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St. Paul Catholic Church and Missions Iglesia Católica San Pablo y Misiones 4178 Highway 441 South, Douglas, Georgia 31535 Parish Office Office phone: 912-384-3560, fax 912-385-8515 Church email: Parish Website: St. William Catholic Church, P.O. Box 861, 807 S. Merrimac Dr., Fitzgerald, Holy Family Catholic Church, Atkinson County, Off Hwy 135 Administration ¤ Administración Pastor: Rev. Nicholas Mansell, V.F. MASS SCHEDULE AND INTENTIONS May 5 – May 11 Pastoral Assistant: Bertha Capetillo (Email: Church Secretary: Janet Benton No daily Masses this week. MASS ETIQUETTE Think of the church, always and at all times, as sacred space Saturday Masses: and a sacred place. The church is, first and foremost, a place 5:00pm English, St. William of worship. It is not an auditorium, convention center, or 7:00pm Spanish, St. William meeting hall. We are not filling in time before the SundayGod Masses: and Community. 8:00am English, Holy Family 9:30am English, St. Paul 11:15am Confessions, 1st & 3rd Sundays 11:45am Spanish Misa, St. Paul entertainment starts. The church is the primary place we come to spend time with and be intimate with God. Listen to the choir and let it move you into prayer. ETIQUETA DE MISAS Piense en la iglesia, siempre y en todo momento, ya que el espacio sagrado y un lugar sagrado. La Iglesia es, ante todo, un lugar de culto. No se trata de un salón de actos, centro de convenciones, o sala de reuniones. No estamos llenando en el tiempo antes de que comience el espectáculo. La iglesia es el lugar principal llegamos a pasar el tiempo con y tener intimidad con Dios. Escucha el coro y deja que te mueve a la oración. We are Christian communities in the Roman Catholic Tradition, and we commit ourselves to become more Christ-like through the service to God and neighbor. Our Mission Statement Declaración de Misión Nosotros somos las comunidades Cristianas en la Tradición Católica Romana, y nos comprometemos a hacer modelos de Cristo al servicio de Dios y de projimo. QUESTIONS CATHOLICS ARE ASKED URBI ET ORBI MESSAGE -TO THE CITY AND TO THE WORLDFROM POPE FRANCIS EASTER 2014, ST. PETER’S BASILICA Dear Brothers and Sisters, a Happy and Holy Easter! The Church throughout the world echoes the angel’s message to the women: “Do not be afraid! I know that you are looking for Jesus who was crucified. He is not here; for he has been raised… Come, see the place where he lay” (Mt 28:5-6). This is the culmination of the Gospel, it is the Good News par excellence: Jesus, who was crucified, is risen! This event is the basis of our faith and our hope. If Christ were not raised, Christianity would lose its very meaning; the whole mission of the Church would lose its impulse, for this is the point from which it first set out and continues to set out ever anew. The message which Christians bring to the world is this: Jesus, love incarnate, died on the cross for our sins, but God the Father raised him and made him the Lord of life and death. In Jesus, love has triumphed over hatred, mercy over sinfulness, good over evil, truth over lies, life over death. That is why we tell everyone: “Come and see!” In every human situation, marked by frailty, sin and death, the Good News is no mere matter of words, but a testimony to unconditional and faithful love: it is about leaving ourselves behind and encountering others, being close to those crushed by life’s troubles, sharing with the needy, standing at the side of the sick, elderly and the outcast… “Come and see!”: Love is more powerful, love gives life, love makes hope blossom in the wilderness. With this joyful certainty in our hearts, today we turn to you, risen Lord! Help us to seek you and to find you, to realize that we have a Father and are not orphans; that we can love and adore you. Lord, we pray to you for all the peoples of the earth: you who have conquered death, grant us your life, grant us your peace! Dear brothers and sisters, Happy Easter! Why do you honor Mary? Catholics venerate Mary because she is the mother of God the Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. Veneration is completely different from the adoration of God. It is the honoring of a person, not the worship of Almighty God, our Creator. Catholics believe that Mary is the highest of God’s creatures because of her exalted role. But of course, like any other human being, she had to be saved by the mercy of God. She herself said, “My spirit rejoices in God my Savior” (Lk 1:47). We believe that God saved Mary by preserving her from the stain of original sin at the moment of her conception (the Immaculate Conception). The very fact that God took on flesh and became man (Jn 1:1, 14) indicates that He wished to involve human beings in His plan of salvation for mankind. Mary was a key person for this purpose, so this is why Catholics honor her so highly. BISHOP’S ANNUAL APPEAL 2014 Thank you to those who have given to the BAA. Our pledge update (as of 4-25-14): St. Paul-Goal: $19,069 Percent Goal: 62% Pledged: $11,835 % Pledged: 24% Holy Family-Goal: $1,880 Pledged: $1,525 Percent Goal: 81% % Pledged: 34% St. William-Goal: $4,205 Percent Goal: 65% Pledged: $2,720 % Pledged: 25% WISE WORDS “This woman of faith, Mary of Nazareth, the Mother of God, has been given to us as a model in our pilgrimage of faith. From Mary we learn to surrender to God’s will in all things. From Mary, we learn to trust even when all hope seems gone. From Mary, we learn to love Christ, her Son and the Son of God. For Mary is not only the Mother of God, she is Mother of the Church as well.” --Saint John Paul II MENSAJE URBI ET ORBI DEL SANTO PADRE FRANCISCO PASCUA 2014 Balcón central de la Basílica Vaticana Queridos hermanos y hermanas, Feliz y Santa Pascua. El anuncio del ángel a las mujeres resuena en la Iglesia esparcida por todo el mundo: « Vosotras no temáis, ya sé que buscáis a Jesús el crucificado. No está aquí. Ha resucitado... Venid a ver el sitio donde lo pusieron» (Mt 28,5-6). Esta es la culminación del Evangelio, es la Buena Noticia por excelencia: Jesús, el crucificado, ha resucitado. Este acontecimiento es la base de nuestra fe y de nuestra esperanza: si Cristo no hubiera resucitado, el cristianismo perdería su valor; toda la misión de la Iglesia se quedaría sin brío, pues desde aquí ha comenzado y desde aquí reemprende siempre de nuevo. El mensaje que los cristianos llevan al mundo es este: Jesús, el Amor encarnado, murió en la cruz por nuestros pecados, pero Dios Padre lo resucitó y lo ha constituido Señor de la vida y de la muerte. En Jesús, el Amor ha vencido al odio, la misericordia al pecado, el bien al mal, la verdad a la mentira, la vida a la muerte. Por esto decimos a todos: «Venid y veréis». En toda situación humana, marcada por la fragilidad, el pecado y la muerte, la Buena Nueva no es sólo una palabra, sino un testimonio de amor gratuito y fiel: es un salir de sí mismo para ir al encuentro del otro, estar al lado de los heridos por la vida, compartir con quien carece de lo necesario, permanecer junto al enfermo, al anciano, al excluido... «Venid y veréis»: El amor es más fuerte, el amor da vida, el amor hace florecer la esperanza en el desierto. Con esta gozosa certeza, nos dirigimos hoy a ti, Señor resucitado. Ayúdanos a buscarte para que todos podamos encontrarte, saber que tenemos un Padre y no nos sentimos huérfanos; que podemos amarte y adorarte. Ayúdanos a derrotar el flagelo del hambre, agravada por los conflictos y los inmensos derroches de los que a menudo somos cómplices. Haznos disponibles para proteger a los indefensos, especialmente a los niños, a las mujeres y a los ancianos, a veces sometidos a la explotación y al abandono. Te rogamos, Jesús glorioso, que cesen todas las guerras, toda hostilidad pequeña o grande, antigua o reciente. Te rogamos, Señor, por todos los pueblos de la Tierra: Tú, que has vencido a la muerte, concédenos tu vida, danos tu paz. Queridos hermanos y hermanas, Feliz Pascua. LAS PLATICAS DE BAUTIZMO Las Pláticas de Bautismo serán el Primer Domingo de cada mes a las 9:30am, comenzando con el mes de Abril. Para más información, favor de comunicarse can María García, despear de Misa o llamar a la oficina parroquial al 912-3843560. Gracias. La Hora Católica La estación de Radio La Qué Buena de Douglas, GA que se sintoísta en la 860se enlaza con radio la Inmaculada la Espiritual de Atlanta, GA para transmitir La Hora Católica. Horarios- Lunes a Jueves: 9:00-11:30pm Domingo: 10:00am-2:00pm ENFERMO O EN EL HOSPITAL Si usted o un miembro de la familia está en el hospital o confinado en casa, por favor llame a la oficina de la iglesia (912-384-3560). NUEVOS MIEMBROS Se pide a los feligreses a inscribirse en la iglesia, llenando un formulario de inscripción que se puede encontrar en la mesa en el centro del vestíbulo. Primera Comunión--Tienda de Articulos Religiosos: “San Pablo” ¿Necesitas un regalo para una boda, cumpleaños, Bautismo, o las próximas Primera Comunión? Visita nuestra nueva tienda de Articulos Religiosos “San Pablo”, ubicada a la entrada de la iglesia a mano izquierda. FYI THE USUAL ANNOUNCEMENTS… ~FOR YOUR INFORMATION~ St. Paul’s coffee & donuts sponsors for May: Joanne Lott, Joyce Ricciardelli, & Valle Family St. Paul’s ushers for May: Eddie McKinnon, Ed Smith, Matt Jarrard ST. PAUL’S RELIGIOUS EDUCATION May 4: Classes meet—Today is the last meeting of religious education classes for the school year. CHANGE OF NAME/ADDRESS/PHONE Please notify the church office (912-384-3560) of any change in your member information. NEW PARISHIONERS New parishioners are asked to register with the church by filling out a registration form that may be found on the table in the middle of the vestibule. AN ACCOUNT OF OUR STEWARDSHIP St. Paul Week of 4-27-14 Offertory Annual Budgeted $186,000.00 Received to date 165,101.10 Received 3,620.59 Retired Priests: $25.00 Home Mission Appeal: $386.51 Offertory: Holy Family Sunday (4-27-14): Total: $518.00 Home Mission Appeal: $60.00 Offertory: St. William Saturday (4-26-14): $388.00 Home Mission Appeal: $539.00 CAPÍTULO DEL OBISPO PARA LA PROTECCIÓN DE NIÑOS Visite la página Web de la diócesis para leer el código: (912) 201-4073/4074. CHARTER FOR THE PROTECTION OF CHILDREN Visit diocesan Or call (912) 201-4073/4074. GIFT SHOP We are proud to offer a variety of First Holy Communion items now available in our gift shop. Whether you are buying for a boy or a girl, please come in and browse through our inventory. PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR ARMED FORCES ORAR POR NUESTROS SOLDADOS Captain Christopher Benson (North Carolina), Sgt. Adam Carson (Japan), SPC Blake Downs (North Carolina), S.Sgt. Emmanuel Gamboa (Arizona), Vincente Guerrero, TSgt. William Hamilton (Qatar), SPC Adam Lee (Khoft, Afghanistan), Nathan Lee, Kristopher Lentz, WO1 Jeb S. McKinnon (Alabama), PFC Trent McKinnon (Virginia), Martin Rios, Sgt. Britt Stankowitz (Ft. Campbell, Kentucky), Juan Vargas (Afghanistan), Erick Vilches, Leo Rodriguez (South Carolina), Rolando Chavez (San Diego). Pray for us that we may be healed Orar Por Nuestros Enfermos Marcia Beasley, Ashley Bowen, Meriam Day, Lamberto Capetillo, Delfino Capetillo, Mercedes del Castillo, Angelica Castorina, Guadalupe Najera Cervantes, Jennifer Cooper, Mary Ann Deese, Scarlet Dubberly, Nancy Espinoza, Christian Fletcher, Lynn Fletcher, Mary Gafnea, John & Paulette Gearhart, Sarah Gibeau, Tony Grantham, Louise Hanna, Barbara Harper, Cathy Harper, Silvia Hernandez, Larry Hinson, Mary Browder Howell, Linda Hudson, Mary Hudson, Trish Irving, Neal Jordan, Norma Kitchens, Tim Kloer, Eileen Krause, Pat Link, Sharon Lizon, Slade Lott, Anna Lucas, Phil Mathias, Pat McClish, Gail McDonald, Karl McDonald, E. G. McKinnon, Gerald Merritt, Nina Metts, Ruth Miller, Carol Ann Moody, Carlene Murray, Louise Nahra, Tommy Newbern, Ken Newman, Marie Nipper, Nancy Overstreet, John Probert, Janet Reed, Jake Spencer, Elrea Soles, Patti Spieker, Eric Stehlin, Samantha Tolley, Ken Trapnell, Robert Uhas, Kane Waldron, Rudolph Walker, Staci Warren, Jeffrey Williams, Nick & Tony Williams, Geneva Youngblood