw Way – Fresno, CA – 558.227.4048 Donald Cardell FD1185 Mgr. “2 Generations Serving Fresno for Over 35 Years” Flooring and Complete Remodeling JC MELTON AIR CONDITIONING “You Dream It, WE’LL DO IT” Heating • Sheet Metal • Refrigeration Lic. #842258 1932 E. Home (559) Mausoleums, Traditional Ground Burial Niches for Cremation Competitive Prices Affordable Pre-Need Financing Available Se Habla Español Janine Esquivel Lunch & Dinner - 7 Days a Week 5279 N. Blackstone Ave. (559) 435-6570 264 N. Blythe Ave., Fresno 559-488-7449 Low Cost 268-6286 Fig Tree Plaza - SE Corner of Bullard and West 1402 N. Blackstone/South of McKinley Jaime Martinez - Parishioner St. Peter’s, Holy Cross, Calvary for an Appointment 125 E. Barstow Avenue, Ste 101 Most Dental Insurance Accepted Gentle & Professional Staff Hablamos Español Ja i m e ’s D e s i g n s & F l o o r s N OW ! 2 L o c a t i o n s To S e r ve Yo u Diocese of Fresno Catholic Cemeteries G UILLERMO DONAN D.D.S. SILVIA DONAN D.D.S. Sullivan, Burns & Blair Funeral Home FD 1146 Catholic Funeral Directors Abogada/Attorney Se Habla Español BANKRUPTCY BANCARROTA FAMILY LAW DERECHO FAMILIAR Ph: (559) 439-2991 2377 W. Shaw # 208, Fresno Knights of Columbus, Past 3rd & 4th Degrees Grand Knight Catherine Irasusta, D.D.S. Gentle Family Dentistry & Orthodontics 559 - 498 - 0677 1575 W. Shaw (bet. 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First St. COMMERCIAL - RESIDENTIAL REFRIGERATION 253-3265 SE HABLA ESPAÑOL Lic# 918549 Mention St. Anthony For Discount 5665 N. BLACKSTONE AVE. (SOUTH OF BULLARD, NEXT TO OFFICE DEPOT) 302 EAST BULLARD • 261-9888 NOT VALID FOR PREMIUM SUBS OR WITH ANY OTHER PROMOTIONS BOB COUNTER’S INLAND Hearing Aid Center Medically Supervised Weight Loss DENTIST BENITO B. JULIAN D.D.S. 6137 N. Thesta St., Ste. 101A 225-0395 (559) 447-9056 Walk-Ins Welcome • Payment Plans MEDI-CAL & MOST INSURANCE ACCEPTED 2818 N. BLACKSTONE AVE., FRESNO (BETWEEN SHIELDS & PRINCETON) SALES & IN OFFICE REPAIRS 1341 W. 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