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Church of St. Raymond 1759 Castle Hill Avenue Bronx, New York 10462 Telephone: (718) 792-4044 Fax: (718) 863-8509 Email: Website: CLERGY Perpetual Novena to Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal after the 9 a.m. and 12:00 Noon Masses on Monday MSGR. JOHN GRAHAM, PASTOR REV. WILLIAM BROGAN REV. RAMON LOPEZ REV. JOSEPH DARBOUZE MSGR. STEPHEN ADU-KWANING REV. FRED AGYEMAN Exposition/ Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament every Friday after the 12:00 Noon Mass PARISH STAFF Mass for the Hearing Impaired the last Sunday of the month at 12:00 Noon Director of Religious Education PAX CHRISTI SISTERS SR. TERESA AND SR. ELEAZAR Tel. 718-792-4044 x 2238 RECONCILIATION/CONFESSIONS: Saturdays 11:00 a.m. – 11:45 a.m. LifeTeen & Young Adult Ministry SR. MARY EILEEN JEWELL, P.V.M.I. Tel. 718-792-2393 Director of Music and Cantor MR. PATRICK CONNOLLY Organist MR. ERIK CARDWELL BAPTISMS MASS SCHEDULE SATURDAYS 9:00 a.m. and 12:00 Noon 5:30 p.m. (SUNDAY ANTICIPATORY MASS) Director of Spanish Liturgies MRS. ROSARIO GRANDA PARISH SCHOOLS Principal of Elementary School, SR. PATRICIA BRITO, R.J.M. Tel. 718-597-3232 Principal of Boys High School, BR. DANIEL GARDNER, F.S.C. Tel. 718-824-5050 Principal of Girls Academy, SR. MARYANN D’ANTONIO, S.C. Tel. 718-824-4220 PARISH TRUSTEES MS. ELLEN MCDONOUGH MR. RAYMOND MIRANDA SUNDAYS 8:00 a.m., 9:00 a.m. SPANISH, 10:30 a.m. FAMILY MASS, 12:00 p.m., and 4:30 p.m. WEEKDAYS Monday – Friday 7 a.m., 9 a.m. & 12:00 Noon WEDNESDAYS AND FRIDAYS 7:00 p.m. - Spanish Mass Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time January 30, 2011 BY APPOINTMENT: Prior arrangements must be made with one of the Priests in the rectory. English Baptismal Class held the 1st Sunday of every month at 1:30 p.m. English Baptisms held the 3rd & 4th Sunday of every month at 1:30 p.m. Spanish Baptismal Class held the 1st Saturday of every month at 1:30 p.m. Spanish Baptisms held the 2nd Saturday of every month at 1:30 p.m. MARRIAGES BY APPOINTMENT: Arrangements are to be made with Priest at least 6 months in advance of the proposed date and prior to the social arrangements. All couples are required to participate in the Pre-Cana Program. St. Raymond Elementary School 2380 East Tremont Avenue Bronx, NY 10462 718-597-3232 Contact: Phone: Email: Arlene Alegre—Director of Advancement (718) 597-3232 ext. 1038 ST. RAYMOND ELEMENTARY WILL HOLD A SERIES OF OPEN HOUSES AND ALUMNI DAY DURING CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK Bronx, NY—St Raymond Elementary School will hold a series of Open Houses on Tuesday, February 1 & Thursday, February 3 at 9:30AM. The Open Houses are for new students entering the Fall 2011 Semester. There will be tours of the school and parents will have the opportunity to meet with the teachers and the principal, Sister Patricia Brito, RJM. Alumni Day will be held on Wednesday, February 2 at 9AM starting with a special Mass for the graduates of the elementary school. The students will give tours of the school to alumni so they can see first hand the wonderful transformation the school has gone through since they last visited. Light refreshments will be served. St Raymond Elementary School is the Parish School of St. Raymond’s Parish and offers full academic programs from Grades K-8 and full day Pre K-3 and Pre K-4. The school offers many extra-curricular activities and sports and also offers advanced level math and science for gifted students. For more information call the main office at (718) 597-3232. Catholic Schools Week is a joint project of NCEA and the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. To learn more about Catholic Schools Week visit our Web site at: The NCEA, founded in 1904, is a professional membership organization that provides leadership, direction and service to fulfill the evangelizing, catechizing and teaching mission of the church. NCEA members include elementary schools, high schools, parish religious education programs and seminaries. Mass Attendance for the weekend of January 22nd& 23rd: 5:30 p.m.73 ; 8:00 a.m. 64; 9:00a.m. 251; 10:30 a.m. 321 12:00 p.m. 280; 4:30 p.m. 60 = 1049 Sunday Collection =$3,687 00 January 30 – Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Zephaniah 2:3;3:12-13;1 Corinthians 1:26-31;Matthew 5:1-12a Jesus is the living Word A friend of mine said that true happiness was to want what one does, rather than to do what one wants. When one wants, loves what he or she does, the place, the context, the people near, the position, the work, are loved. When reality is loved, there is happiness. Could a harsh, difficult, financially harsh reality, one of scarcity and struggle, such as the one many of us know be loved? Wouldn’t it be better to have a materially comfortable life, one without anxiety, with a more promising future? Yes, it would probably be much better materially, and it is much better to fight situations of injustice and difficulty instead of remaining passive. But what Jesus tells us today is that those who go through those difficulties loving God are the blessed, the happy ones. Those who live through that trusting totally in the providence and love of God are happy. Those who place their wish for material comforts and pleasures after the good of others are happy. Those who seek peace, since peace is the fruit of the love of God are happy. Those who don’t hold on to what they have, but generously place it at the service of others are happy. They know that what is really important is inside them, not outside. They are happy, Jesus says, because they have placed the love of God above everything else. They are happy because they know their reality as pilgrims on this earth and they don’t hold on to things that don’t last. They are happy because they know their God is everything to them. For reflection In what ways do you look for happiness? Do you think this advice from Jesus is unrealistic and inadequate in your own reality? What do you lean on to feel totally happy? Father Bill on Marriage... First I would want you to realize we as priests want to help you to straighten out the situation you are in. I will, however, remind you we are not responsible for your marriage. Many of you think that I'm the cause of your breakup. Please be assured I take no responsibility for what happened in your marriage. Nor does the church owe you anything. You will be treated as adults. It was you not me who made those vows" for better, for worse, in sickness and health until death do us part" Remember them. Well the church does. And so it goes...Another aside, while the state accepts incompatibility as grounds, I hate to tell you this is not accepted in church law. So sorry. You should have known that! Please remember this fact the Church treats your marriage with the utmost seriousness-even if you don't. Etch those words "for better or for worse" on your forehead least they be forgotten. Mass Intentions for the Week Sunday – January 30 8:00 am Fred and Catherine Gallo 9:00 am Francisco Hernández (Living) 10:30 am Frank and Anthony Conti 12:00 Msgr. John Graham (Living) 4:30 pm Jeanette Rosado—First Anniversary ___________________________________________ Monday – January 31 7:00 am Veronique Bonnemere 9:00 am 12:00 ___________________________________________ Tuesday – February 1 7:00 am Mary Quinane 9:00 am Alfonsina and Domenico Russo 12:00 ___________________________________________ Wednesday – February 2 7:00 am For the people of the Parish 9:00 am 12:00 7:00 pm Ignacia Rosario ___________________________________________ Thursday – February 3 7:00 am 9:00 am Barbara Ann Caron 12:00 ___________________________________________ Friday – February 4 7:00 am Harriet Boege 9:00 am 12:00 Hoynes and Kelly Families 7:00 pm Jose Reyes ___________________________________________ Saturday – February 5 9:00 am Fr. Edward Conroy 12:00 Richard & Stella Capellini—40th Wedding Anniversary 5:30 pm Alcide and Augusta Puiatti A Vigil Candle is being offered this week in loving memory of Fred & Catherine Gallo by their daughters. The Bread and Wine is being offered this week in loving memory of Marcella Martin by her nieces. Congratulations to Miss Ellen McDonough who won $127.00 in this week’s 50/50 raffle. Dear Parishioners, TODAY … we close our CHRISTMAS COLLECTION & FLOWER COLLECTION … we thank you for your generosity in these two special collections for the holy days and for the parish … the total for our CHRISTMAS COLLECTION is $17,415 (an increase of nearly $2000 from last year) and our total for the FLOWER COLLECTION is $1467 ( a decrease of nearly $500) … we will be printing a list of names for the flower collection and those whom you remembered with Christmas flowers … again, thank you for your generosity. VOCATION NIGHT … at Our Lady of the Assumption Church … Monday, February 17 at 7 PM with Mass, pizza, informal conversation for those young men in grades 8 through 12 and college who are interested in the priesthood … family members are welcome as well … for more information, call Our Lady of the Assumption rectory at 718-829-1706. ST. RAYMOND COMMUNITY OUTREACH … has just hired a case manager to help people maneuver through the resources of the City agencies … please see the announcement in the bulletin and use this great resource in our area here in Parkchester. THANK YOU … to our parishioners who supported our Hijas de Maria Cake Sale on January 16 … more than $600 was raised … thank you to the Pax Christi Sisters and all who donated cakes and food … as you know, there is a Youth Conference in Spain in August and we hope to have three of our young ladies from the Hijas de Maria attend this gathering of young people with Pope Benedict … thank you for helping with this fund-raising effort for their trip. ABIDING LOVE PROJECT … St. Raymond's Parish is currently involved in a project to offer the process of “Convalidation” to those who are interested. This is a program for those who are civilly married but desire to have their marriage validated by the Catholic Church. If you are interested, please contact Fr. Bill Brogan at 718-792-4044 ext 3228. This program will, however, only be opened until January 31, 2011. Thank you for your consideration in this important matter. CHRISTIAN RADIO … WSNR 620 AM … Monday through Fridays from 10 PM to 6 AM … Saturdays and Sundays from 7 PM to 12 midnight …… en Español Radio 99.5 FM BOYS HIGH SCHOOL HOMECOMING BASKETBALL GAME … TODAY … AT 1:30 PM IN THE BHS GYM … all alums and their families are invited … all are welcome. PARISH COUNCIL MEETING … Monday, January 31st at 7:30 PM in the Flynn Room … all members of the Parish Council should be present … visitors are welcome … our agenda will include: HOSPITALITY AND WELCOMING SUNDAY, PARISH CHANGES IN OUR AREA, VICARIATE REPORT … it should be very informative. THE CHURCH … the renovation work is on schedule … painting is near completion, restoration of our art work and murals continues, the church pews are being refinished and book racks are being installed for each pew, a new tabernacle is on its way for our approval, the floor marble and tiles are almost here from Italy … it will be a magnificent project when completed and we will praise the Lord as we open during Holy Week … let us pray …LORD GOD, IF YOU DO NOT BUILD THE HOUSE, IN VAIN DO ITS BUILDERS LABOR. WE BESEECH YOU TO INSPIRED WITH YOUR HOLY SPIRIT ALL THOSE WHO LABOR TO BUILD UP YOUR SACRED HOUSE, THAT YOUR PEOPLE MAY WORSHIP TRULY AND FULL, MAY WORTHILY RECEIVE YOUR HOLY SACRAMENTS, AND THUS BE FILLED WITH ABUNDANT GRACE OBTAINED THROUGH THESE SACRED GIFTS. THIS WE ASK THROUGH CHRIST, OUR LORD. AMEN. STEWARDSHIP … some people have commented that they found the bulletin announcements helpful regarding stewardship --supporting the church with your time, talents and treasures … I am pleased that the announcements have been helpful … as we move to a new bulletin company a short summary of the announcements will be included in the mailings … please consider your parish participation and your parish support … thank you. SCHOOL REGISTRATION/OPEN HOUSE … at the end of our Masses this Sunday, we will be addressed by our school principal, Sister Patricia, and some of our elementary school students about our Open House program and registration during Catholic Schools Week … I am sure you will find the presentations very interesting … we are committed to our schools and we do our best to help as many families and children to afford and to send their children to our Catholic schools … have you considered a Catholic school education for your child? If not, why not? LITURGY COMMITTEE … meets on Tuesday, February 1st at 7pm in the rectory … we will review our Christmas liturgies and begin to plan for Lent and Holy Week … all are invited. ST. VALENTINE’S DANCE … sponsored by the Holy Name Society … Saturday, February 12 from 8 pm to 1 am in the auditorium … the cost is $25 per person and it includes a buffet … tickets will be on sale … for more information and reservations, call Jose Tavera at 646-373-5218.9.5 ARCHBISHOP DOLAN’S ANNUAL APPEAL … shortly the Annual Archbishop’s Appeal will begin … some have received letters from Archbishop Dolan and others in the parish will receive your own letter from the Archbishop requesting your support of this annual appeal … our goal here at St. Raymond’s is $36,000 --- a bit lower than previous years … this appeal supports our schools, our retired priests and religious, our seminarians, the works of Catholic Charities and other special works of the Archdiocese … we have been able to meet our goals in the past and so I am confident that we will do so again because of your generosity … next Sunday I have been asked to speak at the Masses to request your assistance … again thank you. OUR ADVERTISERS … we thank our local merchants and businesses for their ads … we ask that you do business with them and mention that you read about them in the bulletin … there is room for more advertisers … call the rectory for more information. 50/50 ENVELOPES … you will notice that there is a weekly 50/50 envelope in your packet … that is a small weekly raffle … you place $2 in the envelope and whatever is collected each week is raffled off --- 50% for the church and 50% for the winner … you have to be in it to win it! “FATHER, DO SOMETHING ABOUT THE CELL PHONES!” … several people have complained to me about the cell phones during Mass … what can I do? … please shut the cell phone off when you enter church, please maintain silence in church, please do not chew gum in church, especially when receiving the Body of Jesus at Communion time, please keep watch and control over your children, please come to church on time for Mass and do not interrupt the Mass, please be courteous in the parking lot … we are all trying to be a community of faith and people who pray together but that takes work and consideration on everyone’s part … “FATHER, DO SOMETHING!” … WHAT CAN I DO? … WHAT CAN YOU DO? FEAST OF ST. BLAISE … is Thursday, February 3 … traditionally we receive the blessing of the throats on this feast day … throats will be blessed after the Masses on Thursday, February 3 … after the 7 am, 9 am and 12 noon Masses. WORLD MARRIAGE DAY IS FEBRUARY 13, 2011-LONGEST MARRIED COUPLE SEARCH. The search begins for the longest married couple in the Archdiocese of New York. To enter, the couple must be Sacramentally married for a minimum of 65 years and reside in the Archdiocese of New York. The longest married couple will be honored on Sunday, February 13th in St Patrick’s Cathedral at the 10:15 am Mass with reception to follow. For further information or reservations contact Nancy Rizzi at 646-794-3190 or Church of St. Raymond Holy Name of Jesus Society Please check the web site for details & updates. Thank you!. Sunday, January 30th - Life Night on what the founders of our Country intended for the place of religion in public life. We will see how they wanted the practice of religion to be encouraged. They saw this as necessary for a democratic society, which they felt could not survive without a moral citizenry. We will see that "separation of church and state" means that an official state religion should not be established, but does not in any way forbid the practice of religion in both private and public life. We have a brand new web site! More will be added but take a look at LIFE TEEN is now on Twitter@strayslifeteen!!! This is for quick announcements, inspiration, links, and interesting info. Skit practice - continues on Fridays from 7-9:15pm in the Convent. We are working also on promotional videos for our youth rally which is scheduled for Sunday, March 6th. ST. RAYMOND’S LIFE LINE (ages 18-29) Check website &/or facebook for updates! Thursday, February 10th - Guy's discussion group at the Convent for young men (college age, juniors or seniors in high school) interested in building a brotherhood to help one another grow in the living out of their faith. Prayer for Life Valentine’s Day Dinner Dance Saturday, February 12, 2011 8:00 pm—1:00am Msgr. Tierney Auditorium Purdy Street and East Tremont Avenue Price: $25.00 p/p - (Includes Buffet Dinner) Music by DJ Peter Coordinator: José Tavera (646)373-5218 Eternal Father, source of life. Open our hearts to see and desire the beauty of your plan for life and love. Fill us with your Holy Spirit so that our love will be generous and self-giving and we may be blessed with joy. Grant us great trust in your mercy. Forgive us for not receiving your gift of life and heal us from the effects of the culture of death. Instill in us and in all people a sense of sacredness of every human life. Inspire our efforts to protect and care for the most vulnerable, especially women who are pregnant and their unborn children, the sick and the elderly. Strengthen us with the hope that with you nothing is impossible. We ask this in the name of Jesus, who by his Cross makes all things new. Amen. Our Lady of Guadalupe, Mother of Life, Pray for us. Queridos Feligreses, HOY … cerramos nuestra COLECCIÓN DE NAVIDAD & COLECCIÓN DE FLORES … nosotros les damos las gracias por su generosidad en estas dos colecciones especiales para los días festivos y la parroquia … la suma de nuestra COLECCIÓN DE NAVIDAD es $17.415 (un aumento de casi $2000 comparado con el año pasado) y nuestro suma para la COLECCIÓN DE FLORES es $1467 (una disminución de casi $500) … imprimiremos una lista de nombres para la colección de flores y ésos quienes ustedes recordaron con las flores de Navidad … otra vez, gracias por su generosidad. NOCHE DE VOCACIÓN… en la Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de la Asunción … el lunes, 17 de febrero a las 7 PM con Misa, pizza, conversación informal para estos jóvenes en grados 8 a 12 y en la universidad que están interesados en el sacerdocio … los miembros de la familia están bienvenidos también … para más información, llamar a la rectoría de Nuestra Señora de la Asunción al 718-829-1706. SAN RAMÓN COMMUNITY OUTREACH … ha empleado ha un director de caso para ayudar a personas maniobrar a través de los recursos de las agencias de la Ciudad … ver por favor el anuncio en el boletín y utilizar este gran recurso en nuestra área aquí en Parkchester. GRACIAS… a nuestros feligreses que apoyaron la Venta de Bizcochos de las Hijas de María el 16 de enero… más de $600 fueron recaudados … gracias a las Hermanas de Pax Christi y todos los que donaron bizcochos y comidas … como saben, hay una Conferencia de Jóvenes en España en agosto y nosotros esperamos tener tres de nuestras jovencitas de las Hijas de María asistir a esta reunión de jóvenes con el Papa Benedicto … gracias por ayudar con este esfuerzo de recaudación de fondos para su viaje. PROYECTO DE AMOR PERDURABLE… la Parroquia de San Ramón esta envuelta actualmente en un proyecto para ofrecer el proceso de "Convalidación" a los que están interesados. Esto es un programa para los que están casados civilmente pero desean tener su casamiento validado por la Iglesia Católica. Si esta interesado, contactar por favor al Padre Brogan en el 718792-4044 ext. 3228. Este programa, sin embargo, estará sólo abierto hasta el 31 de enero del 2011. Gracias por su consideración en este asunto importante. RADIO CRISTIANA … WSNR 620 AM … de lunes a viernes de 10 PM a 6 AM … los sábados y domingos de 7 PM hasta las 12 de la medianoche … … Radio en Español 99.5 FM JUEGO DE BALONCESTO DE BIENVENIDA DE LA ESCUELA DE NIÑOS … HOY … A LAS 1:30 PM EN EL GIMNASIO DE LA ESCUELA SECUNDARIA DE NIÑOS … todos los alumnos y sus familias están invitados … todos están invitados. REUNIÓN DEL CONCILIO DE LA PARROQUIA … el lunes, 31 de enero a las 7:30 PM en el Salón de Flynn … todos los miembros del Concilio de la Parroquia deben estar presente … visitantes están bienvenidos … nuestro orden del día incluirá: DOMINGO DE HOSPITALIDAD Y BIENVENIDA, CAMBIOS DE PARROQUIA EN NUESTRA AREA, REPORTE DE VICARIATE … deber ser muy informativo. LA IGLESIA … el trabajo de renovación esta al día … la pintura está cerca de ser completada, la restauración de nuestro trabajos de arte y murales continúa, los bancos de la iglesia están siendo barnizados y los rieles para los libros están siendo instalados para cada banco, un nuevo tabernáculo está en camino para nuestra aprobación, los losetas de mármol para el piso y mosaicos están casi aquí desde Italia … será un proyecto magnífico cuando este completado y alabaremos al Señor cuando nosotros abrimos durante la Semana Santa … oremos … SI EL SEÑOR DIOS, NO CONSTRUYE LA CASA, EN BALDE TRABAJAN LOS CONSTRUCTORES. TE IMPLORAMOS A INSPIRAR CON TU ESPIRITU SANTO A TODOS LOS QUE TRABAJAN EN CONSTRUIR TU CASA SAGRADA, QUE TU PUEBLO DEN CULTO SINCERO Y TOTAL, QUE RECIBAN DIGNAMENTE LOS SANTOS SACRAMENTOS, Y ASI ESTEN LLENOS DE GRACIA ABUNDANTE OBTENIDA POR ESTOS REGALOS SAGRADOS. ESTO LO PEDIMOS POR CRISTO, NUESTRO SEÑOR. AMEN. ADMINISTRACIÓN DE LOS BIENES DE DIOS … algunas personas han comentado que encontraron los anuncios del boletín útiles con respecto a la Administración de los Bienes de Dios --apoyando la iglesia con su tiempo, talentos y tesoros … estoy complacido que el anuncio ha sido útil … como nos movemos a una nueva compañía de boletín un resumen corto de los anuncios será incluido en las cartas … considerar por favor su participación en la parroquia y su apoyo a la parroquia … gracias. REGISTRACIÓN DE LA ESCUELA/CASA ABIERTA … al final de nuestras Misas este domingo, nosotros escucharemos nuestra directora de la escuela, la Hermana Patricia, y algunos de nuestros estudiantes de la escuela primaria acerca de nuestro programa de Casa Abierta y registración durante la Semana de Escuelas Católicas … estoy seguro que encontrará las presentaciones muy interesantes … estamos comprometidos a nuestras escuelas y nosotros hacemos cuanto podemos para ayudar a familias y niños a poder pagar y enviar a sus niños a nuestras escuelas católicas … ha considerado usted una educación católica para su niño? ¿Si no, por qué no? EL COMITE DE LA LITURGIA … se reúne el martes, 1ro de febrero a las 7 pm en la rectoría … revisaremos nuestras liturgias de Navidad y comenzaremos a planear para la Cuaresma y Semana Santa … todos están invitados. BAILE DE SAN VALENTIN … patrocinado por la Sociedad del Santo Nombre … el sábado, 12 de febrero de las 8 pm a 1 am en el auditorio … el costo es $25 por persona e incluye un buffet … boletos están a la venta … para más información y reservaciones, llamar a José Tavera al 646-373-5218. PEDIDO ANUAL DEL ARZOBISPO DOLAN … próximamente el Pedido Anual del Arzobispo empezará … algunos han recibido cartas del Arzobispo Dolan y otros en la parroquia recibirán su propia carta del Arzobispo que solicita su apoyo de este pedido anual … nuestro objetivo aquí en San Ramón es $36,000 --- un poco menos que años anteriores … esta pedido apoya nuestras escuelas, nuestros sacerdotes jubilados y religiosos, nuestros seminaristas, trabajos de Caridades Católicas y otros trabajos especiales de la Archidiócesis … hemos podido lograr nuestros objetivos en el pasado y estoy seguro que haremos así otra vez a causa de su generosidad … el próximo domingo yo he sido pedido en hablar en las Misas para solicitar su ayuda … otra vez gracias. NUESTROS ANUNCIANTES… damos gracias a nuestros comerciantes y negocios locales por sus anuncios… le pedimos que haga negocios con ellos y mencioné que usted lee acerca de ellos en el boletín… hay lugar para más anunciantes… llamar a la rectoría para más información. 50/50 SOBRES … notará que hay un sobre por semana de 50/50 en su paquete … es una pequeña rifa semanal … colocar $2 en el sobre y lo que es reunido cada semana será rifado --- 50% para la iglesia y 50% para el ganador … tiene que jugar para ganar! "PADRE, HAGA ALGO ACERCA DE LOS CELULARES!" … Varias personas se han quejado conmigo acerca de los teléfonos celulares durante la Misa… ¡qué puedo hacer yo? … apagar por favor el teléfono celular cuando entra a la iglesia, mantener por favor silencio en la iglesia, por favor no mascar goma en la iglesia, especialmente cuando esta recibiendo el Cuerpo de Jesús a la hora de la Comunión, por favor vigilar y controlar sus niños, venir por favor a la iglesia a tiempo para la Misa y no interrumpir la Misa, por favor sea cortés en el parqueo … todos estamos tratando de ser una comunidad de fe y personas que oran juntas pero esto toma trabajo y consideración de parte de todos … "¡PADRE, HAGA ALGO!" … ¿QUĖ PUEDO HACER YO? … ¿QUĖ PUEDE HACER USTED? FIESTA DE SAN BLAISE … es el jueves, 3 de febrero … tradicionalmente recibimos la bendición de las gargantas en esta fiesta … las gargantas serán bendecidas después de las Misas el jueves, 3 de febrero … después de las Misas de las 7 am, 9 am y 12 del mediodía. Las Hijas de María, la Hermana Teresa y la Hermana Eleazar les dan las gracias en especial al grupo de la Legión de María por su ayuda monetaria que ellas dieron para el viaje a España que van tres miembros de las Hijas de María. Gracias también a todos aquellas personas que ayudaron para la venta del domingo pasado. Iglesia de San Ramón Sociedad Santo Nombre de Jesús 30 de Enero — IV Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Sofonías 2:3;3:12-13; 1 Corintios 1:26-31;Mateo 5:1-12a Jesús es la Palabra viva La verdadera felicidad, decía una vez un amigo mío, es querer lo que se hace, más que hacer lo que se quiere. Cuando se quiere lo que se hace, es decir , cuando se ama el lugar, el contexto, las personas con las que se está, la posición, el trabajo que se tiene, cuando se ama la propia realidad, entonces se es feliz. Pero, ¿se puede amar una situación difícil, una de dificultades económicas, de escasez y de lucha como la que conocemos muchos de nosotros? ¿ No sería mejor una vida más cómoda, más desahogada, con un futuro más prometedor? Sí, posiblemente seria mejor materialmente, y seguramente también es más cristiano luchar contra situaciones de injusticia y de dificultad en lugar de quedarse pasivamente sentados. Pero lo que se nos dice hoy es que felices son precisamente todos aquellos que viven esas dificultades, esas angustias y trabajos y lo hacen con amor, fiados totalmente de la providencia y del armo de Dios. Felices son los que no ponen primero sus deseos materiales o sus comodidades o su gusto, sino el de los demás. Felices son los que buscan la paz, porque la paz es el fruto del amor de Dios. Felices son los que no viven aferrados a sus posesiones materiales, porque saben que son pasajeras y que lo importante de verdad está dentro de ellos. Son felices, todos ellos, dice Jesús, porque prefieren a Dios por encima de todo. Son felices porque conocen su condición de peregrinos y no se agarran a cosas que pronto van a acabar. Son felices porque saben que su Dios lo es todo para ellos. Para la reflexión ¿De qué maneras buscas la felicidad? ¿Te parecen esos consejos de Jesús poco realistas, poco adecuados a tu situación? ¿ En que te apoyas para sentirte verdaderamente feliz? Oración por la vida Cena–Baile de Amor y Amistad Sábado, 12 de Febrero 2011 8:00 pm—1:00am Auditorio—Msgr. Tierney Calle Purdy y Avenida East Tremont Precio $25.00 p/p - (Incluye Buffet Criollo) Música: DJ Peter Coordinador: José Tavera (646)373-5218 Padre Eterno, Fuente de vida, Abre nuestros corazones para que podamos ver y desear la belleza de tu plan de vida y amor. Llénanos de tu Espíritu Santo para que nuestro amor sea generoso y abnegado y para que nosotros podamos ser bendecidos con alegría. Concédenos confianza en tu misericordia. Perdónanos por no recibir tu regalo de la vida y sánanos de los efectos de la cultura de muerte. Infunde en nosotros y en toda la gente un sentido de lo sagrado de la vida humana. Inspira nuestros esfuerzos para proteger y cuidara los más vulnerables, especialmente a las mujeres que se encuentran embarazadas y a sus hijos no nacidos, a los enfermos y a los ancianos. Fortalécenos con la esperanza de que contigo nade es imposible. Te pedimos esto en el nombre de Jesús, quien por su Cruz hace todas las cosas nuevas. Amen. Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, Madre de la Vida, ruega por nosotros.