Download December 4, 2016 Second Sunday of Advent | 4

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Detail of altar tapestry at St. Bonaventure depicting the Anunciation. Photo Credit: David Blankenhorn
Monday thru Thursday – 8:30am – 5:00pm; Friday – 8:30am – 3:30pm
Lunch Break – 12:30-1:30pm
December 4, 2016 Second Sunday of Advent | 4 de diciembre de 2016 Segundo Domingo de Adviento
masses in english/en ingles
Saturday Vigil/Sábado: 5:00 pm
Sunday/Domingo 7:30 am, 9:00 am,
11:00 am, 5:00 pm
communion service/servicios de
comunión (chapel/capilla)
Monday & Friday/Lunes y Viernes: 6:30 am
Wednesday/Miercoles: 9:00 am
masses in spanish/en español
Domingo: 12:45 pm
In English: Call the office to begin the process.
This requires two months preparation. En Español:
Los Sábados
10:00 am. Llame a la oficina para hacer arreglos con
un Sacerdote ó Diácono. Este requiere dos meses de
daily mass/misa diaria (chapel/capilla)
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday/Lunes,
Martes, Jueves y Viernes: 9:00 am
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday/Martes, Miercoles y
Jueves: 6:30 am
Call the office to arrange with a Priest or
Deacon. This requires six months preparation.
Llame a la oficina para hacer arreglos con un
Sacerdote ó Diácono. Este requiere seis meses de
In English: Saturdays 3:30 pm (in the church) or by
appointment. En Español: Llame a la oficina para
hacer arreglos con un Sacerdote. Por cita.
As disciples at St. Bonaventure, we are committed to know Christ better and make Him better known. To this end we are committed to…
Keep connected to our parish community
Nurture the development of our faith and knowledge of Christ
Offer to share the Holy Spirit’s gifts of time, talent and treasure
Worship through prayer, Mass and the Sacraments
December 4, 2016 Second Sunday of Advent— 4 de diciembre de 2016 Segundo Domingo de Adviento
Thoughts from Fr. Richard
Pensamientos de Padre Ricardo
before coming to St. Bonaventure. Can
you imagine walking in a treeless desert
for hours and perhaps days?
Have you ever thought of “the Holy
Family” as being immigrants and refugees,
forced to leave because of a crazy megaThis Christmas, as we read from the
lomaniac? And where did they go? Who
Gospel according to St. Matthew, we are
helped them? Where did they stay? I once
invited to have another take, a different
saw a Coptic Church map of the journey
look on the Christmas story which features St. Joseph, and not the stories told by of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, which is a living part of their liturgical history, but not
St. Luke at last Christmas.
ours as Roman Catholics. (The Coptics
St. Francis of Assisi built his Christmas
are the first Christians of Egypt.) It was
live crib scene from St. Luke’s Gospel,
Joseph who arranged all the stopping placnot as a Scripture scholar but as a pastor
es and who arranged safe places for them
of souls who sought to tell his fellow resi- to stay. How did he do it? How long did it
dents of Gubbio how real was the coming take? Joseph was the protector and shield.
of God into the world.
He must have stopped to work, for how
long, in how many places?
As I wrote last year, the Scripture references in each treatment are different, and
therefore the imaginative images to create
the stories are different. One is not better
than the other, one right or wrong. What
is important to both is that Jesus was born,
and God became a human being. The story is told, each Gospel in a different way;
and St. John does it very differently from
the other three, concentrating on the mystical meaning of the coming of God into
human history.
St Matthew tells the story from a very
human point of view, Joseph being very
disappointed in what happened to Mary
becoming pregnant. It is only through his
dreams and his conversations with God in
them, that Joseph is able to do what is best
for Mary and take her into his home so
that she would not be ostracized or stoned
to death - for the security of Mary and her
The evangelist St. Matthew tells the story
of Jesus’ birth in six verses. The name of
Jesus is given to Joseph, and Joseph so
names him, and the evangelist tells us the
meaning of his name, the Emmanuel, God
is with us. And the story ends.
In the second chapter, Joseph will have
another dream where his new family will
become refugees fleeing an angry King
Herod, leaving Judea and going to Egypt.
It was an all- day drive from Gaza to
Cairo, through a very hot desert, that I
remember taking some twenty years ago
This story has particular relevance today
as 65 million people have been displaced
by civil wars around the world, by crazy
megalomaniac leaders like Herod, and
extremists like ISIS who have no respect
or tolerance. The Jesus of St. Matthew
can certainly identify with refugees and
people who find themselves as aliens and
foreigners, in many places where they are
not welcomed, and in many places where
they are.
“As we acknowledge the plight of the
Holy Family during this Christmas
season,” the editor of ‘Celebration’, a
monthly review for planners of Liturgy,
wrote “can we see the face of God in the
undocumented, the refugee, the stranger in
our midst?”
December 4, 2016 Second Sunday of Advent— 4 de diciembre de 2016 Segundo Domingo de Adviento
Joseph found the face of God in his
dreams where he listened, thought carefully and rethought, concluded and re-concluded. Our God tells us what we must
do—to love, to figure out a thoughtful and
more compassionate way. St. Matthew’s
story gives us a Christmas story that perhaps we do not want to think about, but
here it is!
Before the “Flight to Egypt” story,
St. Matthew gives us the story of the
Magi, which means that the world
came to visit the new Jesus, and before
Herod destroyed all the children in the
surrounding Bethlehem, Jesus flees to
Egypt with Joseph to see how the rest of
the world will receive him. How will you?
Etiquette is etiquette. There is a Church
etiquette. How to act, what to wear. Some
etiquette has a long-standing history, like
men and boys do not wear a hat inside, especially in a church. The origin of the hat
is to protect the head when outside. It was
a mark of respect, somewhat like an act of
adoration to remove the hat upon entering
a church. Still etiquette for the church.
Take the gum out of your mouth when
you come into church. I am amazed at the
lack of etiquette in this manner at weddings with groomsmen chewing away.
This a basic rule in Emily Post’s Book of
Etiquette. Etiquette is also a sign of education. And don’t stick the gum under a seat
or pew.
In today’s church where the experience
of community is very important, there
is need for a balance. We need to focus
on what is being done, what I am doing.
There is no place or necessity for I-Phone
use or texting in the church during a service. People spend precious little time with
God to be so preoccupied. Full attention is
the etiquette.
suggests expressing this only to those sitting close around you.
Walking down the aisle to receive Holy
Communion is not the moment to be
greeting and shaking hands with everyone
down the aisle. Many people find such
a practice disrespectful to the Eucharist.
The focus is on what we are about to do,
to receive the Eucharistic presence of
Jesus. This should be the interior purpose.
Together, we are walking in procession,
standing in line to greet and receive Christ.
There is a seriousness about it as there
would be if you were waiting to be introduced to someone very important.
After receiving Holy Communion is not
the time for conversation with others,
but a time of peaceful, prayer-centered
moment with Jesus in our life. There are
pockets around the church where people
report that others are always talking. This
is not the etiquette at this moment of
The basic etiquette inside the Church is
one of attention— being present to worship, to pray, to listen, to receive, to return
to God, to keep ourselves focused on the
great stream of God’s Grace.
Parish Life Thoughts
from Christa Fairfield
The Classy Crafters wish to extend a
heartfelt thank you to our St. Bonaventure
Catholic Community and our extended
neighborhood community. The Holiday
Boutique was a financial success, raising
over $20,000 to benefit our Food Pantry.
Participation and assistance from the Gala
Committee, The Knights of Columbus
and the parish staff made the Friday
night gala an evening of enjoyment and
fellowship. Crafts and Country Kitchen
donations were lovely additions to the
Crafters’ tables. Contributions from many
parishioners and local establishments
were gratefully received so that the
silent auction, raffle and wine pull had
lovely offerings. Don’t forget the “before
Christmas” Bake Sale yet to come on Dec
17 -18 after Masses – watch the bulletin
for details. Thank you, St. Bonaventure
Community, for your continued support!
If you preordered
CDs and/or want to
Bowing to the tabernacle recognizes the
purchase CDs, please
Presence of Jesus. It is important to know
contact Grace Maes at
what you are doing and why, and not
(925) 285-0694. The CD
be sloppy when doing religious rituals.
by each of the St.
Slowly, in a manner aware of what I am
features some
doing and saying when I do it.
of our favorite songs, including We Are
After receiving Holy Communion, we
One Body, In the Breaking of the Bread,
wait as a community, standing as a comand Go Make a Difference. The cost is
munity until the Blessed Sacrament returns only $15 each, and all the proceeds go to
to the Tabernacle. Standing is the norm
St. Bonaventure Church. called for by the Roman Missal, but one
Parish Life Thoughts continued on page 4
can sit or kneel as well.
There is a certain amount of common
sense involved when it comes to etiquette.
There is a middle road between becoming too sloppy and too strict. A lot of etiquette has to do with how attentive I am
to what I am doing. I encourage you to be
The greeting of peace is more than a time
attentive. (I realize that those who need to
to greet, to visit. It is a time where we greet be reminded will probably not read any
Christ in one another. There is something of this. This is the humorous part of my
reverent and prayerful about the greeting. work.)
It needs to be done with attention, with
affection and with faith. And the liturgy
December 4, 2016 Second Sunday of Advent— 4 de diciembre de 2016 Segundo Domingo de Adviento
continued from page 3
Faith Direct: Parish eGiving
Liturgy & Music
Monday, December 12 at 7:00 PM
Behind the miraculous appearance and
icon that define Our Lady of Guadalupe
is a story of persistence and courage. Our
With the busy times of Thanksgiving
Lady helped Juan Diego make his point
and the Season of Advent coming up,
through her miracles. This story reminds
enrolling in Faith Direct today is a
us to trust and makes clear the certainty
great way to ensure your gifts to St.
Bonaventure are received even while you that, when God calls us to proclaim his
kingdom, we are surrounded by the grace
are traveling for the holidays. Already
we need to see our mission through. Our
using Faith Direct? Don’t forget to
celebration begins with Mañanitas at
add your Christmas or End-of-Year
5:00 AM, featuring mariachi music and a
contributions to your account this fall.
rosary. That evening, we will celebrate a
Visit and use our
Solemn Mass at 7:00 PM (in Spanish).
church code: CA 725
We hope that you can join us for this day
Thank you for your continued support
of festivities!
of our parish family!
Monday: Is 35:1-10; Ps 85:9ab, 10-14; Lk 5:1726
Tuesday: Is 40:1-11; Ps 96:1-3, 10ac, 11-13; Mt
Wednesday: Is 40:25-31; Ps 103:1-4, 8, 10; Mt
Thursday: Gn 3:9-15, 20; Ps 98:1-4; Eph 1:3-6,
11-12; Lk 1:26-38
Friday: Is 48:17-19; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Mt 11:16-19
Saturday: Sir 48:1-4, 9-11; Ps 80:2ac, 3b, 1516, 18-19; Mt 17:9a, 10-13
Sunday: Is 35:1-6a, 10; Ps 146:6-10; Jas 5:7-10;
Mt 11:2-11
Many people each year comment on the beauty of the Church and Chapel environment during the Christmas season. Each year
we use multiple fresh trees and over 100 poinsettias to create a space that celebrates the birth of Christ. This effort can only be
realized through the generous donations of our parishioners.
You can honor a loved one either living or deceased with a gift to our Christmas Flower Fund. You may either use the envelopes
found at the exits of the church, or you may fill out the information found in the bulletin, cut it out and send it (or bring it) to the
office. What a wonderful way to remember someone special.
Amount Enclosed
Address 1
Address 2
Given in Name of
December 4, 2016 Second Sunday of Advent— 4 de diciembre de 2016 Segundo Domingo de Adviento
Life and Justice Ministry
Advent is an opportunity to enter into a
period of contemplation and reflection
on the mystery of the Incarnation.
In this time of parties, shopping, gift
wishing and too many things on your
to-do list, come reflect on the blessings
in your life. Spend some quiet time with
God. Join us on Tuesdays, 4:05-4:30pm
in the Chapel.
Are you deeply concerned about our
world? Are you thirsty for God and
hungry for Justice? Do you long to
be contemplative and compassionate?
Engaging Spirituality is a prayerful
small-group journey that invites us to
draw the world – with all its beauty and
Parish Community News
brokenness – down into ourselves, to
hold it in prayer together and to practice
living deeply and loving broadly. A new
group will be starting in January and will
December 3 & 4
run for 21 weeks. If you are interested in
Thank you to the parishioners and
more information, please contact Eileen
volunteers who have donated to this fine
Faith Formation for Adults
An invitation to all parish moms
(and children!) Come join our St.
Bonaventure Moms’ Group. We meet
at 9:45-11:00am on the 1st Wednesday
of the month in Ministry Center
classroom A3. Our next meeting will
be December 7. Fr. Richard will join
our group to discuss faith and families.
Come explore our Catholic faith as
women and as parents, and share the
joys and challenges of parenting in a
casual, welcoming setting.
Turn off your I-Pads, your I-Phones,
and your I-Tunes and come experience
a new way to look at your marriage
through I-Marriage. In our monthly
meetings, we will learn how Andy
Stanley’s three key teachings help you
enrich your marriage and examine the
“I’s” of marriage: “Keeping My ‘I’ On
You,” “Putting Your ‘I’ Out,” and “It
Takes Three.” We will meet, Tuesday,
December 13, Classroom A2, 6:007:30pm. Free childcare is available in A4.
If you have questions, please contact
Eileen @925-672-5800 or elimberg@
After the 5pm Saturday Mass, we will have
wine, soda, cheese, cookies, and crackers.
After the 7:30am, 9:00am, and 11:00am
Masses, there will be coffee, juice, donuts,
and bagels. All are welcome!
Please stop by
the Knights
of Columbus
“Keep Christ in
Christmas” table
to shop for this
year’s Christmas
cards. We have
a beautiful
assortment of religious cards, Advent
Wreaths, replacement candles and more.
When you want to send the very best,
send “Christ” at Christmas.
December 17 & 18: Country Kitchen after
all the Masses in the Church Foyer.
This gives you an extra chance to pick up
last-minute edibles to grace your holiday
table. All proceeds will benefit the St.
Bonaventure Food Pantry.
December 8 at 11:30 AM in the
Large Hall, $13 per person.
( 1-800-910-0191, The Gabriel Project
We’ll be celebrating the Birth of Jesus with
a delicious pork loin dinner provided by
Chef Greg. As always, drinks and desserts For 15 years, CVCC has been serving the
St. Bonaventure Community.
are included. Please make reservations by
Monday December 5 by calling George
Brown at 363-4708 or by registering
after Mass on December 3 & 4. Adults
of all ages are welcome! Thank you for
supporting the Giving Tree Ministry!!
You are invited to help sort gifts
on Sunday, December 4 after the 5 o’clock Mass in the
Church. We will take all the
gifts and organize them by
the numbers on the ornaments. It is truly a beautiful sight to behold the huge stack of gifts and the festive
atmosphere as parishioners bustle about
organizing presents in the Church. Each
gift sparkles with the love that God has for
all of us, as we celebrate the greatest gift of
all, the birth of Jesus! All are welcome to
join us.
December 4, 2016 Second Sunday of Advent— 4 de diciembre de 2016 Segundo Domingo de Adviento
Weekend of Nov. 26 & 27 Collection
Goal: $25,440
Actual: $24,924
Deficit: (516)
2nd Collection
Family to Family: $1,772.50
sanctuary light is lit for
Food for Family: 1754 (Nov. 15 & 21)
December 3 to December 9, 2016
EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer)
included in above figures
Fr. Richard Mangini, pastor. . . . . . . . . . . x 2203
Fr. David Lawrence, sj parochial vicar . x 2221
Christa L. Fairfield, parish life director . x 2205
William Gall, deacon
Mariano Preza, deacon . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. x2215
Liturgy & MUSIC
Anthony Arteaga, director of liturgy . . x 2230
Faith Formation for Children
Pre-School through Fifth Grade Program:
Rosann Halick, director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x 2204
Debbie Schnick, adm. asst. . .. .. .. .. .. . x 2207
Patrick Smith & Brothers
William Pace
Pat O’Brien
Carol Ely
9:00 11:00
Brian Docili
Teofilo & Victoriana Pineda
Felipe & Felicidad Cariaso
Rose Cariaso
St. Bonaventure Community
Mia Basarich
Tu Truong
Arlene Costa
Don Kimura
Vicente & Angeles Bunuan
Romulo Mendoza
Ginny Borja
Don Lozano
Communion Service
Louise Filiponi Weakland
Norma Evaristo
Gumersinvo Alba
Janusz Wojtczak
St. Bonaventure Office Volunteers
Norma Evaristo
Danny Santos
Margaret Hanlon
Communion Service
Communion Service
Sunday, December 4
office: 925-672-5800
Jr High and Youth Ministry
(6th through 12th Grade)
Youth Ministry:
Jacob Perry, director. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Saturday, December 3
Faith Formation for Adults
Eileen Limberg , director of adult faith
formation and adult initiation . . . . . . . . . . . x 2217
Frank Palmeri. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x 2216
outside parish
From Cosmo to Catholic
A former writer for Cosmopolitan magazine, Sue Ellen Browder is silent no more
as she tells her eye-opening account of
how the original ‘Feminist Movement’ was
secretly taken over by abortion advocates
who now use it to promote abortions. At
the direction of her superiors, she made
up stories with fictional people to push
the false narrative of a “Sex in the City”
lifestyle as the single woman’s path to personal fulfillment.
Hear how this one-time Cosmo writer
managed to find her way back to God’s
reality, the Catholic Church and true freedom at the Catholics At Work breakfast
meeting, Tuesday December 13 at Crow
Canyon Country Club in Danville from
7:00am - 8:15am. Optional Mass celebrated at 6:30am on-site. All are welcome.
For more information or registration: Walk-ins
are welcome. President - Diana Nagy
Monday, December 5
Tuesday, December 6
Wednesday, December 7
Thursday, December 8
Immaculate Conception
6:30 9:00
Patients with Parkinson’s Disease
Florence Novicky
Muriel Claeys
Mary Meyerhoff
Helenice Dos Passos
Communion Service
Phil Sorenson
Marion Gugliemo
Conchita & Samuel Guzman
St. Bonaventure Community
Friday, December 9
Saturday, December 10
Women’s Christian Fellowship
Advent Reflection
On the Road to Bethlehem
Pancake Breakfast
The Women’s Christian Fellowship
invites you to join us on Monday,
December 5 at 7:00pm in the
Chapel. Fr. Joe Kim from the San
Jose Diocese will present Spiritual
Freedom: An Advent of Grace. We
are invited to experience God’s grace
in the burdened parts of our lives with
spiritual tools so we can open the “gift
of freedom” from anger, forgiveness,
fear, loneliness and sadness to learn
about the greatest gift of all, the
freedom of Jesus Christ. Hospitality
following. Questions! Call Maureen
Join us on Saturday, December 10 from
9am to 11:30am in the Large Hall.
Experience the magic and wonder of
Christmas as we prepare for the birth of
Jesus! There will be crafts and activities
for children and a special visit from Santa.
St. Bonaventure’s Knights of Columbus
will prepare breakfast. The cost is $6
per person/$30 maximum per family.
Tickets are available in the Church office.
Deadline for ticket sales is Wednesday,
December 7. Contact Rosann Halick if you
have any questions at 672-5800, Ext.
2204 or at
Bambinelli Sunday
Each year, on the Third Sunday of
Advent, children gather with their families
in St. Peter’s Square for “Bambinelli
Sunday.” The children bring with them
figurines of the Christ Child – the
“Bambinelli” from their family’s Nativity
scene. During the noontime Angelus
prayer, the Pope blesses the children and
the figurines they have brought. Following
this tradition, we invite you to bring
your own Infant Jesus figurine from your
family’s Nativity to Mass with you the
weekend of December
10 and 11. At the end
of all Masses, we will
bless the children and
the figurines
Mealtime Prayers
The Solemnity of the Immaculate
Conception: Thursday, December 8
This is a holy day of obligation. In the
Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin
Mary, we see the hand of God preparing the
way for his Son, choosing Mary, and keeping
her free from sin from the very moment of her
conception. We invite you to gather with your
parish community and give thanks and praise to
God for his plan for our salvation.
Masses will be held at 6:30 AM, 9:00 AM,
and 7:30 PM
During Advent
As we prepare for the coming of your Son, O God, we are
hungry and thirsty for signs of his love in our lives. We give
you thanks for this season of waiting and hopefulness for Jesus
to be even more present in the life of our family. We give you
thanks for this food and drink, signs of your gracious love. May
this meal strengthen us to love each other and our neighbors
as we patiently wait for the coming of your Son. Grant this
through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Thank you to parishioner Mary Franceschini for writing our Advent Reflections this year.
You can also sign up to receive the reflections every morning in your email. Go to the
parish website and sign up through the link on the home page.
December 4, Sunday, Second Sunday of Advent
“…that by endurance and by the encouragement of the
scriptures we might have hope.” Rom 15: 4
December 6 Tuesday Advent
“Make straight in the wasteland a highway for our God!” Is
40: 3
The irony here is that Paul needed a literally blinding
revelation to make a complete turnaround, to live the words
that he gives us in his letters.
Isaiah was talking to the people of his time. The wasteland.
Can there be something here for all of us? Can there still
be hope for this world that humans have done their best to
reduce to a wasteland?
Endurance and Encouragement. All of us need endurance,
and all of us need encouragement to live our daily lives. There
are times that we feel we are going in circles and have lost our Maybe there is hope if all nations can bring to fruition the
way. How do we get back on the right track? We have Advent. promises of fighting to protect the environment. Man must
come to terms that because of too much consumerism,
Why not enjoy a quiet evening without the TV? Along with a too much waste of our natural resources, we have brought
warm cup of coffee or cocoa, we add the extra touch of reading ourselves to this point.
a reflection, a verse from the Bible. Perhaps Isaiah, or meditate
Yes, we too can prepare ‘a highway for our God’. No matter
on the Infancy Narratives that show us that God works in
how small our actions, they will have a ripple effect all over the
mysterious ways to accomplish His plan? We will have hope.
December 5 Advent Monday
“…struck with awe, they said, “We have seen incredible
things today.” Matt 3: 26
Jesus heals the paralytic. He is brought before him in an
unusual manner - through the roof!
May we never find ourselves in the condition of being
paralytic. But there is more than paralysis of the body. There
are other kinds. There is the paralysis of fear in situations
where our lives are in danger. There is the paralysis of
cowardice, because we don’t have the courage to do what is
right or speak up when necessary.
Jesus cured the paralytic. All present were in awe. They had
seen incredible things.
If we ask Jesus, he will cure our paralyzing fears, and help us
to ‘stand up’ when truth must prevail. Then we, too, shall ‘see
incredible thing’.
December 7 Wednesday Advent
“They that hope in the Lord will renew their strength...” Is 40:
What comforting words for all of us! Who doesn’t have trials?
Who doesn’t face a sudden health crisis, a lost job, or the
worry for a teenage son or daughter gone astray?
Hope in the Lord will give us what we need to face them.
Sometimes hope comes in a word spoken at the right moment,
or a verse that stands out in Scripture. God helps us in many
ways to find hope in him.
Advent is the time for hope. This hope rests in the Baby who
is to be born, the Son of God, Jesus. He is our hope; he “will
renew our strength.”
December 8 Thursday
“The holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the
Most High will overshadow you.” Lk 1: 35
To have heard these words from God’s messenger, Mary
most certainly was filled with awe. Without a doubt, she
experienced fear. She was betrothed, and found herself
pregnant by the holy Spirit. What of Joseph? But the power of
the Most High could do anything!
What happened to Mary proves that with God all things are
possible. During her whole life, she let herself be led by the
Spirit of God.
In our everyday life, choices, decisions, head-scratching
moments, we have this privilege, too.
Who knows what wonderful things can happen to us if we
allow this same Spirit to gently lead us. The ways may not
always be straight, but we will not be led astray.
May the holy Spirit come upon us, too!
December 10 Saturday Advent
“…Jesus charged them, “Do not tell the vision to anyone until
the Son of Man has been raised from the dead.”
The apostles had just seen the vision of Jesus with Moses
and Elijah. They heard a voice proclaiming the beloved Son,
and they were to listen to him. When they came down the
mountain with Jesus, he warned them not to say anything
about the vision until the Son of Man was raised from the
That would be difficult for anyone to do - they had
experienced something out of this world. But Jesus knew his
friends better than they knew themselves. It would take his
death and resurrection from the dead for them to understand
what he was really about. A vision, even such a grand one,
would not lead anyone to faith.
The resurrection of Jesus was the culmination of that vision.
He was truly the beloved Son of the Father, who found
pleasure in him. He is the same beloved Son who comes to
us for Christmas - the same Son who invites us to his table to
share with us his Body and Blood. The beloved Son.
We have a bigger edge than the apostles had. They had to keep
quiet. We don’t have that restraint. When Jesus rose from the
dead, all restraints were shattered. We can tell the world of his
marvelous deeds.
December 9 Friday Advent
“…wisdom is vindicated by her works.” Matt 11: 19
Who doesn’t want wisdom that can help us through the
hurdles of life? To be able to make the right choices in
whatever we do, big or small?
Jesus made his choice. All of his works give testimony to
this. He was the perfect expression of wisdom in fulfilling his
father’s will. For most of us, imitating Jesus is far from easy,
but we can pray for the wisdom to do the right thing. We can
strive to live our daily lives in his presence.
If we can do one good deed every day, no matter how small,
then we too can attest to his words -that wisdom is indeed
“vindicated by her works.”
What are we waiting for?
Reconciliation Services
Advent is not considered a penitential season
but rather a period of “devout and expectant
delight.” Celebrating the Sacrament of
Reconciliation should be part of our preparation
for the season of the Incarnation. We participate
in this sacrament because we are confident
that God is merciful. We have this confidence
because, in every age, God has shown us his
justice and his mercy.
Communal Reconciliation Service in English at
St. Bonaventure
Tuesday, December 13 at 7:30 PM
Other Local Reconciliation Services
St. Francis of Assisi: Monday, December 5 at
7:00 PM
Queen of All Saints: Wednesday, December 14
at 7:30 PM
St. Agnes: Monday, December 19 at 7:00 PM
Christmas Eve: Saturday, December 24
3:00 PM
Early Childhood
Christmas Pageant & Mass
5:30 PM
Elementary Children’s
Christmas Pageant & Mass
8:00 PM
Christmas Vigil Mass
12:00 AM Christmas Midnight Mass
Christmas Day: Sunday, December 25
8:00 AM
Christmas Day Mass (English)
10:00 AM
Christmas Day Mass (English)
12:45 PM Christmas Day Mass (Spanish)
Vintage will be holding their
annual Christmas Concert in the
church on Saturday, December
10 at 7:00 PM
Christmas Flower Offerings Many people each year comment on the beauty
of the Church and Chapel environment during the Christmas season. This effort can
only be realized through the generous donations of our parishioners. You can honor
a loved one, either living or deceased, with a gift to our Christmas Flower Fund. You
may either use the envelopes found at the exits of the church, or you may fill out the
information found in the bulletin, cut it out, and send it (or bring it) to the office. It is a
wonderful way to remember someone special.
December 4, 2016 Second Sunday of Advent— 4 de diciembre de 2016 Segundo Domingo de Adviento
Usted ha pensado en la “Sagrada
Familia” convertirse en inmigrantes y
refugiados, obligados a irse por los locos
En estas Navidades cuando nosotros
megalómanos. ¿Y adonde se fueron?.
leamos el Evangelio de acuerdo a San
Mateo, nosotros estamos invitados a tomar ¿Quién les ayudó? ¿Adonde estuvieron?
Una vez yo vi en una iglesia Copto el
otra posición, un diferente aspecto sobre
mapa del viaje de Jesús, María y José el
la historia de Navidad la cual presenta a
cual es una parte viviente de la historia
San José y no las historias que nos dice
litúrgica pero no la nuestra como Católicos
San Lucas en las últimas Navidades. San
Romanos. (Los Copticos eran los primeros
Francisco de Assisi construyó una escena
cristianos de Egipto). Fue José el que
viva de la cuna de Navidad del Evangelio
arreglo todos los detalles del viaje, lugares
de San Lucas, no como una Escritura
seguros de parar y adonde quedarse,
escolar si no como un pastor de almas
¿Cómo lo hizo? ¿Cuánto tiempo le tomó?
que pensó decirle a sus Compañeros de
José fue el protector y encubridor. El ha
Gubbio que real era la venida de Dios al
debido parar a trabajar, ¿Por cuantas horas
y lugares?
El año pasado escribí las referencias de
Esta historia tiene algo muy particular
las Escrituras y cada una es diferente y
hoy porque 65 millones de personas
entonces, las Imágenes imaginativas para
han sido desplazadas por las guerras
crear la historia son diferentes. La una no
civiles alrededor del mundo, por locos
es mejor que la otra, mejor o peor que la
otra. Lo importante de las dos es que Jesús megalómaníacos líderes de Herodes y
extremistas como ISIS quienes no tienen
nació y Dios se hizo humano. La historia
respeto o tolerancia. El Jesús de San Mateo
está dicha, en cada Evangelio en diferente
se puede identificar con los refugiados
manera; San Juan lo hiso muy diferente
y personas que se encuentran como
de los otros tres, concentrándose en un
significado místico de la venida de Dios en extranjeros, extraterrestre, en muchos
lugares donde no son bien recibidos y
la historia humana.
muchos lugares donde se encuentran.
San Mateo dice la historia desde el punto
Hoy les damos a conocer la situación grave
de vista humano, José muy decepcionado
de la Sagrada Familia durante la estación
de lo que le pasó a María, quedar
de Navidad, el editor de “Celebración,”
embarazada. Solamente a través de sus
un libro en el cual se revisan los planes de
sueños y sus conversaciones con Dios,
José es capaz de hacer lo que es mejor para la Liturgia, escribió “ ¿ Podemos nosotros
ver la cara de Dios en el indocumentado,
María y por seguridad de ella y el niño la
lleva a su casa y así ella no será tratada con refugiado, el extranjero en medio de
frialdad o ser apedreada a muerte.
El evangelista San Mateo nos dice la
historia de Jesús en seis versos. A José le
dijeron que le pusiera al niño el nombre
de Jesús y José se lo puso, el evangelista
nos dice que el significado de su nombre
es Emmanuel, Dios esta con usted. Y así
termina la historia.
En el segundo capítulo, José va a tener
otro sueño en el cual su nueva familia se
convertirá en refugiados, huyendo del
enojado Rey Herodes, dejando Judea y
llegando a Egipto. Fue un día de viaje
desde Gaza a Cairo, sobre un desierto
caliente, Yo recuerdo hacerlo hace 20 años
antes de llegar a San Buenaventura. Se
pueden imaginar caminar en desierto sin
árboles por horas y quizás días.
Etiqueta es etiqueta. En la iglesia hay
etiqueta. Como comportarse y como
vestirse. Algunas etiquetas tienen una
historia antigua, como decir hombres
y niños no usan sombreros adentro
especialmente en la iglesia. El origen del
sombrero es para protegerse cuando se va
afuera. Era una marca de respeto, algo así
como un acto de adoración el quitárselo
antes de entrar a la iglesia. Todavía es una
etiqueta para la iglesia.
Saca de tu boca la goma cuando vienes
a la iglesia. Yo me sorprendo de la falta
de etiqueta en las bodas, el novio y sus
acompañantes masticando goma. En el
libro de etiqueta de Emily Post, esto es una
regla básica. Etiqueta también en un signo
de educación. Y no pegues la goma debajo
de las bancas o los muebles de la iglesia.
En la iglesia actual la experiencia de la
comunidad es muy importante, hay
necesidad de un balance. Nosotros
necesitamos enfocarnos en lo que se está
haciendo y como lo hago yo.
En la iglesia durante el servicio no hay
lugar o necesidad para el uso de teléfonos
celulares o mensaje. La gente pasa un
tiempo precioso y muy pequeño con Dios
para estar preocupado en otras cosas.
Atención completa es etiqueta.
El saludo de paz es para saludar y no para
visitar. Es el tiempo en el cual nosotros
saludamos a Cristo entre cada uno de
nosotros. En el saludo hay algo muy
José encontró la cara de Dios en sus sueños reverendo. Se necesita hacer con atención,
el escuchó, y pensó muy cuidadosamente
afección y con fe. La liturgia sugiere que
y profundo, volvió a pensar y concluyó:
solo se haga con las personas que están en
Nuestro Dios nos dice lo que debemos
nuestro alrededor.
hacer, amemos y pensemos en una forma
Caminando en el pasillo para recibir la
con más compasión. La Historia de San
Sagrada Comunión no es el momento
Mateo nos da la historia de Navidad que
para saludar y darse la mano con todas las
tal vez nosotros deberíamos pensar ¡pero
personas que están en el pasillo. Muchas
adonde está!.
personas piensan que esta costumbre
Antes del “Vuelo a Egipto,” San Mateo
es falta de respeto para la Eucaristía. La
nos cuenta la historia de Magi que quiere
atención es en lo que vamos hacer, vamos
decir que el mundo vino a visitar a Jesús,
a recibir la Eucaristía en presencia de Jesús.
antes que Herodes destruyera todos los
Esto debe de ser el propósito interno.
niños de la vecindad de Belén, Jesús huyo
a Egipto con José para ver cómo el mundo Juntos estamos caminando en procesión,
parados en línea para saludar y recibir a
lo recibiría. ¿Cómo lo recibirías tú?
December 4, 2016 Second Sunday of Advent— 4 de diciembre de 2016 Segundo Domingo de Adviento
Se debe de tomar en serio así como
esperamos ser presentados a una persona
Después de recibir la Sagrada Comunión
es un momento de tranquilidad, oración
con Jesús quién ha venido a nuestra vida,
no es tiempo de conversar con otros.
Hay reportes alrededor de la iglesia en los
cuales dicen que hay personas que siempre
están platicando. Esta no es una etiqueta en
el momento de dar gracias.
La etiqueta básica adentro de la iglesia
es atención—estar presente para orar,
rezar, escuchar y regresar a Dios,
mantengámonos al corriente de la
grandiosa Gracia de Dios. Inclinar
la cabeza al Tab ernáculo significa la
Presencia de Jesús. Es importante saber
qué haces y porque lo haces, Cuando se
hacen ritos religiosos hay que hacerlos de
buenas maneras. Despacio, en una manera
que yo sepa porque lo hago.
Después de recibir la Sagrada Comunión,
esperemos de pie en comunidad hasta
que el Sagrado Sacramento regrese al
Tabernáculo. Parados es la forma que nos
enseña el Misal Romano, pero uno puede
sentarse o arrodillarse si lo desea.
En la etiqueta hay ciertas formas de
sentido común. En el medio hay un
camino en el que uno no d ebe ser muy
estricto o descuidado. Muchas de las
etiquetas tienen que ver si yo estoy atento
de cómo lo hago. Yo les aconsejo que
estén atentos. ( Yo entiendo que aquellos
que necesitan de estos recordatorios
probablemente no leerán nada de esto.
Esta es la parte humorística de mi trabajo.)
DEL NIÑO JESÚS, 10 y 11 de
diciembre, 2016
Cada año, el tercer domingo de Adviento,
los niños se reúnen con sus familias
en la Plaza de San Pedro para celebrar
“Domingo Bambinelli.” Los niños traen
con ellos las figuras del niño Jesús – de la
escena de la Natividad “Bambinelli” de su
familia. Durante el ángelus del mediodía, el
Papa bendice a los niños y las figuras que
han traído.
Clásico celebrará su
concierto anual de
Navidad en la iglesia el
Siguiendo esta tradición, los invitamos a
traer la figura del niño Jesús del Pesebre
familiar a Misa, el fin de semana del 10
y 11 de diciembre. Al final de todas las
Misas, se bendecirán los niños y las figuras.
Adviento no se considera una estación
penitencial sino más bien un período de
“devoto y expectante deleite.” Celebrar
el Sacramento de la reconciliación
debe ser parte de nuestra preparación
para la temporada de la Encarnación.
Participamos de este Sacramento,
porque estamos seguros de que Dios es
misericordioso. Tenemos esta confianza
porque, siempre, Dios nos ha mostrado
su justicia y su misericordia. Servicio de
reconciliación comunitaria en inglés en San
Buenaventura martes 13 de diciembre a las
Otros Lugares de Servicios de
San Francisco de Asís: lunes 5 de
diciembre a las 7:00 PM
Reyna de Todos Los Santos: miércoles 14
de diciembre a las 7:30 PM
San Ignacio: lunes 19 de diciembre a las
En la Inmaculada Concepción de la
Santísima Virgen María, vemos la mano de 7:00 PM
Dios preparando el camino para su hijo,
eligió a María y la mantuvo libre de pecado
desde el momento de su concepción. Los
invitamos a reunirse con su comunidad
parroquial, para dar gracias y alabar a Dios
por su plan para nuestra salvación.
Tendremos Misas en inglés a las 6:30AM,
9:00AM y 7:30PM.
10 de diciembre a las 7:00 PM
EN CAMINO A BELÉN: Evento Familiar
— Desayuno “Pancake”
Manualidades y Actividades para niños.
Visita de Santa Sábado, Diciembre 10,
9AM a 11:30AM en el Salón Grande
Experimente la magia y el poder de la
Navidad. Preparémonos para la venida de
Organizado por los Caballeros de Colón
de San Buenaventura
Costo $6 por persona/familia máximo $30
Los tiquetes están disponibles en la oficina
Principal. Fecha límite para comprar
tiquetes, Diciembre 9.
Contacte Rosann Halick si tiene
preguntas- 672-5800, Ext. 2204; e-mail:
Tendremos una visita especial de Santa!
Por favor llame
a Grace Maes al
teléfono: (925)
285-0694 si Ud.
Compró o desea
comprar el CD con
participación de
los coros de la iglesia. El valor es $15.nada mas. Nuestra iglesia se favorecerá
de las ventas del CD. Gracias por su
December 4, 2016 Second Sunday of Advent— 4 de diciembre de 2016 Segundo Domingo de Adviento
Bautizos 2017
Lugar de bautizo: Iglesia • Lugar clases: B-1
Encargado: Gregorio Menchaca, 826-5102
****Para información sobre clases, favor contactar la oficina****
Fecha de Bautizo
Hora de Bautizo
Fecha de Clase
Hora de Clase
Sat 01/14
10:00 a.m.
Fri 01/13
7-9:30 p.m.
Sat 01/28
10:00 a.m.
Fri 01/20
7-9:30 p.m.
Sat 02/04
12:00 p.m.
Fri 01/27
7-9:30 p.m.
Sat 02/18
10:00 p.m.
Fri 02/10
7-9:30 p.m.
Sat 03/11
12:00 p.m.
Fri 03/03
7-9:30 p.m.
Ya estamos preparando las dos presentaciones de Navidad que se efectuarán en
la Noche Buena el 24 de Diciembre: Una
de niños de pre-Kinder y de Kinder a las
3:00 PM y la otra niños de Primaria a las
5:30 PM
La presentación de pre-Kinder y Kinder
tendrá niños de 4 años y de Kinder ellos
re-nacerán la history del nacimiento
de Jesús. Para registrar a sus niños por
favor llame a Rosa Rico, teléfono: 3833066. Habrá una reunión con los padres
de familia el domingo 20 de Noviembre
después de la Misa de las 9:00 AM en el
salón A-4.
Presentación de los niños de Primaria de
los grados 1-5. Los participantes tendrán
partes habladas y actuaciones. Para más
información llame a Rosann Halick, al
número: 672-6800, extensión 2204 o por
email: La
primera reunión será el miércoles, 30 de
Noviembre a las 4:00 pm en la iglesia.
Virgen de Guadalupe