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Your Local Voice on Mental Illness
NAMI North Coastal San Diego County
President Emeritus—Bob Brooks
The mission of NAMI North Coastal San Diego County is to:
Inspire and support those with brain disorders and their families.
Educate and inform the community. Work to erase the stigma of brain disorders.
July Educational Event
Presidents—Mark Sensano
Vice President—Eric Revere
Secretary — Sharon O’Leary
Treasurer—Marilyn Kasperick
Program Directors
Director of Operations—Jamie Martinez
Director of Programs—Open
Director of Multicultural Program—Adriana Costa
Director of Education—Open
Director of Ways Means—Mike Wade
Director of Consumer Programs - Karen Godfrey
Director of Community Relations & Outreach - Liz Kruidenier
NAMI Affiliate Offices
NAMI North Coastal San Diego County
P.O. Box 2235
Carlsbad, CA 92018
ph (760) 722-3754
E: - W:
NAMI San Diego
5095 Murphy Canyon Road, Suite 320
San Diego CA 92123
ph (619) 543-1434/ 800 523-5933
E: - W:
Copper Hill Living & Learning Center
Creative Arts Consortium
Advocacy Works
144 Copper Avenue, Vista, CA 92084
ph (858) 481-7069
Thursday, July 16, 2015
6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
St. Michael’s Episcopal Church Hall
2775 Carlsbad Boulevard, Carlsbad
NAMI’s educational meetings are free and open to the public. Everyone is welcome.
Knowing where to find resources in the community can be
challenging. NAMI North Coastal is here to help! At our
3rd Annual Community Resource Fair you can connect with
agencies and programs that can provide you the information
you need.
In this Issue
President’s Address................................. 2
Program News........................................... 2
That Trademark Eric Smile.................... 3
Trastorno Bipolar: Lo Que Usted
Neccesita Saber Part I ............................ 4
Tune In! The Mental Health
Channel is Here......................................... 6
Margaret Mary Kinney Probe
in Memorium............................................. 6
Meeting Treatment and
Support Group Resources..................... 7
NAMI California Conference................. 8
Admission is Free!
Join us Anytime Between 6:30 pm and 8 pm
Light Refreshments will be Served.
For more information
call the NAMI North Coastal office
at 760 722-3754.
After a short refreshment break, our NAMI family support group will meet in the
church library from 8:30—10 p.m. The NAMI Connection peer support group will
meet from 5:30 to 6:30 pm in the parish library before this meeting.
NAMI North Coastal News
President’s Address
By Mark Sensano
Volume 15 No. 7
Mental Health advocacy has many different
paths – all equally important to our NAMI
cause. Whether you are a volunteer in one
of the many mental health service programs,
promote mental health
legislation, or work in the
mental health field, advocacy is an important part
of what we do.
July 2015
No doubt you have heard
that mental illness still
carries with it a “stigma”.
Take a moment and ask
yourself why? More
important, are we doing
enough to fight the stigma
associated with mental
As an organization that supports mental health,
NAMI North Coastal advocates via our free
education programs, partners with mental health
agencies, and supports legislation that will have a
positive impact on our cause.
If you are not yet a member of
NAMI North Coastal, we invite
to you become part of our team.
Please contact our office for
membership details. If you are
not yet ready to join at this time,
please consider a donation made
to NAMI North Coastal.
I would like to again take
this opportunity to thank St.
Michaels by-the-Sea Episcopal
Church for their unwavering
support during the years. From
allowing us the use of their facilI am a firm believer that
ities for our education meeting
St. Michael’s presents NAMI NCSD with a check and support groups to raising
the stigma we fight is
from the Cinco De Mayo Fiesta Fundraiser funds to support the work we
because mental illness
remains a condition far
do, St. Michael’s has partnered
less accepted and understood compared to
with us to eliminate the stigma of mental illness
other illnesses such as diabetes, heart disease,
and to be bring hope in the community.
cancer, etc.
Program News
NAMINCSD Multi-Cultural
Programs are Thriving
Recognizing the need to offer programing that
respects the culture and language of our Spanish
speaking community members, NAMINCSD
will begin another 12-Week Family-to-Family
class in Spanish beginning August 4, 2015, 6:30
pm - 8:00 pm in Room 5 on the lower level of
Tri-City Hospital. Registration is required to
attend. Call the office for more information.
Our Spanish Family Support Groups meets
the first Friday at every month at Tri-City
Hospital. No registration required.
Teacher Training
Did you benefit from your Family-to-Family 12-week
course? Would you like to share your knowledge with
others as well as stay current with the latest mental
health topics? A NAMI Family-to-Family teacher
training will take place August 21 - 23 at the Mission
San Luis Rey in Oceanside. This training is free. NAMI
North Coastal provides training materials, lodging and
meals. This training has been funded by a grant from
the Kaiser Foundation and is great opportunity for us
to increase the number of active teachers. You are not
required to have teaching experience; just a desire to
share with others the knowledge you have gained from
the Family-to-Family program. Please contact Rita at
our office for an application and more information at
760-722-3754 or e-mail at
NAMI North Coastal News
That Trademark Eric Smile
For him I’d swim the deepest sea
An walk a hundred miles
Just to catch a half a glimpse
Of that Trademark Eric Smile
There’s reasons why he could complain
But that’s just not his style
‘Cause there’s one thing that’s good as gold
That Trademark Eric Smile
And if anyone should care to ask
About the perfect profile
I’ll tell them what I’m telling you
It’s that Trademark Eric Smile
Sure his eyes twinkling
He speaks wit and cleverness
But none of this can quite compare
To that Trademark Eric Smile
So Keep on doing what you do
Your life is quite worthwhile
You’ve reached and touched the multitudes
With that Trademark Eric Smile
He’s thought of well by many
Of that there’s no denial
But he just kind of shrugs it off
With his Trademark Eric Smile
And yet, when all is said and done
Most things are versatile
But on thing that will never fade
Is that Trademark Eric Smile
And if I had a million bucks
I’d put it in a pile
And give it freely for a glance
Of that Trademark Eric Smile
We Need Volunteers
for the upcoming Community Resource Fair
If you would like to assist with up, clean up,
refreshments, or other aspects of hosting this
wonderful community event, contact the office at or 760 722 3754.
July 2015
It’s kind of like a half-way grin
That lingers for a while
It tells you that all will be well
That Trademark Eric Smile
It’s soft and reassuring
And I feel like such a child
The way that he can comfort me
With his Trademark Eric Smile
Volume 15 No. 7
By Dan Kasperick
‘Aint you ever notice
Through troubled times and trials
That there’s one thing that’s always true
That Trademark Eric Smile
NAMI North Coastal News
Volume 15 No. 7
Trastorno Bipolar: Lo
Que Usted Necesita Saber
Parte I
El trastorno bipolar, también conocido como la
depresión maníaca, es una enfermedad mental que
incluye episodios serios de la manía y la depresión.
La enfermedad causa cambios drásticos de altos
y bajas de temperamento, de sentirse extremadamente deprimido y sin esperanza, con períodos de
temperamento normal entre los cambios.
July 2015
Por lo menos unos 2 millones de estadounidenses
sufren de trastorno bipolar.
Para los que están afligidos con la enfermedad, es
extremadamente preocupante y molestoso. Como
otras enfermedades serias, el trastorno bipolar
también es difícil para los esposos/as, miembros
de la familia, amistades y empresarios. Todos que
se relacionan con la persona que tiene el trastorno
bipolar posiblemente tendrán que enfrentarse
con problemas serios de comportamiento (tal
como salidas para gastar dinero sin control) y las
consecuencias permanentes de estos comportamientos.
El trastorno bipolar típicamente comienza en
la adolescencia o durante la temprana adultez y
continúa a través de toda la vida. Frecuentemente
no es reconocida como una enfermedad y las
personas que tienen la enfermedad pueden sufrir
innecesariamente por años o por décadas.
La enfermedad bipolar ha sido diagnosticada en
niños/as de menos de 12 años de edad, aunque no
es común durante esta etapa de la niñez. Puede
ser confundida con el trastorno del déficit de la
atención y del comportamiento perturbador, por
lo tanto un diagnóstico cuidadoso es necesario.
Aunque el trastorno bipolar puede ser debilitante,
es también una de las enfermedades mentales más
tratables. La combinación de medicina y psicoterapia ayuda a la mayoría de las personas con esta
enfermedad a que regresen a una vida alegre y
¿Qué causa el trastorno bipolar?
Aunque una conexión genética específica al trastorno
bipolar no ha sido determinada, los estudios muestran
que del 80 al 90 por ciento de las personas que sufren de
esta enfermedad tienen parientes con alguna forma de
depresión. Es también posible que las personas puedan
heredar la tendencia a desarrollar la enfermedad, y al
agregar factores ambientales hacen que la enfermedad se
Otras investigaciones sugieren que la enfermedad puede
ser causada por un desequilibrio bioquímico lo cual altera
el ánimo de la persona. Éste desequilibrio puede ser por
causa de una producción irregular de hormonas o de un
problema con ciertos neurotransmisores, los cuales son
químicos en el cerebro que actúan como mensajeros a las
neuronas cerebrales.
¿Cuáles son los síntomas del trastorno bipolar?
El trastorno bipolar es frecuentemente difícil de
reconocer y de diagnosticar. Una de las razones es
debido a la hipomanía, (hipomanía: es un estado afectivo
caracterizado por un ánimo persistentemente expansivo,
hiperactivo y/o irritable, como también por pensamientos
y comportamientos consecuentes a ese ánimo que se
distingue de un estado de ánimo normal) la cual es
una temprana señal del trastorno. La hipomanía puede
causar que la persona tenga un alto nivel de energía,
pensamientos grandiosos no reales o ideas e impulsividad
o comportamiento perturbador y alarmante. Estos
síntomas pueden sentirse como algo bueno para la
persona, lo cual puede llevarle a que uno niega que existe
un problema. Otra razón para la falta de reconocimiento
es que el trastorno bipolar puede aparecer como
síntomas de otras enfermedades o puede ocurrir con
otros problemas como los del abuso de sustancias,
comportamiento irregular en la escuela o problemas en
su lugar de empleo.
Los síntomas de la manía
Los síntomas de la manía, los cuales pueden durar hasta
tres meses si no son tratados, incluyen:
yy Aumento de energía, actividad, inquietud,
Continued on Page 5
NAMI North Coastal News
sona puede hacer decisiones malas las cuales
pueden llevarle a unos falsos envolvimientos
en actividades, reuniones y metas, manejar un
auto sin saber hacía donde va, gastos incontrolables y malas aventuras de negocios.
(continued from page 4)
pensamientos rápidos y el hablar rápido.
yy Negación de que existe algún problema.
yy Irritabilidad extrema y fácil distracción.
yy Creencias pocas realistas en tener ciertas habilidades
y poderes—la persona puede experimentar sentimientos de confianza exagerada y de optimismo sin
fundación. Esto también puede llevar a planes laborales demasiado ambiciosos y la creencia que nada
puede detenerle en alcanzar dichas metas.
yy Falta de juicio que está fuera de carácter—la per-
yy Compulsión sexual que no es lo usual.
yy Abuso de drogas, particularmente la cocaína,
alcohol y medicinas para dormir.
Continúa en el boletín de agosto. El mes de
agosto continuaremos con “Los Síntomas de
la manía’’ y publicaremos ‘’Los síntomas de la
Join NAMI North Coastal San Diego County
When you join now, you become a member of your NAMI Affiliate, Mail to: NAMI NCSD, P.O. Box 2235, Carlsbad, CA 92018
NAMI Sate Organization and the national NAMI organization.
OR pay online using your credit or debit card at our website
Yes, I want to: (please check one)
Title: Mr. Mrs. Ms. Dr.
Primary Member Last Name:
Primary Member First Name:
______ $50 Regular Membership
($35 plus $15 donation)
_______$3 Open Door (for low income)
Member benefits include NAMI’s flagship magazine, the Advocate,
as well as NAMI’s monthly e-newsletter, NAMI Now, if you
subscribe at: All members receive the
same benefits. NAMI membership is valid for one year.
Payment Information
 Cash Enclosed
Credit Card Payment
Charge my:
Name as it Appears on Card:
Account No.:
Expiration Date:
Validation Code:
Master Card
Amercian Express
July 2015
yy Reducción de la necesidad para dormir—la persona puede durar por días sin dormir, o sin sentirse
yy Sentimientos excesivamente “altos” o eufóricos—la
persona se siente “encima del mundo” y nada, incluyendo malas noticias o eventos trágicos, puede cambiar dicha “felicidad.”
yy Un comportamiento continuo que es diferente al comportamiento usual de otras
personas—la persona puede que se vista y/o
actúe diferente a lo que él o ella han hecho
anteriormente. La persona puede que se convierta en un colector de varios artículos o que
se haga indiferente al cuido personal. Él o
ella puede que se haga obsesivo en el escribir
o que experimente ilusiones.
Volume 15 No. 7
Trastorno Bipolar: Lo Que Usted
Necesita Saber Parte I
NAMI North Coastal News
Volume 15 No. 7
Tune In! The Mental Health
Channel is Here
Reprinted from an article by Bob Carolla posted
in NAMI NOW May 27, 2015
For years, many people have asked why there
couldn’t be a television channel dedicated to
increasing public understanding of mental health
conditions and eliminating the stigma that too
often surrounds them.
Now there is one.
July 2015
Arcos Films has launched the Mental Health
Channel (MHC) offering 12 regular documentary series (or shows) with a total of 47 episodes
currently filmed out of 120 that are planned.
Each episode is about seven minutes in length.
Every episode is available 24/7 on the MHC
website “free to view, free to share and commercial free.”
MHC took off in earnest over Mental Health
Month and is working with NAMI state
Margaret Mary Kinney Probe
In Memorium
Jan. 5, 1954 - June 11, 2015
by Liz Kruidenier
It is with great regret that we share with
you the sad news of the peaceful passing
of Margy Kinney Probe on June 11, 2015.
A member of NAMI North Coastal and
Mariposa Clubhouse her obituary in the
Union Tribune paid graceful tribute to
her poetic and artistic accomplishments
as she worked to create images in pictures
and words to express herself and help
those around her. Our deepest sympathies
are extended to her family, her daughter,
Michele Wyngard, granddaughter Beatrix
and siblings, her longtime partner Keith
Bongiorni and her many friends.
organizations and affiliates to co-sponsor local screening
events in months ahead.
Web-based networks like MHC are a wave of the future
in communications technology. Tune in now and you
can eventually tell others that you were present at the
The channel seeks to provide “engaging, enlightening,
informative programming, commercial free” to help all
viewers improve mental health and to change minds
overall. Its approach is non-partisan, collaborative and
solutions-oriented and intended to inspire action.
Episodes on the MHC website to date include "A Circle
of Friends" about Emily, who has dealt with anxiety and
depression since age 6, “The Right Response,” about San
Antonio’s police crisis intervention team and “Ill in the
Family,” about May Howard and her sister, who live the
bipolar disorder they inherited from their parents.
You can spend 10 minutes, an hour or more browsing
the videos. They are compelling. For more information
or comments, please contact
In these last nine months she bravely fought
pancreatic cancer at the same time as she struggled
to manage the symptoms of paranoid schizophrenia.
I remember best her kind and gentle nature as
a member of the Mariposa Clubhouse Advisory
Board. She was a valued peer mentor for many
years and took pleasure in supporting her many
clubhouse friends.
Her family and friends honored her at a
Celebration of Life at St. Margaret's on June 20th
and Mariposa Clubhouse will do the same on
Thursday, July 2nd at 1:00pm. Michael, Mariposa's
Art Teacher, will rename his class Art Bulletin
for Margy and create a plaque over it with her
name. The family suggests donations be made to
the Margaret Probe Memorial Fund, c/o National
Alliance on Mental Illness PO Box 62596,
Baltimore Maryland.
NAMI North Coastal News
24 Hour Domestic Violence Hotline
1-888-DVLINKS (385-4657)
Posters and safe cards advertising this number are
available for distribution.
Please contact Aneesha Bharwani at
(858) 272-5777 or
Crisis Team
(888)-724-7240 & (800) 479-3339
In-Home Outreach Team (IHOT)
Bobbie Schotz, MHS Inc.
(760) 591-0100
3rd Thursdays 8:30 – 10 pm
NAMI North Coastal Family Support Group
St. Michael’s Episcopal Church
2775 Carlsbad Blvd. Carlsbad
Tuesdays from 4-6 pm
NAMI North Inland Family Support Group
Jocelyn Senior Center
210 East Park Escondido
3rd Thursdays 5:30 – 6:30 pm
NAMI Connection
St. Michael’s Episcopal Church
2775 Carlsbad Blvd. Carlsbad
Wednesdays from 1:00-2:30 pm
NAMI Connection
Mariposa Clubhouse
560 Greenbrier Road, Oceanside
Every Friday, from 12:15-1:00 pm
Fridays from 1:00-2:00 pm
Dual Recovery Anonymous
Mariposa Clubhouse
Contact Keith Reuter (760) 277-7660
Second Wednesdays 7-9 pm
Sibling & Adult Children’s Support Group
Scripps-Mende Well Being Center
Adjacent to the Westfield (UTC) Mall
Contact Michelle at (858) 756-3140
First Friday of Every Month 6:30-8:30 pm
Familia a Familia Grupo de Apoyo
Tri City Medical Center Room #7
(760) 722-3754
Bipolar Support Group
4th Tuesdays 10 am - Noon
Poway - Facilitated by Karen
2nd Thursdays, 7:00 pm
NAMI North Coastal
St. Michael’s Episcopal Church
2775 Carlsbad Blvd. (library)
Carlsbad, CA (760) 722-3754
2nd Mondays, 4:30 pm
NAMI SIT. Board of Directors
144 Copper Avenue, Vista
(858) 481-7069
MEETINGS (Public Invited)
3rd Thursday, 7:00 -8:30 pm
NAMI North Coastal
St. Michael’s Episcopal Church 2775
Carlsbad Blvd. Carlsbad, CA
(760) 722-3754
2nd Thursday at 12:30 pm
North County Forum for Mental Health
Tri City Medical Center, Room #6
4002 West Vista Way, Oceanside, CA
(760) 940-5050
First Thursday 6:30 – 9:30 pm
NAMI San Diego Meeting
Universal Christian Church
3900 Cleveland San Diego, CA
(619) 543-1434
Monday-Friday 9:00 am-3:00 pm
Aurora Behavioral Health
11878 Avenue of Industry
San Diego, CA (858) 675- 4285
Monday - Friday 8:30 am - 4:00 pm
Tri City Medical Center Outpatient
Behavioral Health
510 West Vista Way, Vista, CA
(760) 940-5050
Palomar Outpatient Behavioral Health
125 Vallecitos del Oro, Ste 125
San Marcos
(760) 739-2988 (760) 510-8352
Monday-Friday 8 – 4 pm
Kinesis North/Inland BPSR Center
474 West Vermont, Escondido, CA
Monday-Friday, 8:00am to 4:30pm.
1st Saturday, 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 pm
Escondido Clubhouse
474 West Vermont Escondido, CA
(760)737-7125 FAX (760) 737-8348
Sarah Bowdoin-Jones
Friends at Copper Hill
144 Copper Avenue., Vista,
Activities temporarily suspended
(858) 481-7069
Monday-Friday, 8:00 am - 4:00pm
Mariposa Clubhouse
560 Greenbrier Dr., Suite D
Oceanside, CA (760) 439-2785
Katie Gil, Director
Exodus Recovery
Walk-In Assessment Centers
524 West Vista Way
Vista (760) 758-1150
Monday-Friday 10:30 am-6:30 pm
1520 S. Escondido Blvd
Escondido (760) 758-1150
Monday-Friday 8 am-4:30 pm
Mental Health Systems
1701 Mission Avenue Suite A
Oceanside, CA 92058
WRAP Well Meds for Success
Escondido Clubhouse
474 Vermont Ave. #105
(858) 274-4650
Tri-City Hospital Behavioral Health Unit
(877) 299-0664
Call (858) 274-4650 for next class
Tuesdays from 1:30-3:30 PM
Palomar Center for Behavioral Health
555 E. Valley Parkway, Escondido
(760) 739-3000
July 2015
SSI Consumer Advocates
Chelsea Lopez,, is available at
the Mariposa Clubhouse to answer SSI questions
or to provide help in completing
and filing SSI applications
(760) 439-2785
BPDGlobal Support Group
1st Thursdays 6:30 – 9:00 pm
Borderline Personality Disorder
Gifford Clinic, UCSD Outpatient Psychiatric
140 Arbor Dr., San Diego,
2nd Floor, Room 247
Suicide Prevention
(888) 784-2433
Warm Line (Consumer Support)
800-930-9276 & 619-295-1055
5 PM – 11 PM daily
Depression & Bipolar Support Alliance
VA San Diego Medical Center
Mondays – Room 2011 – 6 PM
Thursdays – Room 2436 – 6 PM
Wednesday, 2:30 PM-4:00 PM
510 W. Vista Way, Vista
Bobbie Hamilton—760-439-3500
Aurora Behavioral Hospital
Rancho Bernardo
Contact Mark (858) 538-8450
Volume 15 No. 7
Meetings, Treatment and
Support Group Resources
Your Local Voice on Mental Illness
Nonprofit Org.
US Postage
Permit #45
P.O. Box 2235
Carlsbad, CA 92018
Address Services Requested
Phone: 760 722 3754
NAMI California
2015 Annual Conference
Bringing Communities Together
Marriott Newport Beach
Hotel and Spa
900 Newport Center Drive
Newport Beach, California 92660
August 21st & 22nd 2015
VOLUME 15 No. 7
July 2015
This newsletter is published by NAMI NCSDC,
an affiliate of NAMI California and NAMI.
Any opinions expressed in this newsletter do
not necessarily reflect those of NAMI NCSDC.
Editorial contributions, humorous non-copyrighted stories, personal recovery stories and
articles on mental health are invited and may be
sent via e-mail by the 20th of each month for
publication consideration in the following month’s
edition to:
NAMI-NCSDC Carlsbad, CA 92018
phone: (760) 722-3754
Incorporated as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit
corporation in 1983