Download July 10, 2016 - St. Joseph Catholic Church
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Mailing Address P.O. Box 832 Commerce, TX 75429 Parish Hall 2211 Monroe Street Commerce, TX 75428 Parish Office 903-886-7135 Fax 903-886-8034 Office Hours Monday-Friday By Appointment Call Rev. Marcus Chidozie ( e xt. 4 ) Parish Staff/Ministry Pastor Rev. Marcus Chidozie, Ph.D. Campus Ministry Deacon Joe Webber, Ed.D. Administrative Assistant Cary Roberts Bulletin Submissions Cary Roberts Safe Environment Coordinator Joan Lawrence St. Joseph Catholic Church Serving Commerce Since 1895 2207 Monroe Street, Commerce, Texas 75428 Website: Masses: Saturday 5:30 pm; Sunday 9:30 am Monday (no Mass); Tuesday & Wednesday 6:30 pm; Thursday & Friday 8:00 am Confession: Saturday 4:30-5:00 pm or by appointment FIFTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME July 10, 2016 News, Reminders, and Events______________ Next week, our parish will take up a collection for the Solidarity Fund for the Church in Africa. This fund supports pastoral projects in the poor and rural parts of Africa. La próxima semana , nuestra parroquia hará una colecta para el Fondo de Solidaridad para la Iglesia en África. Este fondo apoya proyectos pastorales en las zonas pobres y rurales de África. There will be a special meeting of the Knights of Columbus on Saturday, August 6, after the 5:30 pm mass for the installation of new officers. All Knights of Columbus members are invited to attend. If you are not a member, but would like to join, please notify Bill Mulcahy or send an e-mail to Habrá una reunión especial de los Caballeros de Colón el sábado 6 de . agosto, después de la misa 17:30 para la instalación de nuevos oficiales. Todos los miembros de Caballeros de Colón están invitados a participar. Si usted no es un miembro, pero le gustaría unirse, por favor notifique a Bill Mulcahy o enviar un e-mail a Music Ministry Director Natalie Salisbury Director of K-12 Religious Education Natalie Salisbury Confirmation Coordinator (8th) Tom Selvaggi HS Youth Ministry Coordinator Bob Lucero Marriage & Family Ministry Dick&Mary Flesher Telephone Prayer Chain Sue Mitchell (903)456-3661 Barb Stevko (903) 217-7809 Altar Society Lettie Gillespie Altar Servers Elva A. Resendez (903) 366-1318 Knights of Columbus Bill Mulcahy (214) 535-6095 Women’s Guild Noel Bares Catholic Daughters of Americas Brittany Zebendon Hispanic Community Rep. Sandra Medrano (903)438-6577 Pro Life David&Virginia Kirk _________________________________________________________ DIOCESE OF DALLAS Weapon’s Policy, Effective January, 2016 THE PASTOR’S CORNER A Contemporary Good Samaritan and his Knights by Fr. Thomas Rosica When I reflect on the ways that this Good Samaritan parable has taken on flesh in history, I cannot help but think of the Venerable Servant of God, Fr. Michael McGivney, a parish priest who lived in 19th century America. He ministered to his flock with Christ-like compassion. Fr. McGivney recognized the material and spiritual poverty of so many members of the Catholic community of his day, and he understood that it was part of the lay vocation to become actively involved in offering assistance to brothers and sisters in need. He knew that it is not only priests and religious who have a vocation, but that every Christian is called by Christ to carry out a particular mission in the Church. He left a lasting legacy in founding and establishing the Knights of Columbus, a lay Catholic fraternal organization, that now has close to 1.8 million members worldwide. On August 14, 1890, Fr. McGivney, a priest of the Diocese of Hartford (USA) died at the young age of 38 years old. The Knights of Columbus are nothing more than the continuation of the parable of the Good Samaritan in history. This fraternal order specializes in preparing other Good Samaritans for our time. Like the Good Samaritan, Christ’s care for the sick and the suffering was an inspiration to Fr. McGivney who, as a priest, sought to be a living sign of Christ for the people he served. Fr. McGivney and his brother Knights throughout history have been binding the wounds of those they discovered lying by the wayside of history and helping restore them to health and strength. In so doing, they imitate Christ, who came that we might have life in abundance. “Nowhere is the face of our Church more attractive than in our open embrace of our neighbor,” Supreme Knight Carl Anderson recently wrote. “Each encounter with those in need is actually an opportunity to create a civilization of love, one person, one act at a time.” Saturday July 9 5:30 p.m. Chip Phelps by Jim Phelps and family Sunday July 10 9:30 a.m. For the People Monday July 11 No Mass No Mass Tuesday July 12 6:30 p.m. St. Francis of Assisi High School Ministry in Frisco, TX Wednesday July 13 6:30 p.m. Wendy S. Selvaggi by Tom Selvaggi Thursday July 14 8:00 a.m. Rossi Lucian Selvaggi by Tom Selvaggi Friday July 15 8:00 a.m. Antonio Ayala by Angie Davis Saturday July 16 5:30 p.m. Chip Phelps by Women’s Guild The usual stipend for a Mass is $5.00 RCIA is a journey of conversion to God and what He intends for us. The Catholic Church warmly welcomes new members and tries to provide appropriate spiritual formation according to each person’s needs. If you are interested in learning more about the Catholic faith, please contact Fr. Marcus. Si usted está interesado en aprender más sobre la fe católica, póngase en contacto con el p. Marcus. Our Parish Weekly Need: $ 2,771.60 Las necesidades semanales de nuestra parroquia: $2,771.60 Last Sunday, July 3, 2016: $ 2,518.51 Colección desde el domingo pasado: $ 2,518.51 Monthly Mortgage Payment: $ 3,402.50 Pago mensual de ipoteca: $ 3,402.50 Last Sunday’s Building Fund: $ 1,077.00 Fondos recaudados el domingo pasado: $ 1,077.00 Building Fund July Total: $ 1,077.00 Total mensual de fondo de construcción hasta la fecha: $ 1,077.00 Mass Attendance: 231 // Cantidad de asistentes: 231 Dr. Richard Flesher 903-951-3421 The Communications Coaching Group WE CHANGE MINDS Management Coaching & Business Consulting 102 E. Main Street Royse City, TX 75189 P: 972.635.2233 F: 972.635.2202