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St. Bernard Catholic Faith Community 2516 WEST AVENUE 33 – (323) 255-6142 – LOS ANGELES, CA 90065 Rev. Gerald McSorley, PASTOR Rev. Msgr. Patrick McNulty, PASTOR EMERITUS Rev. Paul Henson, O. Carm. Web Site: E-mail: CHURCH OFFICE/OFICINA DE LA IGLESIA ST. BERNARD SCHOOL 2500 West Avenue 33 – (323) 255-6142 3254 Verdugo Road – (323) 256-4989 Fax – (323) 255-2351 PRINCIPAL: Mrs. Margaret Samaniego PARISH MANAGER: Bernadette Gurule RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OFFICE – Remy Baluyut, Director OFICINA DE EDUCACION RELIGIOSA 2515 West Avenue 33 – (323) 256-6242 MASS SCHEDULE/HORARIO DE MISAS Sunday in English Vigil Mass: Saturday 5:00 pm Sunday 8:00 am and 9:30 am Domingo en Español 11:00 am y 12:30 pm Weekdays – 8:00 am CONFESSIONS/CONFESIONES Saturdays: 3:30 pm — 4:30 pm Thursdays: 6:30 pm — 7:00 pm WEDDINGS/BODAS Please call the church office at least six months in advance. Favor de llamar la oficina de la iglesia a lo menos seis meses en adelante. BAPTISMS/BAUTISMOS Saturday & Sundays Call church office for information Sábados y Domingos Llame a la oficina de la iglesia para más información. ROSARY – WEDNESDAY – 6:30 PM ENGLISH MARTES – 6:00 PM ESPAÑOL MOTHER OF PERPETUAL HELP NOVENA WITH MASS – WEDNESDAY – 7:00 PM Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time FIRST IS BEST? “I’m first!” “No, I’m first!” “Mom, tell Ronnie that I get to be first this time!” From the earliest moments of our lives, there is something ingrained in us that is convinced that first is best. If not chosen first for the sports team, we are immediately deflated. We are coached to be “in first.” We spend hours of waiting time in order to be first in line. We are caught in a culture that makes being first the highest priority. Against this backdrop, we come to church and hear a Gospel such as the one proclaimed today from Mark: “If anyone wishes to be first, he shall be the last of all and the servant of all” (Mark 9:35). This is a passage all about power. Copyright © 2005, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. • September 20, 2009 BEING POWERFUL Putting others first is one of the greatest challenges in a world that places so much emphasis on being powerful. Americans, for the most part, pride themselves on being a “super-power.” Power, in and of itself, is not the problem. What can become problematic is the way that power is used. Our example of the perfect use of power, of course, is the Lord Jesus himself. Fully human and fully divine, the Lord put all the power that had been given to him at the service of others. Unfortunately, when one hears comments such as “he is a very powerful man” or “it is a very powerful country,” one usually thinks of people or countries that use power to place themselves above apparently weaker people or places. The Gospel is a challenge to turn this notion on its head. We have each been given much power—the power flowing from Christ—in our baptism. Today we are called to use this power to place the needs of others before our own. Today’s Readings: Wisdom 2:12, 17–20; Psalm 54:3–8; James 3:16 — 4:3; Mark 9:30–37 Page Two St. Bernard September 20, 2009 Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time September 20, 2009 The fruit of righteousness is sown in peace for those who cultivate peace. — James 3:18 TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION How long have there been parochial schools in the United States? Longer than you may imagine. The Jesuit fathers opened Saint Mary School in Philadelphia in 1782 in the first light of independence. Catholic and Protestant squabbles about the nature of education forced the Fathers to make this risky and innovative venture in the heart of the city. The school was closed by a devastating fire in 1902, but reopened in 1968 as St. Mary Interparochial School, the first example of a shared parochial school. It is also the only Catholic school within the confines of a national park. This is the “Mother School” of this uniquely American institution. Many parochial schools, especially in “national parishes,” were established to preserve the culture and language of the “old country,” and also to protect young people from prejudice. In other countries, Ireland for one, the Church is authorized to run national schools, sometimes under the sponsorship of a parish. In still other places, such as Quebec, publicly-funded “separate schools” were administered by the Church. Wherever the state funds Catholic schools, normally enrollment is guaranteed to all applicants. The Quebec system was dismantled in 1998 when the state decided to reorganize schools along linguistic lines rather than religious affiliation. Parochial schools require considerable sacrifice, but they endure as a distinctive treasure of the Church in the United States. —Rev. James Field, © Copyright, J. S. Paluch Co. POSSIBILITIES All things are possible for one who believes, more to one who hopes, even more to one who loves. —St. Lawrence LOS ANGELES ARCHDIOCESAN COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN 62nd ANNUAL CONFERENCE “Reaching Out to Make a Difference” Tuesday, October 6, 2009 — 8:30a.m. — 2:30p.m. Wilshire Grand Hotel, 930 Wilshire Blvd., L.A. Exhibits open — 8:30a.m.; General Assembly —9:15a.m. Dr. Michael Brophy, Keynote Speaker MASS; Cardinal Roger Mahony — 10:45a.m. Luncheon — 1:00p.m. $45.00 per person For reservation forms go to For more information please call Carol Carlyle at 626351-6801. ST. BERNARD SCHOOL NEWS Registrations for new students, Kindergarten — Eighth grade for the 2009—2010 school term are now being taken. Registration packets can be picked up in the school office or at the church office. Today is Catechetical Sunday, at the 9:30a.m. and 11:00a.m. Masses, all those who are involved in the ministry of religious instruction and formation in our parish will be commissioned. I am grateful to these good people for their ministry and service. May God bless them and those children and adults to whom they will minister during the coming year. Please keep them in your prayers. Rev. Gerald McSorley, Pastor VOCATIONS DISCERNMENT GROUP Adult Catholic men and women between the ages of 17-35 discerning a possible call to Priesthood or Religious life are invited to the Vocation Discernment Group meetings held on the 2nd Saturday of each month. This group provides a fraternal environment in which to discuss your discernment of a possible call to Priesthood or Religious Life with other men and women who are also examining the call. October’s meeting will take place at Holy Family Grade School, Room 13, 400 S. Louise, in the city of Glendale from 9:30am—11:00am. For more information you may call (818)247-2222. RCIA Adults for the Sacrament of Baptism, First Communion, or Confirmation can join the RCIA class. Classes started this past week. Those who are for Confirmation only need to be at least 20 years old. To sign up please call the church office. The American Red Cross thanks St. Bernard Church and the blood donors for the recent Blood Drive. 26 units were collected. Well done! CONFERENCE: GOD’S HEALING LOVE “ON EARTH & BEYOND” Where: Santa Teresita Medical Center (Madonna Hall) 819 Buena vista St., Duarte, CA When: Saturday & Sunday, October 10 & 11 Sat. 10:00am—6:30pm & Sunday: 10:00am—5:00pm Cost: One day: $25 — Two days: $46 (before 9/30/09) One day: $35 — Two days: $65 (after 9/30/09) For more information you may call (818)771-1361. ARE YOU BEING CALLED TO BECOME A DEACON? An informational meeting for men interested in finding out about becoming a permanent deacon in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles will take place next Sunday, September 27, from 1:30p.m. to 4:00p.m. at St. John Chrysostom, 546 E. Florence Ave. in Inglewood. For more information please call the Diaconate Formation Office at (213) 637-7383. Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time St. Bernard A C C W/EAST SAN FERNANDO DISTRICT The East San Fernando District of the Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women will have its District Meeting on Wednesday, October 14, at Incarnation Parish, 1001 No. Brand Blvd., Glendale from 9:30a.m. — 1:30p.m. It includes the program “WOMEN OF THE BIBLE,” Mass, and luncheon. The cost is $10/person—PRE-PAID (deadline: Oct. 10th). For more information call Patricia Granja at (818)502-1652. The children's choir will begin rehearsal every 2nd and 4th Friday of each month at 5:00p.m. in the Multi-purpose room. They will sing every 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month at the 5:00p.m. Mass. For further information you may call Jean Jarin at (323) 255 - 4909. TURNAROUND BUS TRIP There will be a turnaround bus trip sponsored by the Holy Name Society of St. Bernard this Saturday, September 26. Cost is $40 per person with a slot free play of $30. Proceeds will be for the Thanksgiving charity event. For reservations please call Anita Fueconcillo at 323-255-5786, or Jun Apin at 323-254-9494. Please join us each day in praying for the priest of the day. Monday: Rev. Msgr. Patrick Reilly; Tuesday: Rev. Jay L. Santos; Wednesday: Rev. Malcolm Ambrose; Thursday: Rev. Tomy Tomiekeh; Friday: Rev. Preston Passos; Saturday: Rev. Luke Dysinger, O.S.B.; Sunday: Rev. Leo LeBlanc, O.M.I. FEAST DAYS/DIAS FESTIVOS Sunday/Domingo — Catechetical Sunday/Domingo Catequético Monday/Lunes — St. Matthew/San Mateo Wednesday/Miércoles—St. Pio of Pietrelcina Saturday/Sábado — St. Cosmas/San Cosme and Damian READINGS FOR NEXT SUNDAY First Reading — Moses said, “Would that all the people of the LORD were prophets!” (Numbers 11:25-29). Psalm — The precepts of the Lord give joy to the heart (Psalm 19). Second Reading — Come now, you rich. The wages you withheld from the workers who harvested your fields are crying aloud (James 5:1-6). Gospel — Whoever is not against us is for us (Mark 9:38-43, 45, 47-48). Liturgical Color: Green 9/21 8:00am — Dorothy Lamay — RIP 9/22 8:00am — Andres Rodriguez — RIP 9/23 8:00am — Catalina G. Fernandez — RIP 7:00pm — Paulina Rodriguez — RIP 9/24 8:00am — Michael A. Trujillo, II — RIP 9/25 8:00am — Mauricio Israel — RIP 9/26 8:00am — Intention of Celebrant 5:00pm — Amalia Abad —Happy Birthday! 9/27 8:00am — Rosario Bautista — RIP 9:30am — Tomas Arbolante — RIP 11:00am — Andres Rodriguez — RIP 12:30pm — Aureliano Moran — RIP Page Three JOBS AVAILABLE/EMPLEOS DISPONIBLES The U.S. Census Bureau is hiring. Please see the flyers at the doors of the church. La Oficina del Censo de Los Estados Unidos está aceptando personal para el censo que se avecina. Busque los bolantes enfrente de la iglesia. Hoy es Domingo Catequético. En las Misas de las 9:30a.m. y las 11:00a.m., todos las personas que están involucradas en el ministerio de instrucción y formación religiosa en nuestra parroquia serán comisionados. Estoy muy agradecido con toda esa gente buena por su ministerio y su servicio. Que Dios los bendiga, a ellos, y a todos los niños y adultos a quienes ellos prepararán durante este año. Por favor pidan por ellos en sus oraciones. Padre Gerald McSorley TRADICIONES DE NUESTRA FE Desde cuando existen las escuelas parroquiales en Los Estados Unidos? Desde hace más tiempo del que se imaginan. Los padres Jesuitas abrieron la Escuela Saint Mary en Filadelfia en el año 1782 bajo la primera luz de la Independencia. Dado a las disputas entre Católicos y Protestantes sobre la naturaleza de la educación los Padres se vieron forzados a llevar a cabo esa nueva y riesgoza aventura en el corazón de la ciudad. La escuela se cerró a causa de un devastador incendio en el año 1902, pero fué reabierta en el año 1968 como la Escuela Interparroquial St. Mary; primer ejemplo de una escuela parroquial compartida, la única escuela Católica dentro de los límites de un parque nacional. Esta es la “Escuela Madre” de esta extraordinaria institución Americana. Muchas escuelas parroquiales, especialmente en “parroquias nacionales,” fueron establecidas para preservar la cultura y el idioma del “viejo país” y para proteger a la juventud de prejuicios. En otros países, Irlanda por ejemplo, la Iglesia está autorizada para operar escuelas nacionales, algunas veces bajo el patrocinio de una parroquia, y en otros lugares, como Quebec las “escuelas separadas” auspiciadas por los ciudadanos, eran administradas por la Iglesia. Cuando el estado patrocina las escuelas Católicas regularmente se aceptan todos los aplicantes. El sistema de Quebec se desmanteló en el año 1998 cuando el estado decidió reorganizar las escuelas junto con las lineas linguísticas en vez de la afiliación religiosa. Las escuelas Parroquiales requieren un sacrificio considerable, pero perduran como un Tesoro distintivo de la Iglesia en Los Estados Unidos de América. ESCUELA DE LA FE La Escuela de la Fe — Hombre Nuevo, les invita a su nuevo curso de formación, “Moral Cristiana” en el Salón multipropósito todos los martes de las 7:00 a las 9:00p.m. Todos bienvenidos! NOTICIAS DE LA ESCUELA PARROQUIAL La escuela de San Bernardo está aceptando matrículas para los grados de Kinder al Octavo para el año escolar 2009—2010. Más información llamando a la oficina de la escuela o de la iglesia. No dejen de asistir a la Hora Santa los jueves de las 6:00p.m. a las 7:00p.m. Este mes estaremos pidiendo de manera especial por todas las personas que han perdido sus empleos. ESTA USTED LLAMADO AL DIACONADO? Tendremos una junta informativa para los hombres interesados en el diaconado permanente en la Arquidiócesis de Los Angeles. La junta será el próximo Domingo, 27 de Septiembre de la 1:30pm a las 4:00p.m. en la iglesia de John Chrysostom, 546 E. Florence Ave. Inglewood, CA 90301. Más información llamando a la Oficina de Formación de Diáconos al 213-637-7383. CODA Si se siente usted triste o deprimido? CODA les invita a su programa de Codependientes anónimos los martes y viernes de las 7:00p.m.—9:00p.m. Más información llamando al (323)969-4995. Todos están invitados al Grupo de Oración que se reúne en la Iglesia todos los viernes a las 7:00p.m. No faltes! La iglesia católica del Divino Salvador recibió la visita la imagen del Santo Niño de Atocha de Fresnillo, Zacatecas y permanecerá hasta el domingo 27 de Septiembre. Esta visita coincide con la gran fiesta Parroquial de la iglesia del Divino Salvador que se está llevando a cabo hoy. RICA Los adultos interesados en recibir los Sacramentos del Bautismo, Primera Comunión, o Confirmación deberán apuntarse en la oficina de la iglesia. Las clases dieron principio el miércoles de la semana pasada. Para la Confirmación deben ser mayores de 20 años. MINISTERIO PROCLAMADORES DE LA PALABRA Sábado, Septiembre 26, de las 9:00a.m. a las 5:00p.m. (Certificado Básico). $35 o $25 para 5 o más personas de la misma parroquia (comida incluida). Para registrarse favor de comunicarse con Eugenio Garcia al teléfono 323-721-6060 o al correo electronic POSIBILIDADES Todo es posible para el que cree, más para el que espera, y mucho más para el que ama. —San Lorenzo LECTURAS PARA EL PRÓXIMO DOMINGO Primera lectura — El espíritu se posó sobre Moisés y los ancianos, y también sobre Eldad y Medad. No se puede limitar al espíritu (Números 11:25-29). Salmo — Los mandamientos del Señor alegran el corazón (Salmo 19 [18]). Segunda lectura — Ustedes que se han hecho ricos rehusando pagar los salarios y con otras obras injustas, ahora se les va a condenar (Santiago 5:1-6). Evangelio — Cualquiera que esté haciendo el bien en nombre de Cristo está con él. Aleja de ti todo lo que te impida el desarrollo espiritual (Marcos 9:38-43, 45, 47-48). Color Litúrgico — Verde