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St. Paul Catholic Church and Missions Iglesia Católica San Pablo y Misiones 4178 Highway 441 South, Douglas, Georgia 31535 Parish Office Office phone: 912-384-3560 Church email: Parish Website: St. William Catholic Church, P.O. Box 861, 807 S. Merrimac Dr., Fitzgerald, Holy Family Catholic Church, Atkinson County, Off Hwy 135 MASS SCHEDULE AND INTENTIONS June 30 – July 6 Monday: Mass-12:00pm Administration ¤ Administración Pastor: Rev. Paul O’Connell Pastoral Assistant: Bertha Capetillo (Email: Church Secretary: Janet Benton Adoration: 11:00-noon Tuesday: Mass-6:00pm MASS ETIQUETTE Adoration: 5:00-6:00pm Think of the church, always and at all times, as sacred space Wednesday: Mass-12:00pm and a sacred place. The church is, first and foremost, a place Adoration: 11:00-noon of worship. It is not an auditorium, convention center, or Fitzgerald- Adoration: 5:30pm, Mass-6:00pm meeting hall. We are not filling in time before the Thursday: Mass-12:00pm entertainment starts. The church is the primary place we God and Community. Adoration: 11:00-noon come to spend time with and be intimate with God. Listen to Friday: First Friday Mass-12:00pm the choir and let it move you into prayer. Saturday Masses: ETIQUETA DE MISAS Piense en la iglesia, siempre y en 5:00pm English, St. William todo momento, ya que el espacio sagrado y un lugar sagrado. 7:00pm Spanish, St. William La Iglesia es, ante todo, un lugar de culto. No se trata de un Sunday Masses: salón de actos, centro de convenciones, o sala de reuniones. 8:00am English, Holy Family No estamos llenando en el tiempo antes de que comience el 9:30am English, St. Paul espectáculo. La iglesia es el lugar principal llegamos a pasar st rd 11:15am Confessions, 1 & 3 Sundays el tiempo con y tener intimidad con Dios. Escucha el coro y 11:45am Misa Español, St. Paul deja que te mueve a la oración. We are Christian communities in the Roman Catholic Tradition, and we commit ourselves to become more Christ-like through the service to God and neighbor. Our Mission Statement Declaración de Misión Nosotros somos las comunidades Cristianas en la Tradición Católica Romana, y nos comprometemos a hacer modelos de Cristo al servicio de Dios y de projimo. WE WELCOME OUR NEW PASTOR, FR. PAUL O’CONNELL On the Solemnity of St. Peter and St. Paul, we welcome Fr. Paul O’Connell, our new pastor at St. Paul, St. William, and Holy Family. SPECIAL COLLECTION THIS WEEKEND: PETER’S PENCE The Peter’s Pence Collection unites us in solidarity with the Holy Father, Pope Francis, and his works of charity to those in need. Fr. Paul O’Connell, formerly of St. Joseph Church in Waycross and for the past year, Our Lady, Star of the Sea in St. Mary, is also dedicated to work in prison ministry. Thank you, Fr. Paul, for joining us as our priest! The collection supports the charitable works of the Holy Father and provides emergency assistance to those most in need, including victims of oppression, natural disaster, and war. Please remember this special collection with generosity today. SOLEMNITY OF ST. PETER & ST. PAUL A NOTE FROM FR. NICK Thanks to all who came and prepared the wonderful going-away parties at St. Paul, St. William, and Holy Family! Some have asked for my address: Fr. Nicholas Mansell, Our Lady of Lourdes Church, 1953 Torch Hill, Columbus, GA 31903 BISHOP’S ANNUAL APPEAL 2014 Thank you to those who have given to the Bishop’s Annual Appeal, 2014. Our pledge update (as of 6-20-14): St. Paul-Goal: $19,069 Pledged: $13,827 Percent Goal: 73% % Pledged: 27% St. William-Goal: $4,205 Pledged: $3,263 Percent Goal: 78% % Pledged: 28% Congrats to Holy Family, exceeding their goal: Goal: $1,880 Pledged: $2,025 Percent Goal: 108% % Pledged: 52% OUR CATHOLIC FAITH The New Testament clearly shows Peter as the leader of the apostles, chosen by Jesus to have a special relationship with Him. And, to Peter alone did Jesus say, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah…So I say to you, you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of the netherworld shall not prevail against it” (Matthew 16: 17-18). Yet, it is a great comfort for ordinary mortals to know that Peter also had his human weaknesses, even in the presence of Jesus. Peter is sorrowful and holy. Before encountering the risen Jesus on the road to Damascus, Paul had been the strictest of Pharisees, persecuting Christians. The encounter with the risen Jesus, however, was the driving force that made Paul one of the most zealous, dynamic, and courageous ambassadors of Christ that the Church ever had. --from Saint of the Day: Lives, Lessons, & Feasts Jerusalem Cross This complex cross, also known as the Crusader’s or Fivefold Cross, has several interpretations. The main cross is composed of four Tau (T) crosses representing the Old Testament law. The four small Greek crosses symbolize the fulfillment of the law in the gospel. The five crosses together represent the Church’s mission: to spread the gospel to the four corners of the earth. MASSTIMES.ORG Planning a summer picnic at the beach, family trip, or amusement park visit? Check out the website for times and locations of Catholic Masses in the United States and worldwide. Directions are available so that you can find a Catholic church in the area you are visiting. BIENVENIDO, PADRE PAUL O'CONNELL En la solemnidad de San Pedro y St. Pablo, le damos la bienvenida a Fr. Paul O'Connell, nuestro nuevo Parroco de St. Pablo, St. William, y Holy Family. LAS PLATICAS DE BAUTIZMO Las Pláticas de Bautismo serán el Primer Domingo de cada mes a las 9:30am, comenzando con el mes de Abril. Para más información, favor de comunicarse con María García, despear de Misa o llamar a la oficina parroquial al 912-384-3560. Gracias. Padre Paul O'Connell, fue Parroco en la Iglesia de San José en Waycross y durante el último año, la Virgen, Estrella del Mar en Santa María, también se dedica a trabajar en el ministerio de la prisión. Gracias, Padre Pablo, por estar con nosotros como nuestro Parocco! CAMBIO DE NOMBRE, DIRECCIÓN, Y TELÉFONO Por favor notifique a la oficina de la iglesia (912384-3560) de cualquier cambio. SOLEMNIDAD DE ST. PEDRO Y ST. PABLO El Nuevo Testamento muestra claramente a Pedro como el líder de los apóstoles, elegido por Jesús para tener una relación especial con él. Y, a Pedro solo, Jesús dijo: "Bienaventurado eres, Simón, hijo de Jonás ... Así os digo que tú eres Pedro, y sobre esta piedra edificaré mi iglesia, y las puertas del Hades no prevalecerán contra ella "(Mateo 16: 17-18). Sin embargo, es un gran consuelo para el común de los mortales para saber que Pedro también tenía sus debilidades humanas, incluso en la presencia de Jesús. Antes de encontrarse con Jesús resucitado en el camino a Damasco, Pablo había sido el más estricto de los fariseos, perseguidor de los cristianos. El encuentro con Jesús resucitado, sin embargo, fue el motor que hizo Pablo uno de los embajadores más entusiastas, dinámicos y valientes de Cristo que la Iglesia ha tenido siempre. - del Santo del Día: Vidas, Lecciones y Fiestas En Memoria Cariñosa Ofrecemos nuestras oraciones y condolencias a la familia Castorena por el eterno descanso de Angelica Castorena. Que los ángeles te lleven al Paraíso; los mártires puede venir a darle la bienvenida. NUEVOS MIEMBROS Se pide a los feligreses a inscribirse en la iglesia, llenando un formulario de inscripción que se puede encontrar en la mesa en el centro del vestíbulo. ENFERMO O EN EL HOSPITAL Si usted o un miembro de la familia está en el hospital o confinado en casa, por favor llame a la oficina de la iglesia (912-384-3560). Hay varias personas, entre ellos el P. Nick, que hacen rondas en casa / hospitales y le gustaría visitar a todos. Tienda de Artículos Religiosos: Visita nuestra nueva tienda de Artículos Religiosos “San Pablo”, ubicada a la entrada de la iglesia a mano izquierda. NUESTRA FE CATÓLICA Cruz de Jerusalén Esta cruz compleja, también conocida como el cruzado de o Quíntuple Cruz, tiene varias interpretaciones. La cruz principal está compuesta por cuatro Tau (T) cruces que representan la ley del Antiguo Testamento. Las cuatro pequeñas cruces griegas simbolizan el cumplimiento de la ley en el evangelio. Los cinco cruces representan juntos la misión de la Iglesia: para difundir el Evangelio a todos los rincones de la tierra. THE USUAL ANNOUNCEMENTS… FYI ~FOR YOUR INFORMATION~ We will have First Friday Mass on July 4 at 12:00 noon, St. Paul’s chapel. Beginning in July, our church office will be closed on Fridays; however, Fr. Paul will celebrate Mass on the First Friday of every month. CHANGE OF NAME/ADDRESS/PHONE Please notify the church office (912-384-3560) of any change in your member information. NEW PARISHIONERS New parishioners are asked to register with the church by filling out a registration form that may be found on the table in the middle of the vestibule. SICK OR IN THE HOSPITAL If you or a family member are in the hospital or confined to home, please call the church office to let us know if you would like a visit. AN ACCOUNT OF OUR STEWARDSHIP St. Paul Week of 6-22-14 Annual Budgeted Received to date Received (6-22-14) Building Fund: $23.00 Offertory $186,000.00 193,457.85 2,535.75 Offertory: Holy Family Sunday (6-22-14): Total: $83.00 Offertory: St. William Saturday (6-21-14): $517.39 CHARTER FOR THE PROTECTION OF CHILDREN Visit diocesan Or call (912) 201-4073/4074. CAPÍTULO DEL OBISPO PARA LA PROTECCIÓN DE NIÑOS Visite la página Web de la diócesis para leer el código: (912) 201-4073/4074. Council 15716 of the Knights of Columbus welcomes fellow 4th Degree Knight, Fr. Paul O’Connell. Pray for us that we may be healed Orar Por Nuestros Enfermos Marie Barnes, Colby Batten, Marcia Beasley, Ashley Bowen, Meriam Day, Lamberto & Delfino Capetillo, Mercedes del Castillo, Guadalupe Najera Cervantes, David Chambers, Jennifer Cooper, Mandy & Eddie Courson, Mary Ann Deese, Libby Drahush, Scarlet Dubberly, Jon Elgin, Nancy Espinoza, Christian Fletcher, Lynn Fletcher, Mary Gafnea, John & Paulette Gearhart, Eustulia Guerrero, Sarah Gibeau, Tony Grantham, Celia Hahn, Louise Hanna, Barbara Harper, Cathy Harper, Silvia Hernandez, Larry Hinson, Mary Browder Howell, Linda Hudson, Mary Hudson, Ashton Hutto, Trish Irving, Neal Jordan, Norma Kitchens, Tim Kloer, Eileen Krause, Sharon Lizon, Slade Lott, Anna Lucas, Mateo Malibran, Phil Mathias, Pat McClish, Gail McDonald, Karl McDonald, E. G. McKinnon, Debra Meeks, Gerald Merritt, Nina Metts, Ruth Miller, Carol Ann Moody, Carlene Murray, Tommy Newbern, Ken Newman, Marie Nipper, Laura Noboa, Cory Nutt, Nancy Overstreet, Carlos Perez, John Probert, Janet Reed, Bari Sims, Jake Spencer, Elrea Soles, Patti Spieker, Eric Stehlin, Samantha Tolley, Ken Trapnell, Robert Uhas, Rudolph Walker, Staci Warren, Jeffrey Williams, Nick & Tony Williams, Geneva Youngblood PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR ARMED FORCES ORAR POR NUESTROS SOLDADOS Captain Christopher Benson (North Carolina), Sgt. Adam Carson (Japan), SPC Blake Downs (North Carolina), S.Sgt. Emmanuel Gamboa (Arizona), Vincente Guerrero, TSgt. William Hamilton (Qatar), SPC Adam Lee (Khoft, Afghanistan), Nathan Lee, Kristopher Lentz, WO1 Jeb S. McKinnon (Alabama), Cpl. Trent McKinnon (Jacksonville, N.C.), Martin Rios, Sgt. Britt Stankowitz (Ft. Campbell, Kentucky), Juan Vargas (Afghanistan), Erick Vilches, Leo Rodriguez (South Carolina), Rolando Chavez (San Diego).