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OUR LADY OF THE PILLAR CATHOLIC CHURCH Iglesia Católica de Nuestra Señora del Pilar 400 Church Street, Half Moon Bay, CA 94019 (650) 726-4674 Office Hours: Open Monday—Friday 9:00am– 4:30pm Email: TWENTY-FIRST SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME, AUGUST 21, 2016 Rev. Joseph Previtali Administrator Mass Schedule Monday through Friday: 8:00 am Saturday: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm - 8:00pm (Español) Confessions (bilingual) Sunday: 8:00 am - 10:00 am - 12:00 pm (Español) - 6:00 pm Rev. Gabriel Wankar Parochial Vicar Rev. Charles Onubogu In Residence Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Every Friday after 8:00 am MassBenediction 12:00 pm First Friday of the Month after 8:00 am Mass - Benediction 6:30pm Deacon John McGhee Religious Education (650) 726-5587 Claudia Miramontes Ext. 210 K-6th Grade Elizabeth Neapolitan Ext. 209 Youth Confirmation Encargada de Ensayo para Bodas: Juana Ruano RCIA/ Adult Faith Formation: Rev. Joseph Previtali (English) Educación/ Sacramentos para Adultos Carlos y Celina Rivera (Español) Parish Secretary: Paula Martinez Fax: (650) 726-0980 Confessions Schedule Monday (Lunes) 6:00- 7:00 pm 8:45- 9:30 pm Tuesday (Martes) 7:00- 7:45 am Wednesday (Miercoles) 7:00– 7:50am Thursday (Jueves) 7:00– 7:50 am 5:30- 6:30 pm Friday (Viernes) 6:00- 7:00 pm 9:00- 10:00 pm Saturday (Sábado) 4:00- 5:00 pm St. Anthony's — Pescadero 696 North Street, Pescadero, CA 94060 Saturday: 6:00 pm (Español) Sunday: 9:00 am Our Lady of Refuge — La Honda 146 Sears Ranch Road, La Honda, CA 94020 Sunday: 10:30 am Dear Parishioners: The Octave of the Assumption of Mary, which we are celebrating now, culminates tomorrow with the traditional feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (in the modern calendar, it's the Queenship of Mary). It's beautiful that the Church honors our Mother's glory by venerating especially her Heart. This veneration is the reason why August is traditionally called the Month of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. This feast of Mary's Heart is the octave feast of the feast of her Assumption into Heaven, which means the two feasts are connected in the logic of the Sacred Liturgy. The truth of Mary's Assumption means that her physical Heart is in Heaven, glorified in its resurrection and ascension in her Son. Mary is the first to share in her Son's Resurrection and Ascension. She followed where He went first. Her Heart, which was always in Heaven by faith, hope and love, is now in Heaven by glory. As we saw last Sunday, she had first suffered and died with Him in her Heart. We celebrate on August 22 that she has also risen with Him! Each Christian is invited by grace to this same sharing in Jesus's Resurrection and Ascension. We are all called and empowered to live, like Mary, with our hearts already in Heaven by faith, hope and charity, so that they can one day be in Heaven in glory. This is the key to happiness even in this life: to have our treasures and hearts already in the Heavenly happiness that never passes away. We are called by Jesus to live like Mary, suffering and dying with Him so as to rise with Him. The easiest and most accessible way for us to keep our hearts in Heaven, and thus achieve real happiness, is by the life of prayer, which exercises the theological virtues of faith, hopeand charity. This is one of the reasons why daily time of prayer is a duty for all Christians. Daily prayer is ordinarily necessary for salvation. It is the way I keep my heart locked in to my eternal happiness so that I don't deviate by sin from the good path. In my daily prayer, I meditate on divine things and ask for the help I need to be saved. Prayer, along with the sacraments, is the way for me to follow Jesus and Mary. The Holy Rosary is a most excellent way to exercise our duty and privilege of prayer. If I pray the Rosary with devout meditation on the mysteries, I have entered into the Immaculate Heart of Mary, who "kept these things in her Heart." In this way, the Rosary is the best and easiest way for me to keep my heart in Heaven, in the glorious abode of Mary's Heart. This time of the octave of the Assumption is an excellent opportunity to commit ourselves to the daily recitation of the Holy Rosary. One could, for example, pray five decades of the Rosary upon rising, another five decades on his lunch break or during afternoon naps for the kids, and then another five decades with the whole family at the end of the day. Let this be a kind of back-to-school resolution for us all. If we pray this way, with devotion and attention and love, we will be saints in no time! Immaculate Heart of Mary, Cause of Our Joy, pray for us!! May God Bless you all Father Joseph Previtali Parish Announcements Queridos feligreses: La octava de la Asunción de María, que estamos celebrando ahora, culmina mañana con la tradicional fiesta del Inmaculado Corazón de María (en el calendario moderno, es la Realeza de María). Es hermoso que la Iglesia rinde homenaje a la gloria de nuestra Madre venerando especialmente su corazón. Esta veneración es la razón por la que Agosto es tradicionalmente llamado el Mes del Corazón Inmaculado de María. Esta fiesta del Corazón de María es la fiesta octava de la fiesta de su Asunción al cielo, lo que significa que las dos fiestas están conectados en la lógica de la sagrada Liturgia. La verdad de la Asunción de María significa que su corazón físico está en los cielos, glorificado en su resurrección y ascensión de su Hijo. María es la primera en participar de la Resurrección y la Ascensión de su Hijo. Siguió a donde Él fue primero. Su corazón, que estaba siempre en el Cielo por la fe, la esperanza y el amor, ahora esta en el cielo por la gloria. Como vimos el domingo pasado, que había sufrido primero y murió con él en su corazón. Celebramos el 22 de agosto que ella también ha resucitado con Él! Cada cristiano es invitado por la gracia a esta misma participación en la resurrección y ascensión de Jesús. Todos estamos llamados y capacitados para vivir, como María, con el corazón que ya están en el cielo por la fe, la esperanza y la caridad, de modo que puedan estar un día de cielo y la gloria. Esta es la clave de la felicidad en esta vida: tener nuestros tesoros y corazones en la felicidad celestial que nunca se muere. Hemos sido llamados por Jesús para vivir como María, sufrir y morir con él a fin de resucitar con Él. La forma más fácil y más accesible para nosotros de mantener el corazón en el Cielo, y así lograr la verdadera felicidad, por la vida de oración que ejerce las virtudes teologales de la fe, la esperanza y la caridad. Esta es una de las razones por las que el tiempo diario de oración es un deber de todos los cristianos. La oración diaria es normalmente necesario para la salvación. Es la manera en que yo guardo mi corazón encerrado en mi felicidad eterna para que no se aparta por el pecado de la buena senda. En mi oración diaria, medito en las cosas divinas y pido la ayuda que necesito para ser salvo. La oración, junto con los sacramentos, es el camino para mí para seguir a Jesús y María. El Santo Rosario es un camino más excelente para ejercer nuestro deber y privilegio de la oración. Si oro el Rosario con devota meditación sobre los misterios, he entrado en el Corazón Inmaculado de María, que "guardaba estas cosas en su corazón." De este modo, el Rosario es la mejor manera y más fácil para mí, para mantener mi corazón en el cielo, en la morada gloriosa del Corazón de María. Esta vez de la octava de la Asunción es una excelente oportunidad para comprometernos con el rezo diario del Santo Rosario. Se podría, por ejemplo, rezar cinco decenas del Rosario al levantarse, otros cinco décadas en su hora de almuerzo o durante la siesta de la tarde para los niños, y luego otros cinco décadas con toda la familia al final del día. Que esto sea una especie de resolución de regreso a la escuela para todos nosotros. Si oramos de esta manera, con la dedicación y la atención y el amor, vamos a ser santos en muy poco tiempo! Inmaculado Corazón de María, causa de nuestra alegría, ruega por nosotros !! Que Dios los bendiga a todos Padre José Previtali Pray for Our Parishioners Who are Sick Sick Relatives & Friends/ Parientes y Amigos Enfermos Pray that God’s, healing power will fill them with strength and hope. Glenn Gonzales, Joe Ashe, Virginia Shea, Gram Sommers, Raul Batista, Manuel Arca, Terry R. Fenwick, Geraldine Medigan, Javier Ramos, Marina Williamson, Mickey Williamson, Laura Torre, Alteamor Espejo, Abby Franco, Rachel Thein, John Romero, Pedro Bautista, Donald Thierry, Shiela Santos, Shannon Perez, Don Wright, Harvey Koepf, Jena Losch, Sam Reynal, Duncan Harter, Loretta Duran, Tammy Endsley, Kathy Repetto, Raquel Corona, Rich Perez, Jim Wylie, Marie Caloca, Claire Simonich. Opportunity to learn more about our Catholic tradition! GREGORIAN CHANT CLASS With Fr. Joe Previtali Thursday, September 15, 2016 at 7:00 pm at St. Anthony’s in Pescadero All are welcome! Community Holy Hour after Gregorian Chant class on September 15, Class at 7:00pm; Holy Hour at 8:00pm Oportunidad para profundizar su conocimiento de nuestra tradición Católica! CLASE BILINGUE DEL CANTO GREGORIANO (MUSICA CATOLICA) Con Padre Joe Previtali Jueves, 15 de Septiembre , a las 7:00 pm en la Iglesia de San Antonio en Pescadero Todos son bienvenidos! Tendremos Hora Santa después de la Clases de Canto Gregoriano, Clase a las 7:00pm; Hora Santa - 8:00pm VOCATIONS CAMP TODAY Our Lady of the Pillar Year of Mercy Vocations Camp: Discover Your Mission from God! All children entering grades 4-12 are invited to participate in a day of prayer, education about God's plan for our lives and holy fun activities on TODAY, SUNDAY!! fr om 1:45 to 7:30 PM. Br ing your childr en for free today at the Bell Building. SECOND YEAR CONFIRMATION REGISTRATION If you do not have an appointment to register for your second year of Confirmation classes please schedule an appointment as soon as possible. Last day for appointments to register is Thursday August 25th. Appointment times begin at 3:30pm with the last appointment at 8:30pm. Please make sure you have your completed registration form and your Shield the Vulnerable certificate at the time of your appointment. Registration forms can be gotten from our Parish website at Or picked up in the Religious Education Office. At least one parent must accompany the student to their registration appointment. Any questions contact Elizabeth Neapolitan at: (650) 726-5587 ext 209 or via email at Your Offerings | Supporting Our Parish 1st Collection 2nd Collection Our Lady of the Pillar $ 4,021 $ 1,827 Our Lady of Refuge $ 369 $ 144 St Anthony’s $ 245 $ 86 Second Collection this week: Religious Education August 28: September 4: September 11: September 18: Annual Appeal Building Fund Annual Appeal Priests’ Retirement Fund (Local) Parish Organizations OUR LADY OF THE PILLAR FESTIVAL Sunday, September 25, 2016 10:30 Am Solemn Sung Mass 12:00 Noon Rosary Procession down Main Street in Half Moon Bay 1:00-7:00 PM Festive Celebration at Our Lady of the Pillar Church with delicious food and drink from all over the world, raffle with amazing prizes, live music and cultural performances, mechanical bull, jumpers, face painting and much, much more! FESTIVAL DE NUESTRA SEÑORA DEL PILAR Domingo 25 de Septiembre, 2019 10:30am Solemne Misa Cantada 12:00 Medio día Procesión y Rosario por las calles de Half Moon Bay 1:00– 7:00PM Celebración de Nuestra Señora del Pilar detrás de la Iglesia, con deliciosa comida de diferentes partes del mundo, bebidas, rifa, música en vico, brin colines, toro mecánico, música cultural y bailes folclóricos, caritas pintadas y mucho mas!!! WEDDINGS/ BODAS Couples planning to be married must contact a priest well in advance of the wedding date. They must also receive personal preparation for entering marriage. If either party has previously gone through any forma of civil or religious marriage with another person, the priest is not permitted to set a date for the wedding until the Archbishop office has been consulted. It should be noted that Catholics, in order to marry validly, must marry before the parish priest or his delegate and two witnesses. A civil marriage or a marriage before non-Catholic minister is not a valid marriage. Couples in such “marriages” should contact a priest to have the situation rectified. Mass Schedule and Intentions Saturday EVENING August 20, 2016 5:00pm Anne Minoletti (Int.) & Family Maria & Harry McElroy + 8:00pm Samuel Hernandez + Sunday August 21, 2016 8:00am Manuel Costa + & Family Joe Lopes & Diana Lopes + 10:00am Luis & Bernadette Belo + Joe Daniel Rocha + 12:00pm Por la Parroquia 6:00pm John Costa + Benjamin Zajec + Monday August 22, 2016 8:00 am Eduardo & Maria Silveira + Tuesday August 23, 2016 8:00am Manuel Pacheco + Wednesday August 24, 2016 8:00 am Frank Vaz Jr. + and Family Maria Salcido + Thursday August 25, 2016 8:00 am Dylan Robert Liberti + Carmel Chancy + Friday August 26, 2016 8:00 am Idalina & Francisco Costa + Randy Bartolonew + Ilva Evan + Saturday August 27, 2016 8:00 am Manuel & Maria Ferreira + and Parents 5:00pm Jose & Luz Maria Mora + and Family Guido Gusty + 8:00pm Paulina Caal + Sunday August 28, 2016 8:00 am Michael Rodrigues + and Family James Kinney + 10:00 am For the Parish 12:00 pm Familia Garcia– Martinez (Int.) 6:00 pm Joaquin Balbina & Maria Coelho + St. Anthony’s 6:00pm August 20 9:00am August 21 6:00pm August 27 9:00am August 28 Our Lady of Refuge 10:30am August 21 10:30am August 28 Julio Coy Caal + Maria Rebecca McElroy + Por las almas del purgatorio Maryann Osborne + Ed and Candace Lilly + Earl Madeiros + THANK YOU!!!! The St. Vincent de Paul Society would like to thank our parishioners for your generous donations. Thanks to your kindness our Back to School program at Our Lady of the Pillar was able to assist 201 children with gift cards to purchase new school clothes, as well as back packs and school supplies for 50 children. At our food pantry at St. Anthony’s we assisted 132 children with gift cards to purchase new school shoes. Thank you for giving our needy children a happy start to the new school year. WORTHY TEACHERS All who undertake to teach must be endowed with deep love, the greatest patience, and, most of all, profound humility. The Lord will find them worthy to become fellow workers with him in the cause of truth. —St. Joseph Calasanz